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采用通风式堆肥发酵方式研究了牛粪及添加材料的分解特性和堆制过程中氨气的释放规律。结果表明,大约504h牛粪中有机物的分解基本趋于稳定,因此1次发酵时间可定为504h。但由于据末、稻壳等材料分解性较差,添加这些材料后堆肥1次发酵时间可推迟为672h。牛粪堆 肥过程中氨气的释放主要出现在前期,尤其是最初的100h,因此在该期间采取适当措施可防止氮素损失。  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) deposition can affect grassland ecosystems by altering biomass production, plant species composition and abundance. Therefore, a better understanding of the response of dominant plant species to N input is a prerequisite for accurate prediction of future changes and interactions within plant communities. We evaluated the response of seven dominant plant species on the Tibetan Plateau to N input at two levels: individual species and plant functional group. This was achieved by assessing leaf N : P stoichiometry, leaf δ15N and biomass production for the plant functional groups. Seven dominant plant species—three legumes, two forbs, one grass, one sedge—were analyzed for N, P, and δ15N 2 years after fertilization with one of the three N forms: NO$ _3^- $ , NH$ _4^+ $ , or NH4NO3 at four application rates (0, 7.5, 30, and 150 kg N ha–1 y–1). On the basis of biomass production and leaf N : P ratios, we concluded that grasses were limited by available N or co‐limited by available P. Unlike for grasses, leaf N : P and biomass production were not suitable indicators of N limitation for legumes and forbs in alpine meadows. The poor performance of legumes under high N fertilization was mainly due to strong competition with grasses. The total above‐ground biomass was not increased by N fertilization. However, species composition shifted to more productive grasses. A significant negative correlation between leaf N : P and leaf δ15N indicated that the two forbs Gentiana straminea and Saussurea superba switched from N deficiency to P limitation (e.g., N excess) due to N fertilization. These findings imply that alpine meadows will be more dominated by grasses under increased atmospheric N deposition.  相似文献   
The chemical form and content of available nitrogen (N) in salt marsh substrates varies considerably. On the western coast of Ireland, habitats designated as Ombrogenic Atlantic salt marshes were formed on ombrogenic peat substrate. The peat substrate in these systems has three times more ammonium than substrate from adjacent salt marsh habitats on sand and mud substrate. This study examined the extent to which the high concentration of ammonium in peat salt marsh substrate influences the N‐ assimilating enzyme activity of halophytes and the extent to which N metabolism differs between species. Specifically, this work investigated whether plants from peat salt marshes are more likely to assimilate ammonium than plants from non‐peat substrates. Four halophyte plant species—Armeria maritima, Aster tripolium, Plantago maritime, and Triglochin maritime—were sampled from various saltmarsh habitats including three sites on peat substrate and three on non‐peat substrate, comprising sand, mud and sand/mud. The activities of N‐metabolising enzymes—glutamine synthetase (GS), glutamate synthase, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), and nitrate reductase (NR)—were quantified in shoot and root parts. Root GS activity in Armeria maritima and shoot GS activity in Triglochin maritima were positively correlated with increasing soil ammonium levels. Root NR activity in Aster tripolium and shoot NR activity in Plantago maritima were significantly higher in plants grown on non‐peat substrates than peat substrates. The shoot : root GS activity ratio in Triglochin maritima on peat substrate was more than double the ratio on non‐peat substrates. It is concluded that all species tested displayed differences in N‐metabolising activities depending on the chemical form and/or concentration of N in the substrate, while three out of the four species were capable of taking advantage of the high levels of ammonium in peat substrates.  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) is a major plant nutrient, however, its availability in volcanic ash soils is presumed to be small, due to its specific sorption on short‐range order minerals. We analyzed distinct P fractions in volcanic ash soils of different age (60 to > 100,000 y BP) under pine forests in Central Mexico to investigate their changes along a chronosequence of Regosols, Andosols, and Lixisols, and to evaluate if P availability limits tree growth at any particular stage. Top soil and subsoil samples were first analyzed by the Tiessen and Moir method, which failed to extract exhaustively “organic” and “occluded P”, and “P associated with apatite”. Therefore, we modified the fractionation scheme by including a “recalcitrant organic P” fraction obtained from the difference between P determined in air‐dried subsamples and subsamples burned at 300°C; P adsorbed to short‐range order minerals was assessed in an extraction with NH4‐oxalate, and P in primary minerals by subtracting the sum of all other fractions from total P contents determined by XRF. This we did after discovering that primary P occurred in the form of fluorapatite included in plagioclase, volcanic glass or olivine. We also measured P contents in pine needles and related these with the “mobile soil P” fractions. The results show that “organic P” reaches maximum contents in 10,000‐y old soil, as does P associated with short‐range order minerals, while P occluded into crystalline oxides increases constantly over time. After 100,000 y, 31% of total P still remains in the form of primary P in A horizons. “Mobile P” was constant > 40 mg kg?1 in Regosols and Andosols and related positively with foliar P contents, which were within adequate nutritional ranges. Only in Lixisols small “mobile P” concentrations in soil correspond with inadequate P contents in pine needles.  相似文献   
为优化培育高质量油菜毯状苗的方法,完善育苗体系,以甘蓝型双低油菜品种宁杂1838为材料,采用传统标准的水稻育秧盘进行油菜毯状苗育苗,设置了在试验基质中拌入不同量硫酸铵的处理,通过测定油菜苗在不同时期的农艺性状、器官干重,研究了硫酸铵在不同用量对油菜毯状苗的调控效应;结果显示,试验基质中硫酸铵最佳用量范围为每盘4.37~4.62 g,这一用量条件下可显著增加存苗数、出叶数、绿叶数和单株叶面积,且干物质积累最多,最有利于毯苗移栽后返青活棵。  相似文献   
试验引入聚乙二醇改性体系以补偿五硼酸铵处理结构刨花板时造成物理力学性能的降低,并研究了处理后结构刨花板的吸水性能。结果表明:24h吸水厚度膨胀率和24h吸水率这两项指标与五硼酸铵添加量的相关性最大,该两项结果均随五硼酸铵添加量的增加而增大。聚乙二醇种类对结构刨花板吸水性的影响大于添加量的作用。尤其是24h吸水率,4个添加量水平下的结果均无显著性差异。  相似文献   
小鼠钼中毒的毒性试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了评价钼的生物毒性,用钼酸铵对小鼠进行中毒试验.通过腹腔注射剂量分为600、720、863、1 036、1 244 mg/kg的(NH4)6 Mo7O24·4H2O,48 h统计死亡率并计算LD50;32只小鼠分为4组,分别在饮水加入含0、80、100、120 mg/L的(NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O,每隔3 d称重,7 d后进行血液学和病理学分析.结果腹腔注射的LD50为813.264 mg/kg±0.0426 mg/kg;饮水中毒试验5 d时各剂量组均表现严重中毒症状,中毒小鼠尸体消瘦,小肠壁出血并有红白相间花斑,肾脏体积肿大,肝脏肿大发生脂肪变性;血液稀薄,血细胞压积降低,红细胞数和血红蛋白量减少,精子畸形率显著增加.表明钼酸铵对小鼠属于中等毒性,可造成贫血、组织脏器病变及精子畸形等.  相似文献   
季铵盐类消毒剂的质量检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对季铵盐类消毒剂进行定性定量检测以获取其质量信息。定性检测采取紫外分光光度法,定量检测采取两相滴定法。结果表明:除原料外的其他六种产品,中五种季铵盐含量达标。可见市场上流通的季铵盐类消毒剂存在不合格产品。  相似文献   
双季铵盐型表面活性剂的吸附特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以研究双季铵盐型表面话性剂 BQAS 吸附特性为目的,从溶液表面张力随浓度的变化、饱和吸附量等方面研究了双季铵盐 BQAS 的气-液界面吸附特性;用双季铵盐 BQAS 和砂岩体系,在液固比一定时,从时间、浓度对静态吸附量的影响方面研究了双季铵盐 BQAS 的液-固界面吸附特性。试验结果表明,双季铵盐 BQAS 能显著降低溶液表面张力,在溶液表面的饱和吸附量为1.58×10~(-6)mol·m~(-2);在液固比为50:1时,双季铵盐 BQAS 在砂岩表面(40~80目)的吸附最低平衡时间为90min,饱和吸附量为2.13×10~(-5)mol·g~(-1),具有良好的表面活性。  相似文献   
粉砂壤土对铵离子的吸附特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
平衡状态下粉砂壤土吸附铵离子的实验结果表明,土壤溶液中NH4+的质量浓度产ρ(NH4+)影响土壤对NH4+的吸附模式。当ρ(NH4+)低于某一数值ρk(NH4+)时土壤中的NH4+将被溶解到土壤溶液中;当ρ(NH4+)较大时土壤对NH4+的吸附作用可用Langmir吸附模式描述;当ρ(NH4+)较小(但大于ρk(NH4+)时,土壤对NH4+的吸附作用可用线性等温的Frundlich吸附公式描述。  相似文献   
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