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文章主要运用社会调研方法,从微观层面上对学生家长对义务教育的认知状况进行调研,在调研基础上发现各利益群体对义务教育发展现状不同的问题诉求,并从学生家长的政策认知能力、政策关注程度和政策反应渠道三个视角阐释了当前学生家长义务教育政策认知水平的制约因素。  相似文献   
为探索利用现代生物技术培育种猪抗腹泻专门化品系,采长白种猪耳组织样品27份,送江西农业大学动物生物技术国家重点实验室培育基地进行抗腹泻基因检测,检测结果为:腹泻抗性有利基因GG型个体比例占40.74%(11/27),G的基因频率为0.67,A的基因频率为0.33。将作过基因检测的种猪按照不同基因型进行选配,分别为对照组(GG×GG)、试验1组(GG×GA)、试验2组(GA×GA),观察、统计、比较不同组合所产仔猪在断奶前的腹泻发生率、腹泻死亡率、断奶成活率等指标。试验结果表明:1)对照组(GG×GG)哺乳仔猪腹泻发生率3.08%(2/65),哺乳仔猪腹泻死亡率0(0/65),30日龄断奶仔猪成活率98.46%(64/65),这3个指标均与试验1组、试验2组差异显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01);2)试验1组(GG×GA)后代腹泻发生率20.75%(11/53)与试验2组(GA×GA)后代腹泻发生率40.91%(18/44)差异显著(P<0.05),这可能与试验1组的选配公猪是抗腹泻基因型(GG)个体有关;试验1组与试验2组腹泻死亡率差异极显著(P<0.01),断奶成活率差异不显著(P>0.05);3)携带腹泻抗性有利基因GG型比例高的后代,哺乳仔猪腹泻率和腹泻死亡率低,断奶仔猪成活率高,表现出较强的抗腹泻力,在种猪世代选育中,加大GG纯合抗性个体的选留比例,最终可以建立长白种猪抗K88(F4)腹泻专门化品系。  相似文献   
查阅期刊文章(中国知网数据库)、中国种业信息网、《中国果树志·柑橘卷》、《中国柑橘品种》、《中国柚类栽培》等资料,统计我国近半个世纪以来所选育的柚新品种、被报道过的以及书籍中所记载的柚品种(系),共收集有相关文献可考究并有品种(系)介绍的柚158个,其中完成品种审定(认定,保护等)的品种58个。同时对这58个品种的审定(认定、保护等)年份、成熟期、选育方式等进行整理分析,并重点分析主要柚品种及其衍生品种(系)。结果表明,我国柚新品种的选育自1985年以来总体呈上升趋势,2010年后数量明显增多;柚选育方法以芽变和实生选育为主,分别占总育种方法的 35.6 %和20.3 %;新选育的柚品种成熟期主要集中在9-11月期间;柚果肉颜色主要为白肉品种,其次为红肉品种,黄肉品种数量最少;分析‘沙田柚’、‘琯溪蜜柚’和‘安江香柚’各自的衍生品种(系)。以上结果仅为我国柚选育研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   
木荷为我国亚热带地区主要的珍贵优质阔叶用材树种和生态防护树种.利用筛选的14对多态性强的SSR引物,对木荷1代育种群体中来自15个产地133个亲本进行遗传多样性分析,为其优异种质资源保存、杂交亲本选配及新种质创制提供科学依据.结果表明:14对引物共扩增86个位点,每对引物检测到的等位基因数(Na)变异范围为2~11个,平均等位基因数(Na)为6.14个,平均有效等位基因数(Ne)为3.23个,平均观察杂合度(Ho)为0.572 0,平均Shannon信息指数(I)和平均Nei's基因多样性指数(Nei)分别为1.224 7和0.599 0,说明木荷1代育种群体具有丰富的遗传多样性,其中,福建建瓯产地遗传多样性最高,浙江遂昌产地遗传多样性最低.木荷1代育种群体中成对亲本间遗传距离为0.023 3~1.633 8,平均为0.6067.不同产地遗传多样性与纬度呈显著的负相关关系(r=-0.5162,p=0.048 9).通过UPGMA聚类,可将133个育种亲本分成3个类群,其中,类群3又分为4个亚类群.木荷亲本选配时,应充分考虑优树的产地来源.  相似文献   
以“J96-16-5”、“y96-9-4”、“B98-2-4”和“B98-2-7”为试材,“奥依宾”为对照品种,对4个黑穗醋栗优良品系进行综合性状的比较与评价.结果表明:优质丰产性状突出的品系为“J96-16-5”、“Y96-9-4”和“B98-2-4”.选择“J96-16-5”作为母本,“晚丰”、“Y96-9-4”、“奥依宾”、“B98-2-4”作为父本,配置杂交组合,进行杂交试验.4个组合坐果率均正常,获得了较理想的杂交种子数量.  相似文献   
J.R. Witcombe  D.S. Virk 《Euphytica》2001,122(3):451-462
In the breeding of self-pollinating crops, crossing creates variation upon which selection is exerted. If the value of crosses cannot be predicted then this uncertainty means that many crosses need to be made. However, since there is a limit to the capacity of a breeding programme, more numerous crosses result in each cross having a small population size, fewer progenies in later generations and a lower probability of recovering good genotypes from each cross. Published theory on the optimum number of crosses in a plant breeding programme, for a predominantly self-pollinating crop, usually assumes that all crosses are equal value. This overestimates the number of crosses required. When the optimum size of a population in a favourable cross is considered, theory predicts that very large populations are desirable. The required population size is even larger if linkage of loci controlling different traits is also considered. Hence, in an inbreeding crop, one possible strategy is to select a small number of crosses that are considered favourable and produce large populations from them to increase the probability of recovering superior genotypes. In an out breeding crop, the analogy is a few composites with large population sizes. This low-cross-number strategy is ideally suited to the particular constraints and advantages of participatory plant breeding. Such an approach, although not essential, may still be advantageous in classical breeding. When a breeding programme is based on few crosses, which parents are chosen is crucial and farmer participatory methods are highly effective in narrowing the choice. Modified bulk population breeding methods, and recurrent selection are desirable strategies in the participatory plant breeding of self-pollinating crops when combined with a low-cross-number approach. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary The inheritance of root rot resistance in red raspberry, caused by Phytophtora fragariae var. rubi, was investigated using two experimental breeding designs. Design A was not randomly mated and genetic parameters could not be calculated. Design B was therefore randomly mated to make it possible to do such estimations. Considerable genetic variation was associated with the recorded traits on seedlings tested in a glasshouse. Disease index and % survival were both found to be highly heritable with broad sense heritabilities (H2) close to 0.9 in each design. Estimates of narrow sense heritability (h2), indicated that progress towards resistance would be moderate. In the first design the cultivars Festival, Asker, Boyne and Sentry and the clones N85-02-13 and N85-06-140 had high general combining abilities. Some crosses had a high specific combining ability indicating the presence of non-additive genetic variation.  相似文献   
以4个常用自交系作母本,5个经过EMS化学诱变处理并经多代自交纯合的材料作父本,按NCII设计配成20个杂交种,研究了其中3个品质性状的杂种优势表现。结果表明:①杂交种在脂肪含量上的平均表现介于雌亲平均数和雄亲平均数之间;在淀粉含量上既低于雌亲平均数又低于雄亲平均数;在蛋白质含量上既高于雌亲平均数又高于雄亲平均数;②离中优势较为普遍,有53.3%的性状-组合存在显著的离中优势,尤其是蛋白质含量,离中优势显著的组合达85%;③有18.3%的性状-组合存在显著的超高亲优势,有11.7%的性状-组合存在显著的超低亲优势;④在蛋白质含量上,材料M04003、M04008、M04010所配制的组合几乎都表现出超亲优势,为较好组合。  相似文献   
以4个常用自交系作母本,5个经过EMS化学诱变处理并经多代自交纯合的材料作父本,按NCII设计配成20个杂交种,研究了其中3个品质性状的杂种优势表现。结果表明:①杂交种在脂肪含量上的平均表现介于雌亲平均数和雄亲平均数之间;在淀粉含量上既低于雌亲平均数又低于雄亲平均数;在蛋白质含量上既高于雌亲平均数又高于雄亲平均数;②离中优势较为普遍,有53.3%的性状-组合存在显著的离中优势,尤其是蛋白质含量,离中优势显著的组合达85%;③有18.3%的性状-组合存在显著的超高亲优势,有11.7%的性状-组合存在显著的超低亲优势;④在蛋白质含量上,材料M04003、M04008、M04010所配制的组合几乎都表现出超亲优势,为较好组合。  相似文献   
总结了优质杂交中稻广两优5号亲本的特征特性,并从制种基地选择、播插期安排、育秧、插足基本苗、肥水管理等方面提出了其高产制种技术,以为该品种的高产提供参考。  相似文献   
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