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We compared breeding bird communities and vegetation characteristics at paired point locations in primary (undisturbed) and mature secondary forest (70-100 years old) sites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA to understand how sites logged prior to creation of the park compare to undisturbed sites following 70 years of protection from human disturbance. We found that bird and vegetation communities are currently similar, but retain some differences in species composition. Rank abundance curves for primary and secondary forest bird communities showed very similar patterns of species dominance. Species composition was also similar on the two sites which shared 24 of the 25 most frequently recorded species. Nonetheless, comparisons of density estimates derived from distance sampling showed three bird species were more abundant on primary forest sites and that one bird species was significantly more abundant on secondary forest sites. Notably, comparisons based on raw counts (unadjusted for potential differences in detectability) produced somewhat different results. Analyses of vegetation samples for the paired sites also showed relative similarity, but with some differences between primary and secondary forests. Primary forest sites had more large trees (trees greater than 50 cm diameter at breast height) and late successional species. Primary forest sites had a denser tall shrub layer while secondary forest sites had a denser canopy layer. Nonetheless, tree species richness, basal area of live trees and number of standing snags did not differ between primary and secondary forest sites. Results indicate that breeding bird communities on sites within the park that were logged commercially 70 years ago are currently quite similar to bird communities on sites with no history of human disturbance. Similarities between the bird communities on previously disturbed and undisturbed sites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park may exceed those on more fragmented landscapes because large patches of primary forest, adjacent to commercially logged sites, remained in the park when it was established in 1935. These patches of primary forest may have served as source areas for commercially logged sites.  相似文献   
Fluoroquinolones are used to treat infections caused by Escherichia coli in canine and feline veterinary patients, particularly those infecting the urinary tract. The gyrA gene is a primary target causing fluoroquinolone resistance in Gram negative coliforms, with mutations in codons 83 and 87 generally associated with high-level of resistance E. coli clinical isolates. We have developed a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) quantitative PCR to identify enrofloxacin-resistance in clinical E. coli isolates that carry mutations in codons 83 and 87 of gyrA. This real-time quantitative PCR assay is rapid, economical, and sensitive compared with cultured antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The assay identified as few as four genome copies per reaction from culture and 19 genome copies in urine. For the 70 isolates tested, the sensitivity was 87.5% (95% CI = 75–95.3%) (n = 42/48), specificity was 100% (95% CI = 87.3–100%) (n = 22/22), whereas accuracy was 91.4% (95% CI = 82.3–97%) (n = 64/70). Furthermore, we were able to accurately differentiate between the wild type and mutants E. coli directly from infected canine urine samples (n = 5) within 2 h. These results were confirmed by sequence alignments of the PCR products and comparison with the susceptibility testing. The FRET-PCR assay appears to have promising clinical application as an early diagnostic tool for rapid and sensitive detection and differentiation of the level of fluoroquinolone resistance among clinical E. coli isolates that may facilitate design of the dosing regimen.  相似文献   
植物病原真菌尖孢镰刀菌检测与定量研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董超  方香玲 《草地学报》2021,29(7):1599-1604
尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)是一种危害严重的土传病原真菌,被列为世界十大植物病原真菌之一。该菌能够侵染棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)、大豆(Glycine max)、西瓜(Citrullus lanatus)、香蕉(Musa nana)、番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)和苜蓿(Medicago sativa)等100多种具有重要经济价值的作物,引起枯萎病和根腐病等。对土壤和植物根组织中的尖孢镰刀菌进行检测和定量是病害早期诊断和有效防治的基础。本文对国内外关于尖孢镰刀菌检测和定量方法(主要包括培养基菌落平板稀释法、常规PCR和实时荧光定量PCR等)及其应用进行总结,旨在对农牧业生产中尖孢镰刀菌检测和定量提供理论指导。  相似文献   
从山东省潍坊市奎文区早春园自由市场随机购买鲜鸡蛋30枚作为检样,蛋黄进行沙门氏菌的检测,通过预增菌、增菌、分离培养及鉴定,发现所购买的这些鸡蛋黄中沙门氏菌检出阳性率为76.7%。  相似文献   
自动变速器故障的动力流分析法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自动变速器机械、液压系统中换挡执行元件的故障较为常见,也无法用仪器进行诊断检测。本文从电控辛普森式自动变速器的结构和工作原理入手,对典型电控自动变速器的换挡执行元件的工作情况、动力流进行了详细分析。针对这类难以诊断分析的问题,提出了电控自动变速器故障诊断的动力流分析法,并通过维修站的故障实例证明了动力流分析法的行之有效。  相似文献   
牛血清是医药生物技术产品中重要的原辅材料之一,做好牛血清的质量控制是提高生物制品质量的重要环节。本研究通过应用PK15、BHK21和ST三种兽用生物制品研制中常用的细胞作为载体,选用国内同等价位5个不同厂家生产的新生牛血清作为比较对象,采用细胞倍增时间测定法、细胞克隆形成率测定法、细胞三次连续传代培养法、MTT比色法和微量终点稀释法五种血清质量鉴定的方法进行比较,检测新生牛血清的促细胞生长活性,最终确定了MTT比色法作为便捷高效快速筛选新生牛血清的检测方法。  相似文献   
鸡大肠杆菌病现今在我国养殖业内非常普遍,且高死亡率给养殖业带来了巨大的损失,由于抗生素使用不当,导致细菌耐药性问题形势严峻。试验采集新乡地区部分鸡场疑似大肠杆菌病鸡样品26份,检测结果均阳性。随机选择9株菌株进行耐药性检测,结果显示此地区大肠杆菌对卡那霉素、多粘菌素、庆大霉素、磺胺甲噁唑耐药率均为100%,对其余8种药物均表现出高敏感性。试验为新乡地区养殖鸡时的临床用药提供了理论依据,提高了疗效,减少了耐药性的产生。  相似文献   
为满足口岸对南非II型口蹄疫检测、监测的需求,在对南非II型口蹄疫抗原表位分析及相关基因合成的基础上,进行融合蛋白pGEX—VP1-VP3的体外表达,采用柱上酶切方法制备VP1-VP3蛋白。将纯化VP1-VP3抗原包被96微孔板,分别优化抗原包被浓度、血清稀释度、酶标二抗稀释度,确定阴性临界值。经反复优化,建立的南非II型间接ELISA检测方法的最佳抗原包被浓度为6.4ug/ml,血清最佳稀释度为1:200,酶标二抗最佳稀释度为1:4000,阴性临界值(0D450)为0.562。检测样品判定标准为:OD450〉0.622为阳性,OD450〈0.502为阴性,0.502≤OD450≤0.622为可疑。特异性试验结果表明,所建立方法与其它血清型口蹄疫间无交叉反应。南非II型口蹄疫间接ELISA检测方法的建立为我国口岸口蹄疫检疫提供了新的查验方法。  相似文献   
牛奶掺假分析鉴别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用实验室检测方法对20份牛奶样品进行密度、新鲜度检验,并对样品中掺淀粉米汤、掺豆浆、掺食盐、掺蔗糖、掺尿或尿素、掺明胶、掺石灰水以及抗生素残留进行分析鉴别。实验结果表明,被检牛奶多数以掺水为主,部分有米汤、豆浆、蔗糖的掺假,均没有食盐、尿或尿素、明胶、石灰水的掺假,而抗生素残留在部分样品中比较明显。  相似文献   
为探讨动物轮状病毒检测的临床价值及本地轮状病毒在不同动物中的流行情况,本研究以秋冬季腹泻的动物为研究对象进行采样,应用轮状病毒单克隆抗体检测其抗原的方法,检测粪便中的轮状病毒。在进行牛、羊、犬粪便轮状病毒检测中发现犬的阳性率最高,其次是牛和羊。表明本地的轮状病毒感染主要集中在幼犬中。本试验为今后动物轮状病毒在临床应用中的检测及动物轮状病毒检测试剂盒的研制等作以参考。  相似文献   
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