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Microwave drying of selected greens and their sensory characteristics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Green leafy vegetables which supply minerals and vitamins to the diet, are highly perishable. Therefore, post harvest losses are extremely high. Limited studies are available in the literature with regard to preservation of greens.The effect of microwave drying and storage on physical and sensory properties of selected greens (coriander, mint, fenugreek, amaranth and shepu) were therefore studied. Microwave drying was carried out at 100% power and a frequency of 2450 mHz. The drying time varied from 10 to 16 min for different greens. Microwave drying affected color, appearance and odor of all the greens. The relative reconstitution capacity (RRC) for different greens was coriander-10.3, mint-10.3, amaranth-38.3, fenugreek-31.7 and shepu-32.8. The RRC appeared to influence acceptability. Coriander and mint, which exhibited the lowest RRC (10.3%), had the lowest scores for flavor and color while amaranth, with the highest RRC (38.3%), had scores similar to those of fresh amaranth. Scores for the products prepared with dried fenugreek and shepu,although low, were not statistically significant. Microwave drying was highly suitable for greens such as amaranth; moderately suitable for shepu and fenugreek and less suitable for coriander and mint.  相似文献   
王珍  冯浩  吴淑芳 《土壤学报》2011,48(3):533-539
利用张力计测定蒸发过程中低吸力段土壤水分特征曲线,对比研究了秸秆在经过粉碎、氨化及与无机土壤改良剂混合三种措施处理后对土壤饱和含水量、低吸力段土壤持水及供水能力和早期干旱过程中土壤脱水速度的影响。结果显示:粉碎秸秆施入土壤后提高了土壤饱和含水量、持水及供水能力,而长秸秆对土壤饱和含水量、持水及供水能力的影响较小;粉碎并氨化的秸秆对土壤饱和含水量、持水及供水能力的提高作用更为显著。粉碎秸秆及长秸秆处理均易造成早期干旱过程中脱水速度过快,氨化后或当秸秆与无机土壤改良剂混合施入土壤时,土壤低吸力段脱水速度明显减慢,利于土壤有效水的保存。该结果为提出新的能最大效率发挥秸秆改良土壤作用的秸秆还田方式提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
采用随机区组设计,研究了不同种植密度对玉米新品种永优1573籽粒灌浆速率和脱水速率相关性状的影响。4种种植密度分别为6.0、6.75、7.5和8.25万/hm2,并设计了6.75万/hm2种植密度下郑单958、先玉335作为对照。结果表明:随着种植密度的提高,各个性状总体逐渐减小的变化趋势,但未受到显著影响。通过籽粒百粒干重和灌浆速率,定位到永优1573合适种植密度,在此密度水平下,与对照品种相比,永优1573在籽粒干物质积累上处于优势水平,可以获得较高的产量水平。研究结果为进一步快速评价选育新品种产量形成机理,定位种植群体水平奠定基础。  相似文献   
玉米机械化生产尤其是机收是提高中国玉米综合生产能力、促进农民增收的重要措施,而玉米籽粒含水量是影响玉米机收尤其是粒收的主要因素。本文基于已发表的文献分析了玉米籽粒脱水速率的概念及其快脱水品种培育的重要性,归纳了快脱水玉米种质的挖掘、快脱水性状的遗传与基因定位以及快脱水性状的表型选择方面的研究进展,最后从加强玉米籽粒快脱水等机收性状遗传机制的研究,重视早熟、抗倒、抗病、快脱水等优异种质的挖掘和创制,同时重视育种材料的大田和室内的表型选择等三个方面对快脱水玉米育种进行了展望。  相似文献   
We previously developed a new vitrification method (equilibrium vitrification) by which two-cell mouse embryos can be vitrified in liquid nitrogen in a highly dehydrated/concentrated state using low concentrations of cryoprotectants. In the present study, we examined whether this method is effective for mouse embryos at multiple developmental stages. Four-cell embryos, eight-cell embryos, morulae, and blastocysts were vitrified with EDFS10/10a, 10% (v/v) ethylene glycol and 10% (v/v) DMSO in FSa solution. The FSa solution was PB1 medium containing 30% (w/v) Ficoll PM-70 plus 0.5 M sucrose. The state of dehydration/concentration was assessed by examining the survival of vitrified embryos after storage at –80°C. When four-cell embryos and eight-cell embryos were vitrified with EDFS10/10a in liquid nitrogen and then stored at –80°C, the survival rate was high, even after 28 days, with relatively high developmental ability. On the other hand, the survival of morulae and blastocysts vitrified in liquid nitrogen and stored at –80°C for four days was low. Therefore, morulae and blastocysts cannot be vitrified in a highly dehydrated/concentrated state using the same method as with two-cell embryos. However, when blastocysts were shrunken artificially before vitrification, survival was high after storage at –80°C for four days with high developmental ability. In conclusion, the equilibrium vitrification method using low concentrations of cryoprotectants, which is effective for two-cell mouse embryos, is also useful for embryos at multiple stages. This method enables the convenient transportation of vitrified embryos using dry ice.  相似文献   
白峰为白皮脱水加工型洋葱一代杂种.不育系70A和保持系70B均来源于荷兰材料Wll的分离后代,父本来源于美国资源W0l自交后代99-3-9-16B.白峰为中熟品种,播种至收获约250d(天);株高65~70 cm,管状功能叶8~9片;鳞茎近圆球形,外皮白色,有光泽;球横径7.5~8.5 cm,纵径6.5~8.5 cm,...  相似文献   
This study characterizes dehydration and white blush processes, structural alterations and synthesis of phenolic compounds (lignin and suberin), in relation to development of white blush on baby carrot surfaces. Carrots were minimally processed as baby carrots and kept on polypropylene trays with or without polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film at 5 ± 2 °C, 90 ± 5% RH. During storage, baby carrots that were not wrapped with PVC film were rehydrated 1, 1.5, 15 and 17 h after minimal processing. Fresh-cut baby carrots were evaluated for white blush index, sensory analysis (visual scores), fresh matter loss, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity and structural and histochemical changes. Increases in white blush index and subjective visual scores on the carrot surface occurred in the first hours, when the material was kept on trays without PVC film and after 3 and 6 d, when stored on trays covered with PVC film. Visual assessment of white blush resulted in a more accurate assessment than instrumental evaluation because it allowed the perception of minor differences between distinct white blush levels, especially at the tips. Hydrating baby carrot surfaces for 1 and 1.5 h after processing allowed partial absorption of water by tissues and the orange color was reestablished on the surface. Fifteen hours after processing, even after rehydration, the color did not return to the original orange standard. The rapid increase in PAL activity in the secondary phloem of baby carrots, compared to that of whole carrots, suggested a physiological response as a result of abrasion. Dehydration and structural alterations of the more superficial cell layers were the main causes of white blush in baby carrots that was not related to lignin accumulation, but rather to synthesis of non-structural phenolic compounds.  相似文献   
烟叶烘烤前期失水对烟叶变黄的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改进烘烤工艺,提高烟叶烘烤效率和烤后烟叶质量,研究了在烘烤前期先让烟叶强制失水,造成水分胁迫环境对烟叶变黄速度的影响。结果表明,在烘烤前期先让烟叶强制失水能够加快烟叶变黄速度,缩短变黄时间,同时减少干物质的消耗,有利于提高烟叶质量和提高烤房利用效率。上部烟烘烤前期的最佳失水率为2.7%,中部烟为4.7%,下部烟为6%。  相似文献   
长江中游南部春玉米子粒不同阶段脱水规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以脱水速率不同的3个品种先玉335(XY335)、登海605(DH605)和郑单958(ZD958)为供试材料,春季分3个播期种植,分析长江中游南部玉米不同阶段子粒脱水特征以及子粒脱水与灌浆、气象因子的关系。结果表明,3个品种在3个播期的子粒脱水速率均表现为先上升后下降、后期又快速上升。后期快速升高的起点前后子粒脱水速率呈现不同的特征。将后期子粒脱水速率快速上升的起点作为分隔点,前期为T1阶段,后期为T2阶段。T1阶段,子粒脱水速率与灌浆速率极显著正相关(r=0.845**,P0.01),与各气象因子无显著相关关系,表现生理脱水特征;T2阶段,子粒脱水速率与温度相关的气象因子及平均日照时数显著正相关,与降雨量显著负相关,表现净脱水特征。子粒脱水速率品种间差异主要体现在后期,XY335、DH605后期脱水速率高于ZD958;以子粒含水率为评价尺度时,XY335、DH605后期脱水速率快速升高的时间早于ZD958。结果表明,玉米子粒后期脱水速率受品种基因型与气象因子的影响,收获时含水率低的品种具有后期快速脱水启动早、脱水速率更快的特征。  相似文献   
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