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布鲁氏菌病被我国列为二类动物疫病,严重威胁畜牧业发展和进出口贸易,同时也对人类健康造成危害。本文概述了布鲁氏菌病流行现状,从细菌学、免疫学、分子生物学方面综述了布鲁氏菌病最新检测技术,从疫苗研发及药物治疗方面研究了布鲁氏菌病防治进展,从而提出了积极探索准确快速的检测技术,加快新型疫苗制备等建议。  相似文献   
为比较几种常用布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)检测方法特性,在某疫苗免疫的奶牛场随机选取40头奶牛,采集血清和奶样各40份,然后对采集的血清进行虎红平板凝集、试管凝集、胶体金、酶联免疫吸附试验(iELISA和cELISA)和琼脂扩散方法检测,对采集的奶样进行病原学检测(qPCR)和抗体检测(胶体金)。结果显示:4种国标方法(虎红平板凝集、试管凝集、iELISA和cELISA)检出的阳性样品数量有较大差距,分别为16、6、23和33份,其中经试管凝集试验检出的阳性血清,经其他3种国标方法也检测为阳性;通过胶体金法检出阳性血清数(9份)略高于试管凝集试验,且血清及牛奶样品经胶体金检测结果基本一致;琼扩法检出12份阳性血清,且显示抽检奶牛中存在野毒感染;qPCR和胶体金试纸条对采集奶样的检测结果有较大差距,经qPCR检测仅1份样品呈阳性。结果表明:国标方法中,试管凝集试验特异性最高,iELISA和cELISA敏感性较高;病原学检测临床样品检出率较低,琼脂扩散试验敏感性有限,胶体金法敏感性适中,操作简便,适合布病免疫奶牛场自检。本研究为牛场布病不同检测目的方法选择提供了参考。  相似文献   
基于SCI-E(科学引文索引扩展版)的数据,利用文献计量学方法,统计分析1994-2012年SCI-E收录牛布鲁氏菌病的相关研究文献,探讨国内外牛布鲁氏菌病文献的文献量变化与被引频次、语种、国家或地区分布、学科类别、主要研究机构等。结果显示:牛布鲁氏菌病研究发文量自2003年后逐年增加,其中发文较多的国家为美国、法国、西班牙等;发文量较多的机构为法国农业科学研究院(INRA)、德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M Univ)、路易斯安那州立大学(Louistiana State Univ)等;主要的发文期  相似文献   
[目的]通过1990~2009年与2010~2012年布鲁氏杆菌的检疫监测结果对比,观察该病的发病趋势。[方法]各年度采集牛、羊、猪血清进行平板凝集(或虎红平板凝集)实验初筛,试管凝集判定结果。[结论]1990~2009年,牛羊猪综合的阳性检出率为)0.068%;2010~2012年,综合阳性率1.635%,而以荷斯坦乳牛阳性检出率上升最为显著,由0.019%上升到2.983%。  相似文献   
【目的】研究一起放牧羊群布鲁氏菌病(布病)分析检测方法适用性,为防治措施提供依据。【方法】采用RBT、GICA、SAT、MAT、FPA、iELISA、cELISA和PCR等方法检测90份来自流产羊群的血清样品,并从诊断方法的适用性特点、现场调查的结果进行统计分析。【结果】在90份羊血清样品中,RBT、GICA、SAT、MAT、FPA、iELISA、cELISA的阳性检出率分别为:8.89%(8/90)、12.22%(11/90)、17.78%(16/90)、14.44%(13/90)、21.11%(19/90)、25.56%(23/90)、24.44%(22/90),PCR检测出14份阳性。【结论】初筛可选用RBT、GICA、FPA或iELISA等方法,确诊选用SAT、MAT或cELISA等方法。放牧羊群布病阳性率随年龄增加呈上升趋势(成年羊42%>断奶羔羊2.5%);雌性羊布病阳性率高于雄性(雌性29.68%>雄性11.54%),有流产史的羊群患布病的风险更高,成年雌性羊更易感染布鲁氏菌。检出阳性羊进行无害化处理,羊舍和周围环境进行彻底消毒,使用布病M5-90弱毒疫苗对阴...  相似文献   
布鲁氏菌病的流行及防控研究概况   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
布鲁氏菌病是一种人畜共患病,作者对布病的流行概况进行了分析总结,并介绍了目前布氏杆菌的主要分离、诊断和防制措施进展。  相似文献   
贵州省家畜布氏杆菌病血清学检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解贵州省各地区布氏杆菌病流行情况,采用试管凝集试验对部分地区牛血清(706份)、羊血清(180份)、猪血清(720份)共计1606份进行了试验检测.结果表明:牛阳性血清7份,阳性率0.99%(7/706);羊阳性血清2份,阳性率1.11%(2/180);猪阳性血清3份,阳性率0.42%(3/720).贵州部分地区存在布氏杆菌病感染的可能.  相似文献   
A cross-sectional investigation was made into the seroprevalence of brucellosis in camels in three arid and semi-arid camel-rearing regions of Ethiopia (Afar, Somali and Borena) between November 2000 and April 2001. When sera collected from 1442 accessible camels were screened with the Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT), 82 (5.7%) of them reacted. The results of a complement fixation test (CFT) on those sera that had given a positive reaction to the screening test then indicated a 4.2% prevalence of brucellosis in the tested camels. There was a significant difference in the prevalence of brucellosis (2 = 7.91, p<0.05), which was highest in Afar (5.2%) followed by Somali (2.8%) and Borena (1.2%) regions. Camels in Afar had a four times higher risk of brucellosis with an odds ratio (OR) of 4.34 (confidence interval, CI = 1.76–10.72, p<0.001) compared to the risk in Borena. Likewise, Afar had higher risk (OR = 1.76, 1.13–2.74, p<0.05) than that in Somali. There was no significant difference in seroprevalence between the sexes (p>0.05). Although a higher prevalence (6.3%) was observed in camels over 3 years old in Afar, there was no significant overall age difference (p>0.05).  相似文献   
Collaborative work was financed by the EU to develop and assess new diagnostic tools that can differentiate between bovine brucellosis and bovine infections due to Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 either in conjunction with, or as an alternative to, the classical serological, bacteriological or allergic skin tests. Sixteen heifers were experimentally infected with Brucella abortus biovar 1 (five heifers), Brucella suis biovar 2 (two heifers), Y. enterocolitica O:9 (six heifers) and Y. enterocolitica O:3 (three heifers). Four heifers, naturally infected with Y. enterocolitica O:9 that presented aspecific brucellosis serological reactions were also included in the experiment. A self-limited infection was induced in cattle by B. suis biovar 2. All the brucellosis serological tests used, i.e. the slow agglutination test (SAW), the Rose Bengal test (RB), the complement fixation test (CFT), indirect and competitive ELISA’s, lacked specificity when used to analyze sera from Y. enterocolitica O:9 infected animals. A Yersinia outer membrane proteins (YOPs)-ELISA was also used and although the test is able to detect a Yersinia group infection, it provided no evidence of whether or not there is a possible brucellosis infection when dual infections are present. The brucellergen IFN-γ test showed a lack of specificity also. The only test that was proven to be specific is the brucellergen skin test. All brucellosis serological tests, except the indirect ELISA, were limited in their ability to detect B. abortus persistently infected animals.

Based on these experimental studies, a strategy was implemented as part of the year 2001 Belgian Brucellosis Eradication Program to substantiate the eradication of bovine brucellosis. Epidemiological inquiries have identified risk factors associated with aspecific serological reactions, possible transmission and infection of cattle by B. suis biovar 2 from infected wild boars; and both legal and administrative measures taken by the veterinary services. No cases of bovine brucellosis have been confirmed in Belgium since March 2000.  相似文献   

Thirteen cows, which had been vaccinated as calves with strain 19, were revaccinated twice or three times as adults with 1×109 cfu of B. abortus strain RB51. Their serological responses following adult vaccination remained negative to conventional brucellosis surveillance tests. Vaccination with strain RB51 during the eighth month of pregnancy did not induce abortion, although strain RB51 was recovered from milk for up to 69 days after vaccination. In a parallel study, thirteen 8- to 10-month-old heifers were vaccinated as calves with 109 cfu of strain RB51. The heifers remained seronegative to conventional brucellosis surveillance tests but antibody responses to RB51 could be demonstrated using an indirect ELISA. This study showed that multiple vaccination with strain RB51 did not induce seroconversion to brucellosis surveillance tests. In addition, this study suggests that 109 cfu of strain RB51 is safe for use in pregnant cattle.  相似文献   
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