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鲐鱼蛋白液脱苦脱腥的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别采用活性碳吸附、β-CD包埋法、乙醚萃取法、酵母发酵法对鲐鱼蛋白水解液进行处理。经比较发现,酵母发酵法效果最佳,水解液中加入2%酵母粉进行35℃、1h发酵后,腥味基本脱除。  相似文献   
吉林省东部地区高蛋白大豆发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省东部地区地理位置得天独厚,气候温和,土壤肥沃,非常适宜于大豆的种植尤其是高蛋白大豆的生长发育。从国际国内市场对高蛋白大豆的需求趋势来看,全球大豆蛋白产量呈现出高增长态势,中国的食用大豆消费量也逐年增加,并且在国际市场上非转基因大豆的价格明显高于转基因大豆15% ̄20%。因此应利用吉林省东部地区非转基因大豆的优势及时调整种植结构,扩大种植面积,重点发展高蛋白大豆。对此,政府部门应当给予必要的政策支持和保证,加大种子培育等科研投入及针对豆农适当发放种子补贴以此鼓励和引导农民的种豆积极性。同时以非转基因作为绿色盾牌,提高吉林省高蛋白大豆在国际国内市场上的竞争力。  相似文献   
Two Chinese domestic yak populations representing the Plateau type and the Huanhu Alpine type were analysed with 12 bovine microsatellite primers. All primer pairs functioned in the yak genome and polymorphism was found at all loci. The allele size ranges and frequencies of the two yak populations were similar and there was considerable overlap with the allele size ranges observed in cattle. Data for European cattle breeds was obtained from the Cattle Diversity Database(CaDBase)to interpret the heterozygosity and genetic distance estimates in yak populations. Heterozygosity estimated for the two yak populations was comparable to that of European cattle while Nei's Genetic Distance DA between the two yak populations was less than distances between the most closely related German cattle breeds. Bovine microsatellite primers proved to be a valuable tool for characterization of yak populations.  相似文献   
质量检验是市场经济条件下宏观调控和行业管理的重要手段。硬件建设是开展蚕种质量监督检验的先决条件;质量体系的建立是规范蚕种质量监督检验的基础;质量体系的有效运行是坚持蚕种质量监督检验的关键。  相似文献   
柳叶蜡梅的生物学特性及栽培技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
柳叶蜡梅在皖、浙、赣三省部分地区有分布,尤其在安徽黄山市齐云山、江西婺源分布极为普遍;其传统经营利用历史悠久,可作为园林经济植物开发,还能将其叶用作药用,现处于野生状态。研究表明,开发柳叶蜡梅的人工栽培具有较大的发展潜力。  相似文献   
11座中小型水库面积5140亩,3年共产鱼1063.1t,总收入318.93万元,纯利138.18万元,投入产出比1.1.76。其中1993年4座中型水库平均每亩产鱼64.9kg,效益84.37元;7座小(一)型水库平均每亩产鱼176.3kg,效益229.21元。1994年4月专家鉴定认为,本开发属山东省首创,居国内同类开发先进水平。  相似文献   
本文介绍了奶牛皱胃左方变位的临床示病性特征,即在第9~12肋弓下缘、肩关节水平线上下听诊时,可听到带有金属性质的滴水音,用手掌用力推动此部位出现震水音;当一边用叩诊锤叩击肋骨,同时一边用听诊器在周围的腹壁上听诊,能听到敲打钢管的声音,并且以此作为诊颤的依据。治疗时首选手术方法,手术径路是距腰椎横突下方约20cm,最后肋骨弓5cm处作为手术切口顶点,手术切口的长度为15~20cm。  相似文献   
A型魏氏梭状芽孢杆菌XP5株分离自典型猝死症病猪,将其制成氢氧化铝灭活疫苗。疫苗0.6ml、2ml和4ml的剂量可以分别保护小鼠、兔和猪抵抗标准A型魏氏梭状芽孢杆菌毒素1MLD的攻击。在两个疫病流行区应用了疫苗,1215头接种疫苗猪中死于猝死症的有12头,死亡率0.99%,8152头未接种疫苗的对照猪中,死于猝死症的有284头,死亡率3.48%,二者显著差异(X2=12.23,P<0.01)。  相似文献   
Chilling injury is one of the most important limiting factors affecting rice production in temperate and high-elevation areas. In this study, 146 microsatellite markers were employed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) conferring cold tolerance at seedling stage (CTS) .The mapping population consisted of 193 doubled haploid (DH) lines, which derived from a cross between a cold-tolerant japonica variety (AAV002863) and a cold-sensitive indica cultivar (Zhenshan97B). Tolerance to cold was assessed by the survival percentage of seedlings after cold treatment. In a climate chamber, after treatment at 6°C/10°C for 7 d, the measurement was taken on the sixth day of the recovery stage at room temperature. The phenotypic distribution of the DH population approximately fitted normality with skewness and kurtosis less than 0.3, and the difference among the three repetitions was not significant. Five main effect QTLs were identified with LOD > 4.0 on chromosomes 1, 2, 8 using a composite interval mapping approach. The accumulated contribution of the five QTLs was 62.28%, and a major QTL (LOD = 15.09) was identified on chromosome 2 flanked by RM561 and RM341, which explained 27.42% of the total phenotypic variation. Four significant epistatic interactions were also detected with a total contribution of 20.14%. Liang Chen and Qiaojun Lou had made the equal contribution for the research.  相似文献   
用多元回归方法分析了白哺鸡竹的笋—幼竹生长与气象因子的相关性。“多对多”逐步回归分析表明,对笋—幼竹高生长起主导作用的因子是温度指标,对笋昼夜高生长差起主导作用的因子是大气相对湿度,降水对其生长的影响作用在时间上有滞后现象。用“一对多”线性回归给出了气象因子对笋—幼竹生长的线性回归模型。用多项式非线性回归分析表明,单个气象因子对笋高生长的作用效应是非线性的。  相似文献   
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