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为了了解海南藏族自治州共和县规模化猪场中仔猪副猪嗜血杆菌分离株的流行情况及对常用抗菌药的耐药情况。本试验于2022—2023年采集海南藏族自治州共和县规模化猪场中患疑似副猪嗜血杆菌病的仔猪鼻拭子、关节液、胸腔积液、肺脏等病料,共计283份。采用细菌分离鉴定、PCR方法对采集的病料进行副猪嗜血杆菌分离鉴定,采用人工感染小鼠试验验证分离株的致病性,采用纸片扩散法(Kirby-Bauer,简称K-B法)检测致病性副猪嗜血杆菌分离株对临床中常用抗菌药的耐药性。结果显示:从采集的283份病料中分离到128株副猪嗜血杆菌,通过致病试验显示,91株副猪嗜血杆菌能引起小鼠不同程度发病与死亡,为致病性菌株;分离的91株致病性副猪嗜血杆菌对磺胺间甲氧嘧啶、阿莫西林、氨苄西林等6种药物的耐药率为85.7%以上,对其他药物的耐药率为3.3%~25.3%,本研究为该地区仔猪副猪嗜血杆菌合理用药及防控提供参考。  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌的分离鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
副猪嗜血杆菌病是由副猪嗜血杆菌(HPS)引起猪的以纤维素性浆膜炎、多发性关节炎和脑膜炎为特征的传染病。随着养殖规模的不断扩大和引进国外种猪,副猪嗜血杆菌病在我国猪场的病发率逐年上升。HPS血清型复杂,目前已知15个血清型,但各国各地流行的血清型不尽相同,且各型之问缺乏交叉保护,因此分离HPS地方菌株,了解其流行血清型,对地区预防和控制HPS有着重大的临床意义。由于HPS对培养条件较为苛刻,临床病料分离培养HPS有一定的难度,目前国内分离HPS报道不多,本文对广东地区疑似副猪嗜血杆菌病病料分离并鉴定了3株副猪嗜血杆菌,报道如下。  相似文献   

为了解山东省副猪嗜血杆菌的流行情况,采用临床剖检、细菌分离鉴定和PCR检测的方法对20家规模化猪场疑似发病猪进行检测;最终分离鉴定到7株副猪嗜血杆菌,分离率为35%。对分离的副嗜血杆菌进行药敏试验,发现该菌存在严重的耐药性。调查显示,副猪嗜血杆菌在山东省规模化猪场广泛流行,并且普遍存在与猪萎缩性鼻炎、蓝耳病混合感染的情况,应予以重视。  相似文献   

为了解信阳地区中小规模猪场链球菌病和副猪嗜血杆菌病的流行情况及细菌耐药性变化,采用细菌常规分离技术,对2011年河南省信阳地区送检病例进行了链球菌和副猪嗜血杆菌的分离鉴定,并对分离出的部分菌株进行药物敏感性试验。结果表明,该地区猪链球菌病在秋季、副猪嗜血杆菌病在春季发病率较高,保育猪的发病率较高。链球菌分离株对头孢他啶、头孢噻肟的敏感度较高,副猪嗜血杆菌分离株对头孢噻呋钠、左旋氧氟沙星敏感度较高。  相似文献   

目的:研究和探讨猪场副猪嗜血杆菌感染的分离培养鉴定的相关技术问题.方法:从山西省多个猪场送检的270例疑似样品实施副猪嗜血杆菌检测.然后再用琼脂扩散的试验对分离菌株实施血清型进行鉴别和评定.结果:在270例疑似样品中最后分离鉴定出了75株副猪嗜血杆菌,分离率为27.8%.结论:目前,副猪嗜血杆病有不同程度的感染,有血清1,4、5,12,13型,其中最为流行的是血清4型和血清5型.患上此类疾病跟季节以及猪的日龄是有关系的.  相似文献   

为给发病猪场合理用药控制和治疗副猪嗜血杆菌病提供依据,试验对辽宁省北部地区规模化猪场及农村散养户出现疑似副猪嗜血杆菌感染的病猪进行病理剖检、细菌分离培养、生化鉴定、PCR鉴定和药敏试验。结果表明:共分离、鉴定出4株副猪嗜血杆菌;分离株对头孢噻肟、恩诺沙星、头孢氨苄、林可霉素、氧氟沙星、环丙沙星高敏,而对链霉素、红霉素、卡那霉素、多黏菌素等耐药。  相似文献   

对山东省某猪场疑似患副猪嗜血杆菌病的猪进行实验室诊断的结果表明,分离到的病原菌为革兰氏阴性杆菌,经PCR鉴定,其扩增片段与目的片段大小相符,进而确诊为副猪嗜血杆菌病。  相似文献   

规模猪场保育猪和青年猪常发副猪嗜血杆菌病。笔者通过对河南商丘市临床疑似副猪嗜血杆菌病的病料进行病原分离、生化鉴定和药敏试验,根据药敏试验结果选择敏感药物进行治疗,达到了很好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

为了分析副猪嗜血杆菌病在江苏区域流行现状,选取江苏省不同地区疑似发病猪场,进行临床症状分析、病理学变化观察、病原分离鉴定、血清学检测等试验。结果显示:317份病料中副猪嗜血杆菌(Haemophlius parasuis, HPs)阳性率为11.54%~27.55%,平均感染率为20.50%;从发病猪场共分离到HPs 43株,其中优势血清型为12型(37.21%)、4型(16.28%)和5型(13.95%),未定型菌株9株(20.93%),分型菌株占所有菌株的79.07%;PCR检测显示,HPs与猪圆环病毒(PCV2)、猪伪狂犬病毒(PRV)存在混合感染现象,感染率达30.77%。研究结果为江苏地区副猪嗜血杆菌病的防制提供了参考。  相似文献   

目的:研究和探讨猪场副猪嗜血杆菌感染的分离培养鉴定的相关技术问题。方法:从山西省11个市的多个猪场送检的270例疑似样品实施副猪嗜血杆菌检测。然后再用琼脂扩散的试验对分离菌株实施血清型进行鉴别和评定。结果:在270例疑似样品中最后分离鉴定出了75株副猪嗜血杆菌,分离率为27.8%。结论:目前,副猪嗜血杆病有不同程度的感染,有血清1,4、5,12,13型,其中最为流行的是血清4型和血清5型。患上此类疾病跟季节以及猪的日龄是有关系的。  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌广东流行株的分离鉴定与基因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究从广东省各个地区送检病料中成功分离鉴定了4株副猪嗜血杆菌,并且针对副猪嗜血杆菌16S rRNA基因特异性进行PCR检测和基因测序同源性分析,通过GenBank联机比对分析,所分离的菌株与国内外菌株16S rRNA序列同源性在98.2%以上,分离菌株之间同源性在99.6%~100%之间,证明了所暴发的菌株是副猪嗜血杆菌。  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌的分离鉴定与药敏试验   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
对广东15个送检的疑似猪传染性副猪嗜血杆菌病的病猪样品,用TSA培养基进行细菌的分离,并对分离菌株进行细菌的形态观察、培养特性和生化试验鉴定,以及用副猪嗜血杆菌16S rRNA基因的特异性引物进行PCR鉴定。试验结果表明,有7株分离菌株扩增出了821 bp的特异性目的条带,结合形态观察、培养特性和生化试验鉴定,结果表明成功分离到了7株副猪嗜血杆菌;药敏试验结果显示,分离菌株对氨苄西林、多粘菌素、庆大霉素等药物较敏感。  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌的分离鉴定及16S rRNA序列分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从云南某规模化养猪场病猪肺脏分离到1株革兰氏阴性小杆菌,经细菌生化鉴定、PCR鉴定和16S rRNA序列比对鉴定为副猪嗜血杆菌。抗生素药物敏感试验结果表明,分离菌株对四环素、红霉素、氯霉素、头孢噻吩高敏;对庆大霉素、氧氟沙星、诺氟沙星中敏;对磺胺甲唑耐药。16S rRNA分析结果表明,该分离株与GenBank中的Hps参考株AB078973(基因登录号)同源性为100%,将分离菌株鉴定为副猪嗜血杆菌。16S rRNA遗传进化关系表明,分离株与副猪嗜血杆菌3株血清5型参考株AB078972、AB078973、AB078974的16S rRNA序列位于一个分支上,遗传进化关系最近,它们之间的核苷酸同源性在99.0%~99.4%之间,初步鉴定为血清5型副猪嗜血杆菌,致病性试验结果表明,分离菌株对小白鼠有强致病性,命名为YN-1株。  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌分离鉴定及药敏试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
副猪嗜血杆菌能够引起猪的多发性浆膜炎、关节炎和脑膜炎等,是影响猪的最重要细菌之一,目前在所有的主要养猪国家均有存在。为了弄清河南省副猪嗜血杆菌病流行情况,2012年-2015年,从河南不同地区猪场送检的疑似病料,进行副猪嗜血杆菌分离和鉴定,共分离到5株细菌,通过细菌形态观察、培养特征鉴定、生化试验、PCR检测,鉴定为副猪嗜血杆菌,分别命名为A6-fei、C3-xin、C12-xin、D2-fei和E1-fei。采用纸片扩散法,对分离5株副猪嗜血杆菌进行药敏试验,其结果表明所分离的5株副猪嗜血杆菌的药物敏感性不尽相同,各分离菌株对头孢噻肟、氟苯尼考星最敏感,对复方新诺明敏感性最差,其中菌株C3-xin对复方新诺明、庆大霉素、卡那霉素、青霉素完全耐药。表明副猪嗜血杆菌病在河南省依然存在,并且不同地区菌株对常用药物的敏感性各不相同,应当引起养猪场重视。  相似文献   

Serological characterization of Haemophilus parasuis isolates from China   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Cai X  Chen H  Blackall PJ  Yin Z  Wang L  Liu Z  Jin M 《Veterinary microbiology》2005,111(3-4):231-236
From September 2002 to December 2004, a total of 281 strains of Haemophilus parasuis were isolated from 17 provinces of China. All these isolates were serotyped by both the gel diffusion (GD) and the indirect haemagglutination (IHA) tests. By combining the GD and IHA results, serovar 4 (24.2%) and serovar 5 (19.2%) were the most prevalent serovars, followed by serovars 13 (12.5%), 14 (7.1%) and 12 (6.8%), while 12.1% of the isolates could not be assigned to a serovar (nontypable). A comparison of the number of isolates obtained from the respiratory tract of swine without polyserositis with those obtained from swine with polyserositis revealed an increased frequency of serovar 4 and a significantly decreased frequency of serovar 13 among isolates from the respiratory tract of swine without polyserositis, whereas the frequency of isolation of serovars 5, 12, 14 and nontypable from swine with or without polyserositis were similar. Co-infection of H. parasuis and other bacterial agents was studied in 183 cases examined from June 2003 to December 2004. Streptococcus suis (30.6%; 56), Escherichia coli (21.9%; 40), Bordetella bronchiseptica (21.3%; 39) and Pasteurella multocida (14.2%; 26) were the bacterial agents frequently co-isolated with H. parasuis in China.  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌间接ELISA抗体检测方法的建立   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用福尔马林灭活的副猪嗜血杆菌全菌体作为包被抗原,建立了检测副猪嗜血杆菌抗体的间接ELISA方法。经试验确定副猪嗜血杆菌全菌体的包被浓度为2·24×107CFU/孔、检测血清为1∶200稀释,同时确立了间接ELISA的最佳反应条件。该方法有很高的特异性和重复性,14个发病猪场100份血清检测结果Hps抗体阳性检出率为94%,明显高于细菌分离鉴定检测结果。  相似文献   

我国部分地区副猪嗜血杆菌病的流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用细菌分离鉴定、结合PCR方法,对江苏、上海、安徽、广西、浙江、江西、山东、河南、湖北等省市2003年11月~2005年4月送检的159个患病猪场仔猪肺脏进行了副猪嗜血杆菌检测,结果阳性猪场为76个,阳性率48%,临床症状主要为呼吸困难和体温升高;病理变化主要有肺炎病变和淋巴结肿大或出血。通过数据统计分析,发现该病已在我国不同地区广泛流行,且多发于秋、冬季节。该研究为副猪嗜血杆菌的流行病学研究奠定了基础,也为该病的临床预防提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Haemophilus parasuis is a colonizer of the upper respiratory tract of pigs and the etiological agent of Gl?sser's disease, which is characterized by a fibrinous polyserositis, meningitis and arthritis. Gl?sser's disease has never been reported in wild boar (Sus scrofa), although antibodies against H. parasuis have been detected. The goal of this study was to confirm the presence of this bacterium in wild boar by bacterial isolation and to compare the strains to H. parasuis from domesticated pigs. Therefore, nasal swabs from 42 hunted wild boars were processed for bacterial isolation and subsequent H. parasuis identification by specific PCR, biochemical tests and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Two different strains of H. parasuis from two wild boars were isolated. These strains belonged to serotype 2 and were included by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and MLST analysis in a cluster with other H. parasuis strains of nasal origin from domestic pigs. During this study, Actinobacillus minor and Actinobacillus indolicus, which are NAD-dependent Pasteurellaceae closely related to H. parasuis, were also isolated. Our results indicate similarities in the respiratory microbiota of wild boars and domestic pigs, and although H. parasuis was isolated from wild boars, more studies are needed to determine if this could be a source of H. parasuis infection for domestic pigs.  相似文献   

Haemophilus parasuis infection in pigs is characterized by fibrinous polyserositis, arthritis and meningitis. Despite the fact that traditional diagnosis is based on herd history, clinical signs, bacterial isolation and serotyping, molecular-based methods are alternatives for species-specific tests and epidemiological studies. The aim of this study was to characterize H. parasuis field strains from different states of Brazil, employing serotyping and genotyping methods. Serotyping revealed that serovar 4 was the most prevalent (26.1%), followed by serovars 5 (17.4%), 14 (8.7%), 13 (4.4%) and 2 (4.4%), whereas 39% of the strains were considered as untypeable. AFLP with a single enzyme and PFGE were able to type all isolates tested, generating 34 and 20 different profiles, respectively, including untypeable strains. Besides the slightly higher discrimination index presented by AFLP, PFGE with Not I restriction enzyme showed a better correlation with epidemiological data, grouping strains of the same serovar, animal or farm origin. The results indicated AFLP and PFGE as valuable tools for typing H. parasuis isolates collected in Brazil.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize the genetic diversity of Haemophilus parasuis field isolates with regard to serovar, herd of origin, and site of isolation. SAMPLE POPULATION: Isolates of H parasuis obtained from pigs in 15 North American herds and multi-farm systems. PROCEDURE: 98 H parasuis isolates were genotyped with the enterobacterial repetitive intergeneic consensus based-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) technique and serotyped via agar gel precipitation test. Genomic fingerprints were analyzed and dendrograms were constructed to identify strains from the same serovar group, herd of origin, or isolation site and to evaluate the genetic variability within these categories. RESULTS: Serovar 4 (39%) and nontypeable (NT) isolates (27%) were most prevalent. Thirty-four distinct strains were identified among the 98 isolates, using a 90% similarity cutoff. Strains from serovar 4 and NT isolates had high genetic diversity (12 and 18 strains, respectively). One to 3 major clusters of prevalent strains could be identified in most of the evaluated herds. Haemophilus parasuis strains isolated from the upper respiratory tract were either serovar 3 or NT isolates. Potentially virulent strains (isolated from systemic sites) were either serovars 1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, or 14, or NT isolates. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although H parasuis had high genetic diversity overall, only a few strains caused disease in these herds. The ERIC-PCR technique was more discriminative than serotyping, and a broad genetic variety was observed within particular serovar groups.  相似文献   

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