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在饲料中添加不同剂量的四逆散对自然鱼体和利用喹乙醇诱导其肝受损后的鱼体进行试验,通过测定投喂前后鱼体血清中谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)浓度变化情况,研究不同剂量的四逆散对鲤鱼血清肝功能指标的影响。试验结果表明,四逆散可降低鱼体血清GPT、GOT活性;对自然鱼体肝细胞有保护作用;对由喹乙醇诱发的肝损伤的鲤鱼,投喂200mg/kg的四逆散有恢复和治疗作用,且效果显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

喹乙醇在鲤鱼养殖中安全性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高俊 《饲料研究》2000,(2):36-37
喹乙醇用作饲料添加剂具有明显的促生长和提高饲料转化率的效果。同时其用量低,价格便宜,这几年来在饲料工业中得到了广泛的使用。喹乙酵也用于淡水养殖的鱼虾饲料中,成为鱼虾饲料的一种主要促生长剂之一。笔者在工作中,常常碰到喹乙醇中毒事件或由于使用了喹乙醇带来的副作用,使畜牧和渔业受到巨大损失。为了研究喹乙醇在鲤鱼生产中的毒副作用情况,我于1999年4月中旬至8月中旬进行了喹乙醇饲喂鲤鱼的试验。材料与方法1-试验动物 选用鲤鱼,购自北京市永乐店韩大勇良种场,鱼平均体重175g。2-试验用药物添加剂,喹乙醇…  相似文献   

黄霉素与喹乙醇组合对鲤鱼生长性能和耐运输能力的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
周小秋  唐凌 《饲料工业》2001,22(2):33-35
本试验选用健康正常体重为 100g左右的鲤鱼 180尾,随机平均分成 4组,每组设 3个重复。试验设 4种处理,即基础饵料组(对照组)、基础饵料+ 3mg/kg黄霉素+ 30mg/kg喹乙醇、基础饵料+ 30mg/kg喹乙醇、基础饵料+ 3mg/kg黄霉素(即 A、 B、 C、 D4种处理组),试验分前、后期进行,前期进行了 60d(鱼的体重为 100g~ 200g),后期进行了 90d(鱼的体重为 200g~ 500g)。研究结果表明:黄霉素可以显著提高鲤鱼的生长速度和饵料利用率( P<0.05),这种作用前期比后期更明显;黄霉素和喹乙醇在生长前期没有组合效应( P>0.05),但是在生长后期则有极显著的组合效应( P<0.01);在鲤鱼饵料中添加 3mg/kg黄霉素或者 3mg/kg黄霉素+ 30mg/kg喹乙醇对鲤鱼的耐运输能力没有影响。黄霉素可以作为一种有效、安全的添加剂在鲤鱼饵料中使用。  相似文献   

喹乙醇、酶制剂在鲤鱼饲料中的添加效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
喹乙醇、酶制剂在鲤鱼饲料中的添加效果辽宁省淡水水产研究所阎有利,韩如政辽宁省汤河水库渔场邱春刚喹乙醇(HMQ)和酶制剂分别做为促生长剂和助消化剂已在畜禽饲养业中得到广泛应用,但在水产养殖中应用甚少。为探求它们在鲤鱼饲料中的添加效果,我们进行了本试验。...  相似文献   

黄霉素对鲤鱼早期生产性能和耐运输能力的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本试验选择100 g 左右的鲤鱼种405 尾,随机平均分成9 组。1 组为对照组( 基础日粮) ;2 组为基础日粮+ 3 ×106 黄霉素+ 30 ×10 - 6 喹乙醇;3 、4 组在基础日粮中分别添加30 ×106 的喹乙醇和30 ×106 金霉素;5 、6 、7 、8 、9 组在基础日粮中分别添加1 、2 、3 、4 、5 ×106 黄霉素。进行了60 d 的试验研究结果表明:黄霉素显著的促进了鲤鱼生长和提高了饵料利用率(P< 0-05) ;在鲤鱼饲料中添加黄霉素对鲤鱼的耐运输能力没有负面影响;黄霉素在鲤鱼生长前期饲料中的最适用量为3 ×106 ;黄霉素与喹乙醇组合效应在鲤鱼早期不明显。黄霉素可以作为一种有效、安全的添加剂在鲤鱼饲料中推广使用。  相似文献   

本试验研究根据鲤鱼营养需要,确定基础饵料配方后,采用均匀试验设计研究喹乙醇、甲基睾丸酮和甲状腺素对1龄鲤鱼生长的影响。28天的试验结果表明,以50—100mg/kg喹乙醇、8mg/kg甲基睾丸酮和10mg/kg甲状腺素组合添加于饵料中有明显的促长、节约饵料和增强抗病力的作用。比对照增重率提高43.6%—72%,降低死亡率40%,降低饵料系数11.1%—20.0%,每公斤增重饵料成本降低0.5—1.12元。  相似文献   

添加不同的促生长剂对鲤鱼生长和鱼体成分的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在基础日粮中分别添加 3 0 0 mg/ kg的二氢吡啶、1 0 0 mg/ kg的 DL-肉碱、4mg/ kg黄霉素、75 mg/ kg的喹乙醇以及 5 0 mg/ kg的复配抗菌素后 ,饲养初始重为 1 0 3 .1± 0 .9g的鲤鱼 ,经过 60 d生长试验 ,观察不同的添加剂对鲤鱼生长情况、机体营养成分组成的影响。结果表明 ,各添加剂对鲤鱼没有明显的促生长作用 ,但 DL-肉碱对降低全鱼的脂肪有一定作用  相似文献   

<正>2017年3月15日,央视"3·15"晚会曝光了另一种"瘦肉精"卷土重来,个别饲料生产企业在混合型饲料添加剂"造肉1号"、" 味霸"、" 速肥肽"中添加了喹乙醇,部分养殖户也在饲料中直接非法添加喹乙醇。其实,在2009年中央电视台《每周质量报告》曾报道过鲤鱼饲料因含有违禁药物"喹乙醇",造成当地养殖鲤鱼大量死亡的事件。而这些动物体内的兽药残留,直接关系到我们人类的健康,一时间引起了全社会的高度关注。为了使  相似文献   

喹乙醇(HMQ)是一种较好的生长促进剂,可显著提高畜禽水产养殖效益。目前这方面的研究较多地集中在确定适宜剂量和动物体内残留问题上,而有关喹乙醇作用后的生化效应研究较少。本试验就喹乙醇对草鱼组织中影响蛋白质代谢、氨基酸代谢的主要代谢酶——谷丙转氨酶(GPT)和谷草转氨酶(GOT)活力及耗氧率进行研究,旨在探讨喹乙醇在鱼类养殖中促生长的作用机理。  相似文献   

喹乙醇对鲤鱼增重及饵料利用的影响浙江省淡水水产研究所吴文,吴海林目前在我国淡水养渔业中采用配合饵料养鱼业已有一定的规模和范围,然而如何进一步提高配合饵料的质量已提到议事日程上来。生长促进剂喹乙醇在家畜饲料上应用业已证明有效,那么对鱼的增重及饵料利用情...  相似文献   

铅长期暴露对黄河鲤红细胞微核率、核异常率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用微核观察方法,研究了铅(PbCl2)暴露30 d对黄河鲤红细胞微核率、核异常率的影响。结果表明,染毒Pb2+可引起黄河鲤微核率和核异常率指标发生显著变化,随着染毒Pb2+浓度的增加,黄河鲤红细胞微核和核异常率呈现先下降后上升的规律性变化。同一染毒浓度时染毒时间对于微核和核异常率的影响具有累积效应。  相似文献   

为研究健康鲤鱼肠道菌群组成情况,为其饲料添加剂和水质改良剂的开发利用提供基础资料,试验对鲤鱼肠道中的细菌进行分离培养,通过形态特征观察、生化试验进行鉴定.结果:在鲤鱼肠道中分离出4种细菌,分别为:金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphyloccocus aureus)、沙门氏菌(salmonella)、粪肠球菌(Enterococcus faecalis)、枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis).  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨长时间连续投喂β-葡聚糖对鲤生长性能及非特异性免疫功能的影响及嗜水气单胞菌攻毒后的抵抗能力.试验采用初始体重为(61.53±0.34)g的健康鲤(Cyprinus carpio)为研究对象,在饲料中分别添加0、0.15%和0.50%的β-葡聚塘,饲养60 d.结果显示:投喂β-葡聚糖对鲤增重率和饲料系数均没有显著影响(P>0.05);肝胰脏中溶菌酶和酸性磷酸酶活力显著降低于对照组(P<0.05),髓过氧化物酶活力各组之间没有显著差异(P>0.05);攻毒试验结果显示:注射嗜水气单胞菌148 h后试验组鲤存活率明显低于对照组.由此可知,长期投喂β-葡聚糖不影响鲤生长性能,但会降低其非特异性免疫功能及对嗜水气单胞菌攻毒的免疫保护力.  相似文献   

To study the effects of olaquindox and cyadox on aldosterone, sodium and potassium in the blood in comparison with the effects of carbadox, weaned pigs were fed these compounds in different doses. Pigs treated with 100 and 200 ppm carbadox showed a significant decline of aldosterone after five and three weeks, respectively, compared with control values. In the 200 ppm group treatment was interrupted at week 4. With olaquindox a continuous, significant decline was found from 50 ppm and above after five weeks, and from 25 ppm and above (but excluding the 100 ppm group), after six weeks. In the cyadox groups a significant decline was measured after six weeks in the 50, 200 and 400 ppm groups. Only the 200 ppm group had an earlier response at three and five weeks. A decrease of sodium to hyponatraemic levels in the carbadox groups was seen after three weeks in the 200, and after five weeks in the 100 ppm group. In the olaquindox groups only the 200 ppm dosage showed a consistent decrease to hyponatraemic levels from four weeks treatment. In the cyadox groups the 200 ppm dosage reached a hyponatraemic level after six weeks. An increase of potassium to hyperkalaemic levels occurred at 100 and 200 ppm carbadox dosage after four and three weeks, respectively, and at 200 ppm olaquindox dosage after four weeks. No hyperkalaemic levels were seen in the cyadox groups. It is concluded that the toxic effect of olaquindox, despite minor differences, is comparable with that of carbadox but that cyadox is less toxic.  相似文献   

Thelohanellus nikolskii infection of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) has been a common parasitosis in the Central European fish farms since the first detection of the parasite about 20 years ago. This parasite, introduced from the Far East, causes intensive infection on the fins of fingerlings of the carp subspecies cultured in Europe (European carp, Cyprinus carpio carpio). This infection of the common carp occurs in the Hungarian fish farms every year. Until the present study, this parasite had not been recorded from the fins of koi or coloured carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus), a carp of Far Eastern origin, which is cultured in Hungary as an ornamental fish. A recent survey conducted in common carp, koi and goldfish stocks demonstrated that T. nikolskii infection of low prevalence and intensity occurs also in koi populations, but its prevalence and intensity are markedly lower than in common carp kept in the same ponds. It is suggested that the observed differences are due to disparities in the susceptibility of the two carp subspecies to T. nikolskii, and that the koi is less susceptible to this infection. Other signs of susceptibility can also be observed in the European subspecies, since in 15% of the fish plasmodium development was arrested at an early stage. Thelohanellus nikolskii infection could not be demonstrated on goldfish (Carassius auratus).  相似文献   

本试验采用RT-PCR技术克隆出鸭MyD88部分cDNA序列,克隆到的序列长为195 bp;同源性分析结果显示,鸭MyD88与鸡、火鸡、珍珠鸟的同源性最高,为97%~100%;与人、鼠、牛、猪、狗、马、兔、鲤鱼的同源性为83%~84%;与绵羊的同源性为79%;系统进化树分析表明,鸭MyD88与鸡的亲缘关系最近,与火鸡、珍珠鸟的较为接近,与狗、鼠、兔、人、猪、马、绵羊、牛的亲缘关系依次渐远,与鲤鱼的亲缘关系最远.检测MyD88在鸭7种组织中的分布情况,结果表明,在鸭的心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、腔上囊中均检测出MyD88 mRNA的转录产物,而在肾脏、脑中未见.提示MyD88在不同种属及不同组织中具有生物多样性.  相似文献   

A case report detailing the presenting clinical signs, diagnostics, and treatment of ulcerative skin disease in a group of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) is presented.  相似文献   

The present studies are based on the feedback provided by fish farmers practicing composite fish culture of carps. According to them, fish habitats are affected by pesticides draining from agricultural fields into their catchments, especially during the rainy season. The lenses of most of the cultured fish became opaque, resulting in poor overall growth. In the literature, there was mounting evidence of pesticide toxicity involving multiple tissues. However, the fish visual system has never been investigated particularly from the toxicological perspective. In this regard, we carried out comparative toxicological studies on the lens of Cyprinus carpio communis using three different sublethal concentrations (0.038, 0.062 and 0.126 p.p.m.) of monocrotophos along with untreated controls for 30 days. Lenses from all the groups were extracted and preserved in gluteraldehyde and osmium tetraoxide and dehydrated in increasing grades of acetone. After dehydration, tissues were conducted with gold to observe under SEM. The fish exposed to monocrotophos developed cataract. Furthermore, when fish from the monocrotophos-treated tanks were transferred to normal environmental conditions for the next 60 days, progressive lens degeneration was noted. To conclude, monocrotophos induces irreversible cataractous changes in the lens of C. carpio communis . The fish visual system has many similarities to mammals and may serve as a good model for comparative toxicologic and ophthalmologic studies.  相似文献   

Organophosphate and carbamate insecticides produce their toxic effects by binding with cholinesterase enzymes, resulting in the inhibition of acetylcholine catabolism. Excessive acetylcholine levels cause excessive synaptic neurotransmitter activity. In most animal species, whole blood is the preferred sample for evaluation of cholinesterase activity. Previous reports of cholinesterase activity in carp have involved sampling of serum, plasma, brain, liver, muscle, and heart. Whole-blood samples were obtained from 12 healthy koi (Cyprinus carpio). Whole-blood cholinesterase activity was measured in all 12 samples. Plasma cholinesterase activity was also measured in 4 samples. The overall average of the whole-blood cholinesterases was 0.08 micromol/ml/minute (SD = 0.024). The results for the plasma cholinesterases were similar, with an average of 0.08 micromol/ml/minute (SD = 0.012). Because these reference values are below the minimum detection limit for the method of analysis used, results from blood samples from koi suspected to be suffering from anticholinesterase toxicosis may be uninterpretable.  相似文献   

为了解山东省东平湖库区常见淡水鱼肠道菌群的组成, 作者对该库区内的草鱼、鲢鱼、鲫鱼和鲤鱼4 种鲤科鱼肠道菌群中的需氧菌或兼性厌氧菌进行分离鉴定,并对每种鱼肠道中的菌群数量和种类组成进行分析。结果表明,在上述鱼肠道中均存在哈夫尼亚菌属、致病杆菌属、气单胞菌属、柠檬酸菌属、芽孢杆菌属和链球菌属,其中鲤鱼和鲫鱼肠道菌群的总量比较接近,两者共同含有菌属的数量差别不大。  相似文献   

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