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姜雅风 《野生动物》2001,22(3):33-33
东方铃蟾(Bombina or ientalis)国内分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河北、山东和江苏等省的狭长地带。体长在45毫米左右,背部布满大小不等的刺疣。背部灰棕色或墨绿色,肩部常有一对浅绿色花斑;头部。躯干部和四肢腹面有橘红色和黑色相间的花斑。栖息于山涧溪流附近石块下或草丛中,多以农林害虫为食。 东方铃蟾在受到袭扰时,具有反捕行力:初期,刚受到惊扰;身体不动,四肢蜷缩,仅个别指或趾翘起。中期,头部吻端和躯干部末端稍翘;前肢、后肢慢慢地向背部抬起;渐渐地露出手掌、脚掌花斑,接着露出前肢、后肢腹面…  相似文献   

长薄鳅腐皮病致病菌的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从患腐皮病的长薄鳅鱼体中分离到M-01,M-02两株细菌,经人工感染试验均对健康长薄鳅表现出较强的致病性,出现与自然患病长薄鳅相同症状,由此证实这两菌株是长薄鳅腐皮病致病菌。试验测得M-01,M-02菌株对泥鳅的LD50分别是1.83×10^-5个菌/ml和5.92×10^5个菌/ml。据菌株形态特征,培养特性和生理生化反应的特点,初步鉴定致病菌为嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)和温和气单胞菌(Aeromonasd sobria)。药敏试验表明以上两株细菌对很多抗菌药物敏感。  相似文献   

鹌鹑溃疡性肠炎是由肠道梭菌感染发病,主要侵害4~12周龄的鹌鹑.病鹑排白色稀粪,表现不安和驼背,眼半闭,羽毛松乱,消瘦,雏鹑死亡率高达100%.解剖尸体,发现肠壁有小点样出血,随着病程延长,肠道发生坏死和出现溃疡;肝脏出现黄色斑点状坏死;脾充血、肿大.……  相似文献   

莱氏野村菌(Nomuraea rileyi)cq菌株为昆虫致病性真菌,能感染家蚕发生绿僵病。显微镜下观察菌株体外培养产生的分生孢子呈卵圆形或椭圆形,大小为3.2~4.6μm×2.5~3.2μm,分生孢子梗单生,具有3~4个轮状分支,每个分支着生2~3个瓶梗,瓶梗基部膨大,在瓶梗顶端尖处着生分生孢子。在感染莱氏野村菌的家蚕幼虫血液中可观察到菌株产生的大量豆荚状、酵母状芽生孢子,病蚕血液呈浑浊的乳白色,体表出现褐色病斑,反应迟缓,尸体逐渐僵化,被鲜绿色的孢子粉覆盖。另发现该菌株在感染家蚕幼虫的体表和血液中能产生菱形晶体,同时菌株在体外培养基上培养时也观察到大量的正八面体菱形晶体,且改变培养温度和pH值,晶体产生的时间延长,形状和大小也会发生变化,出现长方形、正方形六面体形状及不规则形状晶体。推测莱氏野村菌cq菌株产生的晶体可能是有利于菌株感染家蚕的一种次生代谢产物。  相似文献   

[目的]对菌株M74进行鉴定和生物学特性研究,为菌株M74的临床应用提供参考。[方法]利用16S r DNA序列分析对其进行种属鉴定,通过单因素试验研究菌株M74对酸、胆盐、高温及抗生素的耐受性,然后测定其产酸量及考察益生菌之间的相互作用,最后研究其对致病菌的抑菌性能。[结果]经16S r DNA序列分析,该菌株为屎肠球菌;菌株M74的耐受性结果表明,在p H值为3的条件下保持3 h后,存活率为11.57%,在牛胆盐浓度为0.3%的条件下保持3 h后,菌株存活率为0.64%,在60℃处理10 min后,菌株存活率仍能达到25.42%,同时该菌株对不同抗生素呈现不同程度的抗性;产乙酸含量最高,达到4 620.15μg/m L;菌株M74作为早期定植菌时,对其他益生菌有抑制作用;菌株M74对致病性大肠杆菌和沙门菌有很好的抑制作用。[结论]屎肠球菌M74有较好的生长耐受性,能抑制致病性菌株的生长,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

兔奇异变形杆菌的分离鉴定及耐药性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解拉萨市一种兔场种兔腹泻死亡的病因,本试验从一只种兔的肠道内容物中分离出一株细菌,通过革兰氏染色、生化鉴定、16S rRNA PCR扩增和序列比对、动物回归试验及药敏试验进行了分析。结果显示,分离菌株为单个或成对的短杆状的革兰氏阴性菌;分离菌与GenBank中奇异变形杆菌的同源性为73.5%~99.8%,采用Mega 7.0软件将分离菌株与11株参考菌株的16S rRNA序列进行同源性比对分析,并构建系统进化树,综合分析后确定分离菌株为奇异变形杆菌,命名为T2018。在动物回归试验中有3只试验兔出现了腹泻,但均未死亡,剖检结果显示,空肠、回肠肠壁薄而透明,内有半透明胶冻样物;结肠和盲肠黏膜充血,浆膜上有出血斑点。药敏试验显示,分离菌株仅对阿莫西林/克拉维酸、庆大霉素和喹诺酮类的氧氟沙星、环丙沙星、诺氟沙星5种抗菌药表现出高度敏感,对哌拉西林表现为中介,对其他24种抗生素均表现为耐药。上述结果表明该种兔场种兔腹泻死亡的病原为奇异变形杆菌。  相似文献   

1979年对都兰县香日德巴隆地区11个母绵羊群以抽检30%的办法,进行布氏杆菌病血清学检疫。共检绵、山羊1,265只,平均阳性率为11.3%(4.29—22.86%)。1980年取同一地区的流产胎儿83份进行了细菌学检查,分离出两株布氏杆菌:M23号菌株,分自香日德地区上柴开四队绵羊流产胎儿,M41号菌株,分自香日德地区上柴开二队山羊流产胎儿。用平板及试管凝集试验,并用标准菌种M16系作对照,M23与M16系马尔他布氏杆菌生物Ⅰ型,41号菌株为马尔他布氏杆菌生物Ⅲ型。  相似文献   

白僵菌经不同基质传代后对桑天牛幼虫的侵染力比较   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
以诱集自土壤中的对桑天牛(Apriona germari)幼虫具有较高致病性的球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)Bb00菌株为原发菌株R0,通过反复接种桑天牛幼虫分别获得菌株R1、R2、R3和R4,并反复在普通查氏培养基上传代分别获得菌株M1、M2、M3和M4。将R0、R2、R4和M2、M4菌株感染桑天牛幼虫进行生物测定,发现在普通培养基上传代,会导致菌株致病力的降低,而通过桑天牛幼虫传代培养可以提高菌株的致病力。R4、R2、R0、M2、M4菌株的LT50分别为3.23、4.01、4.13、4.78和6.34d,LC50分别为0.686×106、1.470×106、3.050×106、7.940×106和9.580×106mL-1。表明通过菌株在桑天牛幼虫虫体上反复接种可以提高白僵菌对桑天牛幼虫的侵染力。  相似文献   

黄鳝烂尾病病原的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从发病黄鳝的病灶部位分离到 HS1 菌株。用 HS1 菌株人工感染体重 2 0~ 30 g的黄鳝 ,感染的黄鳝出现与自然发病黄鳝相似的症状 ,并从感染黄鳝的病灶中分离到与原菌株相同的细菌 ,证实 HS1 菌株是引起黄鳝烂尾病的病原。经细菌的形态、培养及生理生化特性测定 ,HS1 菌株鉴定为产碱假单胞菌 ( Pseudomonasalcaligenes) ,并进行了药敏试验  相似文献   

(三) 病毒性鱼病的防治 草鱼出血病 症状:患这种病的鱼,主要症状是体内、外各个器官和组织表现斑点状或块状充血,各种鳍条的基部、鳃、鳃盖、眼眶、口腔、下颌等表皮组织,不用解剖就可以看到充血现象;脑膜腔、肌肉、肠道、胆囊、肝、脾、肾等器官,也往往出现充血。6~10厘米的草鱼鱼种,在温度适宜的情况下,发病时症状最典型,严重的病鱼,全身因充血而呈红色。但在水温偏低的情况下,肌肉充血现象往往不甚明  相似文献   

Comparison of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae strains by serologic methods   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Six field strains of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae isolated from pneumonic lungs of pigs, reference strains 11 and J of M hyopneumoniae, Ms 42 strain of Mycoplasma flocculare, and BTS 7 strain of Mycoplasma hyorhinis were compared serologically, using hyperimmune antisera produced in rabbits. All strains of M hyopneumoniae were closely related as determined with the disk growth-inhibition test; however, differences in zone sizes indicated that some antigenic heterogeneity existed. Cross-reactions were not detected between M hyopneumoniae, M flocculare, and M hyorhinis with the growth-inhibition test. The metabolic-inhibition test was more useful for detection of intraspecies antigenic difference than was the growth-inhibition test, since antigenic diversity was clearly detected among M hyopneumoniae strains. Slight cross-reactions were observed between M hyopneumoniae and M flocculare. Using 2-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis, antigenic differences were observed among M hyopneumoniae strains, although many common components also were detected in electropherograms. Mycoplasma flocculare possessed a close antigenic relationship to M hyopneumoniae, as determined by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis, whereas both organisms were less related to M hyorhinis. Evidence obtained in this study indicated that strains of mycoplasmas tentatively identified as M hyopneumoniae were similar antigenically, but evidence was obtained also of some diversity in antigenic structure among these strains.  相似文献   

A molecular analysis of strains of Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (M. capripneumoniae) and Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides, small colony type (M. mycoides SC) isolated from goats was performed using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) fingerprinting techniques. Among the 11 field strains of M. capripneumoniae from Tanzanian goats, two AFLP patterns were demonstrated, with 10 of the strains showing indistinguishable patterns. Five Kenyan strains of M. capripneumoniae produced three AFLP patterns, with two of them being indistinguishable from the 10 identical Tanzanian and one Ugandan strain (M74/93) isolated from sheep. The AFLP pattern of the type strain (F38(T)) was identical to two Kenyan strains (Baringo and G183/82). On PFGE analysis, all the examined M. capripneumoniae strains exhibited identical PFGE profiles.Five field strains of M. mycoides SC isolated from goats displayed identical AFLP patterns except for one strain which differed from others at only one position. The AFLP pattern of the type strain of M. mycoides SC (PG1(T)) was different from the field strains. The five field strains of M. mycoides SC produced identical PFGE profiles, which were, however, different from the type strain. The AFLP and PFGE profiles of M. mycoides SC strains from goats were identical to those of six strains isolated from cattle affected with contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) in the same areas. The results of this study suggest a close epidemiological linkage between strains of M. capripneumoniae and between M. mycoides SC type, respectively, isolated from goats in Tanzania.  相似文献   

采集猪颌下淋巴结,猪肠系膜淋巴结,牛颌下淋巴结和牛肠系膜淋巴结各200份,使用改良罗氏培养基进行分离培养和传代培养,通过进行生长特性试验、生化鉴定试验和鉴别培养基生长试验对所分离出的分枝杆菌进行菌型鉴定。结果显示:猪颌下淋巴结中分离出耻垢分枝杆菌4株,鸟分枝杆菌4株,胞内分枝杆菌2株,胃分枝杆菌2株,蟾蜍分枝杆菌1株,龟分枝杆菌龟亚种杆菌1株;猪肠系膜淋巴结未分离出非结核分枝杆菌;牛肠系膜淋巴结分离出瘰疬分枝杆菌2株,加地斯分枝杆菌1株;牛肠系膜淋巴结分离出,瘰疬分枝杆菌5株,金色分枝杆菌2株,戈登分枝杆菌2株,蟾蜍分枝杆菌2株。猪、牛的感染率均为3.5%。  相似文献   

Whole-cell lysate and proteinase K digest preparations of the Mycoplasma bovis type strain (American Type Culture Collection 25523) were compared using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Coomassie blue staining for protein revealed approximately 50 bands for the lysate but only a single band for the digest. Silver staining for polysaccharide revealed at least 19 bands for the digest. Fourteen monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were produced using a screening procedure with an M. bovis digest. On immunoblots of digests of four M. bovis strains, an almost identical profile was seen with each strain for all 14 MAbs but differences were evident between strains. One MAb, M1557, was used to analyse 17 M. bovis strains on immunoblots. Ten to 20 bands were observed with 16 of the 17 strains, and differences were apparent among all 16 strains. In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, M1557 reacted with 16 of the 17 M. bovis strains, but did not react with any of 41 non-M. bovis organisms tested. Strong reactions were observed with the MAbs and M. bovis colonies in immunofluorescence. The M. boris polysaccharide and MAbs to this component may be useful for the development of diagnostic assays for this organism.  相似文献   

Two putative variant Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) strains (M876 and M35), originally isolated from commercial turkeys, were compared with eight well-characterized MG strains by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). SDS-PAGE protein profiles indicated that the variant strains were correctly classified as MG based on homologous patterns in species-specific regions of the electrophoretic profiles. However, differences in protein profiles also indicated that variant strains M876 and M35 were different from each other and the other MG strains tested. Immunoblotting was used to assess the humoral immune response of turkeys to infection with the S6 reference strain or M876 variant strain of MG. Immunoblots using antisera to M876 showed that seroconversion to this isolate was slower, and to fewer MG proteins when compared with immunoblots using antisera to S6. Immunoblot analyses further indicated that pooled antisera from turkeys inoculated with either S6 or M876 reacted with each of 10 MG strains tested. However, pooled S6 antisera reacted with greater intensity and with more MG proteins than did pooled M876 antisera. The species-specific immunodominant proteins with the greatest potential for use as antigens in serologic tests appeared to be those of 64 (p64) and 56 (p56) kilodaltons molecular mass.  相似文献   

为了解陕西省部分地区猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)的遗传和变异情况,采集陕西省部分地区规模化猪场的5份疑似PEDV感染的猪小肠内容物,进行PEDV S、M和N基因的RT-PCR扩增,并对扩增产物进行序列测定和遗传变异分析。结果表明,5份病料均能扩增出PEDV S、M和N基因,5株病毒分别命名为SXSL、SX-BJ、SX-YL、SX-WN和SX-HZ株。序列分析表明,5株毒株之间的S、M和N基因核苷酸序列的同源性分别为96.7%~99.8%、98.4%~100%和97.2%~99.9%;氨基酸序列的同源性分别为97.4%~99.9%、98.2%~100%和98.2%~100%。该5株病毒与中国疫苗株CV777的S、M和N基因核苷酸序列的同源性分别为93.9%~99.8%、98.1%~100%和95.3%~99.9%,氨基酸序列的同源性为93.6%~99.9%、96.2%~100%和98.2%~100%。遗传进化分析结果显示,5个陕西分离株的S基因与中国疫苗株CV777亲缘关系较远,与近年来中国株、日本株以及韩国株亲缘关系较近。SX-SL株、SX-BJ株和SX-YL株的M和N基因与中国疫苗株CV777亲缘关系较近,且与中国株CHGD-01亲缘关系密切。SX-WN株和SX-HZ株的M和N基因与中国疫苗株CV777亲缘关系较远。该5株病毒的S基因以及SX-WN株和SX-HZ株的M基因和N基因变异程度较大,而SX-SL株、SX-BJ株和SX-YL株三个流行株均与中国株CHGD-01亲缘关系密切,并且与近年在陕西省流行的PEDV也不完全相同。  相似文献   

Mycobacteria were isolated and characterised from 49 cats with extensive infections of the subcutis and skin. Cats were generally between 3 and 10 years of age, and female cats were markedly over-represented. All isolates were rapid-growers and identified as either Mycobacteria smegmatis (40 strains) or M fortuitum (nine strains). On the basis of Etest for minimum inhibitory concentration and/or disc diffusion susceptibility testing, all strains of M smegmatis were susceptible to trimethoprim while all strains of M fortuitum were resistant. M smegmatis strains were typically susceptible to doxycycline, gentamicin and fluoroquinolones but not clarithromycin. All M fortuitum strains were susceptible to fluoroquinolones, and often also susceptible to gentamicin, doxycycline and clarithromycin. Generally, M smegmatis strains were more susceptible to antimicrobial agents than M fortuitum strains. Treatment of mycobacterial panniculitis involves long courses of antimicrobial agents, typically of 3-6 months, chosen on the basis of in vitro susceptibility testing and often combined with extensive surgical debridement and wound reconstruction. These therapies will result in effective cure of the disease. One or a combination of doxycycline, ciprofloxacin/enrofloxacin or clarithromycin are the drugs of choice for long-term oral therapy.  相似文献   

对1993-2010年从中国不同地区分离的63株传染性支气管炎病毒(infectious bronchitis virus,IBV)野毒株,采用RT-PCR方法克隆测定所分离野毒株的M基因核苷酸序列,并与GenBank中公布的部分国内外IBV毒株的M基因序列进行比较分析,研究中国IBV的分子流行病学特点和分子遗传变异规律。结果显示,所测毒株M基因具有6种不同长度的开放阅读框,这些长度的差异是由于5'端的核苷酸插入或缺失造成的;N端含有1~2个N-糖基化位点,其中1个糖基化位点"Asn-Cys-Thr"(NCT)是高度保守的。63个IBV分离株间氨基酸序列相似性为88.9%~100%,分离株与参考株间相似性为87.2%~100%。系统进化分析结果显示,本研究的63个IBV分离株可分为9个基因型,2005-2010年IBV中国流行株大部分与Mass型疫苗株处于不同的基因型,而且氨基酸序列相似性都小于94%。  相似文献   

三株广西狂犬病病毒NS基因和M基因的克隆与序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究设计了一对特异性引物NSM1/NSM2,对三株广西狂犬病病毒NS和M基因同时进行了RT_PCR扩增、克隆和测序。同源性分析表明,三株广西野毒NS基因核苷酸同源性为87.2%~98.4%,M基因核苷酸同源性为90.1%~99.7%;与固定毒和狂犬病相关病毒比较,NS基因分别为79.9%~82.8%和69.7%~71.0%;M基因的分别为82.8%~87.8%和75.0%~77.8%。三株野毒NS基因氨基酸同源性为93.3%~98.7%,M基因氨基酸同源性分别为97.5%~100%。表明广西各地毒株之间亲缘关系不同,但最为相近;与狂犬病固定毒株亲缘关系较远;与狂犬病相关病毒亲缘关系最远。  相似文献   

Members of the genus Mycoplasma infect a wide range of hosts, but individual Mycoplasma species tend to exhibit a considerable degree of host specificity. We characterized Mycoplasma strain 700, isolated from a kidney of a layer hen in Spain and Mycoplasma strains ULB-A and ULB-B, isolated from the air sac and from the bile of stunted broiler chickens in Slovenia. The serologic examination showed that these three strains are antigenically unrelated to all of the recognized Mycoplasma species of avian origin, but closely related to the ruminant mycoplasma Mycoplasma capricolum subspecies capricolum (M. capricolum). The comparison of their 16S rRNA gene sequences with the sequence of M. capricolum (California kid) revealed 99.66% sequence identity for the strain 700 and 99.59% identity for strains ULB-A and ULB-B. Moreover, the predicted DnaK sequences of the M. capricolum-like strains, isolated from chickens, were identical to DnaK sequences of M. capricolum. Comparison of their dnaK gene sequences with M. capricolum showed 99.64% sequence identity for strain 700 and 99.27% identity for strains ULB-A and ULB-B. In the flock from which M. capricolum-like strains ULB-A and ULB-B were isolated, the majority of chickens (83% of the chickens examined) raised antibodies reacting with M. capricolum antigens. Notably, the infection of chickens with M. capricolum-like strains represents an unusual exception to the range of Mycoplasma species host specificity.  相似文献   

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