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对华东某省部分家禽养殖场的水体、饲料及其粪便重金属含量进行了调查。共采集包括水样、饲料及粪样在内的49份样品,其中水样16份,饲料样24份,粪样9份。样品经微波消解处理,用原子吸收法测定了铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)含量,用电感耦合等离子质谱法测定砷(As)、汞(Hg)含量。结果表明:水样中各元素含量均符合地表水环境质量标准中三类水质要求;部分饲料样品中铬和砷含量超过饲料卫生标准要求,超标率分别为33.3%和8.3%,其中铬元素最高含量达622.5mg/kg,砷元素含量最高为5.8mg/kg;粪样中除铜元素超标外,其余元素均在标准范围内。研究提示少数家禽养殖场存在一定的重金属污染,应加强对其饲料中铜、砷、铬的含量控制。  相似文献   

宁波地区不同规模猪场粪便中重金属含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
试验对宁波地区大型、中型、小型三家猪场中大猪、中猪、保育猪粪便进行随机抽样,检测其中的铜、锌、铁、砷、汞、铅、镉重金属含量,根据农业部有机肥料行业标准NY525-2012和德国腐熟堆肥对重金属的限量标准进行分析。结果表明:(1)铜超标率达到83.3%,不同规模不同类型猪粪中铜含量差异显著(P0.05),其中小型规模猪场不同类型猪粪中铜含量均最高,大型猪场次之,中型猪场最低(P0.05);锌超标率达100%,不同规模猪场大猪粪中锌含量差异显著,小型猪场显著高于大型猪场(P0.05),大型猪场显著高于中型猪场(P0.05),中猪粪中锌含量无显著差异,大型猪场和小型猪场保育猪粪中锌含量显著高于中型猪场(P0.05);猪粪中铁的平均含量达2861.7mg/kg,不同规模猪场大猪粪中铁含量显著高于中型和小型猪场,中猪粪中铁含量差异不显著,保育猪粪中铁含量差异显著(P0.05),其中小型猪场最高,大型猪场次之,中型猪场最低;(2)不同规模猪场不同类型猪粪中汞含量存在差异显著,均未超标,中型猪场中猪和保育猪粪中汞含量超标;砷、铅、镉含量均未超标。不同规模猪场猪粪重金属含量差异较大,小型猪场猪粪中铜、锌、铁含量明显高于其他两个猪场。不同生长阶段猪粪便中重金属含量有差别,保育猪粪便中铜、锌、镉含量较高。试验结果表明:养猪业中应控制饲料中微量元素添加量,加强粪便无害化处理,降低土壤的重金属污染,从而减轻对环境的负担。  相似文献   

<正>日前,猪肉里的重金属,开始浮出水面,露出苗头,引来了媒体以及行业的关注以及消费者的张口结舌。据了解,有些企业除了在饲料中添加铜和锌外,很多猪饲料还含有大量铅、镉、砷、汞、铬等重金属元素。砷是毒性非常强  相似文献   

为了解新疆伊犁地区肉牛产业链中重金素元素的残留情况,本研究采用原子吸收法对新疆伊犁地区肉牛养殖场的土壤、饲料及屠宰场的牛肉进行重金属砷、铅、汞、铬、镉的检测。结果表明土壤样品中重金属铅、砷、汞、铬、镉元素含量分别为0.03~0.20、3.87~8.30、0.15~0.23、0.09~0.48和0.41~0.86 mg/kg。饲料样品中铅、砷、汞、铬、镉元素含量分别为3.01~18.09、75.35~94.27、19.65~24.37、0.06~1.04和1.81~8.46 μg/kg。牛肉中铅、砷、汞、铬、镉元素含量分别为0.23~0.54、1.22~7.12、0.28~0.53、0.01~0.27及0.02~0.03 μg/kg。土壤和饲料、饲料和牛肉、土壤和牛肉中重金素含量的相关系数分别是0.96、0.99、0.98。综上所述,伊犁地区肉牛养殖场的土壤和饲料,屠宰场的牛肉中重金素铅、砷、汞、铬、镉元素的含量均没有超标,三者中重金属含量具有较高的相关性。  相似文献   

本试验旨在调查2015年山东省肉鸡饲料原料中砷、铅、镉、铬和汞元素的污染情况,评估饲料原料的污染风险。试验收集烟台市莱阳、威海市文登、青岛市莱西、潍坊市诸城、日照市莒县、临沂市沂水、德州市夏津等地不同饲料生产厂家使用的8种饲料原料,包括玉米、豆粕、麸皮、花生粕、棉籽粕、玉米蛋白粉、干酒糟及其可溶物( DDGS)和微量元素预混料,应用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法( ICP-AES)检测镉、铅和铬元素的含量,应用原子荧光光谱法( AFS)检测砷和汞元素的含量,计算检出率、平均含量、超标率、最高含量与平均含量比值( HC/AC)和离散系数。结果表明:饲料原料中砷、铅、镉、铬和汞元素的检出率分别为32.29%、7.29%、12.50%、100.00%和100.00%;阳性样品中平均含量分别为0.21、1.27、2.12、3.48和0.02 mg/kg,超标率分别为0.00、1.04%、1.19%、54.76%和9.52%;微量元素预混料中砷、铅和镉元素,棉籽粕中铬元素及花生粕中汞元素的HC/AC最大,微量元素预混料中镉元素、花生粕中汞元素、豆粕中砷元素及棉籽粕中铅和铬元素离散系数最大。综上所述,肉鸡饲料原料中铬和汞元素污染严重;微量元素预混料中砷、镉、铬和铅元素、棉籽粕中铬和铅元素、花生粕和豆粕中汞元素易出现严重污染,因此建议制定预混料和饼粕类饲料中多种重金属元素的限量标准。  相似文献   

本研究对河南省12家规模化猪场饲料及粪便中氮磷、重金属及抗生素含量进行调查,采集断奶仔猪、保育猪和育肥猪3个阶段的饲料和粪便样品,测定样品中粗蛋白、总磷、部分重金属元素(锌、铜、砷)和抗生素(金霉素和喹乙醇)的含量,并进行相关性分析。结果表明:规模化猪场断奶仔猪饲料中粗蛋白、磷、铜、锌、砷、金霉素和喹乙醇平均含量分别为19.49%、0.60%、184.25 mg/kg、1853.33 mg/kg、4.79 mg/kg、3.50 mg/kg、22.95 mg/kg,保育猪饲料中上述各指标平均含量为18.26%、0.56%、174.00 mg/kg、719.17 mg/kg、7.55 mg/kg、7.00 mg/kg、24.04 mg/kg,肥育猪饲料中各指标平均含量为16.63%、0.47%、133.50 mg/kg、192.17 mg/kg、5.88 mg/kg、2.62 mg/kg、4.98 mg/kg;断奶仔猪粪便中粗蛋白、磷、铜、锌和砷平均含量分别为26.15%、2.57%、816.67 mg/kg、4 853.33 mg/kg、13.07 mg/kg,保育猪粪便中上述各指标平均含量分别为25.99%、2.89%、1 475.00 mg/kg、4 798.33 mg/kg、22.72 mg/kg,肥育猪粪便中各指标平均含量分别为21.64%、2.83%、948.33 mg/kg、1 730.00 mg/kg、41.21 mg/kg,所有猪粪便中均未检测出金霉素和喹乙醇。断奶仔猪和保育猪饲料中总磷含量与粪便中总磷含量呈显著正相关(P0.05),饲料中铜含量粪便中铜含量在断奶阶段呈显著正相关(P0.05)、在育肥阶段呈极显著正相关(P0.01);饲料中锌含量与粪便中锌含量在保育阶段达到了显著正相关(P0.05);饲料中砷含量与粪便中砷含量均呈正相关,但相关性均未达显著水平(P0.05)。  相似文献   

在北京密云旱作农业园区内随机采集40份夏播玉米籽粒,检测其中的重金属含量和农药残留,结果表明,锌的含量最高,平均值为22.751mg/kg;砷和镉的含量最低,平均值为0.015mg/kg;重金属元素在玉米籽粒中的含量排序为锌〉铜〉铬〉铅〉镉和砷;样本中未检出六六六和滴滴涕的残留量。园区内玉米粒的重金属和农药残留量符合国家相关标准要求。  相似文献   

试验旨在探讨不同泌乳阶段和产奶量对奶牛血清矿物元素含量的影响。试验采用2×5(产奶量:高产≥35 kg/d和低产<35 kg/d;泌乳阶段:围产前期、围产后期、泌乳前期、泌乳中期和泌乳后期)二因素完全随机试验设计,选择40头荷斯坦奶牛,分析产奶量与泌乳阶段对血清常量元素(钙、磷、钾、镁)与微量元素(镉、钴、铬、钼、铅、铜、锰、硒、铁、锌)含量的影响。结果表明产奶量对血清矿物元素含量无显著影响(P>0.05),泌乳阶段对血清矿物元素含量影响显著(P<0.05)。除泌乳后期外,其它阶段血清铜含量均较低,接近阈值;泌乳前期和围产后期血清硒及围产后期钴含量较低,且低于正常范围;各阶段血清铁含量均较低;泌乳后期铅含量高于正常范围;其它各阶段其余元素含量均在正常范围内。因此,生产中应针对不同生理阶段注意元素铁、硒、铜、钴的及时供给,并预防泌乳后期铅中毒。  相似文献   

本方法为了填补饲料多元素测定的空白,采用ICP-MS测定饲料中铅砷镉铬的含量,同时开展包括样品前处理方法、测定条件的选择等试验环节和方法性能指标的研究,包括方法的检出限、定量限、线性范围、精密度、特异性、准确度及方法对比试验等.结果表明ICP-MS法适用于配合饲料、浓缩饲料、添加剂预混合饲料、精料补充料中铅砷铬镉样品的测定.通过对前处理过程的优化和仪器参数的修正,ICP-MS方法的检出限定量限满足饲料铅砷铬镉的测定.  相似文献   

对江西省20个县(区)规模化猪场的饲料、饮水、猪粪和猪尿进行随机抽样,共采集样品440份,用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)分别检测铜、锌、铁、锰、铅和镉的含量,并进行相关性分析。结果:(1)饲料中铜、锌、铁和锰的平均含量分别为71.00、146.88、273.95和91.15 mg/kg,猪饮水的平均含量分别为24.15、169.12、177.46和78.58μg/L;饲料中铅和镉的含量平均为3.29和0.06 mg/kg,饮水中铅和镉的含量平均为0.45和0.1μg/L,饲料中铜和锌存在较大的超标风险。(2)不同猪场粪便和尿液中的重金属含量波动范围很大,粪便中铜、锌、铁和锰的平均含量分别为687.04、1 315.26、2 450.37和720.96 mg/kg,尿液中平均含量分别为0.44、1.43、1.58和0.58 mg/L,粪便中的铜和锌含量超标严重,镉的超标率为1.22%,铅未超标。(3)饲料中的铜、锌、铁与猪粪中的存在极显著性相关(P0.01),饮水中的铅会极显著的影响尿中的铜、锌、铁、锰和铅的含量,猪粪中的锌和铁、锰、铬存在极显著性相关(P0.01),尿液中的各元素之间存在极显著性相关(P0.01),说明猪粪和尿液中的重金属主要来源于饲料和饮水,粪污中各元素之间存在相互促进作用。  相似文献   

南京和潍坊猪肉中重金属及部分微量元素含量调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴萍  祝溢锴  周岩民 《养猪》2011,(5):60-61
本试验就南京和潍坊市的农贸市场和大型超市的猪肉进行随机抽样,检测猪肉腿肌中重金属(砷、铅、镉、汞、铬、铜)及部分矿物质微量元素(铁、锰、锌)的含量。结果表明,潍坊的猪肉检测指标均符合我国肉食品中的卫生标准,可以安全食用,但南京部分猪肉中存在一定的铅超标现象,超标率达38.46%;所检猪肉中锰的含量较低,锌的含量较高。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to compare apparent total tract protein digestibilities and apparent ileal digestibilities of protein and amino acids in growing pigs and adult pregnant and lactating sows. Twelve growing pigs and 12 sows were used and surgically fitted with simple T-cannulas at the distal ileum. Six experimental diets based on corn, barley, wheat, soybean meal, canola meal, or meat and bone meal were formulated, and each diet was fed to growing pigs, gestating sows, and lactating sows for 7 d. Chromium oxide was included in all diets as an indigestible marker (.25%) for calculating nutrient digestibilities. Fecal material was collected on d 5 of each feeding period by grab sampling, and ileal samples were collected for 12 h/d during the last 2 d of each feeding period. Apparent fecal protein digestibilities for all feed ingredients were higher (P < .05) in gestating and lactating sows compared to growing pigs, but no differences between the two groups of sows were observed (P > .05). At the distal ileum, no differences (P > .05) in protein digestibilities were detected between sows and growing pigs regardless of feed ingredient. For all feed ingredients tested, lactating sows had apparent ileal digestibilities of most amino acids that were two to six percentage units higher than those obtained in growing pigs, but not all of the differences were significant. Gestating sows had digestibilities of most amino acids that were intermediate between those of growing pigs and lactating sows. The combined results from the six feed ingredients showed that lactating sows had higher (P < .05) digestibilities of all indispensable amino acids except arginine, and gestating sows had higher (P < .05) digestibilities of five of the indispensable amino acids than did growing pigs. The results of this experiment indicate that apparent fecal protein and apparent ileal amino acid digestibilities obtained in growing pigs are not always representative of digestibilities in either gestating or lactating sows.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the addition of chromic oxide (Cr(2)O(3)) to creep feed could be used as a visual marker in feces for selection of creep feed-eating suckling pigs. ANIMALS: 20 suckling pigs. PROCEDURES: Via syringe, 5 pigs (2 to 3 days old on day 0; 1 pig/treatment) from each of 4 litters received oral administrations of 10, 20, 30, or 40 g of creep feed containing 10 g of Cr(2)O(3)*kg(1) on each of 2 consecutive days (days 20 and 21) or 30 g of creep feed containing 10 g of Cr(2)O(3)*kg(1) on day 20 and 30 g of Cr(2)O(3)-free creep feed on day 21. On days 21 through 24, 6 fecal samples were collected from each pig at regular intervals between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Green-colored feces were considered indicative of creep feed consumption (eaters). Data analyses were based on single and multiple fecal samples. RESULTS: On day 22, evaluation of 1 fecal sample/pig and multiple fecal samples per pig resulted in identification of as many as 40% and only 15% of the feed-treated pigs wrongly as noneaters, respectively. Repeated sampling over multiple days would identify 99% of eaters accurately. Pigs erroneously identified as noneaters were those administered either low amounts of Cr(2)O(3)-supplemented creep feed for 2 days or Cr(2)O(3)-supplemented creep feed on only 1 day. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Data suggest that addition of Cr(2)O(3) to creep feed enables selection of individual creep feed-eating suckling pigs via examination of feces, provided that repeated fecal samples are evaluated.  相似文献   

为研究饲料锌在育肥猪粪尿中的排泄规律,建立饲料锌摄入量与锌排泄量的预测模型,试验选用健康、体重相近的约克夏去势育肥公猪20头,随机分成5组,每组4个重复,每个重复1头猪,单独饲养于代谢笼中。对照A组饲喂基础日粮,锌添加量为0,试验B、C、D、E组分别饲喂在基础日粮中添加20、40、60、80 mg/kg锌的试验日粮(硫酸锌形式)。预试期7 d,正试期4 d。结果表明:(1)与对照组相比,除试验B组外,其他试验各组风干粪锌含量和粪锌日排泄总量随日粮锌添加水平或日粮总锌水平增加显著升高(P<0.05);经回归分析,日粮锌添加水平或日粮总锌水平与风干粪锌含量和粪锌日排泄总量存在极显著的线性回归关系(P<0.01),可用所建立的回归方程进行预测和控制。(2)各组尿锌含量和尿锌日排泄总量均无显著差异(P>0.05);经回归分析,日粮锌添加水平或日粮总锌水平与尿锌含量和尿锌日排泄总量无显著回归关系(P>0.05)。综上,日粮中多余的锌主要通过消化道从粪中排泄,可根据日粮中锌水平预测粪锌排泄量,从源头上控制锌对环境的污染。  相似文献   

以规模化养猪场中的保育猪、育肥猪和妊娠母猪为试验猪群,分别就各自粪样中的含水率、全氮、全磷、有机质、铜、锌等"营养素"指标,按照国家和环境保护行业检测分析标准方法进行了严格测定,并比较分析了这些指标在不同猪群、不同季节的变化规律。结果表明:(1)夏季猪粪中"营养素"除全氮指标外,其他各指标含量均处于最低状态,含水率、有机质二项指标秋冬季明显高于春夏季;全氮、全磷指标各季节存在明显差异;铜含量秋冬季明显高于夏秋季;锌含量春季最高,夏季最低。(2)保育猪粪样中铜、锌含量最高,育肥猪次之,妊娠母猪最低,相互之间差异极显著,其变化趋势表现为递减规律,含水率、全氮、全磷和有机质在不同猪群之间也有一定的差异。  相似文献   

Copper and zinc are frequently added at high concentrations to pig diets as growth promoters. Livestock grazing pasture contaminated with pig slurry may, therefore, be at risk from excessive intake of these elements. High liver copper concentrations have been detected in cattle from the agricultural region of Galicia (NW Spain), especially where there is intensive pig farming. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether pig farming does affect accumulation of copper and zinc in cattle in Galicia. Hepatic copper and zinc concentrations in calves were elevated in areas with naturally high levels of these elements in the soil. The densities of young pigs (piglets and growing-finishing pigs), but not reproductive sows, also influenced copper accumulation in calves. Liver copper levels in calves were significantly and positively related to the density of young pigs in the region. In areas with the highest pig densities, more than 20% of the cattle analysed had hepatic copper concentrations that exceeded the potentially toxic concentration of 150 mg/kg fresh weight. There was no evidence that zinc accumulation in calves was affected by pig density.  相似文献   

A survey of Salmonella was carried out in fecal samples of 887 pigs with diarrhea collected from 235 pig farms between April 1996 and March 2001. Salmonella was isolated from 84 feces (9.5%) of 887 pigs and from 45 (19.1%) of 235 farms. The higher prevalence was found in weaned pigs (12.4%) and fattening pigs (17.3%) than in sows (4.2%) and suckling pigs (4.5%). Isolation rates of S. Typhimurium were higher from weaned and fattening pigs than from the others. Therefore, risk of horizontal infection of S. Typhimurium will increase, if no adequate health managements are practiced when weaned and fattening pigs have diarrhea.  相似文献   

This study examined if pigs in a Porcine circovirus disease (PCVD)-affected herd (n = 100) had shed more Porcine circovirus-2 (PCV-2) in their feces than pigs in a PCVD-nonaffected herd (n = 101), and if differences in shedding among production stages within and between the herds existed. The PCV-2 shedding was quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The highest median PCV-2 shedding was found in the nursery of the PCVD-affected herd and in the grower of the PCVD-nonaffected herd. The PCV-2 shedding was significantly higher in earlier stages (newly weaned, nursery, and pregrower) in the PCVD-affected herd (Wilcoxon rank sum; P < 0.001) compared with the PCVD-nonaffected herd. Porcine circovirus-2 DNA was not detected in a significant proportion of lactating sows (parity ≥ 3) in the PCVD-nonaffected herd (Fisher’s exact test; P = 0.001). The results of this study suggest there may be an association between the presence of PCV-2 in the feces of lactating sows and increased PCV-2 shedding in younger pigs.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of the physiological condition of swine on standardized ileal digestibility coefficients (SID). The apparent ileal digestibility coefficients were determined for crude protein and amino acids in six feed ingredients (corn, barley, wheat, soybean meal, canola meal, and meat and bone meal) in growing pigs and in gestating and lactating sows. Growing pigs and lactating sows were given free access to their diets, whereas gestating sows were allowed to consume only 2 kg of feed daily. The nonspecific (basal) endogenous losses of protein and amino acids were determined under similar feeding regimens after feeding a protein-free diet. The SID for crude protein and amino acids were calculated by correcting the apparent ileal digestibility coefficients for the nonspecific endogenous losses of protein and amino acids. With a few exceptions, there were no differences (P > 0.05) in the SID for crude protein and amino acids between growing pigs and lactating sows. Overall, gestating sows had higher (P < 0.05) SID for crude protein and all amino acids, except for tryptophan and aspartate, compared with growing pigs. Likewise, the SID of most amino acids obtained by gestating sows were higher (P < 0.05) than those obtained by lactating sows. Interactions (P < 0.05) between animals and diets were observed for gestating sows compared with growing pigs as well as gestating sows compared with lactating sows. As a consequence, it is not possible to extrapolate data from one feed ingredient to another. On most occasions, the lowest SID among the indispensable amino acids was calculated for threonine, valine, and lysine. It is concluded that gestating sows fed 2 kg of feed per day have higher standardized digestibility coefficients than do growing pigs and lactating sows given free access to their diets. This difference may be due to differences in daily feed intake rather than to the physiological status of the animals.  相似文献   

A cross sectional study of the prevalence and intensity of Balantidium coli in pigs was carried out on a Danish research farm. The prevalence of B. coli infection increased from 57% in suckling piglets to 100% in most pig groups > or = 4 weeks old. The mean number of cysts per gram faeces (CPG) of pigs aged 12 weeks and younger were < or = 206, whereas pigs aged 28 weeks and > 52 weeks had significantly higher counts of > or = 865 CPG. Although some lactating sows had very high CPG's, no significant differences in CPG could be detected between the intensities of pregnant sows, lactating sows and empty and dry sows. No human cases of B. coli infection have been published in Denmark though it is zoonotic.  相似文献   

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