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近年来,水产养殖业迅猛发展与水产饲料蛋白源短缺矛盾日益尖锐,寻求一种营养均衡、经济高效、可持续的优质蛋白源已成为水产饲料研发的热点。昆虫作为一种良好的动物性蛋白源,具有种类多、饲养方便、营养物质丰富等特点,其在水产饲料中的应用前景广阔。目前,昆虫粉在水产饲料中的应用仍存在一些问题,同时缺乏对其应用效果提升技术等的系统研究。本文概述了昆虫的营养特性,以及昆虫粉在水产饲料中的应用现状与存在问题、应用效果提升技术和质量控制等,以期为昆虫粉在水产饲料中的推广提供参考。  相似文献   

鱼粉等优质饲料蛋白原料资源有限、价格居高不下,水产饲料中植物源或其他低成本蛋白原料等替代蛋白源的开发一直以来是关注焦点。相比优质蛋白原料,替代蛋白源普遍存在适口性差、含抗营养因子以及消化吸收率低等缺点,限制了其在水产饲料中的广泛应用。因此,通过生物酶解技术及微生物发酵技术突破替代蛋白源的应用瓶颈受到广泛关注。针对这一热点,文章全面总结和分析了酶解与发酵技术及其在水产饲料蛋白原料高值化利用中的研究和应用现状,并展望未来可能的发展趋势,进一步推进酶解或发酵生物饲料在水产养殖业可持续发展中的支撑作用。  相似文献   

张云 《广东饲料》2012,(8):32-35
鱼粉作为水产料中应用最广泛的优质蛋白源,近年来价格攀升,寻找优质饲料蛋白原料成为行业热点。本文综述了水产饲料中鱼粉的替代物植物性蛋白源、动物性蛋白原和单细胞酵母等,并就其替代问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

不同蛋白源替代鱼粉的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼粉是水产饲料中不可缺少的优质蛋白源。但随着集约化养殖的迅猛发展,鱼粉的需求量急剧上升。然而,由于过度捕捞及厄尔尼诺等现象的影响,世界鱼粉的总产量正逐年下降,严重制约了水产养殖业的进一步发展。找到能部分或完全替代鱼粉的蛋白源已成为水产动物营养研究中的一个热点。文章综述国内外在水产养殖中用不同蛋白源替代鱼粉的研究现状,以期为水产饲料的科学配制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

水产饲料新型蛋白源的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是世界水产养殖大国之一。水产动物对饲料蛋白质水平要求较高,占配方的25%~50%甚至更多。随着集约化水产养殖业的发展,鱼粉的需求越来越大,渔业资源有限,鱼粉价格居高不下,新型蛋白源的开发尤为紧迫。文章综述了近年来水产饲料中动物性蛋白源、植物性蛋白源、单细胞蛋白源和植物、动物、单细胞蛋白源等的开发及应用。  相似文献   

张云 《广东饲料》2012,(9):33-34
鱼粉作为水产料中应用最广泛的优质蛋白源,近年来价格攀升,寻找优质饲料蛋白原料成为行业热点。本文综述了水产饲料中鱼粉的替代物植物性蛋白源、动物性蛋白原和单细胞酵母等,并就其替代问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

<正>鱼粉粗蛋白含量高,氨基酸平衡,利用率高,是水产饲料中优质动物蛋白源。随着饲料业的发展,鱼粉需求量逐年增大,价格上涨,资源缺乏,采用其它蛋白源替代鱼粉一直是水产研究的热点。  相似文献   

第十四届国际鱼类营业饲料研讨会的水产饲料替代蛋白源分论坛于6月1日晚7点在黄海饭店召开,超过600名国内及国际的业内人士参加了该论坛。该论坛由全球水产饲料植物蛋白利用研究协作组组长,美国德克萨斯农工大学教授Delbert M.Gatlin博士和美国动物蛋白及油脂协会亚太区主任李鹏博士共同主持。  相似文献   

21世纪水产品将是人类食物蛋白源的重要组成部分 ,为此水产饲料仍会是重点研究领域。水生动物饲料的蛋白源和脂类来源主要是鱼粉和鱼油。由于野生鱼类资源捕获量下降 ,而人类对一些鱼类品种的需求量增加 ,故饲料业面临原料的短缺。为此世界各国均致力于寻找经济易得的蛋白质和脂类代替鱼粉和鱼油。但廉价蛋白源必须保持氨基酸的含量适宜和平衡 ,并满足n - 3高度不饱和脂肪酸的需要量。为减少固态氮磷的浪费 ,饲料应营养齐全、可消化蛋白质与能量平衡 ,确保鱼体健康 ,并不污染水体。 2 1世纪水产饲料将逐渐由廉价蛋白源肉骨粉、豆粉、羽毛粉…  相似文献   

油粕作为鱼类饲料的评定曾虹郭庆摘译人们对水产饲料中使用鱼粉以外的其它蛋白源一直很感兴趣。然而这些蛋白质原料有其不足之处(表1)。不过一些油粕特别是豆粕成本较低,容易获得,而且将其与鱼粉配合使用效果较好,所以在水产饲料中很受重视。表1可能用于水产饲料的...  相似文献   

膨化度是评价水产膨化饲料加工质量的重要指标之一。原料的性质、设备以及操作参数是影响膨化度的主要因素。文章就原料性质、设备以及操作参数对膨化度的影响作一简述。  相似文献   

为满足水产饲料中多环芳烃的测定需要,建立了以苊-D10、■-D12和苯并(a)芘-D12为内标物,气相色谱质谱法测定水产饲料中16种多环芳烃的定性定量方法。通过考察提取溶剂、提取方式和净化方法等前处理过程,优化色谱质谱条件,得到最佳实验方法。并对实际样品进行测定,考察该方法的适应性。结果表明:在2~1000 ng/mL,16种多环芳烃峰面积与内标物峰面积的比值均与质量浓度的比值呈良好的线性关系,相关系数r2>0.999,检出限和定量限分别为0.6 ~ 1.2、1.8 ~ 3.6 μg/kg,在2.0、5.0、20.0 μg/kg添加水平下平均回收率分别为81.5% ~ 99.3%、80.2% ~ 97.4%、83.1% ~ 99.8%,相对标准偏差分别为1.60% ~ 14.3%、1.60% ~ 14.6%、1.10% ~ 14.4%。该方法灵敏度高、重复性好,具有较强的复杂基质抗干扰能力,对水产饲料样品中16种多环芳烃的测定提供理论依据。 [关键词] 气相色谱质谱法|水产饲料|多环芳烃  相似文献   

Emerging viral diseases of fish and shrimp   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The rise of aquaculture has been one of the most profound changes in global food production of the past 100 years. Driven by population growth, rising demand for seafood and a levelling of production from capture fisheries, the practice of farming aquatic animals has expanded rapidly to become a major global industry. Aquaculture is now integral to the economies of many countries. It has provided employment and been a major driver of socio-economic development in poor rural and coastal communities, particularly in Asia, and has relieved pressure on the sustainability of the natural harvest from our rivers, lakes and oceans. However, the rapid growth of aquaculture has also been the source of anthropogenic change on a massive scale. Aquatic animals have been displaced from their natural environment, cultured in high density, exposed to environmental stress, provided artificial or unnatural feeds, and a prolific global trade has developed in both live aquatic animals and their products. At the same time, over-exploitation of fisheries and anthropogenic stress on aquatic ecosystems has placed pressure on wild fish populations. Not surprisingly, the consequence has been the emergence and spread of an increasing array of new diseases. This review examines the rise and characteristics of aquaculture, the major viral pathogens of fish and shrimp and their impacts, and the particular characteristics of disease emergence in an aquatic, rather than terrestrial, context. It also considers the potential for future disease emergence in aquatic animals as aquaculture continues to expand and faces the challenges presented by climate change.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):266-274
Feeding habits and trophic relationships among three mormyrid species (Petrocephalus bovei, Marcusenius ussheri and Marcusenius furcidens) were assessed in the man-made Lake Ayame in Ivory Coast. The index of preponderance combining the occurrence and weight percentages of the identified prey items showed that these three mormyrid species mainly feed on invertebrates, especially aquatic insects. Petrocephalus bovei mainly feeds on chaoborid larvae, whereas both Marcusenius species preferentially feed on chironomid larvae. This segregation of food items associated with the relative abundance of chironomid larvae may reduce interspecific competition between these three fish species, and may therefore allow their coexistence. Horn’s food overlap index revealed highly significant similarities in the trophic spectrum between both Marcusenius species, and for the dry as well as the rainy season.  相似文献   

The juveniles and subadults of Rhabdosargus sarba are one of the most common components of the benthic fish community of Natal estuaries. The diet consists mainly of aquatic macrophytes and filamentous algae although a significant proportion is made up of bivalves and the amphipod Grandidierella lignorum. The last two taxa are positively selected when little plant material is consumed. R. sarba feeds during daylight with a peak in the early afternoon. The relationship between R. sarba and the very similar sympatric R. holubi and R. auriventris are discussed in relation to their diet, divergence and distribution. Resource partitioning in Natal estuaries between R. sarba, the Gerreidae and Pomadasys commersonii is also discussed.  相似文献   

本文就液态饲料的营养生理作用、对断奶仔猪生产性能、肠道健康以及液态饲料开发与利用方面存在的问题进行阐述,以期为液态饲料的科学配制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

对普通鸡饲料、SPF鸡专用饲料采用高压蒸气或钴60辐照灭菌,对其灭菌后的灭菌效果、营养成分指标进行分析比较来探讨引起育成SPF鸡血清果冻样的原因。结果表明:高压蒸气灭菌的普通的鸡饲料蛋白质含量和脂肪含量分别比钴60辐照灭菌的SPF鸡专用饲料高2.94%和2.48%,而种鸡多维采用高压蒸气灭菌可导致维生素B1缺失。本试验的结果提示饲喂经高压蒸气灭菌的普通饲料与种鸡多维可能会因营养物质配比不协调导致育成SPF鸡容易出现果冻样血清。  相似文献   

本研究采用免疫亲和柱高效液相色谱法测定了北京地区猪场饲料原料及全价饲料中玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEN)的含量,以了解北京地区饲料中 ZEN的污染情况。试验抽样采集北京市昌平区、大兴区、延庆区、平谷区、顺义区 5个区县 15个猪场 131份饲料样[55份玉米、豆粕、麸皮、干酒糟及其可溶物(DDGS)原料,76份猪全价饲料]进行 ZEN含量的测定。结果表明:玉米、豆粕、麸皮、DDGS和全价饲料中 ZEN的检出率分别为 100.00%、54.45%、100.00%、100.00%和 58.88%,超标率分别为 0.00%、0.00%、0.00%、41.18%和 0.00%,平均含量分别为 109.08、9.19、14.92、882.68和 58.88μg/kg。结果提示,不同饲料原料中 ZEN含量存在差异,DDGS中 ZEN平均含量超标,猪全价饲料及玉米、豆粕等饲料原料中 ZEN平均含量均未超标。  相似文献   

In the extensive experiments in vitro degradation ability of hydrothermically and thermically treated feeds have been studied. The feeds used were soybean meal, horse bean, alfalfa meal, field pea. The feeds have been treated at 90, 110 and 130 degrees C for 30, 60 and 90 min. The treated feeds have been tested both for microbial degradation ability due to rumen microflora and enzymatic degradation ability via pepsin and trypsin. The fact has been regarded as an important finding that the degradation ability of nitrogenous compounds had been restricted effectively by hydrothermic treatment that was manifested by low ammonia-N levels in fermentation medium (11.3; 8.8; 15.9 and 1.1% out of nitrogen contents in the different feeds). On the other hand improved protein enzymatic digestibility have been recorded in treated feeds as compared with native ones.  相似文献   

反刍动物饲料组合效应的衡量指标及评估方法综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反刍动物饲料间的组合效应的衡量指标一般包括:采食量,消化率和生长性能.研究组合效应尚无统一的标准方法,归纳现有的方法,主要可以分为动物试验、体内消化代谢试验和体外试验.三种组合效应的研究方法各有优缺点,我们可以根据试验目的和试验条件来选择合适的方法.本文分别从饲料间的组合效应、衡量指标及其研究方法等方面进行了综述,以供...  相似文献   

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