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试验旨在探究载脂蛋白CⅡ(apolipoprotein Ⅱ,ApoCⅡ)基因mRNA在马身猪和大白猪肝脏组织中的发育性表达规律,揭示ApoCⅡ基因表达水平与猪脂质代谢之间的关系。采用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测了马身猪和大白猪1~180日龄(1、30、60、90、120、150和180日龄)肝脏组织中ApoCⅡ基因mRNA表达。结果表明,马身猪和大白猪肝脏组织ApoCⅡ基因mRNA发育性变化趋势存在差异,马身猪ApoCⅡ表达量从1日龄到60日龄逐渐降低,在90日龄时上升,之后逐渐降低;而大白猪从1日龄到150日龄呈现逐渐降低趋势,180日龄时回升。1日龄时,马身猪和大白猪肝脏中ApoCⅡ基因mRNA的表达量差异不显著(P>0.05),在其他阶段,两品种间的表达量存在显著或极显著差异(P<0.05或 P<0.01)。这表明肝脏中ApoCⅡ mRNA的表达具有显著的日龄依赖性和明显的品种差异性,其表达可能对猪脂质代谢有显著影响。  相似文献   

采用Q-PCR 技术检测了胰岛素样生长因子2(IGF2)和胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白3(IGFBP3)基因在30、60、90、120 和150 日龄五指山猪心脏、肝脏、肺脏、脾脏、肾脏、肌肉、胃脏和小肠等8种组织中的mRNA表达水平.结果表明:(1)IGF2基因在8种组织中的表达呈相似的变化规律:各组织mRNA表达量随着日龄的增加而降低,30日龄时表达量最高,150龄时表达量最低,差异显著(P<0.01);(2)IGFBP3基因在心脏、肺、脾脏、肾脏、肠、胃等组织中的mRNA表达规律相似:即从30~150日龄,依次递减;而肝脏和肌肉mRNA表达从30日龄开始上升,肝脏在90日龄达最高,肌肉在60日龄时达最高,随后二者开始下降,在150日龄时达最低水平.以上结果初步揭示了五指山猪IGF2和IGFBP3基因表达的发育性变化模式,为深入研究五指山猪生长发育及矮小性状形成机理提供了基础数据.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究SH2B衔接因子蛋白1(SH2B adaptor protein 1,SH2B1)基因在猪不同组织和生长发育各阶段背部脂肪中的表达情况,预测调控该基因的miR-276-3p对猪背部脂肪表达的影响。应用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测SH2B1基因在猪脂肪、下丘脑等6种组织,以及在30、60、90、120和180 d猪背部脂肪组织中的相对表达量。靶标预测SH2B1基因的调控miRNA,并通过实时荧光定量PCR检测miR-276-3p对该基因的调控作用。结果显示,SH2B1基因在猪的6种组织中均有表达,且在脂肪组织中表达量最高,在肌肉组织中表达量最低。在猪生长发育各阶段背部脂肪中SH2B1基因均有表达,在前期(30和60 d)表达量较低,在中、后期(90、120和180 d)持续高表达,且显著高于前期表达量(P<0.05)。高、低背膘厚组背部脂肪中miR-276-3p与SH2B1基因均呈差异表达,且两者表达呈相反趋势,miR-276-3p在高背膘厚组中的表达量显著低于低背膘厚组(P<0.05),而SH2B1基因在高背膘厚组中的表达量却显著高于低背膘厚组(P<0.05)。miR-276-3p可通过靶向负调控SH2B1基因,影响猪背部脂肪的沉积。本试验结果为进一步深入研究猪背部脂肪沉积和背膘厚差异的分子机制提供参考。  相似文献   

采用荧光定量技术研究Kiss-1mRNA和GPR54mRNA在30、60、90(初情期)和120日龄五指山母猪下丘脑表达情况,并检测血清中FSH、LH、E2、P4浓度变化。结果表明:初情期前,Kiss-1mRNA表达量随着五指山猪年龄的增长逐渐升高,到初情期(90日龄)时表达量达到最高(P0.05),120日龄(初情期后)时表达量逐渐降低(P0.05)。GPR54mRNA表达不受影响。血清FSH、LH、E2、P4浓度变化的趋势大体一致,初情期前各激素水平逐渐升高,但差异不显著(P0.05);至初情期(90日龄)时显著升高,且达到一个峰值;血清FSH、LH和E2浓度在90日龄和120日龄时差异不显著(P0.05),P4浓度在90日龄时显著高于120日龄(P0.05)。结果显示:Kiss-1基因是五指山猪初情期启动的关键因子。  相似文献   

试验采用荧光定量技术研究亲吻素-1(Kiss-1)基因mRNA在30、60、80(初情期)和120日龄五指山公猪睾丸中的表达情况,并采用免疫组化技术定位其表达。结果显示,Kiss-1mRNA在五指山猪睾丸中的表达随着年龄的增长表达量逐渐升高,到初情期(80日龄)时达到最高(P0.05),随后到120日龄时显著降低(P0.05);免疫组化结果显示,睾丸间质细胞、精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、圆形精子细胞及间质细胞中均发现Kiss-1阳性反应产物,而在精子中未发现Kiss-1阳性表达产物。结果证实,Kiss-1基因在五指山猪精子发生过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

试验分别采集40日龄小体型猪(巴马猪)和大体型猪(大白猪)的心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、头骨、骨骼肌组织,利用实时荧光定量PCR检测斯钙素-1(stanniocalcin 1,STC-1)基因mRNA在各个组织中的表达水平,并通过Western blotting检测STC-1蛋白在各个组织中的分布。实时荧光定量PCR检测结果表明,STC-1基因mRNA在巴马猪和大白猪肺脏、肾脏中相对表达水平较高,在骨骼肌中的表达水平最低;除心脏和骨骼肌外,巴马猪其余各组织中STC-1基因mRNA表达水平均显著高于大白猪(P < 0.05)。Western blotting检测结果表明,巴马猪肝脏中STC-1蛋白的表达量最高,而大白猪脾脏中STC-1蛋白表达量最高,两者差异显著(P < 0.05);巴马猪肺脏、肝脏、骨骼肌及心脏组织中STC-1蛋白表达量均极显著高于大白猪(P < 0.01);而巴马猪肾脏、脾脏中STC-1蛋白表达量极显著低于大白猪(P < 0.01)。本研究首次对大、小体型猪不同组织的STC-1基因mRNA表达水平及其STC-1蛋白分布进行检测,导致该基因表达与分布差异的原因可能与两种猪受外界环境应激及生长发育差异有关。  相似文献   

为探讨不同蛋白源饲粮对断奶仔猪小肠中增食欲素受体2(HCRTR2)的表达特征,研究采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测HCRTR2的mRNA在断奶后分别饲喂动物蛋白替代30%总蛋白饲粮(处理1)及全植物性蛋白饲粮(处理2)0、3、7、14日龄大约克猪空肠中的表达特征。结果表明,不同蛋白源饲粮对日CR豫2基因mRNA的表达均有影响;与断奶0日龄相比.在处理1中,断奶3、7和14日龄时,HCRTR2的表达分别上升了4.30、6.60和4.12倍;处理2中,断奶3、7、14日龄HCRTR2基因mRNA的表达量分别为断奶0日龄时的0.71、1.44和4.50倍。结论:不同蛋白源饲粮对HCRTR2基因mRNA的表达均有影响。  相似文献   

采用RACE技术克隆猪GSG1(Germ Cell-specific gene 1)基因cDNA1全长并进行生物信息学分析,利用实时荧光定量PCR对GSG1基因在沙子岭猪睾丸组织8个不同发育阶段(E90、D1、D30、D60、D90、D120、D150和D180)和30日龄时9个不同组织(睾丸、肌肉、小肠、肺、心脏、肾脏、肝脏、脾脏和脂肪)的表达量。结果表明:GSG1基因cDNA全长为1 257 bp,含1个长993 bp的开放阅读框,编码330个氨基酸。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,GSG1基因在睾丸组织中的表达量最高,显著高于其余8个组织(P0.05),且其在肌肉、小肠、肺脏、心脏、肾脏和脂肪中的表达水平极低;GSG1基因在睾丸组织的E90、D1、D30和D60这4个发育时期的表达量较低,显著低于D90、D120、D150和D180这4个时期(P0.01)。本试验首次克隆了猪GSG1基因cDNA全长并检测了其在不同组织和不同发育阶段睾丸组织的表达,为进一步研究其调控猪睾丸发育和精子生成的机制奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

旨在探究不同日龄犊牛睾丸中细胞周期调控基因CyclinB1和p34cdc2的表达情况。本试验选取发育正常、体重相似的5~6d荷斯坦哺乳公犊18头,随机分为3组,每组6头,饲喂相同的基础日粮,分别在30(断奶)、60和90d时从各组分别随机抽取2头,采集其睾丸备用;通过qRT-PCR技术检测不同日龄犊牛睾丸中细胞周期调控基因CyclinB1和p34cdc2 mRNA表达规律,免疫组化技术对睾丸CyclinB1和p34cdc2进行定位分析。结果表明:90d时CyclinB1和p34cdc2 mRNA表达量显著高于30与60d(P0.05),但30与60d两种基因mRNA表达量均差异不显著(P0.05);p34cdc2蛋白在不同日龄犊牛表达差异显著(P0.05);CyclinB1蛋白在60、90d的表达量显著高于30d(P0.05),但60和90d差异不显著(P0.05)。综上表明,CyclinB1和p34cdc2 mRNA和蛋白在睾丸的表达量随着犊牛日龄的增加而增加,且不同的日龄CyclinB1和p34cdc2 mRNA和蛋白表达量存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

设计1对引物,建立RT-PCR方法对β1基因mRNA进行鉴定;以GAPDH基因为内参,建立检测鸡β1基因表达水平的SYBR GreenⅠ实时荧光定量PCR方法,并用此方法测定120日龄雏鸡不同肠段组织β1基因表达水平。结果显示,从鸡肠组织成功鉴定出β1基因mRNA;检测内参基因GAPDH和目的基因β1的实时荧光定量PCR方法扩增效率一致(扩增曲线斜率差<0.1),满足使用比较Ct值法对β1基因mRNA进行相对定量分析的前提;扩增曲线、熔解曲线及凝胶电泳结果提示该方法特异性好。实时荧光定量PCR检测结果表明,1日龄雏鸡十二指肠和盲肠、10日龄雏鸡空肠和直肠、5日龄雏鸡回肠组织中β1基因相对表达量最高。结果表明,鸡肠组织中存在β1基因表达,并在不同日龄不同肠段表达水平存在差异。  相似文献   

Previous studies in avian species have reported time-dependent losses in muscle glycogen with prolonged feed withdrawal (FW). However, cervical dislocation was used to collect tissues, a method that results in significant involuntary muscle convulsions. In this study, cervical dislocation alone was found to reduce muscle glycogen by 23%, therefore, barbiturate overdose was used to collect tissue samples before and after FW, at the end of refeeding, and from continuously fed controls at each interval. Additionally, plasma samples from 6-wk-old male chickens were taken at the initiation and end of a 24-hr feed withdrawal, and at various times during refeeding. After 24 hr of FW, liver glycogen decreased markedly (77%; P < 0.05), whereas muscle glycogen decreased slightly and transiently, such that it returned to and remained at control levels, even after prolonged (72 hr) FW. Plasma glucose was decreased, whereas glucagon was elevated after a 24-hr feed withdrawal (P < 0.05), when compared with control concentrations. Muscle glycogen levels were not significantly increased over control levels after refeeding, but liver glycogen was increased by 380% (P < 0.05). Feed deprivation followed by refeeding resulted in increased circulating insulin and glucose levels when compared with control levels. Therefore, by using methods of tissue collection that ensure that muscle glycogen determinations are not confounded by artifactual degradation, these results verify that regulation of avian muscle glycogen stores is similar to that in mammals.  相似文献   

Experimental studies on the bioremediation of groundwater contaminated with low concentration trichloroethylene (TCE) and cis1,2-dichloroethylene (DCE) were performed with two sets of bioreactors. Reactors No. 1 and No. 2 were operated without and with methane supplement, respectively. No inoculum was used. The concentrations of TCE and DCE in the effluent and the off gas from reactor No. 2 were much lower than those from reactor No. 1. When air and an H2O2 solution were supplied to reactor No. 2, concentrations of TCE and DCE in the effluent and the off gas were lower than the lowest detectable limit. The population of methane-utilizing bacteria in reactor No. 2 was 1,000 times higher than that in groundwater or in the effluent from reactor No. 1. These methane-utilizing bacteria were apparently attributable to the treatment of TCE.  相似文献   

1,2-O-dilauryl-rac-glycero glutaric acid-(6′-methylresorufin) ester (DGGR) lipase activity has been proposed as a faster and less expensive test used in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis (AP) compared to canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI), which is considered the most sensitive and specific serum test available for dogs. Elevations in lipase activity have been observed in dogs with naturally occurring hypercortisolism (HC) and in those treated with exogenous steroids, which complicates the diagnosis of AP in dogs with HC. We compared lipase activity measured by DGGR and 1,2-diglyceride (1,2-DiG) assays in 22 dogs with HC, 22 with AP, and 22 healthy dogs. The dogs with HC had no clinical signs or ultrasonographic findings consistent with AP. DGGR lipase activity was elevated in 64% and 73% of the dogs with HC and AP, respectively, and in 18% of healthy dogs. 1,2-DiG lipase activity was high in 23% and 36% of the dogs with HC and AP, respectively, and in 5% of the healthy dogs. Both DGGR and 1,2-DiG lipase activities were significantly different between the healthy dogs and the other 2 groups, whereas no differences were detected between the dogs with HC and those with AP. Our results support a lack of specificity for both DGGR and 1,2-DiG lipase activity assays in aiding the diagnosis of AP in dogs with HC.  相似文献   

To investigate the metabolism of 1,2-propanediol (PPD) in lactating cows independently of normal rumen microbial metabolism, three ruminally cannulated lactating Holstein cows were subjected to three experimental infusion protocols under washed reticulo-ruminal conditions in a Latin square design. Reticulo-ruminal absorption rates were maintained for 420 min by continuous intraruminal infusion of VFA and PPD. With the control treatment, 1,246 +/- 39 mmol/ h of acetate and 213 +/- 5 mmol/h of butyrate were absorbed from the reticulorumen. With the propionate treatment, 1,148 +/- 39 mmo/h of acetate, 730 +/- 23 mmol/h of propionate and 196 +/- 5 mmol/h of butyrate were absorbed from the reticulorumen. With PPD treatment, 1,264 +/- 39 mmol/h of acetate, 220 +/- 5 mmol/h of butyrate and 721 +/- 17 mmol/h of PPD were absorbed from the reticulorumen. Glucose irreversible loss rate (ILR), as well as the relative enrichment of plasma lactate and alanine, were determined by primed continuous infusion of [U-13C]glucose in a jugular vein. Treatments did not affect (P > 0.10) the plasma concentrations of glucose (4.2 +/- 0.1 mmoVL), alanine (0.14 +/- 0.01 mmol/L), or insulin (80 +/- 25 pmol/L). The plasma concentration of lactate was higher (P < 0.05) with both propionate (0.84 +/- 5 mmol/L) and PPD treatment (0.81 +/- 5 mmol/ L) compared with the control treatment (0.29 +/- 0.5 mmol/L). The plasma concentration of pyruvate was higher (P < 0.05) with the propionate treatment (0.09 +/- 0.01 mmol/L) compared with the control treatment (0.03 +/- 0.01 mmol/L). The plasma concentration of 3-hydroxybutyrate was lower (P < 0.05) with the propionate treatment (0.15 +/- 0.03 mmol/L) compared with the control treatment (0.40 +/- 0.03). With the PPD treatment, the plasma concentrations of pyruvate and 3-hydroxybutyrate were in between the other treatments and tended (P < 0.10) to be different from both. The plasma concentration of PPD increased throughout the infusion period with the PPD treatment and reached a concentration of 4.9 +/- 0.6 mmol/L at 420 min. The ILR of glucose was not affected (P > 0.10) by treatments (441 +/- 35 mmol/h). The relative 13C enrichment of plasma lactate compared with that of glucose decreased (P < 0.05) with the PPD treatment compared with the control treatment (44 to 21 +/- 3%). It was concluded that PPD has a low rate of metabolism in cows without a normal functioning rumen, although about 10% of the absorbed PPD was metabolized into lactate.  相似文献   

0,0-dimethyl-0-1,2-dibromo-2,2-dichloroethyl phosphate has an anthelmintic efficacy of 100 per cent for T. vulpis when given orally at a level of 15 mg./kg. for 2 or 3 consecutive days and 98 or 100 per cent efficacy for U. stenocephala and A. caninum when given at the above-mentioned level for 2 or 3 consecutive days respectively. These figures are of statistical significance (P≤0.05). The anthelmintic has the advantage of having a broad spectrum, no toxicity at the recommended dose level, and rapid removal of worms.  相似文献   

采用聚合酶链式反应-单链构象多态性(PCR—SSCP)技术,用3对引物鉴定了黄淮山羊和波尔山羊促性腺激素释放激素受体(GnRHR)基因外显子2和外显子1部分序列的多态性,并对黄淮山羊Gn—RHR基因多态性与产羔数的关联性进行了分析。结果表明,引物P1、P3扩增片段在2种山羊中均只,检测到1种基因型,不存在多态性;而引物P2扩增片段,2种山羊类型均检测到AA、AB和BB基因型。黄淮山羊AA、AB和BB基因型频率分别为0.725、0.200和0.075;波尔山羊AA、AB和BB基因型频率分别为0.765、0.206和0.029。测序分析发现AA型基因与BB型基因相比在58bp处发生A—C碱基突变,该突变导致编码氨基酸由赖氨酸改变为谷氨酰胺。在黄淮山羊中,BB型比AA型个体平均产羔数多0.66只(P〈0.05)。因此,山羊GnRHR基因第1外显子具有多态性;GnRHR基因可能是控制黄淮山羊多胎性能的一个主效基因或是与之存在紧密连锁的一个遗传标记。  相似文献   

In a statistical study involving 18 adult dogs an enterically coated, tableted formulation of 0,0-dimethyl-0-1,2-dibromo-2,2-dichloroethyl phosphate was found to clear 86.5 per cent of the dogs of hookworm infections when given orally at a level of 15 mg./kg. for 2 consecutive days and 50 per cent when it was given at the same level once. The per-cent efficacy for hookworm removal was 70 and 78 per cent respectively. The dogs were infected with both A. caninum and U. stenocephala. Other concurrent helminth infections were also present.

No vomitions, symptoms, or lesions of drug toxicity were observed in the medicated dogs.


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