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To analyze the contribution of neuraminidase (NA) toward protection against avian influenza virus (AIV) infection, three different recombinant Newcastle disease viruses (NDVs) expressing hemagglutinin (HA) or NA, or both, of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) were generated. The lentogenic NDV Clone 30 was used as backbone for the insertion of HA of HPAIV strain A/chicken/Vietnam/P41/05 (H5N1) and NA of HPAIV strain A/duck/Vietnam/TG24-01/05 (H5N1). The HA was inserted between the genes encoding NDV phosphoprotein (P) and matrixprotein (M), and the NA was inserted between the fusion (F) and hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein (HN) genes, resulting in NDVH5VmPMN1FHN. Two additional recombinants were constructed carrying the HA gene between the NDV P and M genes (NDVH5VmPM) or the NA between F and HN (NDVN1FHN). All recombinants replicated well and stably expressed the HA gene, the NA gene, or both. Chickens immunized with NDVH5VmPMN1FHN or NDVH5VmPM were protected against two different HPAIV H5N1 and also against HPAIV H5N2. In contrast, immunization of chickens with NDVN1FHN induced NDV- and AIV N1-specific antibodies but did not protect the animals against a lethal dose of HPAIV H5N1. Furthermore, expression of AIV N1, in addition to AIV H5 by NDV, did not increase protection against HPAIV H5N1.  相似文献   

Low pathogenicity avian influenza virus (LPAIV) and lentogenic Newcastle disease virus (lNDV) are commonly reported causes of respiratory disease in poultry worldwide with similar clinical and pathobiological presentation. Co-infections do occur but are not easily detected, and the impact of co-infections on pathobiology is unknown. In this study chickens and turkeys were infected with a lNDV vaccine strain (LaSota) and a H7N2 LPAIV (A/turkey/VA/SEP-67/2002) simultaneously or sequentially three days apart. No clinical signs were observed in chickens co-infected with the lNDV and LPAIV or in chickens infected with the viruses individually. However, the pattern of virus shed was different with co-infected chickens, which excreted lower titers of lNDV and LPAIV at 2 and 3 days post inoculation (dpi) and higher titers at subsequent time points. All turkeys inoculated with the LPAIV, whether or not they were exposed to lNDV, presented mild clinical signs. Co-infection effects were more pronounced in turkeys than in chickens with reduction in the number of birds shedding virus and in virus titers, especially when LPAIV was followed by lNDV. In conclusion, co-infection of chickens or turkeys with lNDV and LPAIV affected the replication dynamics of these viruses but did not affect clinical signs. The effect on virus replication was different depending on the species and on the time of infection. These results suggest that infection with a heterologous virus may result in temporary competition for cell receptors or competent cells for replication, most likely interferon-mediated, which decreases with time.  相似文献   

In an intensive ostrich farming area in South Africa with a history of ostrich influenza outbreaks, we conducted a survey of avian influenza virus (AIV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in wild aquatic birds. During late autumn and winter 1998, the time of year when outbreaks in ostriches typically start to occur, 262 aquatic birds comprising 14 species were sampled and tested for both virus infections. From eight samples, AIV, serotype H10N9, could be isolated. All isolates were apathogenic as determined by the intravenous pathogenicity index (0.00). Conversely, none of 33 sera of these wild birds showed antibodies against H10. However, one bird was found serologically positive for H6 AIV. This AIV serotype was later isolated from ostriches during an avian influenza outbreak in this area. No NDV was isolated although 34 of 46 serum samples contained NDV-specific antibodies. This is the first H10N9 isolate to be reported from Africa. In addition, our data support the notion that wild aquatic birds may function as a reservoir for AIV and NDV in South Africa.  相似文献   

不同剂型的佐剂对疫苗的免疫效果有较大的影响,本试验旨在对比不同剂型佐剂的新城疫-禽流感(简称"新-流")二联灭活疫苗的免疫效果,从而为生产上选择最佳剂型佐剂应用于新城疫-禽流流感二联灭活疫苗提供依据。分别将油包水型、水包油型、水包油包水型佐剂与新城疫及禽流感灭活抗原乳化成不同剂型的新城疫-禽流感(H9亚型,HP株)二联灭活疫苗,将这三种不同剂型的新城疫-禽流感(H9亚型,HP株)二联灭活疫苗分别免疫一组7日龄SPF鸡。每羽颈部皮下注射0.2 m L,同时设一组未免7日龄SPF鸡作为对照组,各免疫组与对照组SPF鸡于免疫组免后6、10、15、21、28、35 d进行采血,检测新城疫与禽流感抗体水平。结果表明:免疫油包水型疫苗组SPF鸡免疫后新城疫与禽流感抗体上升最快,在免后10、15、21、28、35 d的新城疫与禽流感抗体也最高,其次是免疫水包油包水型的,而免疫水包油型疫苗组的SPF鸡新城疫与禽流感抗体上升最慢,而且在免后10、15、21、28、35 d的新城疫与禽流感抗体也最低。此外,从各免疫组可以看出,在免后6 d时新城疫抗体已开始产生,在1log2以下,而禽流感抗体仍未产生。可见免疫新-流二联苗后,新城疫抗体比禽流感抗体更早产生,油包水型新-流二联苗的免后抗体高于水包油包水及水包油型,而且能持续刺激机体产生高水平抗体,更具优势。  相似文献   

CAV与REV共感染SPF鸡对疫苗免疫反应的抑制作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用1日龄SPF鸡人工感染鸡贫血病毒(CAV)和禽网状内皮增生病病毒(REV),探讨病毒感染对鸡体疫苗免疫反应的影响。结果表明,在用禽流感病毒(AIV,H5和H9)疫苗免疫后,CAV与REV单独感染均显著抑制了鸡体对H5和H9亚型禽流感病毒灭活疫苗的HI抗体反应,在CAV与REV共感染后,这种抑制作用更为明显。CAV单独感染后鸡体对新城疫病毒(NDV)和传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)疫苗的免疫反应受到抑制,但与对照组在统计学上的差异不显著,然而,CAV可以显著加重REV感染对鸡体在NDV和IBDV疫苗免疫后抗体反应的抑制作用。从而证实CAV与REV共感染在疫苗免疫抑制上有协同作用。  相似文献   

H5亚型禽流感疫苗对特禽及水禽的免疫效果观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用H5N2亚型禽流感疫苗,分别免疫SPF鸡、乌鸡、珍珠鸡、贵妃鸡、火鸡、鸭及鹅,免疫后采血测定其HI抗体,观察我国现有的H5N2亚型禽流感疫苗对特禽及水禽的免疫效力.结果,免疫后3周,SPF鸡、乌鸡、珍珠鸡、贵妃鸡、火鸡、鸭及鹅的平均HI抗体滴度分别为2 7.2、2 7.6、2 4.3、2 4.83、2 4.6、2 6.2及2 5.3,乌鸡两次免疫,其中一次HI抗体为2 9.65.试验证明,SPF鸡、特禽及水禽用H5N2亚型禽流感疫苗免疫后,均能产生一定水平的HI抗体,但不同种类的家禽所产生的HI抗体滴度存在较大差异,以SPF鸡及乌鸡所产生的HI抗体滴度最高,而珍珠鸡、贵妃鸡及火鸡所产生的HI抗体滴度较低,水禽对H5N2亚型禽流感疫苗可产生一定水平的HI抗体.  相似文献   

Lu H  Castro AE 《Avian diseases》2004,48(2):263-270
The H7N2 subtype of avian influenza virus (AIV) field isolate (H7N2/chicken/PA/3779-2/97), which caused the 1997-98 AIV outbreak in Pennsylvania, was evaluated for its infectivity, length of infection, and immune response in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens. The composite findings of three clinical trials with various concentrations of virus indicated that this H7N2 subtype contained minimal pathogenicity for chickens. The concentration of the virus in the inoculum proved critical in the establishment of a productive infection in a chicken. Seven-day-old SPF chickens were not infected when inoculated with 10(0.7-2.0) mean embryo lethal dose (ELD50) of the H7N2 virus per bird. At this dose level, the immune response to this virus was not detected by the hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test. Nonetheless, chickens at ages of 5 and 23 wk old tested were successfully infected when exposed to 10(4.7-5.7) ELD50 of H7N2 infectious doses per bird by various routes of administration and also by direct contact. Infected birds started shedding virus as early as 2 days postinoculation, and the period of virus shedding occurred mostly within 1 or 2 wk postinoculation (WPI). This H7N2 subtype of AIV induced a measurable immune response in all birds within 2 wk after virus exposure. Antibody titers were associated with AIV infectious doses and age of exposure of birds. Challenge of these infected birds with the same H7N2 virus at 5 and 10 WPI indicated the infective virus was recoverable from cloacal swabs at 3 days postchallenge and disappeared thereafter. In these challenged birds, the antibody levels as measured by the HI test spiked within 1-2 wk.  相似文献   

白翅浮鸥是大庆龙凤湿地保护区的优势物种,为了解白翅浮鸥对H5亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)与新城疫病毒(NDV)的感染和被动免疫状况,本研究于2010年春季采集白翅浮鸥巢卵144枚,采用血凝抑制试验检测H5亚型AIV和NDV的卵黄抗体.结果表明,龙凤湿地白翅浮鸥种群卵黄抗体的阳性率分别为38.89%和36.11%,平均卵黄抗体滴度分别为3.76 (log2)和4.08 (log2).因此,白翅浮鸥繁殖个体H5亚型AIV和NDV感染率均较高,提示需要进一步加强对其种群的病毒携带情况进行监测研究.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 191 ostriches (Struthio camelus) in Japan were tested for antibodies to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV). Twenty-two (12%) contained NDV-specific neutralizing antibodies by a virus-neutralization (VN) test without vaccination. Antibodies to AIV were not detected in the any sera by an agar gel precipitation test. Seven serum samples that had vaccinated with live NDV by eye drop were all positive by the VN test at 1 month post vaccination. A haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test for NDV seemed not to be suitable for ostriches because of non-specific agglutination of chicken red blood cells. No haemagglutinating viruses were isolated. This is the first report on detection of antibodies against NDV in ostriches in Japan.  相似文献   

使用鸡新城疫-禽流感(H9N2 HP株)二联灭活疫苗分别免疫3、7、14日龄三组商品肉鸡各40羽,同时设一组空白对照组。各免疫组及对照组于3、7、14、21、28、35、42日龄采血检测新城疫、禽流感抗体,于21、28、35日龄进行禽流感病毒攻毒,对比不同日龄免疫组的抗体消涨情况及不同日龄禽流感攻毒结果。发现对照组随鸡日龄增加,新城疫与禽流感抗体逐渐下降,在42日龄时下降至0,而不同免疫组新城疫与禽流感抗体均先下降,21日龄左右开始上升,至35日龄新城疫与禽流感抗体升至6log2以上。3日龄免疫组的禽流感免疫保护效果最好,21、28、35日龄时禽流感强毒攻毒保护率均达100%;7日龄免疫组在21、35日龄时禽流感强毒攻毒保护率均达100%,28日龄时禽流感强毒攻毒保护率达70%;14日龄免疫组在28、35日龄时禽流感强毒攻毒保护率均达100%,21日龄时禽流感强毒攻毒保护率只达30%。试验表明,商品肉鸡选择3日龄免疫鸡新城疫-禽流感(H9N2 HP株)二联灭活疫苗时禽流感免疫保护效果最好,采用3日龄免疫程序可以提高新城疫与禽流感的免疫保护效果,减少养殖业的经济损失。  相似文献   

Detecting avian influenza virus (AIV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) at low concentrations from tracheal and cloacal swabs of avian influenza- and Newcastle disease-infected poultry was carried out using a highly sensitive immunological-polymerase chain reaction (immuno-PCR) method. Magnetic gold particles were pre-coated with a capture antibody, either a monoclonal anti-AIV/H5 or monoclonal anti-NDV/F and viruses serially diluted ten-fold from 10(2) to 10(-5)EID(50)/ml. A biotinylated detection antibody bound to the viral antigen was then linked via a streptavidin bridge to biotinylated reporter DNA. After extensive washing, reporter DNA was released by denaturation, transferred to PCR tubes, amplified, electrophoresed and visualized. An optimized immuno-PCR method was able to detect as little as 10(-4)EID(50)/ml AIV and NDV. To further evaluate the specificity and the clinical application of this IPCR assay for AIV H5N1 and NDV, the tracheal swab specimens, taken from chickens which were infected with H5N1/AIV, H9N2/AIV, H7N2/AIV, NDV, IBDV, IBV/H(120), were detected by IPCR. Our data demonstrated that this monoclonal antibody-based immuno-PCR method provides a platform capable of rapid screening of clinical samples for trace levels of AIV H5 and NDV in one step.  相似文献   

将未浓缩的新城疫抗原分别与未浓缩的、浓缩3倍、浓缩6倍的禽流感抗原混合,并制备成三组鸡新城疫、禽流感(H9N2 HP株)二联灭活疫苗(简称新-流二联灭活疫苗),分别免疫21日龄SPF鸡,每羽0.3 mL,同时设置未免疫的空白对照组,免疫组与对照组均在免疫前及免疫后7、14、21、28、35 d进行采血,检测新城疫和禽流感抗体。结果发现,各免疫组在免后不同日龄的新城疫抗体基本一致,禽流感病毒抗原浓缩倍数越高(即禽流感病毒含量越高)的新-流二联灭活疫苗,免后14、21 d的抗体也越高;从免后21 d开始,各免疫组的禽流感抗体水平差异逐渐减小,免疫后禽流感抗体水平的高低可以反映该疫苗的免疫效果。试验结果表明,该疫苗可以通过浓缩提高抗原病毒含量的方法来提高免后早期抗体水平,取得良好的早期免疫效果。  相似文献   

为了监测鸡新城疫、传染性支气管炎、禽流感(H9亚型)三联灭活疫苗(LaSota株+M41株+SS/94株)对H9亚型禽流感病毒流行毒株的免疫保护效果,采用H9亚型禽流感病毒SS/94株及2009—2010年现地分离的3株H9亚型禽流感病毒对已免疫上述三联灭活苗的SPF鸡进行攻毒试验。结果显示,试验鸡以0.3 mL/只的剂量免疫三联灭活苗后21 d,其H9亚型禽流感病毒的HI抗体效价可达8~11log2,此抗体水平可抵抗2×106EID50的H9亚型禽流感病毒SS/94株、BLCN09株、WDZ09株、YT10株的攻击,攻毒保护率均达90%(9/10)以上。可见,以SS/94株作为禽流感疫苗抗原制备的三联灭活苗具有良好的免疫原性,能使免疫鸡抵抗2009—2010年期间现地分离的多株H9亚型禽流感病毒的攻击。  相似文献   

H9亚型禽流感病毒血凝素特异性单因子血清制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为制备特异性的H9亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)单因子血清,本研究分别将6株不同亚群的H9亚型AIV的血凝素(HA)基因以鸡偏嗜的密码子进行优化,经全基因合成插入高效真核表达载体pCAGGS中,构建的真核重组质粒转染293T细胞进行瞬时表达,间接免疫荧光试验结果表明,重组质粒中的HA目的基因获得表达.将重组质粒以200μg/只的剂量免疫1月龄SPF鸡,6周后采血分离血清.交叉微量血凝抑制试验结果表明,血凝抑制效价可达8 long2~12 log2,灵敏度高,与其他AIV亚型抗原无交叉反应,型特异性强.  相似文献   

为建立快速检测禽类黏膜组织中SIgA含量的方法,本研究原核重组表达鸡SIgA重链片段蛋白,纯化后免疫BALB/c鼠.以鸡胆汁中分离纯化的SIgA作为检测抗原,常规单克隆技术筛选出1株能够稳定分泌抗鸡SIgA单克隆抗体(MAb)的IgG2a、κ型MAb.经ELISA和western blot分析,所获得的1株MAb亲和力高、特异性强;采用生物素标记纯化MAb腹水IgG为检测二抗,以禽流感-新城疫重组二联活载体疫苗免疫SPF鸡为模型,初步建立了新城疫病毒和H5亚型禽流感病毒特异的黏膜SIgA间接ELISA检测方法.本研究为开展特异性家禽黏膜免疫机制的研究提供了重要技术手段.  相似文献   

Cui Z  Sun S  Wang J 《Avian diseases》2006,50(2):191-195
In this study, a Chinese field strain of subgroup J avian leukosis virus (ALV-J), NX0101, was studied for its immunosuppressive effects in both commercial broilers and SPF white Leghorn chickens infected at 1 day of age. Our data demonstrated that NX0101 induced much more significant body and immune organ weight loss in the infected commercial broiler chickens in an earlier age than that in the SPF white Leghorn chickens. At the same time antibody responses to vaccinations of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and infectious bursa disease virus (IBDV) in the NX0101-infected chickens were also evaluated and compared between the commercial broiler chickens and the SPF white Leghorn chickens. Compared with the control group of chickens, the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody response to NDV vaccines was significantly reduced in the NX0101-infected commercial broiler chickens from as early as 20 days after vaccination. However, no significant difference in HI antibody response was seen when HI titers reached their peaks in the NX0101-inoculated and control SPF white Leghorn chickens, except it declined significantly faster in infected birds. Neither of these two types of chickens showed significant decrease of antibody response to IBDV vaccination. Herein, we conclude that this NX0101 strain of ALV-J could selectively suppress humoral immune reactions to NDV, especially in broilers. But challenge experiments were not conducted and, therefore, it cannot be known if decreased antibody levels correlated with decreased protection against NDV in this case.  相似文献   

鸡新城疫、传染性支气管炎、禽流感(H9亚型)三联灭活苗(La Sota株+M41株+Re-9株)(三联苗(Re-9株))为国内首个采用基因重组H9亚型禽流感疫苗株研制的新支流三联灭活疫苗。为研究疫苗上市后的实际应用效果,使用7日龄AA肉鸡和260日龄产蛋期蛋鸡评价三联苗(Re-9株)有效性。结果显示:肉鸡免疫后14 d即可激发抗体,免疫后21 d,新城疫病毒(NDV)、传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)、H9亚型禽流感病毒(H9 AIV)的血凝抑制(HI)抗体分别达8.6log2、6.2log2、8.3log2,出栏时仍维持在较高水平;于免疫后14 d抽样进行NDV、H9 AIV攻毒,对照组均100%发病或排毒,免疫鸡均可获得100%保护;在蛋鸡上,免疫三联苗(Re-9株)后28 d,NDV、IBV、H9 AIV的HI抗体效价分别达12.0log2、7.8log2、12.2log2,免疫后6个月仍可以维持在较高水平。结果表明:三联苗(Re-9株)在实际应用中免疫效果较好,本研究将为鸡新城疫、传染性支气管炎、H9亚型禽流感的防控提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

从西藏地区病死鸡体内分离鉴定到1株H5N2亚型禽流感病毒,基因组序列测定与分析显示,此H5N2毒株可能是由H5NI和H9N22种亚型的病毒重配形成,其PB2、HA、NS片段与高致病性H5NI亚型高度同源,PBI、PA、NP、NA、M均与低致病性H9N2亚型亲缘关系相近。尽管HA蛋白切割位点有多个碱性氨基酸序列,但静脉接种指数只有0.59,表现为低致病力。  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms of chickens infected with viscerotropic velogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) or virulent avian influenza virus (AIV) were characterized and compared. The ECG were monitored by radiotelemetry and were recorded twice daily before virus infection and during the course of the infection. Thirteen lead II intervals, segments, and amplitudes were measured and analyzed. The ECG of NDV-infected chickens were characterized by lengthened (P less than or equal to 0.05) ST segments and increased (P less than or equal to 0.05) P amplitudes. The ECG of AIV-infected chickens were characterized by lengthened (P less than or equal to 0.05) RS intervals, ST segments, TP intervals, and PR segments and by increased (P less than or equal to 0.05) P amplitudes. The TP intervals and PR segments of ECG of AIV-infected chickens were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) longer than those of NDV-infected chickens. The pronounced conduction delays indicated in the ECG of AIV-infected chickens may have diagnostic importance.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease (ND) and avian influenza (AI) are two of the most important zoonotic viral diseases of birds throughout the world. These two viruses often have a great impact upon the poultry industry. Both viruses are associated with transmission from wild to domestic birds, and often display similar signs that need to be differentiated. A rapid surveillance among wild and domestic birds is important for early disease detection and intervention, and is the basis for what measures should be taken. The surveillance, thus, should be able to differentiate the diseases and provide a detailed analysis of the virus strains. Here, we described a fast, simultaneous and inexpensive approach to the detection of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV) using oligonucleotide microarrays. The NDV pathotypes and the AIV haemagglutinin subtypes H5 and H7 were determined at the same time. Different probes on a microarray targeting the same gene were implemented in order to encompass the diversified virus strains or provide multiple confirmations of the genotype. This ensures good sensitivity and specificity among divergent viruses. Twenty-four virus isolates and twenty-four various combinations of the viruses were tested in this study. All viruses were successfully detected and typed. The hybridization results on microarrays were clearly identified with the naked eyes, with no further imaging equipment needed. The results demonstrate that the detection and typing of multiple viruses can be performed simultaneously and easily using oligonucleotide microarrays. The proposed method may provide potential for rapid surveillance and differential diagnosis of these two important zoonoses in both wild and domestic birds.  相似文献   

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