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猪瘟乳前免疫及其抗体检测   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本试验对新生仔猪哺乳前初次进行猪瘟疫苗免疫,至70日龄时进行第二次免疫,免疫持续至70日龄和150日龄时两次应用Dot-ELISA方法进行检测,结果表明,阳性率分别为92.3%和91.25%,说明此免疫方法是一种较好的预防猪瘟的免疫程序。  相似文献   

应用Dot-ELISA对不同日龄仔猪的猪瘟母源抗体进行检测,结果表明,仔猪在15、25、35和45日龄母源抗体阳性率分别为98.15%、78.50%、70.41%和22.22%。根据母源抗体检测结果,对各日龄仔猪免疫不同头剂猪瘟疫苗,免疫持续至150和210日龄时,对其免疫抗体进行检测,结果显示,仔猪在45日龄接种猪瘟疫苗4头剂;35和25日龄接种疫苗4或6头剂;新生仔猪乳前注苗2头剂,70日龄注苗4头剂,其阳性率均达90%以上,都能得到较好的免疫效果  相似文献   

仔猪猪瘟免疫程序的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用Dot-ELISA对不同日龄仔猪的猪曾母源抗体进行检测,结果表明,仔猪在15,25,35和45日龄母源抗体阳性率分别为98.15%,78.50%,70.41%和22.22%,根据母源抗体检测结果,对各日龄仔猪免疫不同头剂猪瘟疫苗,免疫持续至150和210日龄时,对其免疫抗体进行检测,结果显示:仔猪在45日龄接种猪瘟疫苗4头剂,35和25日龄接种疫苗4或6头剂,新生仔猪乳前注苗2头剂,70日龄注  相似文献   

近几年,猪的传染病种类日益增加,病原变异,型别增多,继发感染、混合感染及亚临床型感染病例增多,免疫失败屡有发生,防治难度越来越大。因此,笔者现就猪病的免疫程序提出如下建议,仅供参考。1 猪瘟 种公猪,每年春、秋(或每半年)用猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗接种1次。种母猪,于配种前25天免疫接种1次;或春、秋(每半年)各免疫接种1次。 仔猪,20~25日龄、60~70日龄各免疫接种1次,或仔猪出生后未吃初乳前立即用猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗免疫接种1次,接种后2小时哺乳,70日龄进行第二次免疫或30日龄进行第二次免疫,70…  相似文献   

1994年冬和1995年春分别在D场和C场,发生了20日龄左右的仔猪猪瘟。介绍于下。1 发生经过1.1 D场和C场分别为300头和500头规模的生产母猪场。发病前采用我局推荐的猪瘟免疫程序进行免疫。C场母猪每年春秋两季用猪瘟、丹毒、肺疫三联苗1ml肌肉注射进行免疫;仔猪20日龄首免,猪瘟疫苗1ml肌肉注射,第2次免疫在断奶后60日龄左右,用三联苗1ml肌肉注射。1.2 发病时间在20日龄左右,即仔猪在未免疫前或刚免疫时。1.3 各幢分娩猪舍均有发病,但发病窝数差异颇大,少者仅几窝,多者达80%。…  相似文献   

农六师垦区规模场和散养户猪瘟母源抗体消长试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为制定科学的仔猪猪瘟免疫程序,以规模化养猪场和散养户中经猪瘟疫苗免疫后母猪所产仔猪为研究对象,利用正向问接血凝试验对其猪瘟母源抗体消长情况进行检测。结果表明:仔猪通过母乳获得被动免疫保护,在7日龄母源抗体达到高峰;规模场仔猪7-28日龄保护率在70%以上,35日龄保护率下降到63.2%,42日龄时仍然有7头仔猪有保护力;散养户仔猪7~21日龄保护率在70%以上,到28日龄下降至60%,42日龄时基本无保护。因此,规模化猪场仔猪猪瘟疫苗的最佳首免时间为28~35日龄,散养户仔猪的最佳首免时间为2l~25日龄。  相似文献   

为了控制和消灭猪瘟病的发生,保证养猪业的健康发展,根据省里提出开展猪瘟一次免疫的要求和我们地区养猪的生长期大约为一年的具体情况,开展猪瘟一次免疫技术很实用,也很实际。实践证明,此项免疫程序可节省时间、人力、用工,同时也节省疫苗用量,能有效地控制猪瘟病的发生,减少损失,值得推广。现将吉林省挑南市的做法介绍如下:一、疫苗及其使用1.疫苗来源:由吉林省生物制品厂生产并提供的猪瘟活疫苗(20~50头份)。该疫苗对65日龄以上的猪免疫期为12个月。2.免疫程序:在每年3月初对65~70日龄断乳仔猪全面进行…  相似文献   

猪瘟免疫程序的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用HRP—SPA—ELISA方法,在同一猪场相同的饲养条件下,对5种常用猪瘟免疫程序免疫后不同时间的猪瘟免疫抗体水平进行了研究.结果表明:超前免疫,1月龄1次免疫,2月龄1次免疫和1月龄、2月龄2次免疫猪均有良好的免疫应答,90日龄检测80倍稀释血清的ELISA OD值均在0.30以上(0.31~0.48),120~240日龄血清ELISA抗体一直保持在较高水乎(OD值0.42~0.66);而超前、2月龄2次免疫猪的免疫应答明显低于前4种免疫程序,120日龄时的ELISA OD值仅为0.25,此后上升也较缓慢,至240日龄时才达0.43.根据本研究结果,综合过去的报道,建议在“猪瘟控制地区”采用1月龄1次免疫或2月龄1次免疫,在“猪瘟未控制地区”采用1月龄1次免疫或超前免疫.  相似文献   

为调查规模猪场猪瘟的免疫效果,选取北京市3个规模猪场,每场随机抽取10头仔猪分别在25、60日龄和90日龄采血分离血清,检测猪瘟抗体.A、B、C3个猪场的母源抗体阳性率分别为100%,50%,0%;2次免疫后抗体阳性率分别为10%,90%,90%.由于猪场A猪瘟免疫失败,对其免疫程序进行了优化,将首免时间推迟至50日龄.优化免疫程序后2次免疫后抗体阳性率达到70%.结果表明,母源抗体阳性率直接影响猪瘟疫苗对仔猪的免疫效果,仔猪母源抗体降至50%左右进行猪瘟免疫可取得比较理想的结果.本研究为规模猪场结合仔猪母源抗体水平制定合理猪瘟免疫方案提供了较好的参考.  相似文献   

吴海超  覃旺  赵攀  杨帆 《猪业科学》2019,36(2):94-95
为了找到适合本场合理的商品猪猪瘟疫苗免疫程序,通过测定21日龄保育猪猪瘟母源抗体水平,再根据保育猪猪瘟母源抗体水平高低进行分组。低抗体水平组(试验组)在35日龄进行首次免疫加56日龄第二次免疫,并在二免之后21 d(77日龄)再补免一针;高抗体水平组(对照组)则在42日龄首次免疫加63日龄第二次免疫。通过ELISA方法对一免后15 d,二免后15 d、30 d、45 d、60 d及150日龄试验猪群进行猪瘟特异性抗体监测。结果显示,试验组和对照组猪瘟疫苗二免之后抗体水平均较好,但是试验组的猪瘟抗体相对比对照组好。由此得出,猪瘟整体抗体水平较低的场可将商品猪猪瘟首免时间提前,抗体水平较高的场可将猪瘟首免时间推后,即21日龄仔猪猪瘟母源抗体平均阻断率低于32%的仔猪群可将首免时间提前至21日龄至35日龄,进行3针免疫,猪瘟免疫效果更好。21日龄仔猪猪瘟母源抗体平均阻断率在44%以上,可将首免时间推迟至42日龄,免疫两针,到出栏前150日龄猪瘟阳性率能达到68%。  相似文献   

The purpose was to analyse the economic consequences of postponed first insemination of cows in dairy herds with different reproduction management, and to analyse the sensitivity of the results to a further decrease in beef prices, using a model simulating production and health in a dairy cattle herd. Three different period-to-first-insemination scenarios were analysed. Period to first insemination was defined as days post partum for initiating insemination at observed heat. The three scenarios consisted of a short period to first insemination (70 days for primiparous and 35 days for older cows), a 70 days postponed first insemination of primiparous cows and a scenario with 70 days postponed first insemination for all cows. At a 70 days postponed first insemination for primiparous cows a decrease in annual herd profit of 1% were found. A 70 days postponed first insemination for all cows led to a decrease in annual herd profit by 3% at good reproductive efficiency and 4% at poor reproductive efficiency. The herd profit was calculated as the profit to cover labour costs and fixed costs. Postponed inseminations might reduce labour per cow-year. The reduction in labour per cow-year need to be 3.2 h at good reproductive efficiency and 4.3 h at poor reproductive efficiency to counterbalance the reduction in herd profit by postponing first insemination for all cows by 70 days. In a situation with a 50% decrease in beef prices in a herd constrained by a milk quota (optimising profit per kg milk) herd profit was increased by 0.8% at good reproductive efficiency and 0.3% at poor reproductive efficiency by postponing first insemination for all cows by 70 days.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty‐six suckled crossbred cows (Bos taurus × Bos indicus), with body condition score ≥3 (1–5 point scale), were employed in the present study to evaluate the effectiveness of intravaginal progestin‐releasing sponges (IVS) for shortening anoestrous interval. Fifty‐four cows were assigned to control group. Seventy‐two cows were treated with IVS impregnated with 250 mg of medroxy‐acetate‐progesterone (MAP) as follows: day 0, IVS plus 5 mg of 17β‐E and 50 mg of MAP i.m.; day 6, 500 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin and 25 mg prostaglandin F i.m.; day 8, IVS withdrawal and day 9, 1 mg 17β‐E i.m. Cows were also grouped according to postpartum days (dpp) at treatment: MAP <70 days (n = 25); control <70 days (n = 22); MAP >70 days (n = 47); control >70 days (n = 32). From IVS removal, cows were detected in oestrus and inseminated. Cows not detected in oestrus were timed artificial insemination 72 h after sponge removal. Treatment effect on oestrous rate (ER), conception rate (CR), pregnancy rate (PR) and treatment to conception intervals (TCI) and calving to conception intervals (CCI) were evaluated. The ER, CR and PR were analysed using proc logistic , while TCI and CCI with proc glm of SAS. The groups MAP <70 days and MAP >70 days showed higher (p < 0.01) ER than control <70 days and control >70 days (84.0% and 76.6% vs 31.8% and 31.3% respectively). The PR was higher (p < 0.01) in MAP <70 days vs control <70 days (64.0% vs 22.7%) and also higher (p < 0.05) in MAP >70 days vs control <70 days (40.4% vs 18.8%). The TCI and CCI were shorter (p < 0.01) in MAP <70 days vs control <70 days (36.0 and 95.8 days; 95.3 and 158.6 days respectively). In conclusion, only cows treated with IVS before 70 dpp had a CCI shorter than 100 days, consequently this treatment shortened postpartum anoestrous interval in crossbred dual purpose cattle.  相似文献   

Six hundred fourteen meat turkeys were submitted for necropsy from 24 California ranches as part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS). Enteritis was the most frequent pathologic diagnosis in birds 18 days old or younger and the second most frequent diagnosis in birds 19-70 days old. Hemorrhagic enteritis was the most frequent diagnosis in birds aged 19-70 days. Tibial dyschondroplasia, bronchopneumonia, and ascaridiasis were ranked one through three in frequency of diagnoses in birds over 70 days of age. Salmonella was isolated from 71% of flocks tested, and Mycoplasma meleagridis was isolated from 33% of tested flocks over 70 days of age. Antibodies to several disease agents were detected, including hemorrhagic enteritis (100% of flocks over 70 days old) and Newcastle disease (63% of flocks over 70 days old).  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮中添加不同比例全株青贮玉米对仔鹅生长性能、屠宰性能、肉品质及血清生化指标的影响,为全株青贮玉米在肉鹅养殖上的应用提供依据。试验选取健康、平均体重为982~985 g的28日龄三花鹅280只,随机分为4组,每组7个重复,每个重复10只仔鹅。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验组分别饲喂添加8%、16%、24%全株青贮玉米的试验饲粮,试验期为42 d。记录28、42、56、70日龄时鹅的体重(BW)和耗料量,计算平均日增重(ADG)、平均日采食量(ADFI)及料重比(F/G); 70日龄时,每个重复选择2只接近平均体重的仔鹅屠宰,测定屠宰性能、肉品质和血清生化指标。结果表明:与对照组相比,在28~42日龄时,16%试验组的仔鹅ADG和ADFI显著升高(P<0.05);在42~56日龄时,8%试验组的仔鹅ADFI显著升高(P<0.05);在56~70日龄时,试验组的仔鹅ADG、ADFI和F/G均无显著差异(P>0.05);28~70日龄的ADG和添加水平呈二次曲线关系(P<0.05),达最高ADG水平的添加量为9.01%。与对照组相比,70日龄时,24%试验组的仔鹅体重显著降低(P<0.05);各试验组的全净膛率和屠宰率显著降低(P<0.05);屠宰率和添加水平呈二次曲线关系(P<0.05),达最低屠宰率的添加水平为14.93%;各试验组仔鹅的肉品质无显著差异(P>0.05)。与对照组相比,8%试验组的仔鹅的血清甘油三酯含量显著降低(P<0.05)。综上所述,在本试验条件下,适量添加全株青贮玉米可提高仔鹅的生长性能,降低血清中的甘油三酯含量,对肉品质无显著影响,对屠宰性能有一定的负面影响,根据饲粮中添加全株青贮玉米的水平对ADG的最高限量和对屠宰性能的最低限量,建议在饲粮中的添加水平为9.01%~14.93%。  相似文献   

The morphological maturation of the acinar cells of the guinea pig pancreas during post-natal development was characterized morphometrically by determining the intracytoplasmic accumulation of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and zymogen granules. The following results were obtained for the period analysed, i.e., from 2 to 70 days of post-natal life: (a) the acinar cell volume increased by 210% (P < 0.01); (b) the mostly cisternal RER occupied more than 30% of the cytoplasm at any age studied and their total volume and surface in the cell were increased by 300 and 534% (P < 0.01), respectively; (c) maturation in the morphological pattern of the RER was observed; (d) the mean number of zymogen granules per cell increased from 261 at 2 days to 422 at 70 days (P < 0.01), while their mean diameter increased from 0.52 to 0.94 micron (P < 0.01) during the same period; (e) these increases in granule number and size were responsible for a 500% (P < 0.01) increase in total volume from 2 to 70 days and for a 304% increase (P < 0.01) in total surface from 2 to 35 days; (f) the RER and the zymogen granules together occupied 44, 54, 55 and 57% of the cytoplasm at 2, 14, 35 and 70 days of age, respectively. We conclude that although the pancreatic acinar cells of the guinea pig are morphologically well differentiated at 2 days of age, with the cytoplasm already showing a large amount of RER and zymogen granules, they are still immature. Morphological maturation of the acinar cell occurs during the first months of post-natal life and is characterized by a substantial gain in cell volume and intracytoplasmic accumulation of RER and zymogen granules, which significantly increase of both their absolute volume and total surface, with a higher growth rate being observed during the period from 2 to 14 days of post-natal life.  相似文献   

The effects of different treatments for oestrus synchronisation on the incidence of oestrus and fertility levels in dairy cows were studied in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, 200 lactating cows were allotted to 5 groups and the treatments imposed were either; 1: Untreated controls, 2: An injection of 0.5 mg of cloprostenol followed 13 days later by a progesterone releasing intravaginal device (PRID) inserted for 12 days, 3: A PRID, with a capsule containing 10 mg of oestradiol benzoate (ODB) attached, inserted for 12 days, 4: A PRID inserted for 12 days with 0.5 mg of cloprostenol administered 24 h before PRID removal or, 5: As for 4 but 14 days after fixed-time insemination a second PRID was inserted for 12 days. Treated cows were inseminated 56 h after PRID removal and at an observed oestrus during the subsequent 30 days. The control group was inseminated at an observed oestrus during this 30-day period. For treatments 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively, the percentage of cows showing oestrus by 60 h after PRID removal was 70, 40, 67 and 43 and conception rates to the fixed time insemination were 34, 33, 49 and 29%. Calving rates of cows inseminated at an observed oestrus during a 30-day period were 70, 75, 70, 83 and 82% for treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. In Experiment 2, 60 lactating cows were divided into 2 groups and the treatments imposed were either 1: An injection of 0.5 mg of cloprostenol followed 13 days later by a PRID inserted for 12 days or 2: As for 1 but 14 days after fixed-time insemination a second PRID was inserted for 12 days. Treated cows were inseminated 56 h after PRID removal and at an observed oestrus over a period from the first insemination to 6 days after removal of the second PRID. For treatments 1 and 2, respectively, 73 and 71% of cows showed oestrus by 60 h after removal of the first PRID and 40% and 46% conceived to the fixed time insemination. The conception rates to inseminations over the treatment period were 73 and 70% for treatments 1 and 2, respectively. None of the treatments resulted in conception rates which were lower than those of control cows provided that treated cows were reinseminated at observed oestrus. Treatment 4 provided the most practicable technique for oestrus synchronisation.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究苜蓿草颗粒饲料对鹅屠宰性能、器官和血液生化指标的影响。选用21日龄、体重相近(出壳时间和体重基本一致)、健康的扬州鹅300只,将其随机分为5组,分别为对照组、试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组、试验Ⅲ组和试验Ⅳ组,每组3个重复,每个重复20只,整个饲养试验期7周。前3周添加的苜蓿草粉依次为:0,8%,12%,16%和20%,而后4周添加的苜蓿草粉依次为:0,12%,16%,20%和24%。结果表明,1)42和70日龄,试验Ⅲ组鹅的宰前活重、半净膛重、全净膛重、腿肌重、胸肌重和胫骨重均显著高于对照组(P0.05);2)42和70日龄,试验Ⅱ组鹅胸腺重量和试验Ⅲ组肝脏重量显著高于对照组(P0.05);3)42日龄,试验Ⅰ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ组鹅血清的TG、TC和LDL含量显著低于对照组(P0.05),而HDL则显著高于对照组(P0.05);70日龄,试验Ⅰ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ组鹅血清的TC和HDL含量显著高于对照组(P0.05),而各组TG含量差异不显著。综上所述,苜蓿草粉颗粒饲料能够提高扬州鹅屠宰性能,促进器官发育和改善血液生化指标。从本试验结果来看,21~42日龄和43~70日龄,苜蓿草粉最佳添加水平分别为16%和20%。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the longest survival time of Echinococcus granulosus protoscolices stored at different humidities and constant temperatures from -10 to +40 degrees C. Sheep livers containing hydatid cysts obtained from slaughterhouses were taken to the laboratory within 3h and transferred into incubation cabinet previously set at -10, 0, +10, +20, +30 and +40 degrees C with different relative humidity (RH). Viability of protoscolices was assessed by 0.1% eosin staining. The longest survival times were 3 days at -10 degrees C (50% RH), 36 days at 0 degrees C (60% RH), 28 days at 10 degrees C (65% RH), 12 days at 20 degrees C (70% RH), 4 days at 30 degrees C (75% RH) and 3 days at 40 degrees C (80% RH).  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficacy of an ivermectin controlled-release capsule (CRC), which delivers 1.6 mg ivermectin per day intraruminally for 100 days to sheep weighing 40-80 kg (IVOMEC Maximizer CR Capsule for adult sheep, Merial), against small lungworms two studies with 48 naturally infected adult female Merino Landrace sheep were conducted. The sheep were allocated by restricted randomization based on bodyweight to untreated controls or received an ivermectin CRC. Eight sheep per group were necropsied 35, 70 or 105 days post-treatment. Lungworms were recovered by dissection or peptic digestion of the lungs. Baermann/Wetzel technique was used for faecal lungworm larval counts at weekly intervals. The efficacy of treatment was 100% against Dictyocaulus filaria and Protostrongylus rufescens (P < 0.05) at each necropsy day. The efficacy against Protostrongylus brevispiculum, Cystocaulus ocreatus and Neostrongylus linearis increased from 35 to 105 days after administration of the CRC and was found to be 100% (P < 0.01), 96.6% (P < 0.01) or 99% (P < 0.01), respectively, at 105 days post-treatment. The reductions of Muellerius capillaris counts varied and were 96.2% (P < 0.05) at 70 days post-treatment and 44.6% (P > 0.1) at 105 days post-treatment. Faecal lungworm larvae disappeared nearly completely from at least 3 weeks after the ivermectin CRC administration for all protostrongylid species including M. capillaris so that pasture infectivity will be subsequently significantly reduced.  相似文献   

白羽番鸭RF系主要经济性状的遗传分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
采用混合家系方差组分剖分法对白羽番鸭RF系的主要经济性状遗传参数进行了估计。结果初生重、 42日龄体重、 0~ 70日龄体重、 70日龄日增重、开产体重、 0~ 70日龄料重比、开产日龄、 30 0日龄产蛋量、 30 0日龄蛋重和 50 0日龄产蛋量的遗传力分别为 0 54、 0 48、 0 56、 0 37、0 2 9、 0 34、 0 55、 0 2 5、 0 55和 0 2 1。同时 ,对各性状的遗传相关和表型相关进行了估计和分析。  相似文献   

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