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试验对内蒙古包头市部分地区出现较多流产、早产、死胎、胎盘滞留等疑似布鲁菌病患牛的奶牛养殖小区、个体养殖户的608头奶牛用虎红平板凝集试验、试管凝集试验进行了布鲁菌病血清学检测。结果虎红平板凝集试验检测平均阳性率为27.96%,试管凝集试验平均阳性率为25.82%,表明所检测地区奶牛布鲁菌病的感染率较高。  相似文献   

奶牛布鲁菌病的检测试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
试验对内蒙古包头市部分地区出现较多流产、早产、死胎、胎盘滞留等疑似布鲁菌病患牛的奶牛养殖小区、个体养殖户的608头奶牛用虎红平板凝集试验、试管凝集试验进行了布鲁菌病血清学检测.结果虎红平板凝集试验检测平均阳性率为27.96%,试管凝集试验平均阳性率为25.82%,表明所检测地区奶牛布鲁菌病的感染率较高.  相似文献   

布鲁菌病主要采用凝集试验来检测,本试验用虎红平板凝集试验和试管凝集试验对江苏海安、江都、无锡和兴化地区的660头奶牛的血清样品进行平行检测,虎红平板凝集试验的阳性检出率为9.7%,试验管凝集试验的阳性检出率为5.5%;与后者相比,虎红平板凝集试验的敏感性为100%,特异性为95.3%,符合率为95.6%。这些数据表明,江苏地区某些奶牛场存在布鲁菌感染,虎红平板凝集试验可以用于布鲁菌病初步检测。  相似文献   

陕西省某山羊养殖场发生了一起山羊流产病,经流行病学调查,临床症状和病理剖检观察进行初步诊断;利用布鲁菌虎红平板凝集试验、衣原体间接血凝试剂盒对10份流产母羊血清检测;对病料进行细菌学检测;依据GenBank收录的山羊流产性衣原体基因组设计1对特异性引物,通过PCR方法从病料中扩增衣原体特异性片段。结果表明,根据临床症状和病理变化初步怀疑为布鲁菌和鹦鹉热亲衣原体感染;10份血清检测结果为布鲁菌病血清全部阴性,衣原体感染血清全部为阳性;细菌学检测结果为阴性;PCR结果获得523bp基因片段,测序结果与鹦鹉热亲衣原体100%相似。依据流行病学调查,临床症状和病理剖检观察,病原学和血清学诊断,最终确诊该病为鹦鹉热亲衣原体引起的山羊地方流行性流产。  相似文献   

布鲁菌病是重要的人畜共患病,试管凝集试验是我国诊断动物布鲁菌病的法定试验。结合多年来从事动物布鲁菌病实验室诊断工作的经验,对试管凝集试验的操作过程进行改进。改进后的方法简化了试验的操作步骤,节省了检测时间,可用于畜间布病的大批量监测。  相似文献   

2015—2016年应用虎红平板凝集试验、试管凝集试验对新疆维吾尔自治区巴音郭楞蒙古自治州21个奶牛场、503个奶牛养殖户所饲养的奶牛进行了布鲁菌病血清学调查,虎红平板凝集试验阳性率为1.10%,试管凝集试验阳性率为0.82%。对2013—2016年4年内在该地区收集的奶牛流产胎儿、胎衣、阴道分泌物等243份病料进行布鲁菌的分离鉴定,结果分离出2株羊种2型布鲁菌和2株牛种3型布鲁菌。血清学调查及布鲁菌分离鉴定结果佐证了在该地区存在布鲁菌病,建议奶牛养殖场(户)和有关部门切实做好布鲁菌病的检疫及防控工作。  相似文献   

为了解贵州省山羊3种流产疫病流行情况,分别从贵州省4个地区共采集194份山羊血清,采用虎红平板凝集试验法(RBT)对194份血清进行布鲁氏杆菌病抗体检测,平均阳性率为0%;采用间接血凝试验法(IHA)对194份山羊血清进行衣原体病抗体检测,平均阳性率为5.7%;采用酶联免疫吸附试验法(ELlSA)对178份山羊血清进行...  相似文献   

采集菏泽地区6个奶牛场的奶牛血清665份,用虎红平板凝集试验、试管凝集试验和ELISA进行检测。结果表明,布病在这些奶牛场普遍存在,感染率高低不同,且三种方法检测奶牛血清的阳性率不同,建议将三种方法有机结合起来用于奶牛布鲁菌病的检疫和监测。  相似文献   

布鲁菌病是一种以母畜流产、暂时或永久性不育、产奶量下降为主要特征的一种人畜共患传染病,严重危害畜牧业发展和人类健康。为了掌握江西省宜春市某肉牛场布鲁菌病感染情况,以便做好布鲁菌病的预防、控制和净化工作,采用虎红平板凝集试验和试管凝集试验,对该规模化肉牛养殖场的300余头肉牛进行随机抽检。结果显示,随机抽检的60头肉牛样品中,布鲁菌病感染率为0,表明该牛场的布鲁菌病防控措施有效。  相似文献   

从山羊流产胎儿中分离出1株绵羊附睾种布鲁菌(Brucella ovis),经培养发现该菌需要CO2,不产生H2S,且经硫堇、碱性复红和A、M、R因子血清凝集试验及噬菌体裂解试验等方法鉴定,该菌株与国际标准菌株绵羊附睾种特性完全一致。在山羊中分离出绵羊附睾种布鲁菌株(Br.ovis)在国内尚属首次发现。  相似文献   

为了掌握黔东南州山羊布鲁氏菌病的感染情况,为制定防治措施提供科学依据,2012年采集了4个县的部分规模养羊场血清共1461份(A县541份、B县410份、C县368份、D县142份),先用琥红平板试验进行检测,将检出的阳性血清再用试管凝集试验进行确定.结果:A县阳性数43份,阳性率为7.94%,B县阳性数99份,阳性率为24.14%;C县阳性数45份,阳性率为12.23%;D县阳性数12份,阳性率为8.45%.根据检测结果,对检出的阳性羊进行淘汰和无害化处理,并采取了一系列的综合防治措施.  相似文献   

丁芳  刘加文 《草业科学》2013,30(3):457-460
发展草地畜牧业一直是贵州发展经济和改善生态环境的重要措施,本研究通过实地调查和试验的方法对贵州省赫章县黑山羊的越冬问题进行调查。结果表明,赫章县黑山羊的越冬死亡率高,总体死亡率为14.9%,其中羊羔死亡率最高达31.0%,体况较好的育肥羊最低(3.8%)。越冬期间,黑山羊体质量平均减轻11.4%,1月减少最多,流产率达到28.6%。试验结果显示,布鲁氏杆菌、弓形虫、衣原体抗体阳性率均为0,说明赫章县黑山羊的流产并不是由布鲁氏杆菌、衣原体、弓形虫等疫病引起的。因此,可通过加强圈舍建设、提高家畜营养水平、强化饲养管理等措施来减少越冬死亡率,降低流产率,避免冬季的无效饲养,从而解决贵州省赫章县黑山羊养殖的越冬问题,不断提高草地畜牧业生产效益。  相似文献   

为了解贵州省山羊流产与山羊痘的相关性,采用琼脂扩散试验和PCR法对本省10个市(县)流产羊群的血清和病料样本进行山羊痘抗原抗体及病原核酸检测,同时血清进行布氏杆菌抗体检测,流产胎儿病料进行羊流产亲衣原体病原核酸检测。结果发现山羊痘羊群流产率达37.1%(4329/11660),山羊痘血清抗体阳性率为38.2%(34/89),抗原阳性率为72.7%(32/44),流产胎儿山羊痘病毒核酸检出率为83.3%(10/12),发病羊群未检出布氏杆菌和羊流产亲衣原体感染。结果表明,山羊流产与山羊痘感染有一定关系,提示在山羊养殖中应加强饲养管理,防止山羊痘感染引起孕羊流产。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to use the ELISA technique for the serological surveillance for freedom of brucellosis of cattle, sheep and goats. By comparing 28 cattle sera taken after a brucellosis outbreak, 15 bovine sera supplied by the Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine (BgVV) and 497 serum slow agglutination test (SSAT) and complement fixation test (CFT) negative bovine sera from herds officially declared free of brucellosis, the ELISA technique not only shows higher sensitivity as compared to SSAT and CFT but also distinguishes clearly between positive and negative reactions. The serological comparison by SSAT, CFT and ELISA of 615 cattle, 624 sheep and 630 goat sera from herds acknowledged as brucellosis free showed equivalent specificities for both CFT and ELISA. The specificity of the SSAT was much lower, 81.1% in cattle and 96.2% in goat sera. The examination of 5796 cattle, 1337 calf, 5031 sheep and 1796 goat sera demonstrates the advantage of the ELISA technique as routine method. The possible application of the ELISA technique as a screening method for serological brucellosis tests in sheep, goats and possibly also in pigs is discussed.  相似文献   

The serum agglutination test (SAT), the Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT) and the milk ring test (MRT) were used in the diagnosis of caprine brucellosis. There was a close correlation between the SAT and RBPT when both tests were negative but the RBPT failed to detect 79.82 per cent of sera in excess of 50 iu. Also, owing to the relatively poor milking potential of the Nigerian goat and the false positive results with the MRT, it is concluded that the SAT offers a better serological diagnostic tool for caprine brucellosis in this locality.  相似文献   

A confirmed case of human brucellosis motivated an investigation into the potential source of infection in Namibia. Since domestic animals are principal sources of Brucella infection in humans, 1692 serum samples were screened from sheep, goats and cattle from 4 presumably at-risk farms and 900 springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) serum samples from 29 mixed farming units for Brucella antibodies by the Rose-Bengal test (RBT) and positive cases confirmed by complement fixation test (CFT). To assess the prevalence of human brucellosis, 137 abattoir employees were tested for Brucella antibodies using the standard tube agglutination test (STAT) and by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Cattle and sheep from all 4 farms were negative by RBT and CFT but 2 of the 4 farms (Ba and C) had 26/42 and 12/285 seropositive goats, respectively. Post mortem examination of seropositive goats revealed no gross pathological lesions typical of brucellosis except enlarged mesenteric and iliac lymph nodes seen in a single buck. Culture for brucellae from organs of seropositive animals was negative. None of the wildlife sera tested positive by either RBT or CFT. Interviews revealed that besides the case that prompted the investigation, a family and another person from other farms with confirmed brucellosis shared a common history of consumption of unpasteurised goat milk, home-made goat cheese and coffee with raw milk and prior contact with goats, suggesting goats as the likely source of infection. All 137 abattoir employees tested negative by STAT, but 3 were positive by ELISA. The 3 abattoir workers were clinically normal and lacked historical connections with clinical cases. Although goats are often associated with B. melitensis, these studies could not explicitly implicate this species owing to cross-reactivity with B. abortus, which can also infect goats. Nevertheless, these data reinforce the need for a better National Control Programme for brucellosis in Namibia.  相似文献   

为了解不同风险因素对陕北白绒山羊布鲁氏菌病个体阳性率的影响,通过对陕北某9个市县的1138个白绒山羊养殖场、养殖户进行问卷调查,并结合所调查养殖场的34841份血液样本的血清学检测结果进行统计、单因素分析。结果显示,引种前不进行检疫与引种前进行检疫的养殖场,布鲁氏菌病的个体阳性率分别为2.61%和1.89%,差异显著(P<0.05);外来人员可以随意入场以及外来人员不可以随意入场的养殖场,布鲁氏菌病的个体阳性率分别为3.05%和1.63%,差异显著(P<0.05);同群饲养犬猫及不同群饲养犬猫的养殖场,布鲁氏菌病个体阳性率分别为3.1%和1.97%,差异显著(P<0.05);产羔地未进行消毒处理及产羔地进行消毒处理的养殖场布鲁氏菌病的个体阳性率分别为4.1%和1.85%,差异显著(P<0.05);饲养方式为完全放养、圈养兼放养、完全圈养的养殖场,布鲁氏菌病的个体阳性率分别为4.09%、2.43%、1.54%,其中完全圈养与圈养兼放养之间差异极显著(P<0.001)。结果表明,引种前是否进行检疫、外来人员是否可以随意入场、是否同群饲养犬猫、产羔地是否进行消毒处理以及饲养方式是影响陕北白绒山羊布鲁氏菌病流行重要的风险因素。  相似文献   

近年来,随着海西地区畜牧业的发展,牛羊流产现象也伴随多发,给牧民带来极大的经济损失。为调查布鲁氏菌病、衣原体病、弓形虫病在青海省海西州畜群中的整体流行状况,了解海西州牛羊流产多发的主要病因,对海西州31个乡镇97个牧业村的空怀牛羊群随机抽样,集中采血,分离血清,共分离牛羊血清共14114份,其中羊血清12620份,牛血清1494份。分别采用凝集试验、间接血凝试验和弓形虫快速检测卡对布鲁氏菌、衣原体和弓形虫进行抗体检测与数据分析。结果表明,羊布鲁氏菌、衣原体和弓形虫的抗体阳性率分别为0.056%、8.7%、0.11%;牛布鲁氏菌、衣原体和弓形虫的抗体阳性率分别为4.6%(69/1494)、5.8%(74/1494)、9.9%(87/1494),其中有15头牛同时检测到上述3种病原的抗体。海西州空怀羊群中衣原体阳性率最高,可能是导致羊流产的主要病因;空怀牛群中3种病原抗体阳性率普遍较高,且存在一定程度的共感染,流产病因较为复杂。  相似文献   

Brucellosis is one of the world’s major zoonotic diseases associated with reproductive disorders and a potential infection of human. Brucellosis leads to serious economic losses due to late-term abortion, stillbirth, weak calves, and sterility. In Guinea, the data on brucellosis was only detected as far back as 10 years ago. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of bovine brucellosis in the provinces of Macenta and Yomou of Guinea. A structured questionnaire was used in the clinical study, and 345 cattle were clinically examined. Three hundred serum samples were initially subjected to the Rose Bengal test (RBT); the positive results of which were confirmed by the complement fixation test (CFT). The investigation indicated that farmers had little information on brucellosis. Hygroma, abortion, sterility, and placental retention were the observed symptoms. Of the 29 RBT-positive samples, 26 were confirmed by CFT. The prevalence of brucellosis in Macenta and Yomou was 12 and 5.33 %, respectively. In both provinces, the prevalence mean was 8.67 %. This study highlighted the immediate necessity to carry out a strengthened surveillance of human and animal brucellosis to obtain as many data as possible in order to establish strategies for prevention and management of brucellosis in Guinea.  相似文献   

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