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刘海梅  熊善柏  张丽  彭鸽 《水产学报》2010,34(4):643-647
为了研究鲢鱼糜凝胶化温度与肌球蛋白热稳定性的关系,测定经不同凝胶化温度处理的鱼糜凝胶特性,利用浊度法检测鲢肌球蛋白溶液聚集体的形成过程,并采用圆二色谱仪、差式量热扫描仪分别对鲢肌球蛋白溶液的α-helix结构变化和热变性温度进行测定。结果表明,鲢鱼糜的适宜凝胶化温度为40℃,肌球蛋白的聚集速率在39℃、51℃、54℃3个温度点时出现大幅度增加,其中39℃时聚集速率最快;肌球蛋白α-helix在40℃、55℃时大量解旋成无规卷曲结构,40℃时解旋速率最快;肌球蛋白存在两个变性温度43.32℃和51.59℃。鲢鱼糜凝胶化温度与肌球蛋白α-helix的第一个解旋温度和第一个变性峰值温度点相对应,凝胶化温度实质上是肌球蛋白的第一个变性峰值温度点。  相似文献   

基因重组cystatin对鲢鱼糜肌球蛋白的保护作用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了基因重组中华鲟半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(recombinantChinesesturgeoncystatin)基因在毕赤酵母中的表达和以鲢为原料制作鱼糜过程中添加与未添加recombinantcystatin情况下肌球蛋白的含量变化趋势。结果表明重组cystatin对木瓜蛋白酶具有较强的抑制活性,曲线方程为y=0.0234x 0.0059。SDS PAGE电泳和分析结果表明添加重组cystatin可使鱼糜肌球蛋白具缓和内源性蛋白酶降解作用,具有明显的保护作用。  相似文献   

根据已经获得的两种鲢肌球蛋白重链同工型基因(低温型sc-w和高温型sc-s)在3′端展现的明显差异,设计了2个特异性的反向引物,以鲤科鱼类肌球蛋白重链5′端的保守序列为正向引物,通过Long-PCR对编码鲢两种肌球蛋白重链同工型的球状结构域(Subfragment-1,S1)的全长基因进行了克隆和测序,并推断出它们一级结构的氨基酸序列。研究结果表明,sc-w与sc-s在S1的初级结构上显示80.5%的同源性、与已经报道的草鱼低温型(gc10)有97.2%的高同源性;sc-s则与草鱼中间型(gcI)和高温型(gc30)显示了分别为98.4%和97.1%的高同源性。低温型的sc-w和gc10在S1初级结构上展现的特有变异主要发生在43个氨基酸残基位点,其中15个属保守性残基。对S1区域中两个功能性的表面环loop1(与ATP结合位点有关)和loop2(与肌动蛋白结合位点有关)的结构解析发现,sc-w和gc10在两个表面环的长度、残基电荷分布和氨基酸组成等方面与其它同工型之间存在明显差异,揭示了这两个表面环的结构差异可能影响了栖息于不同环境温度下的淡水鱼的肌球蛋白分子马达功能。分子系统树的分析结果进一步证明,鱼类栖...  相似文献   

鲢酶解物对羟自由基的清除作用   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
许庆陵 《水产学报》2004,28(1):93-99
通过测定酶解物对Fenton体系产生的羟自由基的清除效果,从胰蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶、枯草杆菌蛋白酶和复合蛋白酶5种酶中,筛选出木瓜蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶作为酶解鲢制备具有较高清除羟自由基活性酶解物的理想水解酶;用正交试验L9(3^4)对两种酶的水解条件进行了优化,并对最佳酶解条件下得到的酶解物进行Sephadex G-25凝胶柱分离,洗脱液分别在波长280nm处比色,测定酶解物中主要抗氧化活性肽的分子量分布。结果表明,木瓜蛋白酶在温度50℃、酶解时间15min、pH=6.5、酶质量分数1.50%、底物:水=1:2的水解条件下,酶解物对羟自由基清除效果较好,清除率为88.2%;胰蛋白酶在温度55℃、酶解时间60min、pH=8.0、酶质量分数0.25%、底物:水=1:2的水解条件下,酶解物对羟自由基清除效果较好,清除率为84.2%。木瓜蛋白酶酶解物在最大洗脱峰时有最大羟自由基清除率峰,清除率为95.1%,在最大峰处酶解物中活性肽的分子量为2.2kDa;胰蛋白酶酶解物在最大洗脱峰时也有最大羟自由基清除率峰,其清除率为89.6%,该峰处活性肽的分子量为14.2kDa。  相似文献   

酶解罗非鱼鱼皮胶制备降血压肽的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨罗非鱼鱼皮胶制备降血压肽的酶解工艺,研究选用Neutrase中性蛋白酶、Alcalase碱性内切蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶和复合蛋白酶分别对罗非鱼鱼皮胶进行酶解,对其酶解液的水解度进行比较。结果表明复合蛋白酶的酶解效果最好。对复合蛋白酶的酶解工艺进行单因素优化,确定其最佳酶解工艺为:温度50℃、pH值7.0、料液比1∶5、酶量为底物量的1.5%。在此条件下水解6h时,水解度为60%,酶解产物对血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)的抑制率最高,达到78.96%。  相似文献   

酶法制备脱脂鱼蛋白的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用5种酶对脱脂鲢肉进行水解制备水解鲢蛋白。脱脂鲢肉是分别采用异丙醇、正己烷、乙酸乙酯3种溶剂萃取法进行脱脂后得到。分别用木瓜蛋白酶、枯草杆菌中性蛋白酶、枯草杆菌碱性蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶和复合蛋白酶对3种脱脂鲢肉及未脱脂鲢肉进行水解。试验结果表明,乙酸乙酯对鲢肉脱脂率最高,脱脂率为96.33%。复合蛋白酶为最适酶,乙酸乙酯脱脂鱼肉为最佳底物;在最佳水僻条件下:pH6.5,温度55℃,酶量3500U/g蛋白质,底物浓度(乙酸乙酯脱脂鲢肉:水)1:5,其水解度达到最大,为44.00%。  相似文献   

曾名湧  郭瑶  刘尊英 《水产学报》2008,32(1):117-124
采用菠萝蛋白酶和Alcalase酶依次对尼罗罗非鱼皮胶原进行复合酶解.研究了该酶解产物的体外抗氧化活性.实验表明,该酶解产物具有较强的超氧阴离子/羟基自由基清除活性和还原能力.采用不同截留分子量的超滤膜将该酶解物分离成5个组分,即TGH-Ⅰ(>10 ku),TGH-Ⅱ(10~5 ku),TGH-Ⅲ(5~3 ku),TGH-Ⅳ(3~1 ku)和TGH-Ⅴ(10 ku).其中TGH-Ⅴ组分显示出最强的超氧阴离子自由基清除活性,因此采用凝胶过滤、离子交换和反向高压液相色谱技术对该组分进一步分离纯化.纯化得到的肽具有很强的超氧阴离子自由基清除活性,其IC50值为4.6 μg·mL-1.通过质谱分析可知,该肽的分子量位于311.3~932.8 u之间.  相似文献   

草鱼肠道、肝胰脏对饲料蛋白质酶解速度的比较   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
草鱼样品体重(1543±213)g。采用离体消化培养和茚三酮比色方法,以草鱼前肠、中肠、后肠和肝胰脏的粗酶液作为酶源,对鱼粉、豆粕、菜粕和棉粕进行酶解,并测定酶解14h内,豆粕酶解液中氨基酸生成量随时间的变化,以及0至4h,内4种饲料蛋白质酶解液中氨基酸的生成量。结果表明,(1)在0至4h内,4种饲料酶解液OD570随时间变化的线性关系较好。(2)对于同种蛋白质饲料原料,以中肠组织粗酶液的酶解速度最大,其余依次为前肠、后肠及肝胰脏粗酶液。表明草鱼中肠对饲料蛋白质的酶解能力强于前肠和后肠,同时,肠道酶液的酶解速度均大于肝胰脏。(3)对于4种不同的蛋白质饲料原料,以鱼粉酶解氨基酸生成速度最大,其他依次为豆粕、菜粕、棉粕。(4)草鱼肝胰脏粗酶液对豆粕的酶解氨基酸生成速度最大,表明草鱼对豆粕进行酶解消化的能力较强。实验证实,饲料原料种类的差异和饲料蛋白质组成与性质的差异使其酶解氨基酸生成量和生成速度有差异。  相似文献   

鲢鳙在长寿湖水生态系统氮磷循环中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究长寿湖鲢、鳙在水体生态系统氮(N)磷(P)循环中的作用,研究测定了季节性水体总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)的变化,进行了原位鲢、鳙排泄率的测定。通过N、P排泄对比分析了鲢、鳙对水体N、P的贡献率。通过长寿湖鲢、鳙鱼体N、P含量测定,估算水体中N、P去除量。结果显示:鲢、鳙N、P排泄率夏季最高,冬季最低,季节性温度变化对其排泄率有一定影响;2016—2017在长寿湖平均水温为19.88℃条件下,鲢的N、P排泄率分别为0.973 1μg L-1d-1和0.242 2μg L-1d-1;鳙的N、P排泄率分别为0.642 5μg L-1d-1和0.174 9μg L-1d-1,鲢、鳙N、P排泄量分别占长寿湖藻类初级生产所需N含量的1.19%和0.79%,P含量的9.57%和6.91%;2016—2017长寿湖通过捕捞鲢、鳙产品带走的N、P含量分别为60.61 t和23.31 t。结果表明,长寿湖开展生态养殖对水体N、P贡献较小,不会引起水体富营养化。  相似文献   

鲢鱼骨胶原多肽螯合钙的制备研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章探讨了以鲢(Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix)鱼骨为原料,采用风味蛋白酶酶解制备骨胶原多肽水解液,剩余骨渣经乳酸提取制备骨粉酸解液(钙液),研究其通过螯合制备鲢鱼骨胶原多肽螯合钙的工艺条件。分析了酶解时间对鲢鱼骨蛋白酶解产物产品品质和功能特性(溶解性和热稳定性)的影响以及采用乳酸提取鲢鱼骨中钙时提取温度对钙溶出率的影响,并以螯合率为指标,考察pH、时间、温度和多肽液与钙液体积比对螯合反应的影响。结果表明,在温度50℃,按原料鱼排质量0.09%加入风味蛋白酶酶解30min制备出的鲢鱼骨胶原多肽具有良好的产品品质和功能特性;乳酸提钙时提取温度对钙溶出率没有显著性影响(P〉0.05);在pH8、温度25℃条件下,多肽液与钙液体积比1:1反应40min得到的鲢鱼骨胶原蛋白螯合钙螯合率最高(85.24%)。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: It has been reported that the amino acid sequences of striated and catch muscle myosin heavy chains from two scallop species ( Argopecten irradians and Placopecten magellanicus ) are almost identical, but that the ATPase activities between these myosins vary several-fold. These myosin sequences have been useful for identifying the region that modulates the ATPase activity of scallop myosin. In the present study, a cDNA encoding a myosin heavy chain was isolated from the mantle tissue of scallop Patinopecten yessoensis . The cDNA is composed of 6067 base pairs (bp) including an open-reading frame of 5841 p, which encodes an amino acid sequence of 1947 residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of P. yessoensis mantle myosin had a high identity of 90%, 92%, and 91% to P. magellanicus , A. irradians , and Pecten maximus striated muscle myosins, respectively. Interestingly, while the deduced amino acid sequences of around adenosine triphosphate-binding and actin-binding sites of the mantle myosin are homologous to those of A. irradians striated muscle myosin, the subfragment 2 hinge region and the non-helical tail region are similar to those of catch muscle myosin.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in myofibrillar protein composition were investigated in the myotomal muscle of the African catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis (Clariidae), by several electrophoretic techniques. The main muscle fibres of larvae and the fast-white muscle fibres of juvenile and adult fish were found to express distinct myosin heavy chain and myosin light chain 2 (LC2) isoforms. Three myosin LC2 chains were successively detected, differing by their isoelectric points. In contrast, the alkali light chains remained qualitatively and quantitatively unchanged during fish growth. Actin, -tropomyosin, and troponin-C (TN-C) were also similar in larval, juvenile, and adult white muscle, but an additional larval tropomyosin isoform was found in the first developmental stages. Two isoforms of troponin-T (TN-T) and troponin-I (TN-I) were synthesised in the course of fish growth. Transition from the larval to the adult isoform was much faster for TN-T than for TN-I. Slow-red muscle myofibrils from adult H. longifilis showed no common component (except actin) with larval, juvenile, or adult fast-white muscle myofibrils. Red myofibrils displayed a single TN-T and a single TN-I isoform, but two isoforms of TN-C. The myofibrillar protein isoforms synthesised at any given developmental stage almost certainly reflect changes in the functional requirements of swimming muscles in the course of fish development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The effect of salt concentration on the thermal denaturation profile of myosin in walleye pollack and carp myofibrils was compared by studying the subfragment-1 (S-1) and rod denaturation rates upon heating. Species-specific denaturation mode observed at 0.1 M KCl was no longer detected when samples were heated above 0.5 M KCl, where S-1 and rod denaturation rates were identical to each other. As the heating of the chymotryptic digest of myofibril formed practically no rod aggregates, S-1 denaturation in a form of myosin was the rate limiting step for rod aggregate formation. As the aggregate formation by rod was remarkably suppressed by lowering the temperature, the free movement of myosin tail upon heating was suggested to play an important role in the rod aggregate formation in a high salt medium.  相似文献   

The effects of non-ionic (sorbitol, maltose, trehalose) and ionic compounds (Na-glutamate, Na-acetate, Na-sulfate, ammonium sulfate) on freeze denaturation of myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) and of myofibrils were compared. Sugars, Na-glutamate and Na-acetate well suppressed the freeze denaturation of myofibrils as well as S-1 in a concentration dependent manner. Although sulfate suppressed freeze denaturation of S-1 irregularly, it accelerated myofibril denaturation. It was concluded that sulfate salts were useless as cryoprotectant for myofibrils. Stabilization extent by F-actin in frozen storage was much less than that in heating.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of myofibrils from various species of fish was investigated by measuring ATPase inactivation, myosin aggregation, myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) and rod denaturation rates as studied by chymotryptic digestion. Decrease in monomeric myosin (myosin aggregation) was always faster than the ATPase inactivation for all myofibrils tested. The relative denaturation rate of rod to that of S-1 differed from species to species. Preceded denaturation of rod was observed with some species, and the opposite was true with other species. The denaturation pattern was explained by the different magnitude of S-1 stabilization by F-actin in myofibrils at low salt medium. Myofibrils which receive a great stabilization by F-actin as studied by ATPase inactivation showed the preceded rod denaturation pattern, and vice versa. S-1 portion, not F-actin, determined the different stabilization of S-1 by F-actin in myofibrils.  相似文献   

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