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网具形态是金枪鱼围网作业性能的一个重要指标,受网线材料、沉子配重、海流等诸多因素影响。为探究放网模式和流速对金枪鱼围网网具形态的影响,本研究依照上海开创远洋渔业有限公司金枪鱼原型围网,根据田内准则制作模型网,在日本下关西日本日网公司专业动水槽进行模型实验。实验设置3种放网模式(顺流放网、侧流放网、背流放网),3种流速(0 cm/s、5 cm/s、8 cm/s),比较各放网模式下,流速对金枪鱼围网网具沉子纲沉降深度、纵向网衣轮廓、浮沉子纲水平包围面积和浮沉子纲水平包围形状的影响。结果显示:(1)0 cm/s流速下放网,网具沉子纲沉降深度最大(1.21 m),浮沉子纲水平包围面积最大(8.44 m2,9.89 m2),纵向网衣轮廓最佳;(2)顺流5 cm/s条件下放网,网具浮沉子纲水平包围形状最佳;(3)顺流、背流放网,网具最大沉降深度随着流速增加逐渐减小[1.21 m(0 cm/s) > 1.17 m(5 cm/s) > 1.13 m(8 cm/s),1.21 m(0 cm/s) > 1.16 m(5 cm/s) > 1.10 m(8 cm/s)],网具最大沉降深度与流速显著相关(>0.05);(5)3种放网模式下,流速与网具浮沉子纲水平初始包围面积不相关(<0.05)。综上建议,有流时为确保网具形态最佳及网具沉降深度最大,应首先采用侧流放网。  相似文献   

围网沉降性能测试和分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 围网的沉降性能主要是指围网下纲的最大沉降深度和下纲的沉降速度。对它们的研究,不但可在设计网具时为确定沉降力、网目尺寸、网线粗度和网具结构等参数提供依据,而且可让船长掌握自己网具的特点。在操作中,结合外界因素掌握起放网的速度,  相似文献   

浮绳式围网水动力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离岸围网设施通常布置在开阔水域,受波流作用影响显著。为确保围网结构的安全,需对其水动力特性开展研究。为此,以一种浮绳式围网为研究对象,通过拖曳水池试验对围网整体阻力性能进行分析。根据有限单元法建立波浪作用下围网结构受力的数学模型,通过计算机数值模拟对围网浮子的最大位移与网衣张力进行研究。结果显示:随着流速的增大,围网整体阻力逐渐增加,阻力与流速呈幂函数关系,阻力最大值为196 k N。当浮绳式围网在波浪作用下,上纲中迎浪面中点处浮子的位移最大,位移值为80 mm,网片与锚绳连接点及下纲四角连接处的网线张力较大。建议适当增加迎流面网衣所配备的浮力,以使围网在较高流速时保持形状。此外,在实物网衣的制作中,锚绳与下纲四角连接处的网衣应做加固处理。  相似文献   

基于海上实测的金枪鱼围网下纲沉降及提升性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究围网网具生产作业性能,对于研究人员设计金枪鱼围网及渔业从业人员改进捕捞操作具有重要的参考作用。本研究根据大型金枪鱼围网渔船在中西太平洋作业时所搜集的网具数据,系统分析了网具在沉降及提升阶段,网具下纲各个部位的沉降深度、沉降速度及提升深度和提升速度的变化情况。结果表明:(1)网具自然沉降深度从取鱼部到后网头呈依次递增趋势,最大沉降深度则呈现中部高,两端低的趋势,绞纲对于网具沉降具有显著影响;(2)网具自然沉降速度从取鱼部到后网头呈现递减趋势,下纲各个部位平均沉降速度则较为一致,维持在0.16 m·s-1左右;(3)在提升过程中,网具两端最先被提升,中部最后被提升,且网具在水下60~80 m完成包围;(4)网具下纲各个部位提升速度先缓慢上升,后快速增加,包围完成后快速下降。  相似文献   

深水围网沉降性能的测试及渔法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘树椿 《水产学报》1988,12(2):95-104
本文根据近几年来在较深水域的渔场探捕实践和我国机轮围网现有设备条件,设计了深水围网网具,在较深水域的渔场进行了探捕作业。在不同流速、括纲长度和绞收速度等情况下,对网具沉降速度和深度分别作了测试和分析,从而得出了上述变量与网具沉降性能的关系。结果如下:(1)围网网具各部位的自然沉降速度是不同的,取鱼部最慢,网翼中部次之,后网翼最快。在放网过程中,网具各部位都按慢——快——慢的不规则速度自然沉降的。(2)在围网作业过程中,流速愈大,愈不利于网具沉降;括纲愈长,愈有利于网具沉降;括纲绞速愈快,网具沉降深度的损失愈大,在一定流速范围内,括纲绞速对网具的沉降起主要作用。  相似文献   

基于网具模型试验的金枪鱼围网性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模型试验根据田内准则,选择大小尺度比分别为:λ=20∶1,λ¢=1∶1,制作的模型网规格为:网衣长109 m,网高15.6 m,上纲80.9 m,下纲98 m,下纲基本重量为0.663 kg/m,浮力配备25 N/m,模型网和实物网的缩结系数相同。试验结果显示,围网中部下纲沉降深度(D)和时间(t)的关系:D=–0.0014t2+0.276t–0.6476(R2=0.9953);下纲重量对沉降性能有显著影响,而放网速度对沉降性能的影响并不显著,但两者交互项对沉降深度有显著影响;在0.531~0.663 kg/m的范围内,随下纲重量增加,沉降深度呈大幅度增加趋势,而沉降速度呈递减趋势;在0.663~0.759 kg/m范围内,沉降深度小幅度递减,而沉降速度大幅度提高。当下纲重量为0.663 kg/m时,沉降速度随放网速度的增加而增加;随着沉降时间的增加,下纲张力在0~20 s范围内波动较大,之后保持一定的平稳状态。本研究通过对金枪鱼围网模型网制作的分析与探讨,旨在更好地通过模型试验研究金枪鱼围网网具性能。  相似文献   

围网是长带形的网具。为了使它在水中垂直展开,形成园柱形围壁,以便收绞括纲后形成囊袋状,达到包围鱼群的目的。其上纲装有浮子,下纲装有沉子及底环。  相似文献   

金枪鱼围网沉降性能影响因子的多元回归分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
根据2011年9—12月金枪鱼围网渔船调查期间测定的围网沉降深度数据和收集的放网时间、放网速度和括纲松放长度等渔具操作数据,以及流速、流向等渔场环境数据,通过多元回归统计定量分析围网沉降深度与有关影响因子之间的关系,试图寻找影响网具沉降的有效外部因子.结果表明,流向和放网速度对网具沉降深度的影响不明显(P>0.05, df=53),而放网时间、流速及括纲长度对网具沉降深度的影响均显著(P<0.05, df=53),最终得到沉降深度(D)和放网时间(T)、流速(Cs)及扩纲长度(L)的多元回归模型为D=0.069T?144.5Cs2+0.022L+158.主成分分析表明,中国金枪鱼围网作业在一定程度上没有利用有关渔场海况信息对捕捞操作进行有益的改变.在一般操作条件(放网时间为550 s,括纲长度为2000 m)时,模型预测表明:在无风无流的情况下,网具沉降深度平均值为236.78 m,95%置信区间为[211.51,262.04],而遇海流急促的情况(流速为1 kn)时,网具沉降深度平均值为92.27 m,95%置信区间为[60.56,123.97].  相似文献   

围网是长带形的网具。为了使它在水.中垂直展开,形成园柱形围壁,以便收绞括纲后形成囊袋状,达到包围鱼群的目的。其上纲装有浮子,下纲装有沉子及底环。  相似文献   

张健 《海洋渔业》2014,36(1):63
传统张纲张网等渔具网口结构简单,在作业过程中易造成网口网衣皱褶、受力不均并引起网衣破损,网具网目较小引起渔获性能不佳。针对上述问题,提出并试验了对传统张网网口网衣进行剪裁、形成"有翼"结构、并适当放大网目尺寸的技术措施。使用模型试验和海上实测的方法,对试验网和对照网的作业工况、扩张性能及渔获性能进行比较,结果显示试验网的网口网衣扩张、网具总体工况较对照网得到改善,网口垂直扩张增大,网具阻力有所降低;海上生产试验同时也证实了网口的结构优化措施可有效降低张网的破网率,放大网目尺寸可减少小型鱼类和幼鱼渔获。网口结构优化措施在生产实践中得到肯定,为今后开展张网渔业的管理提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

下纲重量和放网速度对金枪鱼围网下纲沉降速度的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
许柳雄  兰光查  叶旭昌  王敏法 《水产学报》2011,35(10):1563-1571
作为围网网具主要性能,沉降性能直接关系到围网作业的捕捞效率,通过模型试验研究不同因素对金枪鱼围网沉降性能的影响,对改进金枪鱼围网沉降性能具有重要意义。本文通过2009年10月24—26日在千岛湖进行的金枪鱼围网模型试验,采用一般线性模型(GLM)分析下纲重量和放网速度对围网下纲沉降速度的影响。结果表明:(1) 下纲重量和放网速度对下纲各部分沉降速度均有显著影响(P<0.05),但两者间交互作用不明显(P>0.05)。(2) 下纲重量在0.795 kg/m时,下纲中部和后部沉降速度明显比其它组快(P<0.05);下纲中部沉降速度和下纲重量间关系式为:V=0.114 6w 0.103 2(R2=0.871)。(3) 随放网速度变快,围网下纲沉降速度加快,在放网速度为1.05 m/s时,下纲前部和后部沉降速度明显比其他组快(P<0.05);下纲中部沉降速度和放网速度间关系式为:V=0.072 6s 0.113 8(R2=0.983)。  相似文献   

This paper reports an improved version of the numerical method used in a previous study on the dynamic simulation of purse seine gear in three dimensions. The improvement is achieved by refining the mass–spring model to take into account both the drag coefficient as a function of the attack angle and Reynolds number as applied to the setting operation of the purse seine gear. The validity of the numerical simulation is assessed by comparing the measured and calculated values for the sinking depth of the net. The numerical simulation is used to examine the sinking performance of the different designs in which large meshed-panels and netting materials are used together in the main body section of the netting. The results indicate that, compared to the prototype net, nets bearing larger mesh panels require more sinking depth with much more pronounced operational depth at corresponding times of the fishing operation when heavier netting material is used. Moreover, in the new net designs, lower tensile forces are exerted on both ends of the pure wire during pursing. The new net constructions with regard to the operational depth represent alternatives that may reduce the potential problem of frequent failed setting of the tuna purse seine gear.  相似文献   

金枪鱼围网沉降特性   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
根据沿围网下纲缚扎的10只温度深度计(TDR-2050型)自动记录的23网次有效数据,对中国中西太平洋金枪鱼围网的下纲沉降速度、沉降深度及其与时间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)网具未达到理论沉降深度,网具中部平均沉降深度为160 m,为最大拉紧高度(311.1 m)的51.4%;(2)网具中部沉降深度与时间的关系为h=–0.000 2t2+0.3663 t;(3)网具各部位的沉降速度不同,取鱼部最慢,网具中部次之,后网头最快;(4)下纲各部位沉降速度均随着深度的增加而减小,沉降速度波动幅度随深度增加按大—小—大的规则变化;(5)网具中部沉降速度与时间的关系为:v=3×10–7t2–7×10–4 t+0.418 9。本研究结果可为改善金枪鱼围网沉降性能提供基础数据,并为海上生产提供指导性参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To analyze the effect of thin twine on gill net size selectivity, a series of fishing experiments using gill nets of two twine thicknesses (no. 0.8 of 0.16 mm diameter and no. 3 of 0.28 mm diameter) and three nominal mesh sizes (41 mm, 46 mm and 51 mm) was conducted in outdoor water tanks containing a rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) population of known size frequency. For nets of the same nominal mesh size, mesh openings of the no. 0.8 twine nets were approximately 2 mm larger than those of the no. 3 twine nets. The effects of both mesh opening and twine thickness are combined in the conventional analysis with the selectivity curve against fish length. Selectivity against the ratio of fish girth to mesh perimeter was calculated to avoid the direct effect of changes in mesh openings due to twine diameter at the same nominal mesh size. Results demonstrated that the thinner twine gill net was more likely to capture rainbow trout of smaller girth than the mesh perimeter. Fish with girths smaller than the mesh perimeter were often retained by the net with its body tangled by the thinner twine, possibly due to the increased flexibility of the thinner twine.  相似文献   

Tropical tuna purse‐seine fisheries spatially co‐occur with various megafauna species, such as whale sharks, dolphins and baleen whales in all oceans of the world. Here, we analyzed a 10‐year (2002–2011) dataset from logbooks of European tropical tuna purse‐seine vessels operating in the tropical Eastern Atlantic and Western Indian Oceans, with the aim of identifying the principle environmental variables under which such co‐occurrence appear. We applied a Delta‐model approach using Generalized Additive Models (GAM) and Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) models, accounting for spatial autocorrelation using a contiguity matrix based on a residuals autocovariate (RAC) approach. The variables that contributed most in the models were chlorophyll‐a concentration in the Atlantic Ocean, as well as depth and monsoon in the Indian Ocean. High co‐occurrence between whale sharks, baleen whales and tuna purse‐seine fisheries were mostly observed in productive areas during particular seasons. In light of the lack of a full coverage scientific observer on board program, the large, long‐term dataset obtained from logbooks of tuna purse‐seine vessels is highly important for identifying seasonal and spatial co‐occurrence between the distribution of fisheries and megafauna, and the underlying environmental variables. This study can help to design conservation management measures for megafauna species within the framework of spatial fishery management strategies.  相似文献   

在围网改进设计阶段常用模型网具进行模拟实验,其中沉降数据是其重要参数。设计了微型围网沉降数据记录仪。仪器采用MSP430F149单片机作为主控芯片,通过传感器模块获取水中的压强数据,经校正后储存在非易失固态存储芯片中;通过串口读出校正的压强数据,从中可以计算出围网的深度,结合数据采样频率计算出下沉速度。设计的数据仪具有体积小(5.2 cm×3.0 cm×2.1 cm)、重量轻(约33 g)的特点,仪器平均密度为1 007 kg/m3,接近海水密度,可在几乎不影响网具本身沉降状态的情况下进行测量。试验表明,在2.6 m的量程内,相对误差≤1.50%。  相似文献   

1. Whale shark, the world's largest fish, is believed to be particularly vulnerable owing to its biological characteristics (slow growth, late maturation, great longevity) and is listed as Vulnerable by IUCN and included in Appendix II of CITES. 2. Whale sharks are occasionally encircled in tropical tuna purse‐seine nets, throughout this global fishery. Although apparent immediate survival rates following encirclement and release have recently been assessed through scientific onboard observer programmes, a more rigorous methodology is still required for studying post‐released survival. 3. This work provides a method for applying pop‐up satellite tags and reports an enhanced release procedure for whale sharks. The first assessment of survival after release from purse‐seine nets involved six whale sharks tagged between May and September 2014 in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean. Five tags transmitted data: three popped up as programmed (after 30 days), while two surfaced prematurely (one after 21 and the other after 71 days (programmed to pop off after 30 and 90 days, respectively)) but showed no sign of unusual behaviour. 4. Overall, whale sharks survived at least 21 days (one at least 71 days) after release from purse‐seine nets. These observations based on five large individuals (total length > 8 m), suggest that whale sharks have a good chance of survival when released with the proposed method. 5. Additional tagging in this and other oceans, especially of juveniles which may be more sensitive to encirclement and release operations, is essential to further assess whale shark post‐release survival rates in tuna purse‐seine fisheries. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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