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郭红会  胡振  张金刚  邹桂伟  梁宏伟 《水产学报》2023,47(1):019606-019606
随着高密度集约化水产养殖业的发展,溶解氧、水温和氨氮等水环境因子胁迫已成为制约渔业高质量发展的限制性因素,抗逆水产新品种的培育成为重要的解决途径之一。本文综述了鱼类对温度、低氧、氨氮、亚硝态氮、盐碱胁迫的响应机制,以及环境耐受性鱼类新品种的育种现状,提出充分利用第一次全国水产养殖种质资源系统调查结果发掘优异种质资源,建立高通量表型和基因型精准鉴定技术,深入解析鱼类响应环境因子胁迫的机制,利用分子标记辅助育种、全基因组选择育种、基因编辑育种和分子设计育种等现代分子育种技术进行高效精准抗逆新品种的培育,为鱼类抗逆性新品种培育提供参考。  相似文献   

水产养殖水质调控技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王松刚  邹勇 《科学养鱼》2006,(10):80-80
俗话说“好水养好鱼”,可见水产养殖中的水质调控和管理的重要性。水生动物疾病的发生在很大程度上与其所处的水体环境有密切关系。在水产养殖过程中,调节好水质,不仅能促进水生动物的生长,而且能有效防止疾病的发生,从而提高养殖产量,达到养殖增产增收的目的。水质的调控归纳起来主要包括水位的控制、水质理化因子的调节以及水生植物的栽培等方面。一、水位控制水位适当与否,在很大程度上会影响鱼类等水生动物的生长。例如对于养鱼池,特别是混养池塘要考虑到各水层鱼类的生长,合理的水位可以减少鱼类相互之间的干扰,让它们有效利用水体中的…  相似文献   

随着人口与经济的发展,水产养殖业在世界范围内迅速兴起,集约型工厂化循环水养殖因其高密度、低污染、高效率等独特的优势,契合水产养殖业绿色发展理念,已成为水产养殖转型升级的重要方向之一。水作为循环水养殖系统中重要的环境因子,其流态能够直接影响鱼类的生长及福利,同样,鱼类存在及运动也会影响到系统流态的构建。本文综合分析了循环水养殖系统中流场条件对不同鱼类生长发育及福利的影响,鱼类及其运动行为对养殖池内水动力条件及性能的影响,以及鱼类对养殖池内流场流态、水体混合等的影响。将研究鱼类运动对流场特性的影响方法主要归纳为实测法和数值研究,通过对比分析2种方法的优点和不足之处,并结合当前循环水养殖产业系统构建中的问题提出针对性方法建议,旨在为系统中水动力条件的设计拓展思路,促进循环水养殖产业流态构建向“鱼”与“水”兼顾的方向发展。  相似文献   

水产养殖动物大多数经济性状诸如生长、肌肉质量和抗病性等都是多个基因控制的数量性状。数量性状位点(quantitative trait locus,QTL)是染色体上决定一个数量性状的区域,可能包含一个或多个基因。水产养殖鱼类QTL定位的目的是弄清决定一个性状的基因数量和效应,以加快重要经济性状的遗传改良速度。本文综述了几种重要养殖鱼类主要经济性状QTL定位研究进展、存在的问题及发展趋势,为提高标记辅助育种效率提供参考。  相似文献   

刘宝祥 《现代渔业信息》2006,21(12):28-30,33
根据当前我国内陆水产养殖业的发展形势,本文针对炎热的夏季北方精养鱼池养殖鱼类易浮头死亡的现象。简要概述了精养鱼池中影响鱼类生长的水质指标、造成鱼类易浮头死亡的原因、水质调控技术与日常管理等方面应该把握的主要问题。旨在为推进我国北方淡水水产养殖业的发展提供技术保障,以促进淡水水产养殖向科技型高效渔业方向发展,为我国水产养殖业高产高效打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

王施龙  胡红浪  熊雪梅  高泽霞 《水产学报》2023,47(1):019603-019603
随着全球水产品养殖产量快速增长,水产养殖业在近二十年间正快速替代捕捞业,成为满足人类对优质蛋白需求极具潜力的生产活动。世界水产品消费量近几十年来快速增长,水产品在人类食物系统中具有越来越重要的地位。遗传改良作为发展水产养殖业的关键环节而备受关注,长期以来,以选择育种和杂交育种为主要的育种方法,以生长速度、成活率等经济性状为主要改良的目标性状,对世界水产养殖业的发展发挥了基础性、先导性和战略性作用。随着人们对优质蛋白需求的不断增加以及“大食物观”概念的广泛普及,将水产品打造为更加高效的食物生产系统是大势所趋。但纵观全球,水产养殖业存在遗传改良种类不多、覆盖面不广、改良性状滞后于产业发展需求等问题,需要加强水产育种技术创新和品种培育,培育更多的遗传改良种,推进水产养殖业高质量发展。本文基于已有研究结果,结合渔业各类统计数据,对世界水产养殖业发展概况、重要养殖种遗传改良情况、水产育种技术应用、目标性状改良以及部分主要人工改良种产量数据进行整理概述,总结发展状况,分析存在问题,以期为水产种业研究以及产业高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

随着水产科学技术的迅猛发展,鱼类养殖环境的研究逐步为人们所注意。1979年10月,在美国密执安州特拉费斯城召开了国际鱼类养殖生物工程专题讨论会。旨在从工程的角度出发,创造优良的养殖环境条件,促进鱼类养殖业的发展。本文就暖水性鱼类生存、生长及养殖所需要的环境条件作一概述。  相似文献   

水产动物补偿生长的研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡云飞 《水产养殖》2012,33(10):29-34
对补偿生长的类型,补偿生长的机理,影响补偿生长的因素,补偿生长过程中鱼类生理生化的变化以及补偿生长在水产养殖中的应用的研究进行了较全面的概述.影响补偿生长的因素有很多,水产养殖动物的体重,种类的不同会导致补偿生长的差异,限食程度,营养成分,性成熟程度和环境因子等因素也会影响到水产动物的补偿生长.提出了补偿生长过程中鱼类的脂肪,蛋白,RNA/DNA,蛋白酶、脂肪酶,淀粉酶和碱性磷酸酶,钙离子、胆固醇、甘油三脂、血红细胞、血红蛋白等成分也会发生相应的变化,但因种类差异而有所不同,并对补偿生长在水产动物养殖中应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着水产养殖业的不断发展和集约化程度的提高,水产养殖环境不断恶化,水产养殖病害逐渐增多,已成为影响养殖成功的重要因素。水产动物病害种类繁多,包括细菌性疾病、病毒性疾病、寄生虫疾病以及真菌引起的疾病等。在鱼类养殖过程中,不同季节发病原因也有所不同,如越冬过后鱼类体内营养物质消耗较大、抗病能力差;春季水温回升时鱼病主要以细菌性疾病为主,如草鱼老三病,其次是寄生虫病、水霉病等;夏秋季节鱼类大量摄食,生长旺盛,养殖水体鱼类密度大,池底开始恶化,水体分层  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼的生长与繁殖力的标准参数测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 尼罗罗非鱼引进我国已有十多年,目前在全国各地广泛推广养殖,成为水产养殖业中的一个重要养殖对象。要使该鱼在生产中继续发挥其增产的优势,保持其各项优良性状,经久不衰,制订出一套该鱼种质标准,就成为一项刻不容缓的工作,也是摆在我们鱼类育种工作者面前的一个重要课题。研究鱼类的生长与繁殖,是鱼类种质鉴定技术的一个重要方面,几年来,我们就尼罗罗非鱼的生长与繁殖力进行了试验研究,现将研究结  相似文献   

Prospects for genetic technology in salmon breeding programmes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Selective breeding has been very successful in increasing production in Atlantic salmon. Gene technology opens new opportunities to comprehend the nature of the genetic variation underlying production traits. Two major areas in which gene technology may play an important role are (1) production of genetically modified fish and (2) development and utilization of genetic markers. Several studies of transgenic salmonids have shown substantially increased growth rates. However, many different issues are related to whether genetically modified fish should be used or not. Genetic markers can be used for aquaculture purposes and for monitoring wild populations. Construction of genetic maps based on markers enables the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and/or markers linked to them. This will facilitate marker‐assisted selection, enabling improvement in economically important traits, in particular traits difficult to breed for, such as food conversion efficiency and disease resistance. Several experiments aimed at mapping QTL in salmonids using genetic markers are ongoing. DNA marker technologies can also be used for identification and monitoring of lines, families and individuals, and for genetic improvement through selection for favourable genes and gene combinations.  相似文献   

水产动物分子标记辅助育种研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了水产动物分子标记辅助育种技术的发展。获得与经济性状连锁的标记是开展分子标记辅助育种的基础,因此,本文重点介绍了获得基因/标记技术的进步,探讨了基因/标记与性状间相互关系的复杂性,论述了准确鉴定性状紧密连锁的基因/标记的难度,指出难点主要源于基因组对性状的形成具有非常复杂的影响。近十年来,已有多个利用分子标记辅助育种技术培育的品种在产业上应用,表明这项新技术具有推动产业技术进步的作用;同时指出了分子标记辅助育种包括全基因组选择育种的不足之处,其根本原因在于鱼类性状的形成机制极其复杂、多变,从而决定了分子标记辅助育种技术具有发展阶段论的特征。  相似文献   

This study provides an overview of successful genetic improvement programmes for important farmed aquaculture species in Asia, with a focus on lessons and experiences gained as well as challenges remaining. In both fish and prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), conventional selective breeding approaches have resulted in significant improvement in productivity, with genetic gains ranging from 8 to 12% per generation. Selection for high growth has also brought about beneficial changes in fillet weight of fish and edible meat in prawns without detrimental effects on flesh quality attributes and fitness‐related traits. Genetically improved animals show remarkable vigour and high adaptation to a range of culture environments/conditions in Asian countries. Despite these successes, however, the conduct and practical implementation of such breeding programmes still present several challenges. These include the expansion of breeding objectives, management of inbreeding in closed‐selection populations, controlling the effects of genotype by environment interactions, simultaneous production of large number of full‐ and half‐sib families for species with asynchronous spawning behaviour, maintaining pedigree records, dissemination of the improved strains for widespread production, as well as a reluctance by many to carry out systematically designed genetic improvement for aquatic animal species. There are also challenges with regard to the application of genomic information in genetic enhancement programmes and the development of genetically improved strains in response to climate and environmental changes. In this study, each of these challenges is discussed and solutions are proposed to increase efficiency of future genetic improvement programmes for economically important aquaculture species.  相似文献   

Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector in agriculture. Substantial genetic gains have been achieved in a few cultured species using conventional selective breeding approaches. However, the majority of fish and shellfish species remain in their wild state. Due to the recognition of the enormous potential of marker‐assisted selection (MAS) to speed up genetic gain through early selection, aquaculture scientists have constructed linkage maps in over 40 species and mapped quantitative trait loci (QTL) for important traits in over 20 species since the 1990s. Although MAS and genomic selection (GS) have not been widely used in aquaculture, their application in breeding programmes is expected to be a fertile area of research. In this paper, I summarized the recent advances of linkage and QTL mapping, as well as MAS in aquaculture species. I also discussed the potentials of genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) and GS in aquaculture species.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of aquaculture species offers a substantial opportunity for increased production efficiency, health, product quality and, ultimately, profitability in aquacultural enterprises. Technolo‐gies exist that can be implemented immediately to improve multiple traits that have economic value, while simultaneously accounting for inbreeding effects. Genetic improvement techniques for delivering genetic gain include formal definition of the breeding objective, estimation of genetic parameters that describe populations and their differences, evaluation of additive and non‐additive genetic merit of individuals or families and defining the structure of a breeding programme in terms of mating plans. Novel genetic technologies involving the use of DNA‐based tools are also under development for a range of aquaculture species. These gene marker technologies can be used for identification and monitoring of lines, families and individuals, monitoring and control of inbreeding, diagnosis of simply inherited traits and genetic improvement through selection for favourable genes and gene combinations. The identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL), and direct or linked markers for them, will facilitate marker‐assisted selection in aquaculture species, enabling improvement in economically important traits, particularly those that are difficult to breed for, such as food conversion efficiency and disease resistance.  相似文献   

Assessing trait–environment relationships is crucial for predicting effects of natural and human‐induced environmental change on biota. We compiled a global database of fish assemblages in estuaries, functional traits of fishes and ecosystem features of estuaries. And we quantified the relative importance of ecosystem features as drivers of patterns of fish functional traits among estuaries worldwide (i.e. drivers of the proportions of fish traits). In addition to biogeographical context, two main environmental gradients regulate traits patterns: firstly temperature, and secondly estuary size and hydrological connectivity of the estuary with the marine ecosystem. Overall, estuaries in colder regions, with larger areas and with higher hydrological connectivity with the marine ecosystem, have higher proportions of marine fish (versus freshwater), macrocarnivores and planktivores (versus omnivores, herbivores and detritivores) and larger fish, with greater maximum depth of distribution and longer lifespan. The observed trait patterns and trait–environment relationships are likely generated by multiple causal processes linked to physiological constraints due to temperature and salinity, size‐dependent biotic interactions, as well as habitat availability and connectivity. Biogeographical context and environmental conditions drive species richness and composition, and present results show that they also drive assemblage traits. The observed trait patterns and trait–environment relationships suggest that assemblage composition is determined by the functional role of species within ecosystems. Conservation strategies should be coordinated globally and ensure protection of an array of estuaries that differ in ecosystem features, even if some of those estuaries do not support high species richness.  相似文献   

The use of selective breeding is still relatively limited in aquaculture species. Information on such activities is sparse, hindering an overall evaluation of their success. Here, we report on the results of an online survey of the major aquaculture breeding companies operating in Europe. Six main reared fish species were targeted. A total of 31 respondents contributed to the survey, representing 75 % of European breeding organizations. Family-based breeding schemes were predominant, but individual selection was more frequently applied in marine species. Artificial fertilization is the preferred means of reproduction; however, mass spawning is often used as a fallback method. The most frequently selected trait is growth performance, but the number of selected traits has been increasing over the years through the addition of traits such as disease resistance or product quality. The use of molecular tools is now common in all programs, mainly for pedigree traceability. An increasing number of programs use either genomic or marker-assisted selection. Results related to the seed production market confirmed that for Atlantic salmon there are a few dominant players at the European level, with 30–50 % market share. Only part of the European fish aquaculture industry today fully exploits selective breeding to the best advantage. A larger impact assessment still needs to be made by the remainder, particularly on the market share of fish seed (eggs, larvae or juveniles) and its consequences for hatchery stability.  相似文献   

养殖渔业的传统技术与科技创新   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
我国养殖渔业的主体是池塘养鱼,长期的生长技术经验积累形成了一套经济合理的生态养鱼法,它与多种经营相关甚密,是农业复合生态结构中的重要组合,当前,来自资源,环境和市场需求等方面的压力对传统养殖淦业提出了挑战,节水,环保,高值水产品养殖等要求越来越迫切,随着工业化养鱼的兴起,与养殖有关的各种现代科技必须加以应用,如生物工程,微生态,动物营养及饲料,健康养殖以及病害防治等,从而使我国的养殖渔业尽快实现现代化。  相似文献   

草鱼生长性状的遗传参数和育种值估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)生长性状选育核心群亲本,采用人工授精方式构建21个全同胞家系,并选用动物模型对16月龄草鱼生长性状进行遗传参数和育种值估计。结果显示,草鱼选育种群的生长性状存在丰富变异。采用约束极大似然法估计方差组分,发现草鱼体重、体长和体高性状的遗传力分别为0.39,0.47,0.21,属于中高遗传力;肥满度性状遗传力为0.11,属于低遗传力;4个性状的共同环境效应值相近且较小,范围为0.07~0.17。采用两性状动物模型分析相关性,发现体重、体长和体高性状间表型和遗传相关系数均达到高度正相关(r=0.88~0.97),而肥满度性状与三者间相关系数接近零,只与体高性状存在一定遗传正相关(r=0.43)。结合各性状遗传变异系数和相对遗传进度,分析表明,以体重为目标性状可便捷有效地改良草鱼生长性能。采用最佳线性无偏估计法预测个体育种值,发现4个性状育种值与表型值的相关系数范围为0.77~0.93。基于单性状育种值和表型值分别进行个体选择,按10%留种率,各性状选留个体相同率为68.75%~81.82%,秩相关系数范围为0.19~0.81,两种选择方式显示出较大差异,且差异大小与性状遗传力成反比例。本研究为草鱼生长性状选择育种提供了理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

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