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秋去冬至,越冬期间鱼类管理非常重要,如何使鱼类安全越冬,提高越冬成活率是养殖户关心的问题。笔者结合多年实践经验,谈谈鱼类越冬期间死亡原因及对策,使养殖户以此为鉴。1原因1.1越冬水体的含氧量通常越冬池发生死鱼大都是因为水中严重缺氧,因而,维持水体较高的溶氧量是确保鱼类安全越冬的重要条件。在越冬期间必须特别注意水体溶氧含量的变化。越冬水体中的溶氧来源于水生植物的光合作用,其产氧量与池水中的浮游植物的种类、数量和冰的透光度密切有关,而水体耗氧主要是水生生物的呼吸和有机物的分解。因此,根据越冬水体溶氧的来源和消耗途…  相似文献   

试验探讨了施用生物渔肥(绿源生)后水体中浮游植物和浮游动物的变化。试验取2个水泥养殖池,其中一个为试验池,施入生物渔肥量为4 g/L,另一个为不施肥的对照池。试验结果表明:施用生物渔肥后试验池中的浮游植物在第2天开始迅速增长,第4天达到生长高峰,比对照池同期增长116.25%,硅藻门取代绿藻门成为优势种群;试验池中的原生动物在第4天达到最大值,比对照池增长16.18%,轮虫、枝角类,桡足类在第6天大量增长,比对照池分别增长30.40%、20.59%和17.46%;试验池浮游生物总量在施入渔肥后的第12天仍高于对照池。本试验条件下,生物渔肥对浮游植物和浮游动物的种类影响不大,但对浮游植物和浮游动物的密度影响较大。  相似文献   

<正> 冰封水面,鱼栖水底。北方的鱼类越冬从11月初开始进入了漫长的冰下阶段,为了能使鱼安全越冬,确保成活,除了扫雪明冰,还应及时调节好越冬水体的水质。现介绍四点,供参考应用。1 调节肥度用化肥 由于鱼类得以生存的溶解氧主要来自池水中进行光合作用的浮游植物,即生物增氧,所以调节好培养浮游植物的肥度十分重要。调节肥可用二胺,切忌用尿素,因尿素在分解中产生的尿素酶就是耗氧生物。具体作法是:先测水质,当每升水中浮游植物的个数少于两万时,或水的透明度高于50cm、水色显淡清色时,就用30kg/hm~2二胺  相似文献   

近年来,随着养殖集约化程度的提高,鱼类越冬密度不断加大,导致越冬池缺氧的情况屡有发生。越冬池缺氧如果发现不及时或抢救措施不当,将会造成严重后果。 一、冰下水体溶氧的主要来源 1.浮游植物 光合作用:水中的浮游植物通过透过冰层的阳光进行光合作用,此种方式为冰封期不加注新水,无循环水的池塘水体增氧的主要方式。  相似文献   

冬季天气寒冷,水温低,鱼类主要集中于池水底层,由于耗氧量增加,易造成底层水体缺氧,使鱼类窒息死亡,降低养殖成活率。下面介绍几种鱼池冬季补氧的办法。1.生物增氧 浮游生物在进行光合作用的同时放出氧气,是越冬水体溶解氧的主要来源。在冰封前,要有意识地向越冬池注入部分含浮游植物多的肥水,但注水量不要超过池水的1/5。如果越冬池水质清瘦,可以施入尿素和过磷酸钙各0.5kg/亩~1.0kg/亩,提高水体的肥度,但不能施用有机肥,以免污染水质。施肥时间不宜过早,最好在封冰前进行,以免藻类过早繁殖,降低越冬后期水体的溶解氧含量。2.注水补氧 …  相似文献   

灰色系统关联度分析方法是一种研究少数据、贫信息不确定问题的新方法,其量化结果与定性分析一致,具有广泛的实用性。以空间理论数学为基础,按规范性、偶对称性、整体性和接近性的原则,计算了人工控制条件下津市西湖12个生态因子(透明度、水深、水温、溶解氧、酸碱度、氨氮、硝酸盐氮、总磷、总氮、氮磷比、浮游动物和浮游植物)的关联度;关联序结果为毛里湖:氮磷比>氨氮>硝酸氮>总氮>总磷>透明度>水深>酸碱度>浮游植物>水温>浮游动物>溶氧;西湖:氨氮>氮磷比>总氮>总磷>硝酸氮>水深>酸碱度>浮游动物>浮游植物>水温>溶氧>透明度。结果表明,氮磷比、氨氮、总氮、总磷和硝酸氮是水体的优势影响因子,溶氧、浮游动物、浮游植物和水温则是相对次要的影响因子,大水面施肥使西湖水体的氮磷比调控到了较好的状态(毛里湖15.35±5.71;西湖9.92±1.97),符合浮游植物生长繁殖的营养需要。  相似文献   

将“天辰水产专用液体肥”定量施放在池塘养殖水体中后,定时检测水体中浮游生物量和种群结构的变化。结果表明,对照池Ⅰ、Ⅲ和Ⅴ号浮游植物的量为0.1mg/L ̄0.2mg/L,浮游动物的量为0.1mg/L ̄0.2mg/L;而试验池塘中经过2次施放肥料后,浮游植物的量上升为0.1mg/L ̄0.3mg/L,浮游动物的量为0.2mg/L ̄0.3mg/L。浮游植物中蓝藻和绿藻数量虽然在施肥后数量有所上升,但没有硅藻明显。3个试验池塘中浮游动物的数量也有明显的上升。  相似文献   

鱼类越冬池溶解氧含量过低会使鱼窒息死亡,但溶解氧含量过高是造成鱼类气泡病的主要原因;尤其在越冬中、后期池塘水质较肥的池塘,水中浮游植物含量过多,光合作用产氧能力高,使水中的溶解氧达到过饱和。气泡病一般发生在越冬中期和后期,由于前期一般  相似文献   

杨玉凤 《内陆水产》2003,28(12):33-33
冬季天气寒冷,水温低,鱼类主要集中于池水底层。由于耗氧量增加,易造成底层水体缺氧,使鱼窒息死亡降低成活率。下面介绍几种鱼池冬季补氧的办法。生物增氧浮游生物在进行光合作用时放出的氧,是越冬水体溶氧的主要来源。在冰封前要有意识地注入部分含浮游植物多的肥水,作为引种之用,但注水量不要超过池水的1/5。如果越冬池水质清瘦,每0.067公顷各施0.5~1千克的尿素和过磷酸钙以提高水的肥度,但不能施用有机肥,以免污染水质。施肥时间不宜过早,最好在封冻前进行,以免藻类过早繁殖,降低后期水体含氧量。注水补氧越冬期间,鱼塘内发生缺水和缺氧…  相似文献   

我场新发越冬池面积为17.8亩,冰下水深2.0m,越冬鱼类为鲤、草鱼成鱼,鱼类越冬数量为19080kg,越冬密度1100kg/亩。1996年1月溶解氧不断下降,至1月22日该池溶解氧下降至1.5mg/1以下,越冬鱼类开始上浮,有可能造成大批死亡。在组织抢救的同时,我们对水中溶解氧下降原因进行了观察和分析,主要是由于冰下水体浮游动物大量繁殖,(轮虫、桡足类、嗽叭虫)加之注水管直接插入冰下注水(井水溶解氧为0),而造成越冬池局部溶解氧低于1mg/1,我们将注水管抬起接触空气注水后局部溶解氧上升至1.5mg/1,上浮鱼类开始下游,但该池溶解氧始终很低。  相似文献   

对虾工厂化养殖与池塘养殖系统结构与效益比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物、水质因子4个方面对工厂化对虾养殖和池塘对虾养殖生态系统的差异进行了观察和分析。结果表明,工厂化对虾养殖系统中浮游植物、浮游动物及底栖生物的丰度均低于池塘对虾养殖系统(分别为22815个/ml<31590个/ml,490.5个/L<650.0个/L,4.5个/10cm2<267.5个/10cm2),而溶解氧(DO)含量、氨态氮(NH4-N)和无机磷(PO4-P)浓度均高于池塘养殖。工厂化养殖对虾的生长量、生长速度及存活率均低于池塘养殖,但其养殖密度高,能很好的弥补生长速度之不足,更好的利用水体获得更高的单位生产量。  相似文献   

Twelve 0.4‐ha ponds were stocked with 10,000 hybrid catfish fingerlings in March 2015. Six ponds were partially harvested in August to remove fish larger than ~0.57 kg. All remaining fish were removed in October and November. Partial harvest of faster‐growing fish removed ~26% of the fish initially stocked; feeding rate (and therefore external nutrient loading) was reduced by about the same amount. However, reduced nutrient loading after partial fish harvest had no meaningful effects on water quality, phytoplankton biomass, phytoplankton and zooplankton community structure, or supplemental aeration. Lack of ecosystem change was caused by persistent internal recycling of nutrients added to the system before partial harvest and continued high (albeit reduced) external nutrient loading after partial harvest. Decisions to employ partial fish harvest to manage single‐cropped hybrid catfish ponds should be based on economic considerations and risk reduction rather than the expectation that fish biomass reduction will improve water quality.  相似文献   


Production of fingerlings from very small fry depends upon an initial high concentration of rotifers followed by high densities of crustacean zooplankton. High fertilization rates lead to increased zooplankton production but often cause poor water quality conditions that aeration may alleviate. This study was designed to determine the effects of constant, nocturnal, and no aeration on water quality, primary productivity, and standing crops of phytoplankton and zooplankton in heavily fertilized nursery-size ponds that contained no fish.

Four 0.04-ha ponds were aerated continually; four ponds were aerated only at night with a 372-W (1/2 hp) paddlewheel aerator; and four ponds were not aerated. For 21 days after they were filled on July 21, 1999, the ponds received 1,224 kg/ha rice bran and 581kg/ha liquid 9-27-0 fertilizer. Water quality variables, primary production, chlorophyll-a and zooplankton were sampled daily.

Constant aeration resulted in several conditions more conducive to survival of fish fry, such as higher zooplankton densities, more moderate temperatures, and safer dissolved oxygen levels than did nocturnal aeration or no aeration. However, the development of a higher standing crop of phytoplankton and higher total ammonia concentrations in the turbulent, constantly aerated ponds resulted in higher un-ionized ammonia levels that were not favorable to survival and growth of fry. The high concentrations of zooplankton that developed in the aerated ponds have good potential for cropping to inoculate other ponds or to provide live foods for tank culture of zooplanktivorous fish.  相似文献   

采用灰色系统关联度分析方法,以空间理论数学为基础,依规范性、偶对称性、整体性和接近性原则,计算并分析了在人工控制条件下澧县王家厂水库13个生态因子(透明度、水深、水温、溶解氧、酸碱度、电导率、氨氮、硝酸盐氮、总磷、总氮、氮磷比、浮游动物和浮游植物)的关联度,南河关联序结果为:氮磷比〉总氮〉硝酸氮〉氨氮〉浮游植物〉浮游动...  相似文献   

Water quality variables and plankton were monitored and compared between ponds that were stocked or not stocked with golden shiners in order to determine what changes occur in the plankton community and water quality of ponds managed for intensive production. Ponds with shiners had significantly lower phosphate and carbon dioxide concentrations and lower carbonate alkalinity than ponds without shiners. No significant difference in nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, temperature, secchi disk readings, or turbidity levels was found between the treatments. The standing crop of phytoplankton was nearly twice as great in ponds with fish. Ponds with fish had significantly fewer copepods but more rotifers than fishless ponds. Although the fish were offered a commercial feed with 29.5% protein and 1.5% crude fat at 3% of their biomass daily, they apparently continued to feed on crustacean zooplankton.  相似文献   

Water quality and plankton densities were monitored in shrimp ponds at 12 mixed shrimp‐mangrove forestry farms in Ca Mau province, southern Vietnam, to detail basic water chemistry and assess whether conditions are suitable for shrimp culture. In general, water quality was not optimal for shrimp culture. In particular, ponds were shallow (mean ± 1SE, 50.5 ± 2.8 cm), acidic (pH < 6.5), had high suspended solids (0.3 ± 0.03 g l?1), low chlorophyll a/phytoplankton concentrations (0.2 ± 0.05 µg l?1 and 8600 ± 800 cells l?1 respectively) and low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels (3.7 ± 0.15 mg l?1). Eight out of the 12 farms sampled had potentially acid sulphate soils (pH < 4.2). Salinity, DO and pH were highly variable over short time‐periods (hours); DO in particular was reduced to potentially lethal levels (1–2 mg l?1). Seasonal variations in water chemistry and plankton communities (i.e. salinity, DO, phosphate, temperature, phytoplankton and zooplankton densities) appear to be driven by differences in rainfall patterns. The presence or absence of mangroves on internal pond levees (‘mixed’ versus ‘separate’ farms) and the source of pond water (rivers versus canals) were of lesser importance in determining water quality patterns and plankton biomass. Zooplankton and macrobenthos densities were sufficient to support the current (low) stocking densities of shrimp. However, natural food sources are not adequate to support increases in production by stocking hatchery reared post larvae. Increasing productivity by fertilization and/or supplemental feeding has the potential for adverse water quality and would require improvements to water management practices. Some practical strategies for improving water quality and plankton densities are outlined.  相似文献   

澧县王家厂水库生态因子的灰关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用灰色系统关联度分析方法,以空间理论数学为基础,依规范性、偶对称性、整体性和接近性原则,计算并分析了在人工控制条件下澧县王家厂水库13个生态因子(透明度、水深、水温、溶解氧、酸碱度、电导率、氨氮、硝酸盐氮、总磷、总氮、氮磷比、浮游动物和浮游植物)的关联度,南河关联序结果为:氮磷比>总氮>硝酸氮>氨氮>浮游植物>浮游动物>溶解氧>酸碱度>总磷>水温>电导率>透明度>水深;北河:氮磷比>总氮>总磷>硝酸氮>浮游动物>水温>水深>酸碱度>溶氧>透明度>浮游植物>电导率>氨氮。分析表明,氮磷比、总氮和总磷是水库水体的优势影响因子。在研究过程中发现,除个别样点超出Ⅲ类水标准外,其余均在Ⅲ类范围内;说明王家厂水库在放养鱼类的情况下,通过合理的人工能量投入,可以达到既增加水体生物的多样性,又提高水体生产力,实现水生态保护的目的。  相似文献   

Many fish culturists are interested in applying copper sulfate pentahydrate (CSP) to channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, nursery ponds as a prophylactic treatment for trematode infection and proliferative gill disease by killing snails and Dero sp., respectively, before stocking fry. However, copper is an algaecide and may adversely affect phytoplankton and zooplankton populations. We evaluated the effects of prophylactic use of copper sulfate in catfish nursery ponds on water quality and phytoplankton and zooplankton populations. In 2006, treatments of 0 mg/L CSP, 3 mg/L CSP (0.77 mg/L Cu), and 6 mg/L CSP (1.54 mg/L Cu) were randomly assigned to 0.04‐ha ponds. In 2007, only treatments of 0 and 3 mg/L CSP were randomly assigned to the 16 ponds. Ponds treated with CSP had significantly higher pH and significantly lower total ammonia concentrations. Treatment of both CSP rates increased total algal concentrations but reduced desirable zooplankton groups for catfish culture. CSP has been shown to be effective in reducing snail populations at the rate used in this study. CSP treatment also appears to be beneficial to the algal bloom, shifting the algal population to green algae and increasing total algal biomass within 1 wk after CSP treatment. Although zooplankton populations were adversely affected, populations of important zooplankton to catfish fry began rebounding 6–12 d after CSP treatment. Therefore, if CSP is used to treat catfish fry ponds of similar water composition used in this study, fry should not be stocked for about 2 wk after CSP application to allow time for the desirable zooplankton densities to begin increasing.  相似文献   

青龙湖冬季浮游植物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究青龙湖浮游植物群落结构特征及其水环境影响因子,确定水体营养化现状,于2016年12(冬季)对青龙湖10个采样点浮游植物种类组成、丰度与生物量以及水质理化指标进行调查分析。结果显示,冬季青龙湖共鉴定出浮游植物5门、17属、50种(含变种),硅藻和绿藻是青龙湖浮游植物优势类群,浮游植物种类组成表现为硅藻-绿藻型;优势类群为硅藻门颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulata)、颗粒直链藻极狭变种(M.granulata var.angustissima)、颗粒直链藻极狭变种螺旋变型(M.granulata var.angustissima f.spiralis)及蓝藻门类颤鱼腥藻(Anabaena oscillarioides)、水华束丝藻(Aphanizomenon flos-aquae),优势种在各采样点分布差异不明显。冬季浮游植物丰度均值为6.71×104个/L,生物量均值为0.07mg/L;各采样点Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数与Pielou指数分别为0.98~2.31、0.61~2.37及0.19~0.84。冗余分析(RDA)表明,pH、溶解氧、溶解氧饱和度、水温与氧化还原电位与青龙湖浮游植物群落结构关系最为密切。Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与Pielou均匀度指数评价水质结果为中度污型水平。  相似文献   

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