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目前,海参病害的发生直接影响着海参养殖业的健康发展。为此,结合生产实践对海参养殖发病的原因及对策探讨如下:  相似文献   

杨化林 《齐鲁渔业》2009,26(4):41-41
北方海参养殖多为潮间带和虾池造礁的露天养殖,许多养殖户存在冬季气温低、海参不用管理的观念,导致许多海参死亡。从近几年了解的情况看,养殖海参大面积发病的时间基本相同,山东地区多在2月中旬到5月上旬,集中在3-4月。这期间的重要变化因素是气温和水温从严寒的冬季低温期逐步回升,但气温和水温的回升速度是不同的,  相似文献   

北方海参养殖多为潮间带和虾池造礁的露天养殖,许多养殖户存在冬季气温低、海参不用管理的观念,导致许多海参的死亡。从近几年了解的情况看,养殖海参大面积发病的时间基本相同,山东地区多在2月中旬~5月上旬,集中在3~4月。这期间的重要变化因素是气温和水温从严寒的冬季低温期逐步回升,  相似文献   

近几年,锦州地区利用原有的养虾池改造进行海参养殖效果很好,养殖面积已达近五万亩,苗种的需求也很大。针对目前室内人工培育的苗种成本高,养殖中易发病,养殖成活率偏低等诸多原因,我们利用养殖海参的池塘进行苗种的培育试验,经过几个月的培育,效果很好,现介绍给大家。  相似文献   

针对当地海参池塘繁生大型藻类从而造成海参发病的情况,乳山水产技术推广站于近日组织骨干技术指导员和重点示范户到昌邑取经,因为昌邑盛产蜾赢蜚,而蜾赢蜚主要以海底或海水中悬浮的藻类、有机碎屑为食。利用其食性进行生态防治藻类的过量繁殖,既可对养殖环境进行生物自净处理,为海参创造适宜的生活空间,又可优化养殖结构,  相似文献   

海参饲料与健康养殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海参养殖业发展迅猛,养殖模式由粗放养殖转向集约化养殖和半粗放养殖,海参饲养由单一藻粉向全人工饵料发展。为更好地服务海参养殖业,就海参营养疾病的预防对策和健康养殖作简单分析与介绍。  相似文献   

国内外海参自然资源、养殖状况及存在问题   总被引:43,自引:6,他引:43  
海参含有丰富的蛋白质和黏多糖,营养和药用价值极高。自20世纪80年代以来,海参的几种重要商业品种的苗种培育在日本、中国和印度等国家相继获得成功。近年来,海参消费需求的逐步扩大导致世界范围内海参自然资源的过度开发和种群数量的急剧下降,海参的人工养殖随之兴起。目前,国内海参养殖规模不断扩大,养殖方式多种多样。然而养殖的过速发展和不规范运作也造成了如生态环境恶化、病害等诸多问题。本文综述了国内外海参的自然资源、种群分布,以及目前海参主要养殖品种的苗种培育和增养殖技术要点,就海参养殖中存在的主要问题进行了探讨并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

赵广苗 《齐鲁渔业》2006,23(5):29-30
目前刺参是我国海参中唯一的养殖对象,通常说的海参养殖即是指刺参养殖。近几年,各地纷纷改造池塘进行海参养殖,但是,由于海参生长对环境的要求和对养殖技术的要求不是很高,所以,一些养殖户在养殖过程中,对水质的调控、投喂饵料的质量、日常管理等缺乏科学方法,导致海参养殖成活率低,生长速度慢,甚至出现病害,既影响了海参的质量又降低了养殖效益。针对这一情况,从2003~2005年我们在青岛市城阳区红岛街道进行了刺参池塘健康养殖技术试验,旨在探讨刺参池塘健康养殖的技术措施,规范刺参养殖业,为社会提供健康、无污染的海参产品。  相似文献   

我国刺参养殖存在的主要问题与疾病综合防治技术要点   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
王印庚  荣小军 《齐鲁渔业》2004,21(10):29-31
从养殖设施、养殖工艺、生态环境、种参和种质等多方面进行了全面的分析和讨论,深入剖析了目前刺参养殖业中存在的主要问题,并根据我国养殖刺参的发病特点和发展趋势,提出了相应的对策,阐明了海参疾病综合防治技术的要点。  相似文献   

海参养殖业迅猛发展,养殖模式由粗放养殖转向集约化养殖和半粗放养殖,海参饲料由单一藻粉向全人工饵料发展。引起海参营养性疾病的主要原因是饵料的质量问题,加工出高质量的饲料,避免营养性疾病的发生,应必须做好以下四方向的工作。  相似文献   

The influence of housing factors on udder diseases was investigated in 2156 tiestall barns with 41893 cows and in 98 loose housed herds with 4126 cows. In loose housed herds less teat injuries were observed and also less mastitis than in tiestall barns. Within the different tiestall systems there was a trend to more udder diseases in short standings with a dung grid than in other systems. The ordinary neck chain and the "Grabner"-tethering system showed better results than the horizontal chain and the yoke tying system. Stall partitions between the cows caused a marked reduction of udder diseases. The installation of a cow trainer showed advantages regarding udder diseases. Inaccurate standing measurements (length and width) caused more udder diseases. When the metal grid was in poor condition, the incidence of teat injuries as well as udder diseases of heifers increased. Teat injuries and udder infections were more frequent when limb or digit injuries were found. Regular hoof care twice a year reduced the udder disease rate. Bedding material influenced the incidence of udder diseases positively. On farms where the cows were on pasture, the incidence of udder infections was higher than on farms where the cows were permanently housed. Heifers that were tied as calves or as juveniles showed significantly less udder diseases than those that were raised in groups. Faults in milking, defects in milking machines and deficits in milking hygiene showed a negative effect on udder diseases.  相似文献   

病毒、弧菌共同作用引发虾病的预防与治疗技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过用肉眼观察、镜检,并配合核酸探针法检测池塘对虾病虾的病毒、细菌感染情况,结果发现,由细菌引起的白斑病症较多,携带病毒和感染上病毒的虾数量很少。经分离培养和人工感染试验,证实1号菌是很强的致病菌。经药敏试验找出了首选药物阿莫西林。  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)养殖业是我国水产养殖支柱产业之一。随着中华绒螯蟹养殖产业飞速发展,病害问题也愈加严重,并逐渐成为了产业发展的"瓶颈"问题。本文就我国近年来中华绒螯蟹病害流行的态势、病害流行原因以及应对措施进行剖析,以期为推动该产业的持续发展提供相应的参考。  相似文献   

孙丕喜  陈皓文 《河北渔业》2007,(10):6-11,22
据病原动物类别,牡蛎寄生虫病分作5类,对寄生虫病的病原、流行状况、检测诊断和防治分别作了讨论。  相似文献   

This study presents an Ex‐Post Facto analysis of diseases of wild juvenile and adults of Litopenaeus setiferus collected from a field survey at the Natural Protected Area of Terminos lagoon, southern Mexico. The objective of the present approach was to determine if sampling site and/or shrimp age were contributing risk factors for disease between juvenile and adult shrimp; if there was a determined period of time in a year cycle when diseases were more critical, and if the analysis would help to decision‐ making considering what population would pose less risk of disease‐carrying when withdrawn for experimental purposes; all under an after‐the‐fact (ex‐post facto) approach. We identified that juvenile shrimp were at more risk of contracting some diseases in the estuarine environment and June, July and August months, were found to be a critical period when colonizing and parasitic diseases maintained a significant high prevalence in the shrimp population. These assumptions may help for decision‐making when wild shrimp have to be withdrawn from their natural environment for research purposes.  相似文献   

为掌握水生动物病害流行规律,有效控制疾病发生,减少养殖生产损失,对天津地区水生养殖动物病害流行情况进行了调查,分析了发病原因,对水生养殖动物病害流行趋势进行了预测,并提出了防控措施。  相似文献   

Dysbiosis in the gut microbiota has been intimately implicated in shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeidae) diseases. However, considering the variety of shrimp diseases and the variability in experimental conditions, studies addressing common features of the gut microbiota−shrimp disease relationship are limited. Through an unbiased subject-level meta-analysis framework, 463 shrimp gut bacterial communities from 27 studies were re-analysed, including six lifestages and eight diseases of shrimp, with the causal agents of viral, bacterial, eukaryotic, and unknown pathogens. Shrimp lifestages and diseases were the predominant factors governing the gut microbiota. After ruling out the top lifestage- and disease-specific discriminatory amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) from the gut microbiota, the top 27 disease common-discriminatory ASVs were identified, contributing to an overall accuracy of 95.9% in diagnosing shrimp health status. By using these optimisation procedures, the accuracy of our diagnosis model was unbiased by shrimp lifestage, specific disease, sampling size, hypervariable region and sequencing platform. The shrimp eight diseases consistently and significantly increased the relative importance of stochasticity, the relative abundance of pathogenic potentials and diversified core ASVs, whereas decreased the diversity and stability of gut microbiota. Collectively, these findings illustrate the effectiveness of meta-analysis in determining the robust and common features of the shrimp gut microbiota in response to diverse diseases. In particular, disease common-discriminatory ASVs could accurately diagnose shrimp health status, although the data are divergent in biotic and technical variances.  相似文献   

为了解东风螺能否通过接触感染脱壳病,将正在发生脱壳病的东风螺,与健康螺养在同一个水泥池,时间17~40d。实验结果:健康螺生长、摄食、存活基本正常,未出现感染脱壳病的症状。人工水泥池养殖东风螺,脱壳病的非生物病因是综合性因素造成的环境条件不适长期作用的结果。东风螺水泥池养殖病害防治,应以改善生态环境条件等综合预防措施为主。  相似文献   

本文讨论我国近年来在鳖病研究方面的进展情况,新报了数种中华鳖病毒和病原菌等致病原。文章探讨了导致鳖病的生物因素和非生物因素。这些鳖病可以通过调节生态环境,使用药物防治,疫苗预防等综合措施得以预防和控制。  相似文献   

猪瘟、口蹄疫、禽流感和新城疫四种重大动物疫病对畜禽业的危害非常严重,目前疫苗免疫是预防和控制动物疫病最有效的途径,免疫抗体检测能很好的反映出免疫效果的好坏。为了及时了解陕西省重大动物疫病免疫状况,2010年11月份在全省11个市(区)的21个县随机采集牛、羊、猪、鸡秋防免疫血清共2359份,按照农业部规定的检测方法,对其进行了重大动物疫病免疫抗体水平的检测,检测结果均达到或超过农业部规定的合格标准,说明陕西省今年秋防动物免疫效果总体较好。  相似文献   

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