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基于Ecopath模型的复合养殖池塘构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了从能量量化的角度分析淡水池塘循环水养殖系统的构建,选择了在中国水产科学研究院池塘生态工程研究中心(上海泖港,30°57′1.89″N,121°08′52.21″E)构建的分隔式和序批式2种复合养殖模式,并选择了1个传统池塘作为对照。根据2016年全年的实测数据,应用Ecopath with Ecosim 6.5软件分析了3种淡水池塘循环水养殖系统能量流动特征。结果显示,传统池塘、分隔式池塘、序批式池塘饲料的营养传递效率(EE)最高,依次为0.77、0.75、0.99,饲料系数依次为2.5、2.8、1.6,表明按规格区分的序批式池塘系统更有利于饲料转化。枝角类、桡足类、轮虫在传统池塘、分隔式池塘、序批式池塘中EE依次分别为0.7/0.09/0.39、0.8/0.02/0.12、0.77/0.89/0.07,表明枝角类能被系统有效利用,但不同养殖模式影响着不同浮游动物的营养传递效率。另外,降雨和底泥沉积物EE均小于0.1,表明功能组底泥沉积物和功能组降雨没有被系统有效利用。生态位重叠分析显示分隔式池塘猎物重叠度指数最大,序批式池塘捕食重叠度最大,表明分隔式池塘中饵料竞争强度大,序批式池塘来自于同一捕食者的捕食压力大,分隔式池塘可以通过加强区域水体流动来降低饵料竞争强度。能流分析显示淡水池塘循环水养殖系统的主要能量流动方式为牧食链。系统总体特征分析显示,分隔式和序批式复合池塘在系统成熟度上优于传统池塘,说明通过复合养殖模式的构建,在改变单一传统池塘生态脆弱和提高系统多样性上是可行的。  相似文献   

建立了一种北方池塘循环水大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)生态养殖模式。在跑道池内养殖大口黑鲈,跑道池与净水池塘连通,池塘净水区域养殖鲢、鳙,种植角果藻,实现养殖尾水零排放。根据大口黑鲈投放密度、规格、摄食、排便及水质理化指标等情况开启微滤机、增氧机、底排污等设施设备,进行水质调控,当氨氮≥1 mg/L,亚硝酸盐≥0.2 mg/L时,开启外循环。经过142 d养殖,1200 m2跑道池,2000 m3水体,共收获大口黑鲈45104 kg,养殖成活率94%,产值191.7万元,利润36.38万元。试验表明开展池塘工程化循环水养殖大口黑鲈是可行的。  相似文献   

<正>由于池塘养殖是一个开放性系统,长期高密度的养殖使得养殖尾水的排放成为太湖流域水污染的重要因素之一。为减少养殖自身带来的污染,将传统渔业逐步向低碳、生态方向发展,金坛市水产技术指导站将循环水与河蟹养殖有机结合,在儒林镇大亭村281×667 m2连片养殖区进行了河蟹池塘循环水低碳养殖试验,取得了较好的经济效益和环境效益。2013年产河蟹127 kg/667 m2,青虾55 kg/667 m2,平均纯收益12 635元/667 m2,且养殖尾水中各项水质指标均达太湖流域二级排放标准。现将主要技术总结如下。  相似文献   

我国水产养殖设施模式发展研究   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
徐皓  倪琦  刘晃 《渔业现代化》2007,34(6):1-6,10
作为世界水产养殖大国,我国的养殖设施模式要走上可持续发展的轨道,应该在为健康养殖提供进一步保障的前提下,更加注重系统在"节水、节地、节能、减排"方面的功效。养殖池塘、流水型养殖设施、循环水养殖设施和网箱养殖设施是我国集约化养殖的主要设施模式。这些设施在发挥巨大生产力的同时,在养殖水环境控制、水资源利用、生产系统效益、系统对环境的影响等方面,不同程度地存在着问题或矛盾,没能发挥出现代设施系统在健康养殖和产业可持续发展上应有的作用。本文在对以上4种主要养殖设施模式进行分析的基础上,结合养殖设施科技领域的研究成果,提出未来我国水产养殖设施模式的发展方向以及需要解决的重大科技问题,包括池塘工程化生态养殖设施、节水型养殖设施、经济型循环水养殖设施、系统化深水网箱养殖设施等4种发展模式。  相似文献   

<正>2015年针对宁夏大宗淡水鱼池塘养殖特点,构建完成由生态沟渠、生态塘、潜流湿地和养殖池塘组成的内陆池塘生态工程化循环水养殖系统,该系统通过过水设施串联沟通,末级池塘排放水通过水位控制管溢流到生态沟渠,各池塘也可独自通过排水口直接溢流到生态沟渠。在生态沟渠初步净化处理后,经过水通道控制自流进入生态塘,在生态塘内进一步沉淀与净化后,通过水泵提升到潜流湿地,潜流湿地出水自流至进水  相似文献   

在中国对虾养殖产业格局中,传统半精养模式仍占着很大的比重,新型精养模式普及程度不高,两种模式各有优劣。为了比较两种养殖模式的可持续性,本研究采用生态足迹和生态足迹指数对两种不同养殖模式进行比较分析。结果表明:1)对虾半精养模式的生态足迹为28.278 ghm~2,精养模式的生态足迹为44.596 ghm~2,其中饲料项目对生态足迹的贡献最大,比重达到60%~80%。2)半精养模式的人均水产品消费生态足迹为0.040 10 ghm~2,生态足迹指数为-0.24%,为不可持续发展模式;精养模式的人均水产品消费生态足迹为0.033 23 ghm~2,生态足迹指数为16.93%,为可持续发展模式,精养模式比半精养模式具有更大的可持续发展潜力。本研究针对水产养殖的特性对渔业生态足迹的定义和模型进行优化,解决了小尺度研究领域中人均渔业生态足迹难以明确和核算的问题,并结合生态足迹指数模型对对虾养殖可持续发展进行量化评估,从因素分析和生产模式优化等方面为小尺度水产养殖业的可持续发展策略提供权衡和比较。  相似文献   

正我国的池塘养殖有几千年的历史,目前为全球水产品提供扮演着重要角色。然而,近年来养殖风险高、养殖效益低和环保压力大的问题日趋严重,池塘养殖面临着重大挑战。水产行业的科学家和从业者试图通过各种办法来解决目前的问题,出现了很多不同的高效养殖模式。如申玉春通过构建虾、鱼、贝、藻多池循环水生态养殖及水质生物调控系统来提高饲料利用率和经济效益;胡庚东通过构建水源地、养殖池塘、生态沟渠、二级进化塘、三级进化塘组成的淡水  相似文献   

在大力推广池塘工程化循环水养殖技术的过程中,宁夏水产技术推广站结合本地生产实际,在原有基础上不断创新,对气提式推水、粪污收集处理、鱼种放养、饲养管理、外塘水质净化、安全越冬等系统和技术进行改造和优化,创建了4种流水槽养殖模式,集成总结了6大配套技术,发明了10项实用新型专利,实现了宁夏5大地级市全覆盖,单条水槽产值达到7.80万元~29.29万元。  相似文献   

选择池塘条件类似的4口池塘,开展沙塘鳢主养、套养模式的养殖试验,对比分析主养、套养模式池塘的沙塘鳢养成规格、养殖产量及其经济效益。研究结果表明,池塘主养、套养沙塘鳢的养成规格分别为37.5 g/尾、42.1g/尾和40.1 g/尾、42.8g/尾,养殖成活率分别为66.6%、71.2%和72.0%、75.5%,差异不大,但套养模式略高;沙塘鳢池塘套养模式的养殖净收入每667m~2分别为2145元和1954元,产投比分别为1.71和1.65,明显优于主养模式每667m~2的1385元、1270元和1.31和1.29。试验结果表明,荷包红鲤冬片鱼种培育池塘套养沙塘鳢具有较高的养殖效益,可为沙塘鳢养殖模式调整提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为探索新的养虾模式,采用在南美白对虾养殖池中混养青虾,并辅以池塘种草和生物制剂调控水质等生态养殖技术进行了养殖试验。试验结果:混养塘南美白对虾亩产量比单养塘提高了8.3%,同时青虾单产为30 kg/亩(15亩=1 hm2,下同),可增加600~800元/亩的收入,整体经济效益提高了1647元/亩。结果表明,此种养殖模式在不需要增加投饲、用药和能源消耗的情况下提高了南美白对虾的成活率,并且改善了池塘的养殖环境,是一种值得推广的养殖模式。  相似文献   

李健  李吉涛 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119607-119607
池塘养殖是我国海水养殖的传统方式,也是当前陆基海水养殖的主体。自20世纪70年代,海水池塘养殖经历了粗放式、半集约、集约化和多营养层次生态养殖的发展历程。然而,海水池塘养殖产业中仍存在养殖生物生态适应性机制不清、养殖系统产出不稳定、营养物质利用效率低等“瓶颈”问题,严重制约了海水池塘养殖产业的发展。因此开展海水养殖虾蟹良种与生态环境的互作机制解析,研发养殖生态系统结构优化和营养物质资源化高效利用技术,搭建养殖信息采集与智能化管控平台,创建生态工程化养殖新模式,实现养殖系统高效可持续产出,是我国海水池塘养殖产业绿色高质量发展的关键。  相似文献   

多维视角下的新时代水产养殖业发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
董双林 《水产学报》2019,43(1):105-115
由于经济因素的驱动,我国水产养殖规模和集约化水平在快速扩大和提高,同时,土地、淡水和鱼粉等资源制约日趋明显,氮磷排放、碳足迹、生态足迹在迅速增大,因此,我国水产养殖业需要生态集约化发展。从多维和可持续发展的视角可以推知,内陆大水域未来仅适于发展不投饲的养殖种类或称净水渔业,近岸(10 m以浅、距岸2 km以内或有遮蔽的海域)可发展不投饵的贝、藻养殖和增殖,离岸(距岸2 km以外、水深10~50 m)应增殖、养殖并举,深远海养殖(50 m以深、高海况开放海域和12 n mile以外的专属经济区海域)大有可为,陆基池塘生态集约化改造和陆基循环水养殖的阳光工厂化改造任重道远。  相似文献   

水产养殖过程中,池塘生态系统可分为自成熟期和人工维持期。在养殖容量提高的情况下,养殖生物呼吸需氧量在不断增加,缺氧条件下有机物分解成有害物质,影响养殖生产。维持池塘生态系统稳定的主要工程机制为:通过上下水层交换、平衡营养元素等方法,强化光合作用,提高营养物质转化规模,提升初级生产力;形成生态增氧为主、机械增氧为辅的高效增氧机制。以中国养殖池塘生态系统为研究对象,分析探讨养殖池塘生态机制、水体溶氧理论、增氧机作用机理、不同类型增氧机的机械性能等,提出了大宗淡水鱼混养池塘及几种典型单养池塘增氧机配置方式,从而为池塘养殖系统增氧机的配置提供技术参考。  相似文献   

我国淡水池塘养殖投入产出分析与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淡水池塘养殖是我国水产养殖业的重要组成部分,其投入产出效益关系一直备受关注。在对10个省份淡水池塘养殖投入产出数据调研的基础上,分析了产出与投入之间的关系,得出结论:(1)典型相关分析发现,淡水池塘养殖产出与投入第一对典型相关变量的相关系数达到强相关水平,值为0.961 3,其中,反映产出的典型变量主要由成鱼收入决定,反映投入的典型变量主要由饲料和苗种费用决定;(2)样本区域淡水池塘养殖产出投入比值介于0.76~1.65之间,效益相差较大,其中浙江最高、辽宁最低。建议通过加大中低产池塘标准化改造力度、构建生态养殖模式及提高养殖合作组织化程度等措施,促进实现我国淡水池塘养殖可持续发展目标。  相似文献   

The industrial aquaculture pond system has gradually replaced the use of traditional earthen pond, as it causes less pollution and is more economical. In this study, an industrial ecological purification recirculating aquaculture system consisting of the water source pond, high‐density culture ponds, a deposit pond, and ecological purification ponds for channel catfish cultivation was established. Twelve water samples from different ponds were sequenced, and the bacterial communities were analysed. The abundances of Cyanobacteria and Merismopedia varied in different functional ponds of the system. The water quality was stable after two months of cultivation at 1.89 ± 0.22 mg/L total nitrogen, 1.1 ± 0.08 mg/L NH4‐N and 0.43 ± 0.1 mg/L total phosphorus. The fish weight increased in a nearly linear manner, reaching 237.63 ± 23.8 per fish at day 120. An analysis of the environmental parameters, water quality and fish weight suggested that the system had an effective water purification process. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the community was affected at the genus and phylum levels by different environmental parameters. We identified several dominant beneficial bacteria with nutrient removal abilities. Overall, our results demonstrated that the ecological purification recirculating aquaculture system had notable effects on water quality improvement and promoted changes in bacterial populations. These results provide important information on the microbial ecology of pond industrial eco‐aquaculture systems.  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is a key ecological factor to measure the quality of water in the aquaculture. As the pond water body is affected by the breeding environment, the spatial distribution of DO shows a certain law in the entire pond. Therefore, to simulate the distribution of DO in aquaculture waters and grasp the temporal and spatial variation of DO is the key to achieving precise regulation of DO. For this purpose, this paper proposed a method for simulating the temporal and spatial distribution of DO in pond culture based on a sliding window-temporal convolutional network together with trend surface analysis (SW-TCN-TSA). This paper first utilized SW to construct DO data sets with different prediction durations, and then used the improved TCN model to realize one-dimensional time series prediction for DO at single monitoring point. Based on the prediction results of DO, a TSA method was performed on the predicted values of DO at the extreme moments of all discrete monitoring points, so as to realize the simulation of the temporal and spatial distribution of DO in the pond. Experimental results show that the SW-TCN model has better prediction performance for one-dimensional time series prediction of DO. Compared with traditional deep networks, such as CNN, GRU, LSTM, CNN-GRU and CNN-LSTM, the values of evaluation indicators (MSE, MAE and RMSE) have been greatly improved. In the process of trend surface fitting, all fitting R2 of DO at different water depths are higher than 0.9, indicating that the TSA can accurately reflect the temporal and spatial distribution of DO. This method can provide a basis for the prediction and early warning of DO in the three-dimensional space of the pond and has high practicability in aquaculture.  相似文献   

本文论述了我国池塘综合养殖生态工程的主要内容、特点、系统流程、生态学效率及其可持续发展。  相似文献   

河蟹青虾混养池塘循环水净化效能的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在河蟹青虾混养池塘构建封闭式循环水养殖系统,并对其净化效果和养殖效益进行了初步研究。结果表明:该系统对水体TN、TP、NH4+-N和CODMn的平均净化效率分别为27.33%、56.14%、43.91%和39.59%。经湿地净化后的水质能够达到GB3838-2002地表水Ⅲ类排放标准,平均纯收益达53769元/hm2。  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen in water is an important ecological factor in ensuring the healthy growth of aquatic products, as hypoxic stress is known to restrict the growth of aquatic products. The accurate monitoring and prediction of dissolved oxygen is the key to precise regulation and control of pond aquaculture water quality. The current dissolved oxygen prediction model has some limitations, such as a short prediction period and inadequate prediction accuracy for actual production demands. Therefore, a prediction model of dissolved oxygen in pond culture was proposed based on K-means clustering and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) neural network. Firstly, the key factors affecting the changes in dissolved oxygen were selected by principal component analysis (PCA). The dissolved oxygen time series was then subjected to K-means clustering, and the dissolved oxygen prediction model was constructed using GRU. To improve the clustering effect, we enhanced the similarity calculation for the time series based on the variation of dissolved oxygen. This process combined the Euclidean distance with the dynamic time-warping distance. The proposed method can predict the dissolved oxygen content of aquaculture water over different time intervals according to the demands of real-world scenarios. The average absolute error of the 30-min interval model was 0.264, and the mean absolute percentage error was 3.5 %. Experimental results indicated that the proposed method achieves higher prediction accuracy and flexibility than the conventional approach.  相似文献   

We review estimates of the spatial ecosystem support required to run a typical semi-intensive shrimp farm in a coastal mangrove area in Carribean Colombia, and to produce food inputs and process wastes for large-scale industrially managed tilapia cage culture and small-scale, semi-intensive tilapia pond farming in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. The tilapia farming is discussed in relation to the pelagic kapenta, Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger), fishery and to inshore fisheries in the Lake. The results show that a semi-intensive shrimp farm needs a spatial ecosystem support—the ecological footprint—35 to 190 times the surface area of the pond, mainly mangrove area. Based on the analysis, we conclude that shrimp farming in Colombia is already utilizing close to the full support capacity of its coastal environment. In intensive tilapia cage farming, the ecological footprint for feed production is 10 000 times larger than the area of the cages. In contrast, a tilapia pond farm maintained on offals from fisheries, agriculture and households depends very little on external ecosystem areas. As long as there is a direct market for human consumption of all kapenta caught in the Lake, fish cage farming based on fish meal from kapenta would be doubtful from ethical, ecological as well as resource management points of view, even if it was economically feasible.  相似文献   

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