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紫彩血蛤的生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙虎山 《海洋渔业》1998,20(4):163-166
本文以1994~1996年烟台牟平港西沙滩自然生长的紫彩血蛤为材料,研究了其生长特点。鲜贝重与壳长呈幂函数关系,W=3.955×10~(-5)L~(3.275);壳长与壳高呈直线关系,L=1.980+1.274H;3~6月贝壳生长最快,7~9月生长最慢;3、4两月肉质部增重最大;其生长随年龄的增加呈递减趋势。  相似文献   

闽东北外海底层流刺网作业渔获的银方头鱼群体由Ⅰ-Ⅺ龄11个世代构成,以Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ龄占优势;体长优势组为210-270mm,体重优势组为200-400克,体长与体重的关系W=2.1120×10-5×L2.9964,r=0.9970。初次性成熟年龄为Ⅱ-Ⅲ龄,最小性成熟个体体长为190mm,在4-8月均有产卵活动;按VonBantanffy方程拟合生长参数L∞=436.21mm,W∞=1715.05g,K=0.2357,t0=-0.9542,体重生长拐点年龄为3.702龄。  相似文献   

泥鳅和大鳞副泥鳅年龄与生长的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对武汉地区的泥鳅与大鳞副泥鳅进行了常规的生物学测定.泥鳅和大鳞副泥鳅的体长与鳞径均呈直线相关,L泥鳅=23.995+96.095R, r=0.904;L副泥鳅=9.919+69.053R, r=0.990.2种鳅体长与体重均呈幂函数的增长关系,W泥鳅=2.360×10-6L3.253,r=0.998;W副泥鳅=4.629×10-6L3.126,r=0.997.泥鳅的生长特性与大鳞副泥鳅基本一致,相同年龄中,泥鳅体长增加略大于大鳞副泥鳅.应用Von Bertalanffy生长方程拟合该两种鱼的一般生长规律,计算得出的生长参数,泥鳅为L∞=286.5 mm,k=0.159 9,t0=-0.996 8 a;大鳞副泥鳅为L∞=294.4 mm,k=0.133 0,t0=-1.211 5 a.  相似文献   

闽东北外海底层流刺网作业渔获的银头鱼群体由1~6龄11个世代构成,以2、3和4龄占优势;体长优势组为210~270mm,体重优势组为200~400g,体长与体重的关系W=2.1120×10~(-5)×L~(2.9964)r=0.9970。初次性成熟年龄为2~3龄,最小性成熟个体体长为190mm,在4~8月均有产卵活动;按von Bertalanffy方程拟合生长参数:L_(∝)=436.21mm,W_(∝)=1715.05g,k=0.2357,t_0=-0.9542,体重生长拐点年龄为3.702龄。  相似文献   

柘江河蚬外部形态与内部结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了生长于湖北柘江的河蚬外部形态和内部结构,并对不同生长阶段的河蚬形态进行了比较,同时测定壳长、壳高、壳宽、壳板厚、韧带、体积、体重等可量性状,归纳出壳长与壳高、体重与体积、体重与壳长之间的相关关系依次为L=1.021H1.0485,W=0.341+1.5117V,W=0.401×2.7391L。  相似文献   

网箱中鳜的生长,性腺发育和摄食的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1986——1987年,对网箱养殖条件中鳜(Siniperc achuatir)的生长、性腺发育和营养特征进行了研究,结果表明:在网箱中饲养的294日龄的鳜体重达887.95±226.26克(x±S.D),1龄鳜体长生长曲线L=-4.8249+2.9272×10~(-1)t—5.6368×10~(-4)t~2,r=0.9999;体重与体长的关系式: W=2.6903L~(2.(?)724);r=0.9996。2龄鳜为L=1.5859×10+4.2964×10~(-2)t,r=0.9492;鱼群的体长、体重呈正态分布。1冬龄雌、雄鱼性腺发育趋于成熟。饵料系数变化于3.0—7.0,日粮有随个体增大而减少的趋势;摄食高峰出现在拂晓和傍晚。  相似文献   

八汊水库翘嘴红鲌的生长及种群控制的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
八汊水库翘嘴红鲌体长和鳞径的关系为:L=13.7149S-2.2881:体长与体重关系为W=1.625×10~(-2)L~(2.8438)。应用Von-Bertalanffy生长方程拟合其生长规律,其主要生物学参数为:L_∞=51.6cm,W_∞=1211.5g,k=0.2965,t_0=-0.0365,拐点年龄t_i=3.67龄,拐点体重W_i=359.2g。  相似文献   

东海黄姑鱼年龄与生长的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
根据2004年2~4月在舟山沈家门市场采集的117ind黄姑鱼样品,对黄姑鱼的年龄与生长进行了初步研究。结果表明:①目前舟山渔场渔获物中黄姑鱼年龄组成主要以1~2龄的低龄组为主,主要体长在161~263mm之间,主要体重在175.3~354.8g之间;②黄姑鱼体长与体重的关系为:W=1.633×10-5L3.0357;③体长和体重的生长方程分别为:Lt=529.5[1-e-0.262(t-0.281)]和Wt=2597.4[1-e-0.262(t-0.281)]2.4164;④体长生长速度方程为:dL/dt=138.729e-0.262(t-0.281),体重生长速度方程为:dW/dt=1644.4056e-0.262(t-0.281)×[1-e-0.262(t-0.281)]1.4164,生长加速度方程分别为:d2L/dt2=-36.3470e-0.262(t-0.281)和d2W/dt2=430.8343e-0.262(t-0.281)×[1-e-0.262(t-0.281)]0.4164×[2.4164e-0.262(t-0.281)-1]。  相似文献   

绰斯甲河大渡裸裂尻鱼的年龄与生长特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以绰斯甲河流域大渡裸裂尻鱼(Schizopygopsis malacanthus chengi)的微耳石和脊椎骨为年龄鉴定材料,对其进行了年龄鉴定,并比较了两种年龄鉴定材料的准确性,结果表明微耳石更适合于年龄鉴定。同时,以微耳石磨片为年龄鉴定和生长推算材料,对大渡裸裂尻鱼种群的生长特性进行了研究。结果显示:在相同年龄组内雌鱼个体显著大于雄鱼。雌、雄鱼体重与体长表现为异速生长:W♂=0.024 5×L2.793 4,W♀=0.021 3×L2.859 3。Von Bertalanffy生长方程为雌鱼Lt=32.319×[1-e-0.087×(t+4.024)],Wt=439.165×[1-e-0.087(t+4.024)]2.859 3;雄鱼Lt=23.195×[1-e-0.213×(t-1.008)],Wt=169.307 2×[1-e-0.213×(t-1.008)]2.793 4。雌、雄鱼的生长拐点年龄分别为8.1龄和6.0龄,对应的雌鱼体长和体重为L=21.06 cm,W=129.12 g;对应的雄鱼的体长和体重为L=15.18 cm,W=51.85 g。  相似文献   

武湖翘嘴红鱼白年龄和生长的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了武湖翘嘴红鱼白的年龄生长特点。其渔获物中 2 和 3 龄个体占 5 7 1 % ,体长以 30 0~ 6 0 0mm为主 ,体长与鳞长之间呈直线相关 :L =6 .1 81 4 90 .4837R ,体重与体长呈指数函数相关 :W =2 .0 45×1 0 -6L3 .2 585,3 龄以前生长最快 ,生长指标高 ,体长和体重的相对增长率大 ,其生长规律符合VonBertalanffy方程 :L1=1 4 0 4.9(1 -e-0 .10 (t 0 .71) ) ,W1=3.6 2 9× 1 4(1 -e-0 .10 (t 0 .71) ) 3 .2 585,捕捞 3龄以上个体较为合理  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾繁殖生物学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)繁殖生物学进行了研究。结果显示:克氏原螯虾的性成熟年龄为1年左右;雌虾最小体长为6.4 cm,最小体重为10 g;雄虾最小体长为7.1 cm,最小体重为20 g。5~9月为交配期,其中以6~8月为交配高峰期。克氏原螯虾交配后大约为30 d左右产卵。繁殖期为7~10月,高峰期为8~9月。10月底以后抱卵的虾由于水温逐步降低,一直延续到第2年春季才孵化。克氏原螯虾的繁殖行为与掘洞行为密切相关,繁殖期的掘洞数量较非繁殖期明显增多。7~10月,亲虾均栖息在洞内繁殖,洞穴深度为50~80 cm。卵巢为一次产卵类型。雌雄比例为1∶1。克氏原螯虾的个体绝对繁殖力的变动范围为172~1158粒,平均为517粒。个体相对繁殖力(F/W)的变动范围为2~41粒/g,平均为21粒。个体相对繁殖力(F/L)的变动范围为47~80粒/cm,平均为63粒。  相似文献   

赛里木湖高白鲑繁殖生物学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999~2003年对赛里木湖高白鲑(Coregonus peled)繁殖生物学特性进行了研究,结果表明:雄性个体多在1^ 龄达到性成熟,为96.1%;雌性个体1^ 龄达到性成熟的为18.2%,其余多在2^ 龄达到性成熟。其繁殖期为12月下旬到第二年1月份,雄性从9月到第二年1月都有流精个体;雌性绝对怀卵量平均为133360粒,相对怀卵量平均为82粒/g,繁殖期平均卵径为1.70mm。其体长与繁殖力关系方程为:F=0.01401L^4.3948(r=0.857)。体重与繁殖力关系方程为:F=130.121W-64196(r=0.898)。本还系统地描述各期精巢和卵巢的形态结构、特征及周年变化。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   To determine the growth performances and habitat characteristics of spotted halibut Verasper variegatus , successive samplings were conducted in the south-eastern coastal area of Shimabara Peninsula in Ariake Bay. The push-net samplings were performed at Kamaga beach from May 2003 to April 2004 to determine the horizontal distribution of larvae and juveniles, while the gill net samplings were done in the coastal waters of Tatsuishi beach from July 2003 to July 2004 to collect the larger juveniles and adults. A total of 478 individuals from metamorphosing larvae to 2-year-old fish (15.2–447.0 mm total length [TL]) were sampled. In particular, the 2003-year class fish were successively collected from May 2003 to June 2004 (15.2–350.0 mm TL; n  = 418) and the mean total length in March, June, September, December 2003 and May 2004 was 22.4, 82.5, 172.5, 203.9 and 296.4 mm, respectively. The present study found that metamorphosing larvae migrated into the estuarine tidal flats during March 2003; newly settled juveniles inhabited the shallow intertidal areas; and juveniles had a remarkably high growth in shallow coastal areas. It is suggested that young fish around 300 mm TL migrated from the nursery grounds in Ariake Bay to deeper waters around Tachibana Bay during May–June 2004.  相似文献   

Abstract– The age, growth and reproduction of Barbus bocagei sclateri (Günther, 1868) were studied from November 1987 to September 1989 in a tributary stream of the Guadalquivir River basin. The maximum ages observed were 8 + in males and 11 + in females. The seasonal growth began in April and lasted 4–6 months. The males matured during their third year of life (2 +) and females during their fifth/sixth year (4 +/5+). There was a significant difference in the overall sex ratio of 1. 3: 1 (961 males to 740 females). Reproductive activity started in April/May and lasted until June/July. The end of the reproduction period coincided with a fall in the percentage of oxygen saturation. During this reproductive period, females spawned 2 batches of eggs. The relationship between fecundity (Fec) and fork length (FL, mm) was: Fec= 7.54 × 10−4 FL3.06 The maximum contribution to the fecundity of the population was observed in the 6 + female group. The reproductive effort was also maximum in this age. Compared with the rest of the European barbel populations studied, the life-history patterns of this stock are characterized by low annual growth, early maturity, reduced longevity and high fecundity.  相似文献   

为了解吕四渔场鱼卵种类组成和生物密度分布,2008年4月至7月在吕四渔场(32°~34°N)底拖网禁渔区线内侧布设了31个站位,进行了4个航次鱼卵调查。调查共发现鱼卵12种,4月鱼卵优势种为日本鲭(Scomber japonicus),5月为鳓(Ilisha elongata),6月和7月均为鳀(Engraulis japonicus)。垂直网采样鱼卵平均生物密度为1.71 ind·m-3,5月生物密度最高为2.77 ind·m-3,6月最低为0.566ind·m-3,4月和7月居中,分别为2.06ind·m-3和1.35ind·m-3;水平网采样鱼卵平均生物密度为6.675ind·min-1,4月生物密度最高为12.484ind·min-1,其次为5月(6.916ind·min-1)和7月(5.323ind·min-1),6月最低(1.977ind·min-1)。吕四渔场鱼卵分布的主要特点是北部海区多于南部海区。  相似文献   

We examined variability in growth rate during the larval stage of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) in response to physical and biological environmental factors in 2005 and 2006. The onset of spring upwelling was anomalously delayed by 2–3 months until mid‐July in 2005; in contrast, spring upwelling in 2006 began as a normal year in the northern California Current. Larval and early juvenile E. mordax were collected in August, September, and October off the coast of Oregon and Washington. Hatch dates ranged from May to September, with peaks in June and August in 2005 and a peak in July in 2006, based on the number of otolith daily increments. Back‐calculated body length‐at‐age in the June 2005 hatch cohort was significantly smaller than in the August 2005 cohort, which had comparable growth to the July 2006 cohort. Standardized otolith daily increment widths as a proxy for seasonal variability in somatic growth rates in 2005 were negative until late July and then changed to positive with intensification of upwelling. The standardized increment width was a positive function of biomass of chlorophyll a concentration, and neritic cold‐water and oceanic subarctic copepod species sampled biweekly off Newport, Oregon. Our results suggest that delayed upwelling in 2005 resulted in low food availability and, consequently, reduced E. mordax larval growth rate in early summer, but once upwelling began in July, high food availability enhanced larval growth rate to that typical of a normal upwelling year (e.g., 2006) in the northern California Current.  相似文献   

洞庭湖区黄鳝体内鳗鲡独孤吸虫的流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年7~8月份,对洞庭湖区6个采样点鳗鲡独孤吸虫(AzygiaAnguillae)对黄鳝(Monopterusalbus)的感染情况进行了调查。结果显示,6个采样点的鳗鲡独孤吸虫对黄鳝的感染存在较大差异。感染率以华容点的最高(51·7%),津市点次之(46·7%),其余4个采样点的感染率都较低(20%以下);感染强度也一样,华容点的最高,为4·7,津市点次之,为3·1,不同采样点的感染强度之间不存在显著性差异(P>0·05)。2002年6月至2003年5月对常德采样点周年取样调查,发现在6、7、9月和翌年1、4、5月黄鳝感染有鳗鲡独孤吸虫,感染率在1·6%~18·4%间波动(以7月份最高),感染强度在1·0~17·0间变化(以4月份最高),其余月份无感染,全年总感染率为3·5%,平均感染强度为5·41。全部阳性宿主的体长频率呈正态分布,以30~35cm体长段的阳性宿主最多,占37·7%。不同地域环境、不同月份之间的感染差异性,与水域环境的稳定程度和作为中间宿主的食饵动物(多种小型鱼类)数量分布的均一性,以及鳗鲡独孤吸虫的生活史及黄鳝的习性等因素相关。  相似文献   

不同养殖条件下黄缘闭壳龟二龄幼龟的生长研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄斌 《淡水渔业》2011,41(5):62-67
研究了常温养殖(气温为14.7~33.3℃)与初夏、秋末阶段性的控温养殖(气温为20.3 ~33.3℃)两种养殖方式下黄缘闭壳龟Cuora flavomarginata(Gray)二龄幼龟生长的情况,试验结果:通过180 d的试验,常温养殖幼龟平均增重54.27 g,体重相对增长率为115.89%,绝对增长率为0.30...  相似文献   

胶州湾贻贝的生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了胶州湾贻贝生长的研究结果。研究的对象有来自烟台、大连、青岛的自然春苗和青岛的自然秋苗、人工春苗、人工秋苗和在胶州湾东部青岛市第二海水养殖场养殖的贻贝。对壳长、壳重、肉质部、体重的生长,作了仔细观察,测定了生长率和生长值。研究的结果表明,养殖大苗比养殖小苗能大幅度提高产量,作为提高产量的措施,应当力求早分苗、养大苗。  相似文献   


The greasyback shrimp Metapenaeus ensis is widely distributed along the coast of India and the West Pacific where it is an important fisheries species. We have examined seasonal changes in ovarian development, spermatogenesis, and mating of Me. ensis in histological studies and by external observations on specimens collected in Ise Bay, its northernmost habitat. Ovaries were found to be previtellogenic from February to May, with the first signs of development being the accumulation of yolk in oocytes in late May. Ovarian shadow ratios were high during the period late July to mid-September. The formation of cortical rods in the peripheries of oocytes and germinal vesicle breakdown were observed in ovaries from late June to September. Male shrimps had sperm in the testes during the period early June to early October, and female shrimps had spermatophores in spermatheca after early July. In late July, some post-spawn female shrimps had exogenous vitellogenic oocytes in their ovaries, indicating that ovarian development had been repeated in preparation for the next spawning. Ovarian shadow ratios, which were positively correlated with gonadosomatic indices and ovarian development, seem to be a useful marker to determine ovarian development. Our results indicate that mating in Me. ensis started in early July and that the spawning season ranged from July to September with more than two cycles of spawning in Ise Bay.


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