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4种常见淡水养殖鱼类目标强度测定与差异分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
鱼类目标强度(target strength)的测量是渔业声学技术研究和应用的核心内容之一。2015年6―10月,在小型水槽内使用Bio Sonics DT-X(199kHz)科学探鱼仪发射水平声波,测量了4种共29尾不同鳔室结构的淡水养殖鱼类体侧向及背腹向(180°范围)的目标强度,并拍摄X光影像以了解鱼体鳔室结构及特征。其中瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)7尾、鳜鱼(Siniperca chuatsi)9尾、鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)6尾、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)7尾。结果显示,单体鱼目标强度与声波入射角度具有cos三次方函数关系,体侧向与背腹向上最大目标强度均出现于鱼体主轴垂直于入射声波时,最小目标强度出现于头尾方向朝向声波时,与最大目标强度相差10dB。不同种鱼类体侧向平均目标强度略大于背腹向0.5~5dB。单室鳔鱼类目标强度比相近体长的两室鳔鱼类小。对4种鱼类的目标强度与鱼体相关生物学指标进行主成分分析,体侧向与背腹向目标强度主要受体长、鳔长和鳔长/鳔高值的影响较大。通过目标强度与实验鱼全长、体长、体重的线性回归,获得体侧和背腹入射方向目标强度与3个生物学参数的关系式。本研究通过分析不同鳔室形态鱼种的回波特征差异,辅助判别长江内常见鱼类(如瓦氏黄颡鱼、鱖鱼、鲫鱼等)的声学信号,结果对于淡水水域水平原位监测时分析评估资源量相关参数具有参考意义。  相似文献   

<正> 长江鲟(Acipenser dabryanus Dumeril)属软骨硬鳞鱼类鲟科,是长江名贵的经济鱼类之一。长江鲟是淡水定居性鱼类,营底栖生活,据我所十多年来的多次移养观察,它能较好地适应大、中、小各类水库、溪河以及山湾塘堰等养殖水体,能和鲢,鳙,鲩等鱼混养,提高水体的鱼产量。因此,长江鲟有希望成为淡水养殖的新对象。欲变野生的长江鲟为人工养殖对象,首先要解决苗种来源问题。为此,我们于1976  相似文献   

杨海乐  沈丽  何勇凤  田辉伍  高雷  吴金明  梅志刚  魏念  王琳  朱挺兵  胡飞飞  龚进玲  杜红春  段辛斌  邓华堂  王导群  朱峰跃  李云峰  吴凡  茹辉军  张燕  李君轶  杨俊琳  周运涛  方冬冬  王银平  蔺丹清  杨彦平  李佩杰  刘思磊  杨健  庄平  王思凯  张涛  杨刚  杨文波  袁立来  曹坤  徐硕  刘慧媛  梁志强  王崇瑞  李鸿  袁希平  杨鑫  傅义龙  张燕萍  章海鑫  陶志英  王生  高小平  金斌松  李柯懋  王国杰  简生龙  李英钦  薛晨江  雷春云  薛绍伟  孙昳  朱滨  邵科  胡兴坤  熊美华  杜军  何斌  颜涛  黄颖颖  邹远超  谢碧文  王永明  李斌  刘飞  张瑶瑶  范飞  王志坚  黄静  辜浩然  葛海龙  但言  李燕  王恕桥  张闯  周路  王雪  曾圣  向燕  何绪刚  覃剑晖  夏成星  侯杰  石义付  高立方  朱志强  沈红保  杜耘  段学军  熊嘉武  杨德国  刘绍平  倪朝辉  张辉  刘凯  赵峰  李应仁  王剑伟  危起伟 《水产学报》2023,47(2):029301-029301
长江是中华民族的母亲河,为了落实长江大保护,农业农村部统筹部署设立长江渔业资源与环境调查(2017—2021)。由中国水产科学研究院总牵头,中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所技术总协调,联合流域内外24家科研院所和高校,对长江流域重点水域的鱼类种类组成及分布、鱼类资源量、濒危鱼类、长江江豚、渔业生态环境、消落区、捕捞渔业和休闲渔业等7个专题开展了系统调查。调查结果显示,(1)长江历史(2017年前)分布鱼类记录有18目37科163属443种,本次调查中有135种鱼类未采集到,新采集到15种外来鱼类;(2)当前鱼类资源数量约为8.86亿尾,重量约为12.48万t,仅相当于20世纪50年代的27.3%、80年代的58.7%,流域性优势种为鲤、鲫、鲢、黄颡鱼、短颌鲚、鲇、蛇、草鱼、光泽黄颡鱼、?、鳜、铜鱼、翘嘴鲌、鳊、鳙,重量占比达50%,数量占比达45%;(3)长江流域的国家一、二级重点保护鱼类29种(属),本次调查共记录到15种,白鲟已被IUCN认定灭绝,鯮和鲥已多年未见野生个体,长江鲟被IUCN认定野外灭绝,中华鲟、胭脂鱼和松江鲈多年未见自然繁殖;(4)2017—2021年,长江中下游干...  相似文献   

长江鲟又名达氏鲟(、Acipenser dabryanus Dumeril)分布于长江中,上游而以四川江段最多。这种鱼肉厚骨软,营养丰富。其鱼籽可制驰名国际市场的“黑鱼籽酱”,经济价值很高。由于长江鲟属淡水定居性鱼类,  相似文献   

湖南洞庭鱼类良种场是中国淡水养殖第一股“洞庭水殖”投资4478万元兴建的水产种苗基地,具有年生产20亿尾鱼苗的能力。除生产常规鱼类种苗:青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙、鳊、鲂、野鲤、斑点叉尾(鱼回)等外,还生产独有品种洞庭青鲫;及特色品种翘嘴鲌、蒙古鲌、黄颡鱼、细鳞斜颌鲴等。基地设施一流。  相似文献   

2017年9月在南海北部(18°42.9′N,113°05.5′E)附近的深海海域,利用Simrad EY60型便携式分裂波束科学探鱼仪(120 kHz)和自制的鸢乌贼绳系控制装置对25尾鸢乌贼逐尾进行了单体目标强度(TS/dB)的测量,探讨了鸢乌贼单体目标探测中脉冲长度决定水平(PLDL/dB)、最小标准脉宽(min NPL)、最大标准脉宽(max NPL)和短轴角度最大标准偏差(MIA)等参数的变化对鸢乌贼单体目标强度测量的影响,分析了鸢乌贼单体TS的变化规律,并归纳了鸢乌贼TS与胴长的关系。结果显示,①随着PLDL增大,所探测鸢乌贼单体目标的数量呈先增加后减少的特征,并在PLDL=6 dB时达到峰值,而平均TS则呈单调增加趋势;随着min NPL增大,鸢乌贼单体目标的数量减少,在min NPL0.7范围内,平均TS呈明显的上升趋势;当max NPL1.2时,鸢乌贼单体目标的数量随max NPL的增大而增加,但平均TS却随之减小,当1.2max NPL1.8时,鸢乌贼单体目标的数量呈缓慢增加趋势,但平均TS则基本保持稳定;鸢乌贼单体目标数量随MIA的增大而增加,但平均TS则随之减小。②本研究中鸢乌贼单体目标探测参数的优化组合为PLDL=6.00dB,min NPL=0.7 dB,max NPL=1.8 dB,MIA=0.8°。③活体鸢乌贼单体平均TS的最大值和最小值分别为-48.6 dB和-63.63 dB,其对应鸢乌贼的胴长(ML/cm)分别为25.2 cm和12.4 cm,鸢乌贼TS与其ML的关系为TS=34.22 lg ML–98.23 (N=16,R2=0.603)。本实验首次尝试利用绳系控制法海上现场测量活体鸢乌贼的目标强度,为今后继续深入研究鸢乌贼声学散射特性积累了资料,亦能为其他头足类或鱼类目标强度的海上现场测量提供参考。  相似文献   

通过核基因ITS2片段研究四种鲇形目鱼类进化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用鲇形目鱼鱼类通用引物扩增了鲇形目鱼类4种鱼,长吻(Leiocassi longirostris)、南方南方大口鲇(Si-lurus meridionalis)、黄颡鱼(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco)、斑点叉尾(Ictalurus punctatus)核DNA的ITS2片段,并构建UPMGA,NJ,ME和MP系统树。结果显示:根据遗传距离,斑点叉尾和黄颡鱼的亲缘关系最近(D=0.0661),接下来是黄颡鱼和南方大口鲇(D=0.1100),南方大口鲇和长吻(D=0.1184),斑点叉尾和南方大口鲇(D=0.1266),黄颡鱼和长吻(D=0.1490),斑点叉尾和长吻的亲缘关系是最远的(D=0.1503)。结果表明:长吻最早分化,其次是南方南方大口鲇和黄颡鱼,而斑点叉尾分化最晚。  相似文献   

南海黄斑蓝子鱼的目标强度测量研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
2008年10月在大亚湾人工鱼礁海域的渔排上,使用鱼类目标强度测量装置,包括分裂波束式Simrad EY60便携式水声学测量系统(120 kHz),采用"绳系控制实验法"对16尾黄斑蓝子鱼(Siganus oramin)逐尾进行单体鱼的目标强度测量.样品鱼为在大亚湾海域现场采用渔笼捕捞的单体活鱼样品,其叉长范围为7.3~19.5 cm,平均叉长为11.3 cm,体质量范围为4.6~135 g,平均体质量为33.2 g.结果表明,南海黄斑蓝子鱼目标强度(TS)与其叉长的关系式采用常规的20lgL形式为TS=20lgL-74.1分贝.本研究采用"绳系控制实验法"对16尾黄斑蓝子鱼逐尾进行单体鱼的目标强度测量,旨在为提高渔业资源声学调查与评估的准确性提供数据支持.  相似文献   

湖南洞庭鱼类良种场是中国淡水养殖第一股“洞庭水殖”投资4478万元兴建的水产种苗基地,具有年生产20亿尾鱼苗的能力、除生产常规鱼类种苗:青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙、鳊、鲂、野鲤、斑点叉尾等外.还生产独有品种洞庭青鲫:及特色品种翘嘴、蒙古、重颡鱼、细鳞斜颔鲴等。基地设施一流、工艺领先、  相似文献   

在2013年1—12月渔业资源调查数据的基础上,研究了流沙湾海域勒氏枝鳔石首鱼的体长分布、体长-体质量的关系、肥满度月变化、饵料组成、摄食强度和营养级等生物学特性。结果表明:流沙湾海域枝鳔石首鱼体长82~145 mm,优势体长组为116~125 mm和106~115 mm;体长(L)-体质量(W)关系方程为:W=0.0242L~(2.9564)(R~2=0.9471);肥满度最大值出现在2月份,最小值出现在7月;枝鳔石首鱼的饵料组成以甲壳类为主要类群。枝鳔石首鱼的空胃率随季节变化显著(P0.05),在冬季最大,春季达到最小,饱满度指数在秋季最高,冬季最低;营养级变化范围在2.69~3.11,平均营养级为2.94。  相似文献   

Donhyug  KANG  Kazuhiro  SADAYASU  Tohru  MUKAI  Kohji  IIDA  Doojin  HWANG  Kouichi  SAWADA  Kazushi  MIYASHITA 《Fisheries Science》2004,70(5):819-828
ABSTRACT:   Black porgy are hatched and released in marine ranching areas in Japan, Korea and Taiwan to maintain fisheries resources in coastal areas. If acoustic methods are used for field surveys, target strength ( TS ) information on the species is needed to convert acoustic data to biomass density. Target strength of black porgy ( Acanthopagrus schlegeli ) 15.5–32.9 cm fork length (nine individuals) was measured at 38 and 120 kHz (split beam) by ex situ measurements (cage and fishhook methods) of living fish, a tethered method with shock-frozen fish, and an acoustic scattering model, the Kirchhoff ray mode (KRM) model based on fish morphology. The ex situ TS -to-fork length ( FL , cm) relationships were TS 38kHz = 20log10 FL  − 64.6 ( r  = 0.77) and TS 120kHz = 20log10 FL  − 65.2 ( r  = 0.70). The values for the KRM model were TS 38kHz = 20log10 FL  − 64.8 ( r  = 0.88) and TS 120kHz = 20log10 FL  − 65.4 ( r  = 0.80). The agreement between the ex situ measurements and the KRM model for the mean TS was very good. In contrast, the results for the tethered method ( TS 38kHz = 20log10 FL  − 69.3 [ r  = 0.42]) differed markedly from the other two methods, perhaps because of the effects of the shock-freezing procedure in air. The results of the ex situ measurements and scattering model provide basic information for studying TS and conducting acoustic surveys of black porgy, even though the tethered method must be modified.  相似文献   

Sound-speed and density contrasts (h and g, respectively), important acoustic material properties, of Japanese sandeel Ammodytes personatus were measured to estimate theoretical target strength (TS). The measured sound-speed contrast of adult fish varied between 1.016 and 1.023 (mean 1.020), and showed temperature dependence. The measured density contrast differed significantly between juvenile and adult. The density contrast of juvenile varied between 1.017 and 1.024 (1.021), and that of adult varied between 1.026 and 1.038 (1.032). Using these results, TS at 38 and 120 kHz in the fishing season were estimated by an empirical sound scattering model. TS of an individual fish varied significantly with change of tilt angle. TS of near-dorsal aspect (TSmax) and tilt-averaged TS (TSave) differed by up to 7 dB. At both frequencies, two different TSave−length relationships (TSave = a log L + b) were obtained for adult and juvenile. The coefficients of log L of adult were close to 20, suggesting that backscattering strength was proportional to square of body length. These values were larger in juvenile (34.0 at 120 kHz, 56.5 at 38 kHz), suggesting that backscattering strength varied drastically with the cube or fifth power of body length.  相似文献   

Physoclist fish are able to regulate their buoyancy by secreting gas into their hydrostatic organ, the swim bladder, as they descend through the water column and by resorbing gas from their swim bladder as they ascend. Physoclists are restricted in their vertical movements due to increases in swim bladder gas volume that occur as a result of a reduction in hydrostatic pressure, causing fish to become positively buoyant and risking swim bladder rupture. Buoyancy control, rates of swim bladder gas exchange and restrictions to vertical movements are little understood in marine teleosts. We used custom-built hyperbaric chambers and laboratory experiments to examine these aspects of physiology for two important fishing target species in southern Australia, pink snapper (Pagrus auratus) and mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus). The swim bladders of pink snapper and mulloway averaged 4.2 and 4.9 % of their total body volumes, respectively. The density of pink snapper was not significantly different to the density of seawater (1.026 g/ml), whereas mulloway were significantly denser than seawater. Pink snapper secreted gas into their swim bladders at a rate of 0.027 ± 0.005 ml/kg/min (mean ± SE), almost 4 times faster than mulloway (0.007 ± 0.001 ml/kg/min). Rates of swim bladder gas resorption were 11 and 6 times faster than the rates of gas secretion for pink snapper and mulloway, respectively. Pink snapper resorbed swim bladder gas at a rate of 0.309 ± 0.069 ml/kg/min, 7 times faster than mulloway (0.044 ± 0.009 ml/kg/min). Rates of gas exchange were not affected by water pressure or water temperature over the ranges examined in either species. Pink snapper were able to acclimate to changes in hydrostatic pressure reasonably quickly when compared to other marine teleosts, taking approximately 27 h to refill their swim bladders from empty. Mulloway were able to acclimate at a much slower rate, taking approximately 99 h to refill their swim bladders. We estimated that the swim bladders of pink snapper and mulloway ruptured after decreases in ~2.5 and 2.75 times the hydrostatic pressure to which the fish were acclimated, respectively. Differences in buoyancy, gas exchange rates, limitations to vertical movements and acclimation times between the two species are discussed in terms of their differing behaviour and ecology.  相似文献   

观测研究了七带石斑鱼(Epinephelus septemfasciatus)幼鱼和云纹石斑鱼(Epinephelus moara)幼鱼在封闭式循环养殖系统中的生长特性,用SPSS 17.0软件中的Curve Estimation对相关数据进行模型分析与参数估计。结果表明,经过122 d的养殖,七带石斑鱼幼鱼平均体质量由(114.836±25.343)g增加到(213.861±38.604)g,相对增长率为0.707%,全长(TL)与养殖时间(t)的函数关系式为TL=-0.006t3+1.622t+13.954,体质量(W)与体长(BL)的关系式为W=0.436BL2.055;云纹石斑鱼幼鱼平均体质量由(79.620±13.007)g增加到(238.086±46.307)g,相对增长率为1.631%,全长(TL)与养殖时间(t)的函数关系式为TL=-0.013t2+2.008t+11.540,体质量(W)与体长(BL)的关系式为W=0.018BL3.083。两种幼鱼丰满度生长差异不显著(P0.05),都保持在2.2-3.4之间。  相似文献   

A new technique to ameliorate the effects of barotrauma was tested based on observations of pink snapper, Pagrus auratus (Forster), inadvertently piercing their everted stomach with their teeth and releasing trapped swim bladder gases. This technique was termed buccal venting and involved piercing the everted stomach protruding into the buccal cavity or out of the mouth with a 16‐gauge hypodermic needle (a practice previously not encouraged). Short‐term (~3 days) survival of buccal‐vented fish was not significantly different from laterally vented fish nor untreated controls. Both buccal and lateral venting techniques were shown to cause no harm and allowed fish to return to depth. The short‐term (1–3 days) post‐release survival of line caught snapper was 88% with no significant difference in survival across three depth ranges tested (37–50, 51–100 and 101–180 m). Survival of sublegal pink snapper (<35 cm TL) was not significantly different (> 0.05) from that of legal‐sized fish (≥35 cm TL). Healing of the swim bladder was observed in 27% of pink snapper dissected after ≤3 days in captivity, and healing of stomachs was observed in 64% of pink snapper that had been buccal vented. Relatively high post‐release survival rates of line caught pink snapper may offer some protection for snapper stocks where high fishing pressure and legal size restrictions result in the majority of the catch having to be released.  相似文献   

To provide target strength (TS) information for estimating the body length of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares and its abundance around fish aggregating devices, TS was measured ex situ and in situ. In the ex situ TS measurements, two cameras synchronized with a 200 kHz echosounder were used to obtain the precise orientation of the yellowfin tuna under free swimming conditions. The ex situ TS (dB re 1 m2)–fork length (FL, cm) regression was: TS = 27.06 log (FL) − 85.04. Ex situ TS was found to reach its maximum in the tilt angle range of −15° to −20° after excluding TS samples with insignificant correlation to the tilt angle. The angle between the vertebra and the swim bladder was approximately 25° according to X-ray images, supporting the above tilt range. The relationship between the swim bladder volume (V SB, ml) and the fork length was: V SB = 0.000213 FL3. The results from the in situ TS measurements indicated that the tilt angle was highly concentrated between −10° and 15°. The results from a calculation using the ex situ TS–FL equation with the fork length from biological sampling agreed strongly with the average in situ TS.  相似文献   

Failure to inflate the swim bladder is regarded a major obstacle in the rearing of many fish species. We present a study of swim bladder non-inflation (SBN) in angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare. A normal developing primordial swim bladder was first discernable at the end of the first day post-hatch (p.h.) as a cluster of epithelial cells with a central lumen, surrounded by presumably mesenchymal cells. Initial inflation occurred on the fourth day p.h. Prior to inflation the swim bladder epithelium consisted of an outer squamous and inner columnar layer. Cells of the inner layer were filled at their basal region with an amorphous material, which disappeared upon inflation. A pneumatic duct was absent, and larvae presented no need to reach the water surface for inflation, suggesting that angelfish are pure physoclists. A model for the role of the amorphous material in normal initial inflation is proposed. Abnormal swim bladders were apparent from the fourth day p.h., and methylene blue (MB) at a concentration of 5 ppm significantly increased the prevalence of SBN. Histologically, abnormal swim bladders in larvae hatched in 5 ppm MB could not be distinguished from those in fish raised under routine conditions (0.5 ppm MB). We suggest that MB may have a teratogenic effect in angelfish.  相似文献   

Abstract  Growth and total mortality of Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata Steindachner, were studied in four freshwater impoundments using data from a cooperative angler tagging programme. Growth was modelled using the computer program GROTAG. Annual growth increments varied among impoundments, ranging from 5.0 to 7.8 cm yr−1 among fish 20-cm total length (TL) and 1.7 to 4.9 cm yr−1 among fish 30 cm TL, but exceeded previous estimates for the species. Annual total mortality rates, based on the decrease in recapture rate with time, ranged from 0.03 to 0.07 and were lower than for other comparable species, presumably because of the prevalence of catch and release fishing in the impoundments studied.  相似文献   

We have investigated how diel changes in fish behaviour may affect acoustic estimates of fish abundance in a marine system. Studies in Lough Hyne (Ireland), a marine lake with only a narrow and shallow connection to the sea, showed the presence of large numbers of sprat (Sprattus sprattus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus), and zooplankton. Fish species were identified from regular rod and line fishing. Zooplankton were identified from net hauls. Acoustic measures of zooplankton were low with little diel variation. The sprat formed dense schools during the day and dispersed into the water column at night. The acoustic estimate of sprat abundance at night, obtained by means of a standard hydroacoustic technique and protocol, was more than double the estimated biomass during the day. We have considered whether the lower fish estimate during daytime resulted from acoustic shadowing due to aggregation of the fish into dense schools. However, no decrease in echo energy was evident from the top to the bottom of the schools, and there was no reduction in the seabed echo beneath the schools. Acoustic shadowing was therefore not responsible for the diel differences in the estimates of abundance. Instead, we suggest that the target strength of individual sprat diminished during the day as a result of attacks from predatory mackerel. We observed echoes from gas released by the sprat as they gathered into dense plumes close to the seabed. Compression of the gas remaining within the swim bladder as the fish were moving deeper would also reduce swim bladder volume. Finally, negative buoyancy due to reduced swim bladder volume may in addition have forced the fish to change tilt angle to compensate for sinking. All these effects will reduce the target strengths of individual fish and lead to underestimation of fish abundance based on daytime surveys.  相似文献   

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