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本文基于近年来凸显的蔬菜、瓜果鲜活农产品的产销衔接难、农户丰收却不增收等问题,以河北省部分果蔬产区产销情况为例,在实地调查的基础上,就果蔬产业"农社对接"、"农企对接"、"农市对接"和"农商对接"产业链模式等因素对农户增收的影响应用计量经济方法进行分析,以寻找适合于农户收入增加的果蔬产业链模式,探索解决鲜活农产品流通环节多、成本高、"卖难买贵"等问题的产业链模式发展方向。  相似文献   

夏学敏 《齐鲁渔业》2009,26(4):59-59
为发展农产品现代流通方式,推进鲜活农产品“超市+基地”的供应链模式,梁山县水产局组织有关人员到全县11个渔业协会和3个渔业专业合作社进行了实地考察,推选出了梁山县渔业协会、梁山县湖泊渔业专业合作社等4个养殖基地作为试点,让9家知名流通企业集团进行挑选,从而确定了省级“农超对接”试点企业和产地农民专业合作社。  相似文献   

蔬菜价格是农产品价格体系的重要组成部分,由于蔬菜本身储藏时间短、易腐烂等特性,使得蔬菜价格的形成具有自身的诸多特点。在实地调研了山东、北京蔬菜流通各环节的基础之上,本文归纳出我国蔬菜产业链价格传导的模式,以及整个流通体系的内在运行规律和各个环节的成本收益,分析了我国蔬菜价格波动的深层次原因,并提出必须建设以公益性中央批发市场为主体的多种措施并行的“五多五少”的长效调控机制。  相似文献   

我国农产品流通成本高、价格波动大,生产者“卖难”和消费者“买贵”问题频繁发生,对农业发展和城乡居民生活都带来深刻影响。强化政府的流通秩序监管职能,推进产销对接等多元化流通模式显得十分必要。从今后发展趋势看,农产品批发市场公益性改造以及超市等新型流通模式发展将会加快,政府将加强对农产品源头的质量安全监管,农产品流通相关立法将会不断完善。  相似文献   

文章在对中国农业现代化前期研究总体现状进行搜索并分类的基础上,对国内外农业现代化进程中农业流通现代化思想演变,生产要素流通现代化、农产品流通现代化、农业生产与流通现代化关系、现代农业流通现代化研究内容等相关研究文献进行述评。归纳出中国特色农业现代化进程中农业流通现代化研究的重点、特点和趋势。并根据中国农业现代化进程中的时代特征要求,对传统农业现代化研究视角进行讨论。  相似文献   

为提高我国农产品流通的效率,寻求防止农产品价格大起大落现象的办法,作者于今年五月赴台北农产品"希望广场"进行了考察。本文介绍了"希望广场"的组建历史、运营模式及绩效、得到的支持及其作用机制等,归纳了对大陆农民组织和农产品流通体系的政策启示。作者认为,农产品直销市场在农产品流通中发挥着显著的作用,对提高消费者福利和增加农民收入有很大帮助,加强农产品直销市场建设刻不容缓。应该将农业市场化建立在农民组织的载体之上,充分发挥农民合作组织在农产品流通中的作用。  相似文献   

广东渔业与工商部门联手监管流通环节水产品质量安全 3月29日,广东省海洋与渔业局与广东省工商行政管理局签订《关于流通环节水产品质量安全监管合作框架协议》(下简称《协议》),双方明确将建立合作机制.在互通信息、联合执法、共同处理流通环节水产品质量安全事件、实现检测资源共享、共同推进水产品标识和市场准入管理等方面进行广泛合作。  相似文献   

1.组织形式 依法设立的以农产品加工或流通为主业、具有独立法人资格的企业。包括依照《公司法》设立的公司,其他形式的国有、集体、私营企业以及中外合资经营、中外合作经营,外商独资企业,直接在工商行政管理部门登记开办的农产品专业批发市场等。  相似文献   

文章在对中国农业现代化前期研究总体现状进行搜索并分类的基础上,对国内外农业现代化进程中农业流通现代化思想演变,生产要素流通现代化、农产品流通现代化、农业生产与流通现代化关系、现代农业流通现代化研究内容等相关研究文献进行述评.归纳出中国特色农业现代化进程中农业流通现代化研宄的重点、特点和趋势.并根据中国农业现代化进程中的时代特征要求,对传统农业现代化研究视角进行讨论.  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯(李明爽于喆报道)11月5日,中国国际渔业博览会召开期间,武汉良中行供应链管理有限公司(以下简称良中行公司)举办了主题为"集配号·全球海产触网中国市场"的新闻发布会,现场与全球水产养殖联盟(GAA)和加拿大爱德华王子岛渔业协会签订了战略合作协议。良中行公司是国内一家专注于冷冻冷藏食品供应链流程设计和供应链管理服务的现代服务类高新技术企业。集配号是良  相似文献   

方堃 《渔业经济研究》2011,(4):46-53,96
农民公共需求的偏好是政府提供农村公共服务的重要依据。在对我国东、中、西部及东北地区大样本问卷调查的数据统计基础上,本文通过构建农村公共服务需求层次与供给结构模型并进行深入地分析,研究表明,当前我国农村公共服务需求的位序呈现"核心公共服务→基础性公共服务→支持性公共服务"的排列规律。建立以农民需求为导向的公共服务表达机制要在基层民主的逻辑下,将分散化的农民意愿吸纳到国家整体中来,规避村民自治的制度"空洞化",进一步完善"一事一议"的程序设计,以实现政府公共服务供给与农民实际需求的相互吻合。  相似文献   

Competition for fish oil from human nutritional supplements (nutraceuticals) is starting to threaten its supply for aquaculture feeds. World supply of fish oil is not increasing but is the main source of healthy omega-3 fats (n-3 LC-PUFA). Fish oil demand by nutraceuticals is a derived demand for such fats. Demand growth and insecure supply are causing price inflation of fish oil, helping to drive its substitution in aquaculture feeds by vegetable oils. This is reducing the content of n-3 LC-PUFA in aquaculture products, especially salmon, with potentially negative health implications. Given the scope for further substitution of fish oil, it is unlikely that future growth of global aquaculture will be constrained by reducing omega-3 content, although it will complicate consumer marketing of salmon. Nutraceuticals is paying more than aquaculture for fish oil based on omega-3 content, but novel sources of n-3 LC-PUFA will become available in the medium term.  相似文献   

基于21省市生产者、经营者和消费者的问卷调查数据,分别从重要农产品价格调控政策评价、调控时机选择和调控手段选择等方面对居民关于重要农产品价格调控的认同程度以及改进调控措施进行了考查。研究表明,当前农产品价格调控政策整体效果一般,只有粮食价格调控效果较好,生猪、蔬菜和食用油价格调控效果一般。应提高农产品生产能力,稳定农产品供给;完善粮食收储制度;加强冻猪肉和生猪活体储备建设,加快推进生猪规模化养殖;减少蔬菜流通环节,完善信息发布;增加食用油市场竞争度。  相似文献   

Economic values of different fish traits are needed to direct breeding programs to optimize economic benefits for aquaculture industry. The aim of this article is to highlight and calculate how different traits affect the value of farmed fish supply chain. Supply chain approach is needed to calculate economic impact of fish traits because several fish traits affect costs and returns not only in fish farming but also at the processing and retail level. In this article, economic values are calculated for 14 productivity and product quality traits in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Productivity affecting traits, such as growth, mortality and different yields, are included in the study. In addition, economic values are calculated for several quality traits like fillet gaping, appearance and fat content of flesh.

Productivity traits had the highest economic importance if the traits could be improved. However, quality traits may cause even higher economic losses, if the quality decreases. Thus, the management of the breeding program should pay simultaneous attention to both quality and productivity traits.  相似文献   

科学有效地界定河湖水生态系统服务价值评估体系与评估指标,促进河湖水生态的可持续发展、合理制定水资源价格、为河湖水生态系统服务价值评估提供参考,同时也为河湖水资源纳入国民经济核算体系提供借鉴,为绿色经济核算提供有力的依据。从河湖水生态系统服务功能、评估体系和评估方法等方面总结了国内外研究进展,分析了现有河湖水生态系统服务体系和评估方法的优缺点。优化后的河湖水生态系统服务评估体系包括供给服务、调节服务、文化服务和支持服务4大类以及水资源供给、水质净化、科研教育和固碳能力等19项指标,优化了水资源供给、提供水产品、水质净化、防洪减灾、休闲娱乐、生物多样性保护等6个指标的评估方法。下一步要制订GEP核算技术标准,建设市场化、多元化的生态产品交易体系,将水资源开发、利用及保护情况、水资源管理生态环境效益等指标纳入审计范围,建立以水生态系统为整体、以维护河湖生态系统健康为总目标、以定量评判和可操作性为抓手的新的河湖长制考核体系。  相似文献   

In mountainous Northern Vietnam, traditional pond aquaculture is part of the integrated farming activity contributing to food safety and to income generation for small‐scale farmers of ethnic minorities. Traditional pond management consists of a polyculture of macro‐herbivorous grass carp with 3–5 other fish species that are cultured in small ponds with constant water flow through. The main limitations to production are species‐specific mass mortalities of grass carp, a poor feed base especially for all species but grass carp, and poor water quality. In this study, we compared the traditional pond management to a semi‐intensive pond management that was based on the traditional management system but included changes designed by researchers to increase fish production. The modifications consisted of water inflow control, supplemental fertilization and feeding, and a polyculture dominated by common carp. The changes in management significantly reduced the turbidity and increased oxygen supply, as well as the natural food base within the pond. These changes in pond management provide farmers with the possibility to improve their pond aquaculture scheme and overcome previous limitations.  相似文献   

蔬菜生产的分散性、外部正效益性以及鲜活易腐性决定了蔬菜产业必须要处于一种"强力"的管理环境,才能保证其安全生产。在政府主导型的蔬菜安全生产组织管理体系中,通过建立"基地、乡镇、县市"三级监测控制体系,对"农户(基地)生产、加工配送、市场流通"三个层面、一个链条进行全过程检测和监控,切实保障蔬菜安全生产的运行;通过建立市场准入机制,防止不安全蔬菜进入市场,危害消费者的健康;通过市场追溯制度,对蔬菜产地生产信息、蔬菜加工企业的加工信息以及流通信息进行收集,实现信息共享。在政府的主导下,蔬菜批发市场、蔬菜协会、蔬菜公司、基地和农户各司其职,形成规范有序的蔬菜安全生产制衡机制。  相似文献   

Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) is a powerful economic tool that gives positive conditional incentives for the provision of additional ecosystem services over the status quo, which has been used widely in terrestrial conservation. Interest in the concept of marine PES has recently emerged, but the fluid, transboundary and often common pool nature of marine ecosystems presents challenges for PES design and implementation. Here, we consider the potential role of PES in addressing current gaps in fisheries management. Used in combination with conventional regulatory approaches, PES may increase private sector engagement and generate more sustainable financing for fisheries management whilst spreading accountability throughout the supply chain. The approach is most likely to be feasible and effective in commercially valuable fisheries with: (i) demand for one or more ecosystem service and a threat to supply; (ii) suitable baseline data available and potential management actions underpinned by robust science; (iii) clarity and security of property rights; (iv) capacity for hybrid multi‐level governance; (v) capacity for rigorous monitoring, control and surveillance; and (vi) potential for financial sustainability of the scheme. An examination of four contrasting fisheries – Namibian hake, Mozambican shallow‐water shrimp, Western and Central Pacific skipjack tuna and Bangladesh hilsa – demonstrates that a developing world fishery will rarely fulfil each of these preconditions a priori, but that the potential for successful application of PES still exists. In practice, PES design will depend on the institutional context and require creative and innovative approaches to the maintenance of conditionality and additionality.  相似文献   

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