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为了示范斑点叉尾(鱼回)从鱼种至成鱼阶段生长性能,本试验在江西省吉安市通过利用美国大豆协会的80:20池塘养殖模式和豆粕型成鱼饲料进行了养殖试验。试验在3口2.0亩的鱼池中进行,每亩放养斑点叉尾(鱼回)600尾和白鲢100尾。经187天饲养,斑点叉尾(鱼回)从52克/尾长至平均710克/尾。斑点叉尾(鱼回)和白鲢的平均毛产量分别为415千克/亩和72千克/亩,它们的平均成活率分别为97.6%和100%。斑点叉尾(鱼回)对该豆粕型全植物性蛋白饲料的平均饲料系数为1.31:1。养殖试验的平均净利润为人民币1154元/亩,平均投资回报率为41.2%。利用美国大豆协会的80:20池塘养殖技术和豆粕型饲料进行的本试验,展现了斑点叉尾(鱼回)生长快、主动摄食和饲料系数低等特点。  相似文献   

用5口面积均为2亩的池塘进行德克萨斯选育品系斑点叉尾(鱼回)夏花至鱼种的培育,放养密度每亩6 000尾,饲养111~114d,斑点叉尾(鱼回)平均尾重从0.08g长至43.55g,饲料系数1.31,成活率85.1%,平均亩净收入1 721.64元,投资回报率53.9%,显示了良种斑点叉尾(鱼回)苗种良好的生长性能和经济性能.  相似文献   

斑点叉尾(鱼回)亦称沟鲶,属鲶形目(鱼回)科鱼类,杂食性,喜群食,多栖息于水体底层,是一种营养价值较高的杂食性名贵经济鱼类.其适温范围0~38℃,正常生长溶氧2 mg/L,最适3.5~7 mg/L,pH值5~8.5,盐度范围0.1%~8%,试验考虑到斑点叉尾(鱼回)耐低温,经济效益好的特性,开展了斑点叉尾(鱼回)高密度流水养殖,首创了新疆地区斑点叉尾(鱼回)高密度流水养殖模式.  相似文献   

在一面积为5.4亩的池塘中,主养斑点叉尾(鱼回),亩放养斑点叉尾(鱼回)冬片鱼种730尾,规格18.8克/尾,经270天养殖,取得亩产斑点叉尾(鱼回)成鱼420kg,规格650克/尾,成活率88.5%,亩产值8895元,亩效益4604.8元的结果.  相似文献   

<正>斑点叉尾(鱼回)肉质细嫩、味道鲜美,没有细刺,嫩滑爽口,有丰富的营养价值,脂肪水平4.7%、蛋白质水平13.7%,是淡水鱼中的优质品种。推广斑点叉尾(鱼回)养殖可满足市场需求、保供民众的“鱼兜子”,推广斑点叉尾(鱼回)健康养殖技术,将斑点叉尾(鱼回)整个养殖生产过程规范化,有利于提高斑点叉尾(鱼回)的品质,质量安全水平,促进斑点叉尾(鱼回)养殖业的高质量发展,降低养殖生产对水域生态环境的污染程度,从而获得较高的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

本试验测得在饲料中添加适量的甜菜碱、喹乙醇、大蒜素都能显著增强斑点叉尾(鱼回)肠道淀粉酶的活力,其淀粉酶最适温度为45℃,最适pH值为6.8,酶活力由高到低依次为甜菜碱组>喹乙醇组>大蒜素组>对照组;并能明显促进鱼体的生长,尤其以添加大蒜素组鱼的生长最快,其次为添加喹乙醇组和甜菜碱组.  相似文献   

研究不同水温(18±1)℃和(28±1)℃下,强力霉素在斑点叉尾(鱼回)体内的残留消除规律.以20 mg/kg鱼体重连续口灌斑点叉尾(鱼回)5 d,于停药后第1、3、5、7、9、12、15、24、30、40天分别将斑点叉尾(鱼回)处死后取肌肉(加皮)、肝脏、肾脏3种组织,采用高效液相色谱紫外检测法测定斑点叉尾(鱼回)组织中强力霉素.结果表明,强力霉素在斑点叉尾(鱼回)体内的消除速度与水温有密切关系,不同水温下相同组织,相同水温下不同组织中强力霉素的消除速率不同(P<0.05).高水温时强力霉素在斑点叉尾(鱼回)体内消除快,表明水温对斑点叉尾(鱼回)体内的药物代谢有明显的影响,强力霉素残留的消除速度随水温降低而减慢;与其他组织相比,强力霉素在肝脏中的消除最慢.因此,若将肝脏作为强力霉素在斑点叉尾(鱼回)体内残留的靶组织计算休药期,在(18±1)℃和(28±1)℃时,按欧盟和中国规定的动物组织中强力霉素在肝脏中最高残留限量300μg/kg计算,从食品安全角度来分析,建议休药期分别为55 d和30 d.若按强力霉素在可食组织肌肉(加皮)中最高残留限量300 μg/kg计算休药期,建议休药期分别为22d和19 d.本研究旨为不同水温条件下制定强力霉素在斑点叉尾(鱼回)体内的残留限量和休药期提供理论依据.  相似文献   

斑点叉尾(鱼回),原产于美洲,义称沟鲶、美洲鲶、河鲶.该鱼由于具有生长快、适温范围广、抗病力强.斑点叉尾(鱼回)有三大优点:肉质细嫩、味鲜美、富含蛋白质和不饱和脂肪酸;摄食颗粒饲料,饲料系数低(1.3~2.0),适于集约化和规模化养殖;无肌问刺、适于机械加工、宜作快餐原料.斑点叉尾(鱼回)可池塘单养、混养、以及网箱等方式的养殖.随着出口加工(鱼回)鱼的项日实施,对生产环节无公害要求更加严格,现将无公害斑点叉尾(鱼回)养殖技术简介如下.  相似文献   

斑点叉尾(鱼回)(Ictalurus punctatus)又称美洲鲶、沟鲇,属鲶形目、(鱼回)科,原产于美国,其商业化养殖占美国有鳍鱼类总养殖产量的50%~85%,我国湖北省水产科学研究所于1984年从美国引进后,因其具有生长速度比较快、肉质细嫩、销售价格较高的特点,受到了广大消费者和水产养殖业者的欢迎.2000年我国斑点叉尾(鱼回)开始出口美国,2005年1月就占美国市场6%,并且有逐年加大的趋势,更是加快了我国斑点叉尾(鱼回)养殖业的发展.  相似文献   

采用封闭流水式装置,研究斑点叉尾[鱼回]幼鱼(Ictalurus Punctatus)(约9~11 g)在不同温度条件下(18,22和26℃)的耗氧率和氨氮排泄率变化情况。结果表明,在18,22和26℃时斑点叉尾[鱼回]幼鱼的耗氧率分别为(171.66±33)mg/(kg·h),(97.22±26)mg/(kg·h)和(171.83±44)mg/(kg·h),26℃处理组的耗氧率最高,与22℃处理组具显著差异(P<0.05);氨氮排泄率也表现出随水温的升高而升高的趋势,18,22和26℃时其氨氮排泄率分别为(0.40±0.01)mg/(g·h),(0.44±0.01)mg/(g·h)和(0.58±0.01)mg/(g·h)。在22~26℃,斑点叉尾[鱼回]幼鱼的耗氧率和氨氮排泄率均随温度升高而升高。  相似文献   

本实验以平均初始体重为15.60 g的红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)幼鱼为研究对象,研究饲料中蛋白含量及养殖密度对红鳍东方鲀幼鱼生长性能、氮排泄及相关生理生化指标的影响。设计两因素三水平(2×3)实验,配制3种不同蛋白梯度(38.87%、45.55%和51.00%,干重)的等脂实验饲料,设置3个密度梯度为1.53 kg/m3 (0.196 m3体积的实验桶,每桶20尾鱼)、2.30 kg/m3(每桶30尾鱼)和3.06 kg/m3(每桶40尾鱼)。每组饲料设3个重复,养殖实验为期56 d,在室内流水系统内进行。结果显示,增重率在高、中蛋白组显著高于低蛋白组(P<0.05),但当饲料蛋白含量一定时,养殖密度对增重率没有显著性影响。饲料蛋白含量和养殖密度对鱼体常规成分没有显著性影响。当饲料蛋白一定时,高密度组的血清总蛋白和胆固醇含量显著高于中密度组(P<0.05)。血清总蛋白含量在低蛋白组显著高于中蛋白组(P<0.05)。血清碱性磷酸酶含量在低蛋白组显著高于高蛋白组(P<0.05)。饲料蛋白含量和养殖密度对红鳍东方鲀幼鱼的生长、氨氮排泄没有显著性交互作用。静水投喂3 h后,氨氮排泄率在高密度组显著高于低密度组(P<0.05)。研究表明,45.55%饲料蛋白质含量已经能够满足红鳍东方鲀幼鱼正常生长的需求。饲料蛋白含量和养殖密度对红鳍东方鲀幼鱼的生长性能和氨氮排泄没有显著性交互作用。  相似文献   

Dietary protein and lipid effects on growth, body composition and indices of iridescent Shark Pangasius hypophthalmus (Sauvage 1878) fry were studied using a 4 × 2 factorial design. Triplicate groups of 10 fish per tank, with initial mean weights of 3.54–3.85 g were fed eight isocaloric diets comprising a combination of four protein levels (250, 300, 350 and 400 g kg−1 or 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%) and two lipid levels (60 and 120 g kg−1 or 6% and 12%) respectively. The fish were hand-fed to satiety twice daily for 8 weeks. Specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) showed significant effects ( P <0.05) with variations in dietary protein and lipid. The highest SGR was observed in fish fed 40% protein/12% lipid diet but this value was not significantly ( P >0.05) different from the fish fed 30% protein/12% lipid diet. The FCR was lowest for the 40/12 diet and differed significantly only with the 25/6, 25/12 and 30/6 treatments respectively. The hepatosomatic index (HSI) was significantly affected by the level of protein, but intraperitoneal fat (IPF) showed significant variation due to dietary lipid level. The HSI significantly ( P <0.05) decreased when dietary protein increased from 25% to 30% but increased marginally thereafter. The IPF values increased with increased dietary lipid but decreased with increased dietary protein. Body protein was positively correlated with dietary protein content; conversely, body lipid content decreased with increase in dietary protein. The results of this experiment indicate the presence of a protein-sparing effect of lipid as fish fed 30% protein/12% lipid diet had growth and feed utilization comparable to those fed 40% protein/12% lipid diet.  相似文献   

An 8-week growth trial was carried out in a semi-recirculation system to investigate the effect of high dietary starch levels on the growth performance, blood chemistry, starch utilization and body composition of gibel carp ( Carassius auratus var. gibelio). Five isonitrogenous and isocarloric experimental diets were formulated to contain different starch levels (24%, 28%, 32%, 36% and 40% respectively). Triplicate groups of fish (24 fish per tank with an average body weight, of 8.5 g) were assigned to each diet. The results showed that dietary carbohydrate levels significantly affected the growth performance, hepatopancreatic lipid content, pyruvate kinase (PK) activity and whole-body lipid content. Growth performance, body crude lipid and plasma glucose concentrations showed a decreasing trend with an increase in dietary starch from 24% to 40%. Pyruvate kinase activities and hepatopancreatic lipid content showed an increasing trend with the dietary starch increasing from 24% to 32%, and then a decreasing trend with the dietary starch increasing from 32% to 40%. No significant difference in the hepatopancreatic hexokinase (HK) activity, plasma triglyceride contents, body crude protein, ash and calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) contents was observed between different treatments. In conclusion, higher dietary starch levels (32–40%) significantly ( P <0.05) decreased the growth of gibel carp in the present study.  相似文献   

A 83‐d feeding experiment was undertaken to evaluate the effects of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth and body composition of spotted halibut, Verasper variegatus (initial average weight of 93.0 ± 1.0 g). Nine diets were formulated to contain three protein levels (40, 45, and 50%), each with three lipid levels (8, 12% and 16%). Each diet was randomly fed to triplicate groups of 20 fish per tank in the indoor culture system. Results showed that the survival rate of fish was not significantly affected by protein and lipid levels (P > 0.05). Weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), and feed intake (FI) significantly decreased with the increasing dietary lipid levels (P < 0.05). Feed efficiency significantly increased while the feed conversion ration significantly decreased with increasing dietary protein levels (P < 0.05). Weight gain, SGR, FI, and feed efficiency of fish fed 50% protein and 8% lipid were significantly higher than that of the other groups. For each level of dietary lipid, the increase in dietary protein resulted in significant increases in whole‐body crude protein (CP) contents (P < 0.05); the increase in dietary lipid caused significant increases in whole‐body crude lipid content and gross energy at each protein level (P < 0.05). The muscle CP, lipid, and gross energy had the same tendency. The results of this study indicated that increasing dietary lipid levels did not result in a protein‐sparing effect. It could be recommended that the proper dietary protein and lipid levels of spotted halibut were 50 and 8%, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary inclusion of whole grain white lupin (Lupinus albus) on growth performance, histology, muscle fatty acid composition and nutrient digestibility was investigated in an 11‐week growth and a 4‐week digestibility trial with rainbow trout (initial body weight of 54.0 ± 6.2 and 181.9 ± 3.4 g respectively). Four experimental extruded diets were formulated to contain 0%, 30%, 40% and 50% of whole grain lupin and fed to triplicate groups of fish twice a day until apparent satiation. Faeces were collected daily from each digestibility tank by decantation. No significant trends were observed with respect to growth, feed utilization, apparent digestibility coefficients or whole‐body composition (P>0.05). Conversely, increasing levels of dietary lupin led to significant decreases in the Hepatosomatic index (R2=0.75, P<0.05) and slight lipid infiltration into hepatocytes and enterocytes. Muscle fatty acid compositions were slightly affected by the dietary treatment. Polynomial regression of dietary inclusion of lupin and muscle fatty acid concentrations showed an increase in C18:1n‐9, C18:2n‐6 and C18:3n‐3 and a decrease in C20:5n‐3 with increasing dietary lupin level. These results demonstrated that whole grain lupin can be included up to 50% in commercial rainbow trout diets without negative effects.  相似文献   

The use of meat and bone meal (MBM) was evaluated as a replacement for fish meal in a practical diet formulated to contain 41% protein and 8% lipid. Anchovy meal was replaced by 0%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 80% of MBM (diets 1–7) respectively. Healthy post larvae of Litopenaeus vannamei were reared in an indoor, semi‐closed recirculating system. Each dietary treatment was fed to triplicate groups of 40 shrimp per tank (260 L) arranged in a completely randomized design. The shrimp were hand‐fed to near‐satiation three times daily between 07:00 and 18:00 hours for 56 days. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in growth performance among shrimp fed diets 1–6. However, shrimp fed diet 7 had significantly lower (P<0.05) growth than those fed diet 2 or diet 4. Survival ranged from 95% to 100% and did not significantly (P>0.05) differ. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) and carcass composition of the shrimp were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by dietary treatments. No significant differences (P>0.05) in protein efficiency ratio (PER) were found among shrimp fed diets 1‐6. However, shrimp fed diet 7 had significantly lower (P<0.05) PER than those fed diet 1 or diet 4. Results showed that up to 60% of fish meal protein can be replaced by MBM with no adverse effects on growth, survival, FCR, PER and body composition of L. vannamei.  相似文献   

饲料蛋白质和脂肪水平对牛蛙生长性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
皇康康  张春晓  王玲  宋凯  黄飞 《水产学报》2014,38(6):877-887
为研究饲料中不同蛋白质和脂肪水平对牛蛙生长、体组成和肝脏健康的影响,以红鱼粉、豆粕和酪蛋白为蛋白源,鱼油和豆油为主要脂肪源,α-淀粉为主要糖源,微晶纤维素为填充剂,并补充无机盐和维生素等配制实验饲料。实验设3个蛋白水平(35%、40%和45%),每个蛋白水平下设4个脂肪水平(4%、7%、10%和13%),共12种饲料,饲料可利用能变化范围为12.4~17.8 kJ/g,蛋白能量比变化范围为21.9~32.0 mg/kJ。每种饲料设置3个重复,每个水族缸放养12只牛蛙[初始平均体质量为(91.5±1.1)g],每日饱食投喂2次,实验周期56 d。结果发现,饲料蛋白质和脂肪水平对牛蛙的存活率无显著影响,而13%脂肪组的牛蛙肝脏出现颜色不均一和肝体脆化无韧性的现象。饲料蛋白质和脂肪水平显著影响牛蛙的增重率、特定生长率、摄食率、饲料效率和蛋白质效率。其中,40%蛋白组牛蛙的增重率和特定生长率显著高于35%蛋白组,与45%蛋白组无显著差异。随着蛋白质水平的升高,饲料效率显著升高,而摄食率和蛋白质效率显著降低。随着脂肪水平的升高,增重率、特定生长率和摄食率显著升高,饲料效率、蛋白质效率和氮保留率无显著差异。饲料脂肪水平与牛蛙全体的脂肪含量和总能水平正相关,但不影响牛蛙全体的蛋白质含量。随着饲料脂肪水平的升高,牛蛙肝脏丙二醛含量显著升高,过氧化氢酶和脂蛋白酯酶活力先升高后降低。研究表明,牛蛙饲料适宜的蛋白质和脂肪水平分别为40%和7%,适宜蛋白能量比为27.7 mg/kJ。  相似文献   

玉米蛋白粉替代鱼粉对大菱鲆摄食、生长及体组成的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以鱼粉和玉米蛋白粉作蛋白源,配制6种等氮等能的饲料。其中5种饲料(C0、C12、C25、C38和C50.5)分别含有0%、12%、25%、38%和50.5%的玉米蛋白粉以替代相应的鱼粉蛋白。其余1种饲料(C50.5CAA)是在饲料C50.5基础上补充1.8%晶体氨基酸混合物(L-lysine:1.2%,L-arg:0.6%)。经7周的生长试验,结果表明随着饲料中玉米蛋白粉替代水平的升高,大菱鲆(12.51±0.02)g的摄食率、特定生长率、饲料效率和蛋白质效率均显著下降。饲料中玉米蛋白粉含量为50.5%时,大菱鲆摄食率显著低于其他处理组(P<0.05)。当饲料中玉米蛋白粉含量超过25%时,大菱鲆特定生长率显著低于对照组(C0)(P<0.05)。当饲料中玉米蛋白粉含量超过38%时,饲料效率和蛋白质效率与对照组(C0)相比显著下降(P<0.05)。C50.5CAA组的摄食率、特定生长率和蛋白质效率与C50.5组相比都有升高的趋势,但差异不显著。而饲料中添加晶体氨基酸显著提高了大菱鲆的饲料效率(P<0.05)。饲料中玉米蛋白粉替代鱼粉对大菱鲆鱼体水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪及灰分含量均无显著影响。饲料中玉米蛋白粉替代鱼粉对大菱鲆血清甘油三酯和尿素氮含量也不产生显著影响,然而,随着饲料中玉米蛋白粉含量升高,血清总胆固醇含量显著下降(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

以鱼粉为蛋白源,配制5个不同蛋白质水平(34.85%,40.48%,46.54%,51.54%,56.69%)的等能饲料.以初始体质量为(54.52±0.23)g的星斑川鲽(Platichthys stellatus)为实验对象,在室内循环水养殖系统中进行54 d的摄食生长实验,研究饲料蛋白水平对星斑川鲽幼鱼生长、体组成及血浆生化指标的影响.结果显示:(1)增重率(WGR)和特定生长率(SGR)随着饲料蛋白水平的增加而上升,51.54%和56.69%饲料组之间差异不显著(P>0.05),其余各组差异显著(P<0.05);51.54%饲料组的蛋白质效率(PER)显著高于其他各组(P<0.05);51.54%饲料组的蛋白质沉积率(PRE)也显著高于34.85%、46.54%和56.69%组(P<0.05),但与40.48%饲料组差异不显著(P>0.05).以增重率为参考指标,折线回归分析结果表明,星斑川鲽幼鱼获得最佳增重时对饲料中蛋白质的需要量为53.56%.(2)饲料不同蛋白水平对星斑川鲽幼鱼鱼体灰分含量没有显著影响,但显著影响了鱼体粗蛋白、粗脂肪和水分的含量(P<0.05).51.54%饲料组鱼体粗蛋白含量最高,显著高于34.85%组(P<0.05),而与40.48%、46.54%和56.69%组之间无显著差异(P>0.05);鱼体粗脂肪含量随着饲料蛋白水平的升高而下降,水分含量表现出与粗脂肪含量相反的趋势.(3)饲料蛋白含量对星斑川鲽幼鱼部分血浆生化指标也产生了显著性的影响.血浆总蛋白(TP)以51.54%组最高,与56.69%组差异不显著(P>0.05),,但显著高于34.85%、40.48%和46.54%组(P<0.05);40.48%、51.54%和56.69%组间血浆尿素氮(BUN)含量差异不显著(P>0.05),但显著低于34.85%和46.54%组(P<0.05).综合以上结果,星斑川鲽饲料中蛋白质适宜添加量为51.54%~53.56%.  相似文献   

以初始体重为39.20±0.24mg的方格星虫稚虫为实验对象,分别饲喂蛋白水平为25.21%、29.87%、35.03%、40.67%、45.47%、50.12%、55.29%、60.38%、64.85%的9种等能微颗粒饲料56d,研究饲料蛋白水平对方格星虫稚虫生长和体组成的影响。结果表明,饲料蛋白水平对方格星虫稚虫的生长性能有显著影响(P<0.05)。随着饲料中蛋白水平的提高,稚星虫的增重率和特定生长率都呈先增后降的趋势,当饲料蛋白水平为45.47%时,稚星虫增重率和特定生长率均达到最大值,二次曲线回归分析确定当增重率达到极值时,饲料蛋白水平为46.79%;对稚星虫体组成成分的分析表明,饲料蛋白水平对方格星虫稚虫体组成中脂肪和蛋白质的含量影响显著(P<0.05),稚星虫体蛋白含量随着饲料蛋白水平的上升有显著升高的趋势,64.85%组稚星虫体蛋白含量最高,显著高于其他各蛋白水平组(P<0.05)。体脂肪含量随着饲料蛋白水平的上升有降低的趋势,64.85%组稚星虫的体脂肪含量最低,显著低于25.21%、29.87%、35.03%和40.67%组(P<0.05)。饲料蛋白水平对稚星虫体灰分含量没有显著影响(P>0.05)。以增重率为评价指标时,方格星虫稚虫对饲料中蛋白的适宜需求量为46.79%。  相似文献   

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