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浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所自2002年秋在清江试验场开始进行鮸鱼人工繁育技术研究,至今已连续4年,共育出全长3厘米以上鮸鱼苗数百万尾。本技术要点总结了项目组的研究成果,同时根据在福建等地参观和了解的相关内容进行补充,可供鮸鱼人工繁育参考。  相似文献   

鮸鱼工厂化育苗技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鮸鱼Miichthys miiuy(Basilewsky)隶属于石首鱼科,鮸鱼属,主要分布在西太平洋的中国、朝鲜和日本沿海,为近海暖温性中、下层鱼类。鮸鱼具有肉质细嫩、味道鲜美,鱼鳔具有滋补药用功效,商业价值很高,具有广阔的增养殖前景,是网箱养殖的优良品种。笔者在2002年蓝天海水养殖苗种场主持完成了鮸鱼规模化繁育技术研究。  相似文献   

石斑鱼属名贵鱼类,系鲈形目,鳍科,石斑鱼属,囚其鱼身上有花色条纹和异色斑点,故名。近年来,海水网箱养殖发展迅速,且海水网箱养殖石斑鱼具有投资大、效益好、创汇高的优势,随着人工育苗技术的日益成熟和海水网箱养殖石斑鱼所具有的优势,石斑鱼将是今后海水网箱主养种类之一。  相似文献   

在海水鱼类养殖过程中,病虫害的威胁日益增大,这是水产养殖目前所面临的一个主要困难,遏制了水产养殖业的健康可持续发展。为提高水产养殖户的经济效益,促进水产养殖业的发展,增加渔业产量,必须要做好鱼病的防治工作。基于此,对鮸鱼人工养殖过程中常见的鱼病案例进行分析,对鱼病的发生情况进行探讨,并提出相应的防治措施。综述水泥池内人工养殖鮸鱼常见的疾病,分别为香鱼假单胞菌病、淀粉卵甲藻病、双阴道吸虫病、车轮虫病和盾纤毛虫病,分别描述各类疾病的病原、病症、流行情况及防控措施,提出人工养殖鮸鱼时疾病预防的综合措施。  相似文献   

为探索海水池塘人工养殖海蜇的可行性,2003年4~7月,象山县水产养殖技术推广站在象山县鹤翔水产养殖公司,开展海蜇人工养殖试验,现将试验情况报告如下:  相似文献   

为了探索军曹鱼在北方地区的内陆养殖技术,我们在长春市进行了人工海水工厂化循环水养殖试验。在小网箱,利用鱼糜、人工配合饵料混合投喂。养殖过程中,水温平均为26.2℃,上下温差不超过2℃;溶氧始终保持在6.3mg/L左右,最低未低于5.5mg/L;盐度始终保持在29‰左右,上下不超过1‰。经过约5个月的养殖,将平均体重为0.44g、平均体长为5.59cm的军曹鱼鱼苗养到平均体重为133g、平均体长为33.4cm,最大个体体重为335g、体长为42.5cm的军曹鱼商品鱼。试验证明,军曹鱼完全可以在内陆用人工海水养殖。  相似文献   

即将由上海科学技术出版社出版的《海水养殖手册》,是一本集海水养殖技术之大成的书籍。内容丰富、翔实,包罗了海洋环境概述、近海养殖海区的理化因子的测定方法、海带养殖、裙带茱养殖、紫菜养殖、石花菜养殖、江篱养殖、麒麟莱养殖,贝类人工育苗、增养殖的基本方法,还有贻贝、缢蛏、牡蛎、珍珠、泥蚶、文蛤、扇贝、鲍鱼、兰斑背肛海兔养殖以及其他贝类增殖,另外还登有港温养鱼、网箱养鱼、  相似文献   

正野生鮸鱼资源衰退,捕获量逐年减少。为了满足市场需求,人工养殖是必由之路。笔者多年从事海水养殖,近几年利用海洋资源优势,在福建省第一大离岛——南日岛东岱海域开展鮸鱼网箱健康养殖,取得了良好的经济效益。现将鮸鱼海水网箱健康养殖技术介绍如下,以供养殖户参考。一、材料与方法1.养殖海区位于莆田市秀屿区南日岛东岱海区,周边无工业污染、无明显的生活污水排入、无溪河径流,海水水深超过8米,水质达到海水一、二  相似文献   

海水网箱养殖石斑鱼技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张霞 《齐鲁渔业》2009,(11):27-27
近年来海水网箱养殖发展迅速,随着人工育苗技术的日益成熟和石斑鱼价格的看好,石斑鱼将是今后海水网箱的主要养殖种类之一。  相似文献   

军曹鱼(Rachycentro canadum Linnaeus),亦称海鲡、竹五、海鲤、海竺鱼,是热带和亚热带海域的鱼类,主要分布于大西洋、印度洋和太平洋(东太平洋除外)等沿岸海域及港湾,在我国主要分布于南海、东海及黄渤海。军曹鱼具有个体大、生长快、产量高、易于驯化摄食人工饵料、抗病力强、肉厚质细、味鲜美且无肌间刺骨、营养价值高、经济效益佳等特点。近年来,军曹鱼人工繁殖和大规模育苗技术已经突破,人工养殖技术有了很大的进展,军曹鱼已成为海水网箱养殖中最有养殖前景的一种鱼类,并且产生了良好的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

A report is presented of esophagoscopy and gastroscopy in cats and dogs using flexible endoscopes. Following consideration of the basic equipment, an account is given of patient preparation and anesthesia, topography, investigation technique and normal findings. Diagnostic potential, indications and risks involved are discussed.  相似文献   

随着人们对甲壳动物生理生态学研究的逐步深入,尤其是与免疫应答密切联系的血液生理学领域被广泛关注.抽取和固定血淋巴,成为进行血液学研究必不可少的步骤.那么如何更好地抽取和固定血淋巴呢,本文以虾蟹为例做了总结,以供参考.  相似文献   

中国鲟鱼的保护、管理与产业化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
1 世界现存鲟鱼的种类和资源鲟鱼是一类起源早、具有重要科学研究价值和极高经济价值的稀有物种 ,多数种类个体大 ,半数种为溯河洄游产卵鱼类。按目前较为公认的分类系统 ,现存鲟鱼类有 2科 6属 2 7个种 ,隶属于硬骨鱼纲、软骨硬鳞总目、鲟形目 (Acipenseriformes) ,其中鲟属有 17个种 ,主要经济种类在其中。它们全部分布于北半球 ,现存 9个自然分布区为 :太平洋东岸、北美大湖地区、大西洋西北部、北美密西西比河流域和墨西哥湾、大西洋东北部、里海地区、西伯利亚及北冰洋流域、黑龙江和日本海、长江和珠江。鲟鱼自然种群资源稀少 ,在过…  相似文献   

Important operational changes that have gradually been assimilated and new approaches that are developing as part of the movement toward sustainable intensive aquaculture production systems are presented via historical, current, and future perspectives. Improved environmental and economic sustainability based on increased efficiency of production continues to be realized. As a result, aquaculture continues to reduce its carbon footprint through reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Reduced use of freshwater and land resources per unit of production, improved feed management practices as well as increased knowledge of nutrient requirements, effective feed ingredients and additives, domestication of species, and new farming practices are now being applied or evaluated. Successful expansion into culture of marine species, both off and on shore, offers the potential of substantial increases in sustainable intensive aquaculture production combined with integrative efforts to increase efficiency will principally contribute to satisfying the increasing global demand for protein and food security needs.  相似文献   

Analysis of intestinal contents of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) showed that silver carp consumed primarily phytoplankton while bighead carp consumed large quantities of zooplankton and detritus in addition to phytoplankton. The size of particles filtered by the bighead carp was larger (17–3,000 μm) than that filtered by silver carp (8–100 μm). Artificial feed was readily consumed by bighead carp but not by silver carp. No growth difference was indicated for silver carp in fertilized ponds and ponds receiving artificial feed. Growth of bighead carp increased substantially with the addition of artificial feed. Silver carp grew more rapidly in cages than bighead carp.  相似文献   

20 0 1年 ,江苏省高邮市农林局与中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心及扬州市春申生物化工有限公司共同承担了江苏省水产更新工程项目———“虾、蟹专用肥料的开发研究与推广”。经项目组人员的共同努力 ,现已顺利完成项目任务 ,研究开发的虾、蟹专用肥在试用和大面积推广应用中取得了显著效果。虾、蟹专用肥已被列为江苏省第一批无公害水产品基地拟用鱼药、饲料推荐产品 ;也是江苏省水产技术推广站、安徽省水产技术推广站、江苏省高邮市农林局、江苏省兴化市水产局、江苏省宝应县水产局、安徽寿县水产局等十多个水产行政主管和技术推广部…  相似文献   

Energy development threatens fish and wildlife resources worldwide. This study used constrained ordinations to show fish assemblage structure associated with oil and gas well densities in the Colorado River Basin, Wyoming, but well densities explained only 6.4% of assemblage structure when compared to other factors. Threshold Indicator Taxonomic ANalysis showed significant negative threshold responses by some species to small levels of development (<0.15 wells km?2), whereas positive thresholds were less distinct. Some native and imperilled species could be disproportionately affected if future oil and gas development proceeds in a manner that will impact aquatic resources. Although existing development has not substantially influenced regional fish assemblage structure, it appears to affect a subset of species. Understanding assemblage‐level responses to development can help land managers determine appropriate development levels, prioritise areas for monitoring associated with future development and identify where land protection measures may be needed to offset potential risks.  相似文献   

“十一五”以来,我国农垦加快体制机制改革、结构调整和经济增长方式的转变的步伐,参与市场竞争,努力提升企业和产品竞争力,经济社会事业发展较快,对国家的贡献提升,职工收入、生活质量明显提高和改善,示范引领作用不断增强。本文针对农垦体制机制创新进展滞缓,战略定位与发展方向不明,经济增长方式转变和结构调整缺乏资本、人才、技术的支撑,没有处理好改革、发展、稳定、民生的关系,投资匮乏,发展后劲不足,人才短缺和劳动力素质低下的现状,提出在未来农垦体制机制创新中要特别关注改革方向、目标设定与评估,改革要在现行法律法规的框架内运作,改革时机的选择,处理好改革发展稳定与民生的关系,调整好内部利益分配关系,自觉融入区域经济,与地方协同发展等问题。为了促进农垦的发展,建议国家加大对农垦体制机制创新、现代农业建设、国有农场土地资源的保护、社会保障体系的完善等财政和政策的支持力度。  相似文献   

Many lepisosteid populations in North America have declined and many are now threatened as a consequence of habitat loss and alteration and commercial and sport overfishing. Over the last two decades, morphological, histological and molecular studies allowed distinguishing between different phases of development and the nutritional condition of larvae. Ontogeny of the digestive enzymes of gar larvae indicated the possibility to feed them artificial feeds since early developmental stages. An in vitro digestibility system to test different feed ingredients has been used. Important characteristics of artificial diets were identified through different feeding experiments. Endocrinological studies showed the feasibility of altering larval development and the digestive capacity of larvae. Cloning of gar growth hormone opened new avenues to enhance growth in the gars. Plasmatic vitellogenin was isolated and purified, to develop a competitive enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay, which allowed the straightforward separation of males from females to establish appropriate proportions for reproduction and also was used to evaluate hormonal protocols to induce gonad recrudescence and spawning. This review analyzes the biology, ecology and physiology of different gar species as a basis for their domestication, mass production of larvae for repopulation experiments and for the culture of commercial‐size gar.  相似文献   

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