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用荧光标记法和T-tag锚标法标记了体长11.88-13.13cm的长臀鮠Cranoglanis bouderius、光倒刺鲃Spinibarbus hollandi、白甲鱼Onychostoma simus、花 Hemibarbus maculatus(Bleeker),以寻找适合北盘江增殖放流鱼类的标志方法。14d的标记结果表明:荧光标志法标记的长臀鮠、光倒刺鲃、白甲鱼、花的成活率均在90.0%以上,是一种较为经济实用的标志方法,可在该流域增殖放流使用。需在短时间内回捕的放流对象也可用T-tag锚标法作辅助标志。  相似文献   

为研究倒刺鲃人工增殖放流中的生长发育等规律,探讨恢复连江这一传统特色经济鱼类资源的有效方法,于2014年11月采用荧光色素标记方法,在连江阳山段对3×10~4尾倒刺鲃鱼苗进行标志放流试验。基于回捕数据对倒刺鲃的回捕率、标志保留率及生长情况进行分析,进而对连江倒刺鲃标志放流的方法做出初步评价。试验结果表明,利用流刺网等捕捞工具对倒刺鲃进行回捕,截至2016年5月共回捕倒刺鲃275尾,回捕率为0.92%。对回捕鱼的标记保留情况进行统计,发现标志保留率随时间的增加而降低。在回捕的前几个月内,荧光标志仍肉眼可辨,自第7个月开始荧光标志开始变得逐渐模糊,1年之后标志逐渐消失。标志鱼在放流后6个月生长缓慢,之后生长加快。协方差分析表明,倒刺鲃在放流水域的生长比池塘养殖和自然群体更具优势,说明放流水域属于放流条件较佳水域。综上所述,本研究基本达到标志放流预期目的,但应继续优化标志放流策略。  相似文献   

为研究微卫星分子标记在大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)增殖放流效果评估中的适用性, 本研究利用 8 个多态性丰富的微卫星位点, 对 100 尾放流大黄鱼亲鱼以及官井洋海域回捕的 295 尾大黄鱼样本进行亲子鉴定, 并提出了一种基于微卫星分子标记的大黄鱼回捕效果评估方法。8 个微卫星位点共检测到 78 个等位基因, 其观测杂合度为 0.511~0.939 (平均值 0.764), 期望杂合度为 0.643~0.897 (平均值 0.781), 多态性信息含量为 0.587~0.883 (平均值为 0.751); 通过 Cervus 3.0.7 软件模拟分析得到, 在置信度大于 95%的情况下, 8 个微卫星位点的个体累积排除率达到 99.99%以上水平; 2019 年 7 月从官井洋海域回捕到的 190 尾大黄鱼中, 检测出 5 尾与放流亲本存在亲子关系的个体, 占回捕样本总数的 2.63%。推算本次富发放流大黄鱼在回捕样本中所占比例为 60.53%左右, 进一步推算出 7 月富发公司放流大黄鱼的回捕率为 0.0038%左右。8 月、9 月的 105 尾回捕样品中未能检出标记个体。本研究构建的大黄鱼亲子鉴定技术体系不仅可为三沙湾大黄鱼增殖放流效果评估工作提供可靠的技术支撑, 亦可为三沙湾大黄鱼保护区的科学管理提供参考, 此外本研究对于我国其他海水鱼类的增殖放流评估工作的开展也将有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

介绍了乌江彭水水电站沿河鱼类增殖放流站工艺设计方案,主要包括3方面内容:(1)放流对象:在乌江干流及合适的支流增殖放流珍稀特有鱼类,补充其种群数量,年放流胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)、岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi)、中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)、白甲鱼(Onychostoma sima)、华鲮(Sinilabeo rendahli)共计16万尾.(2)规模及选址:亲鱼需求量设定为625 kg;1.5cm苗种产出量为23.85万尾,4~6cm苗种17.43万尾,15cm苗种2.03万尾;站址选择在沿河县水产站下属鱼种场,占地2hm2;主要建筑物包括蓄水沉淀池(400m2)、催产孵化及开口鱼苗培育车间(450m2)、亲鱼培育车间(1008m2)、鱼种培育车间(450m2);养殖设施包括催产池2口、亲鱼培育池30口,玻璃钢孵化槽2个、尤先科孵化槽3个、孵化桶5个、圆形开口苗培养缸30个、圆形鱼种培育缸40个、活饵培育池2口、防疫隔离池2口.(3)运行管理:包括机构设置、人员编制与职责、鱼类增殖放流站管理技术规范、生产管理、标志放流、科普展示以及放流效果监测.  相似文献   

为了解云南特有鱼类大头鲤(Cyprinus pellegrini)增殖放流后的空间迁移特征, 于 2021 年 7 月在云南省杞麓湖开展了人工培育大头鲤幼鱼标记放流试验, 并通过定点回捕监测对鱼苗放流后的初期迁移特征进行了探讨。共放流大头鲤幼鱼 7000 尾, 平均全长(8.4±1.2) cm, 平均体重(7.5±3.5) g。放流鱼苗全部做了可见植入荧光标记(visible implant elastomer, VIE)。放流 24 h 后即开始回捕, 共在放流点及附近水域设置 10 个固定回捕监测点, 采用地笼进行为期 3 d 的持续回捕。共回捕到放流鱼苗 37 尾, 总回捕率为 5.286‰。回捕个体平均全长(7.1±1.0) cm, 平均体重 (4.4±1.8) g。回捕个体的标记均清晰可见, 标记保持率为 100%。放流后 3 d 内各固定监测点回捕到的放流鱼苗数量变动显示, 放流鱼苗呈现出先向两端沿岸浅水区迁移, 后向开阔水域迁移的特征。放流后第 1 天鱼苗的群体冒险性为 33.33%, 而放流后第 2、3 天的群体冒险性均超过第 1 天的 2 倍, 表现出先谨慎探索, 后大胆冒险的行为特征。 放流鱼在放流后 1、2、3 d 内的日迁移距离分别为 199.4、110.6、98.8 m, 呈逐渐下降趋势。根据有关背景资料及本研究结果, 提出了完善大头鲤增殖放流工作的建议。  相似文献   

黑脊倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus caldwelli)是我国南方溪河的优质鱼类之一,近年来福建省建瓯市正推广人工养殖黑脊倒刺鲃,并已取得较好的经济效益。黑脊倒刺鲃既适宜池塘(土池、水泥池)单养或混养,又适合水库网箱养殖和小水库放养和增殖放流。  相似文献   

江河渔业资源增殖技术研究报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用人工放流鱼苗,加强护养管理的方法增殖江河渔业资源,从1991至1994年累计放流草、鲤、露斯塔野鲮等鱼苗195万尾,放流后4年的平均产量比放流前5年的平均产量增加5倍.本研究用标志回捕法研究增殖后鱼类回捕率、生长速率和种群数量,用放流前后多年平均产量对比法估算增殖产量.回捕率在14.5%—20.5%,平均年增殖产量146吨.  相似文献   

(鱼竹)鲃鲤,学名是锯倒刺鲃,它是广东小北江主要野生鱼类之一,1970年5月从小北江捕获50尾(鱼竹)鲃鲤亲鱼,放入池塘进行家养驯化。到1974年7月用鲤垂体和激素催产,  相似文献   

中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)又名青波、乌鳞,隶属于鲤形目、鲤科、鲃亚科、倒刺鲃属,是我国长江上游及支流常见的经济鱼类。近年来,中华倒刺鲃因其味美而深受市场的欢迎,已被逐步开发为一个养殖新品种。有关倒刺鲃属其他鱼类胚胎发育的研究报道较多,但鲜有中华倒刺鲃的胚胎发育报道。为了探讨中  相似文献   

为了在安徽开展中华倒刺鲃人工繁殖技术研究,于2010年从湖北引进中华倒刺鲃苗种,培育至性成熟后,于2016年5月20日和6月8日分两批进行人工催产和授精试验,共催产雌鱼40尾,雄鱼31尾,之后将受精卵放入孵化缸和孵化环道中进行流水孵化。结果表明:全长5 cm左右的中华倒刺鲃苗种,在安徽经过6年池塘培育后可用于人工繁殖,催产率为90.91%~94.44%,受精率为92%~96%,孵化率在80%以上。仔鱼出膜后6~7 d即可下塘培育,两批共下塘鱼苗66万尾。  相似文献   

Lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus L., has an extended ovary development period and a relatively long spawning season. It therefore seems unlikely that individuals spawning later in the season would be able to recover from spawning and develop their gonads in time to spawn during the early part of the season the following year. The hypothesis that individuals spawning early or late in a spawning season would spawn early or late the following year was tested using fish tagged in Iceland between 2008 and 2017. The tagging date and recapture date the following year were positively correlated with an average of 356 days at large (DAL). Fish sampled from the fishery indicate that tagging/recapture date gives an indication of spawning time. From this, it was concluded that spawning time in the current year can be used to predict spawning time the following year. As fishing effort was greatest at the end of April/beginning of May, it seems likely that fish that come to spawn at this time will be subject to a higher fishing mortality. Therefore, they will be less likely to spawn successfully than fish spawning earlier or later in the year. If spawning time is under genetic control, then this could have consequences for the spawning phenology of lumpfish.  相似文献   

The proportion of angled Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. being caught and released has increased. If individuals are repeatedly captured, this may have fish welfare consequences. Of 995 Atlantic salmon tagged during catch and release in eight Norwegian rivers, 10% were captured twice, while 3% were captured three times within the same fishing season. The probability that released salmon were captured again decreased with decreasing time left of the fishing season, decreased for larger‐sized fish and varied among rivers/years. Increased exploitation rates within the river, indicating an increased fishing pressure, strongly increased the probability that fish would be recaptured. However, the proportion of salmon caught a second time was much lower than the total exploitation rates in the same rivers (which was on average 46%). For fish tagged in the sea, the likelihood of being angled decreased with time since entering the river, which may explain why the recapture rates of caught and released fish were lower than the total exploitation rates.  相似文献   

We report the analyses of a dataset spanning 39 years of near‐annual fishing for Dissostichus mawsoni in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, 1972–2011. Data on total length, condition and catch per unit effort (CPUE) were derived from the > 5500 fish caught, the large majority of which were measured, tagged and released. Contrary to expectation, the length frequency of the McMurdo Sound catch was dominated by fish in the upper two‐thirds of the overall distribution exhibited in the industrial catch for the Ross Sea shelf. Fish length and condition increased from the early 1970s to the early 1990s and then decreased. Fish length positively correlated with Ross Sea ice extent in early spring, a relationship possibly caused by more ice encouraging larger fish to move farther south over the shelf and into the study area. Fish condition positively correlated with the amount of open water in the Ross Sea during the previous summer (Feb), perhaps reflecting greater availability of prey with the higher productivity that more open water brings. Decreasing fish size corresponds to the onset of the fishery, which targets the large individuals. CPUE was constant through 2001 and then decreased dramatically. We hypothesize that this decrease is related to the industrial fishery, which began in the 1996–97 austral summer, and concentrates effort over the ice‐free Ross Sea continental slope. As a result of limited prey choices and close coupling among mesopredators of the region, Antarctic toothfish included, the fishery appears to be dramatically altering the trophic structure of the Ross Sea.  相似文献   

Abstract In January 2004, 46 wels catfish, Silurus glanis L., between 51 and 135 cm total length were tagged and released into a 0.4 ha recreational, catch and release, lake fishery in the UK, and their recapture by anglers monitored throughout the year. Of the 46 tagged fish, 16 were recaptured by anglers during 170 capture events. Some individual fish were captured up to 26 times. Catfish <75 cm appeared to be the least susceptible to capture and fish >100 cm most susceptible. Frequency of captures increased with temperatures >10 °C and peaked between June and August. Selected recapture weight data were used to produce a mass specific growth equation and revealed specific growth rate was a decreasing function of body mass over the size range of the recaptured fish. Their growth was slower than fish from elsewhere in their distribution range.  相似文献   

Movements, site fidelity, exploitation rate and total length (TL) increment of pikeperch, Sander lucioperca L., were studied by tagging 3977 pikeperch, of 334 mm mean TL, in Lake Mälaren in 1994. Fish were recaptured in gillnets, trap nets and to a lesser extent with rod and line. Total recapture rate was 30.4%, with 50% of the recaptures made within 8.4 km of the release site. Movements were restricted during summer, whereas movements from shallow to deeper basins were frequent in autumn. The yearly TL increment was estimated at 99 mm for fish 300 mm long at release and 42 mm for fish of 400 mm at release. The results have direct implications for future management, as the mortality of undersized fish in the fishery; the strong site fidelity and fast growth indicate that fishery closures may be an effective measure to attain a larger stock of fish above the size limit.  相似文献   

Thirteen adult bluefin tuna were tracked with electronic pop‐up satellite tags during their reproductive migration towards Mediterranean spawning grounds as they entered the Strait of Gibraltar. Fish were caught in tuna traps and tagged either underwater, with the aid of a modified spear gun, or on the deck of the boat. Fish tagged on board initially showed a shallower behavior than those tagged in the water. The pattern of horizontal movements was also different between both groups. Shortly after tagging, the eight fish tagged in the water entered the Mediterranean Sea. Six of these fish reached the spawning ground located southwest of the Balearic archipelago before heading back for the Atlantic, whereas the other two traveled farther east, reaching its easternmost longitudes between Formentera and Sardinia and the South Tyrrhenian Sea, respectively. In contrast, two out of the five fish tagged on board never entered the Mediterranean Sea, and another one did enter the Mediterranean when the reproductive season was already over. These results suggest an impact of the tagging procedure on the post‐release behavior of bluefin tuna. Excluding the tags that popped‐off east of the Strait of Gibraltar, bluefin tuna stayed in the Mediterranean Sea for 22–28 days. Analysis of the median depth indicated a shallow behavior during both day and nighttime throughout the return phase of the fish from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean with the exception of the area around the Strait of Gibraltar, where they showed a deeper behavior that coincided with a marked vertical gradient in the currents.  相似文献   

通过探究瀑布沟水电站建成后鱼类物种结构与建库前的相应变化,为有针对性的生态补偿措施提供参考,还可为西部地区水电开发与自然生态保护的协调发展提供宏观决策依据。基于1985年、2002年和2012年在瀑布沟库尾至坝下河段的调查数据,研究了瀑布沟水电站水库形成前后库区鱼类物种组成、渔获物结构以及保护物种分布的变化趋势。2012年库区调查共采集到鱼类14种,相比1985年和2002年分别减少了53种和51种,群落组成中定居性鱼类物种比例及渔获物比例均显著上升,适应流水环境的鱼类所占比例大幅下降。渔获物中优势物种为鲫(Carassius auratus),占渔获总重量的比例为61.59%,而在前2次调查中占据优势的齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)和重口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax davidi)几近消失。研究结果显示,水库形成后鱼类组成已发生显著改变,适应流水生境的鱼类在库区难以捕获,而静水性鱼类比例则显著升高;重口裂腹鱼等保护物种以及四川白甲鱼(Onychostoma angustistomata)等特有鱼类因水文条件的变化总体上表现为资源量下降,同时分布区域向坝下或库尾等流域生境迁移。针对成库后鱼类物种的变化特征,提出了实施生态保护、规划过鱼设施以及开展增殖放流等措施和建议。  相似文献   

Salmon from different locations in a watershed can have different life histories. It is often unclear to what extent this variation is a response to the current environmental conditions an individual experiences as opposed to local‐scale genetic adaptation or the environment experienced early in development. We used a mark–recapture transplant experiment in the Shasta River, CA, to test whether life‐history traits of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha varied among locations, and whether individuals could adopt a new life history upon encountering new habitat type. The Shasta River, a Klamath River tributary, has two Chinook salmon spawning and juvenile rearing areas, a lower basin canyon (river km 0–12) and upper basin spring complex (river km 40–56), characterised by dramatically different in‐stream habitats. In 2012 and 2013, we created three experimental groups: (i) fish caught, tagged and released in the upper basin; (ii) fish caught at the river mouth (confluence with the Klamath River, river km 0), tagged and released in the upper basin; and (iii) fish caught at the river mouth, tagged and released in the lower basin. Fish released in the upper basin outmigrated later and at a larger size than those released in the lower basin. The traits of fish transplanted to the upper basin were similar to fish originating in the upper basin. Chinook salmon juvenile life‐history traits reflected habitat conditions fish experienced rather than those where they originated, indicating that habitat modification or transportation to new habitats can rapidly alter the life‐history composition of populations.  相似文献   

A tag-release-recapture study was conducted to evaluate size-at-release impacts upon recruitment of cultured, juvenile striped mullet, Mugil cepahlus released in inshore habitats of Oahu, Hawaii, USA. In June and July 1990, 85,848 juvenile mullet were graded into five size groups (ranging from 45 to 120 mm in length), identified with binary-coded wire tags, and released into two estuaries (2×5 factorial design). Of the tagged fish, 42,822 were released into Kaneohe Bay on the east (windward) coast of Oahu; 43,026 were released into Maunalua Bay on Oahu's dryer south shore. The fish were released into both bays simultaneously. Releases were blocked in time across 5 release lots. To evaluate growth and survival rates of released mullet, both bay systems were sampled monthly with cast nets over a ten-month period after release. Overall, 733 tagged M. cephalus were recaptured, 277 from Kaneohe Bay and 456 from Maunalua Bay. Overall proportions of tagged fish in samples declined from 33.4% (±25.2%) of the total M. cephalus catch at week 5 to 1.88% (±0.95%) by week 23. From week 23 on, tagged fish averaged 2.09% (±0.23%) of the striped mullet in monthly samples. Within 9 wk after releases, recapture frequencies were clearly skewed in favor of fish that were larger at the time of release. Fish smaller than 70 mm when released were rare or absent in collections within 18 wk after release. This confirms results of a smaller-scale pilot study in Maunalua Bay and shows that fish size-at-release can have a major impact on the success of hatchery releases in marine habitats. Pilot studies to identify minimum fish size-at-release should be conducted at all sites targeted for full-scale marine hatchery releases.  相似文献   

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