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膳食纤维作为功能性食品的重要原料,已被列为继蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、维生素、矿物质和水之后的第七大类营养素。膳食纤维的生理功能:能缓解便秘、预防肠道疾病;降低胆固醇、预防冠心病;预防糖尿病;降低血压;抗乳腺癌作用。据文献报道,发达国家早在20世纪70年代就着手对膳食纤维的研究与开发,已形成一定的产业规模。目前,我国膳食纤维开发尚处于起步阶段,尚未形成规模化的加工企业。  相似文献   

对马尾藻、江蓠和麒麟菜3种膳食纤维的常规成分和功能性进行分析,并采用小鼠及人体试验,对这3种藻类膳食纤维的某些毒理和生理功能进行了初步研究。结果表明,这3种膳食纤维均属于无毒级,未发现致突变作用,食用安全,对便秘患者具有良好疗效,但效果不同,以麒麟菜膳食纤维的效果最好。  相似文献   

江蓠提胶废渣制备不溶性膳食纤维工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江蓠提胶废渣为原料,进行酶法制备不溶性膳食纤维(IDF)优化工艺研究试验。分别通过体系的酶量、酶解温度和酶解时间的单因素试验及这3个因素的正交试验,研究其对不溶性膳食纤维含量的影响,获得其最佳的制备工艺为:料液质量比1∶8,复合蛋白酶0.4%(质量分数),pH值9,40℃水解3 h,洗涤至中性后,60℃恒温干燥。该工艺制备的产品得率48.8%,不溶性膳食纤维含量(干基)高达93.61%(质量分数),粗蛋白质0.70%,粗脂肪0.87%,持水力与膨胀力分别为5.05 g/g和6.47 mL/g,高于西方国家小麦麸皮膳食纤维标准。可望使江蓠提胶废渣变废为宝,开发成为膳食纤维功能食品。  相似文献   

采用麒麟菜(Eucheuma sp.)可溶性膳食纤维(Soluble dietary fiber,SDF)、不溶性膳食纤维(Insoluble dietary fiber,IDF)和总膳食纤维(Total dietary fiber,TDF)为研究对象,分别通过体外模拟哺乳类动物胃和小肠生理pH环境条件和体内吸附实验,研究麒麟菜膳食纤维对有益金属钙、铁、锌吸附作用的影响。体内吸附实验以SD大鼠为实验动物,以混饲法给大鼠喂食膳食纤维饲料(含膳食纤维10%),实验期为5周。结果表明:(1)在体外模拟实验中,麒麟菜膳食纤维对有益金属离子Ca^2+、Fe^2+、Fe^3+、Zn^3+的吸附效果与pH、膳食纤维的可溶性和金属离子种类有关。在小肠环境中的吸附能力大于胃环境;IDF吸附能力最强,其次为TDF,SDF吸附能力最弱;各膳食纤维对Ca^2+吸附作用最强,其次是Fe^2+和Fe^3+,最弱是Zn^2+。(2)在动物体内实验中,各麒麟菜膳食纤维饲喂组动物的血清钙、血清锌和血清铁的含量随饲养时间略有增长,但与正常对照组无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。因此认为,麒麟菜可溶性膳食纤维、不溶性膳食纤维和总膳食纤维对有益金属离子Ca^2+、Fe^2+、Fe^3+和Zn^2+具有不同程度的体外吸附作用,但对动物体内的钙、锌、铁元素的正常生理水平无显著影响。[中国水产科学,2008,15(2):323-329]  相似文献   

4种海藻膳食纤维对Cd2+、Pb2+、Hg2+的吸附作用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
采用模拟胃和小肠环境进行体外实验,同时对大白鼠进行体内实验,研究了4种海藻膳食纤维对Cd2 、Pb2 、Hg2 的体内、体外清除效果,并与麦麸(Wheat bran)膳食纤维进行了比较研究。结果表明:(1)在体外模拟实验中,4种海藻和麦麸膳食纤维对Cd2 、Pb2 、Hg2 的吸附效果与pH、纤维种类有关。在小肠环境下较胃环境吸附强烈,海带(Lamiraria japonica)吸附最强,其次为麒麟菜(Eucheuma)、麦麸和江蓠(Gracilaria),马尾藻(Sargassum)最差。各种膳食纤维对Pb2 吸附最强,对Hg2 最弱。(2)在动物体内实验中,各膳食纤维对大鼠体内重金属排出量(率)均显著大于空白对照组(P<0.05),各膳食纤维对重金属的排出能力由大到小依次为:麒麟菜、海带、麦麸、江蓠、马尾藻。结论认为,海藻膳食纤维具有清除重金属的效果,因此在降低重金属对人体蓄积毒性方面具有应用价值。[中国水产科学,2007,14(1):132-138]  相似文献   

麒麟菜膳食纤维的降血脂功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以3种麒麟菜(Eucheuma spp.)膳食纤维为研究对象,给予SD大鼠10%膳食纤维的高脂饲料进行6周的动物实验,分别于0周、3周、6周末眼底采血、收集实验末期3d粪便,通过分析血清总脂(TL)、总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、粪便胆固醇(FC)、粪便胆汁酸(FBA)和计算动脉硬化指数(AI),研究了麒麟菜膳食纤维降低血脂的功能活性。结果显示:实验至3周、6周末,喂饲高脂饲料的阳性对照组和3个麒麟菜膳食纤维实验组的大鼠血清TL、TC、TG、LDL-C水平较阴性对照组显著升高(P<0.05),3种膳食纤维组TL、TC、TG、LDL-C水平显著低于阳性对照组(P<0.05),HDL-C水平显著低于阴性对照组而高于阳性对照组(P<0.05)。6周末,3种膳食纤维粪便胆固醇FC和粪便胆汁酸FBA含量显著高于阴性和阳性对照组(P<0.05)。结果表明,本实验高脂饲料可成功形成高脂动物模型,3种膳食纤维具有显著抑制TL、TC、TG、LDL-C水平升高,促使HDL-C水平升高和粪便胆固醇、粪便胆汁酸排泄的功能。因此,麒麟菜膳食纤维显示出降低血脂的效果,将有可能在预防高血脂症等疾病方面具有应用价值。  相似文献   

针对丰富的浒苔资源还未得到有效利用的现状,以浒苔为原料,采用复合酶提取法制备浒苔膳食纤维。浒苔在55℃、pH=7.7的条件下,由不同比例的蛋白酶和纤维素酶(5:1、10:1、15:1、20:1和25:1)配制的复合酶进行酶解,提取膳食纤维,测定不同提取条件得到的浒苔膳食纤维在模拟体内的环境下(pH=2.0和pH=7.0)吸附葡萄糖、胆固醇和亚硝酸盐的能力。结果显示,随着复合酶中蛋白酶比例的升高,膳食纤维对葡萄糖和胆固醇的吸附能力先增强后减弱。在蛋白酶∶纤维素酶的比例为10:1时,膳食纤维对葡萄糖的最大吸附值为20.03 mg/g;在蛋白酶∶纤维素酶比例为15:1时,膳食纤维对胆固醇的最大吸附值为21.93 mg/g。而浒苔膳食纤维吸附亚硝酸的能力则随着复合酶中蛋白酶比例的升高而逐渐增强,在蛋白酶∶纤维素酶比例为25:1时,浒苔膳食纤维对亚硝酸盐达到最大吸附值29.25 µmol/g。在人工肠液中(pH=7.0),膳食纤维对胆固醇的吸附能力较强;在人工胃液中(pH=2.0),膳食纤维对亚硝酸盐的吸附能力较强;膳食纤维对葡萄糖的吸附能力在人工肠、胃液中无显著差异(P>0.05)。推测膳食纤维对亚硝酸盐的吸附主要发生在胃部,对胆固醇的吸附主要发生在肠部,而膳食纤维对葡萄糖的吸附在胃部和肠部同时进行,是一个持续的吸附过程。  相似文献   

浒苔的快速干燥技术及其初步开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了浒苔Enteromorpha prolifera的三级脱水分段快速干燥技术,浒苔发生期间以浒苔作为原料及时快速处理大量新鲜浒苔,以制胶后的海藻渣作为常备原料,节能减排,变废为宝.通过对浒苔成分和有害重金属砷、铅、镉和汞含量的分析表明,浒苔是一种低污染、高膳食纤维、高蛋白的新型海洋食品.同时进行了浒苔罐制产品的研发,科学合理地制定了浒苔罐头的调味料配方和杀菌工艺,为浒苔的进一步开发奠定了基础.  相似文献   

4种海藻膳食纤维清除自由基的比较研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
采用羟基自由基体系、超氧阴离子自由基体系、烷基自由基引发的亚油酸氧化体系和DPPH体系对江蓠(Gracilaria)、麒麟菜(Eucheuma)、马尾藻(Sargassum)、海带(Laminaria)4种膳食纤维清除自由基的活性进行研究。结果表明,在羟基自由基体系中,江蓠、麒麟菜、马尾藻、海带4种膳食纤维的IC50分别为5.2mg/mL、5.5mg/mL、4.4mg/mL和4.1mg/mL;在超氧阴离子自由基体系中,江蓠、麒麟菜膳食纤维的IC50分别为4.8mg/mL和5.3mg/mL,而马尾藻、海带膳食纤维的最高清除率分别为36%和42%;在烷基自由基引发的亚油酸氧化体系中,江蓠、麒麟菜膳食纤维的最高清除率分别为36%和26%,马尾藻、海带膳食纤维的IC50分别为4.1mg/mL和3.5mg/mL;在DlPIH体系中,江蓠、麒麟菜、马尾藻膳食纤维的最高清除率分别为31%、11%和26%,海带膳食纤维的IC50为6.2mg/mL。在各体系中,与相应的专一性阳性参照物对比,证明这4种海藻膳食纤维对自由基有一定的清除作用。  相似文献   

江蓠提取琼胶后的藻渣如直接废弃将污染环境。江蓠藻渣中富含纤维素、半纤维素和木质素,利用废弃的藻渣提取膳食纤维进行高值化利用,不但可以解决环境污染问题,还可以变废为宝。本文研究了江蓠藻渣及其膳食纤维对Pb2+、Cd2+的吸附作用,探讨了pH值、温度、吸附时间、金属离子初始浓度等因素对其吸附性能的影响。研究表明:藻渣粉末和经过酶法活化的膳食纤维在pH=7时对Pb2+、Cd2+的吸附能力最强,吸附容量随着Pb2+、Cd2+初始金属离子浓度的增大而增大。藻渣粉末和经过酶法活化的膳食纤维对Pb2+、Cd2+的吸附动力学和热力学分别符合Lagergren方程二级吸附模型和Langmu ir吸附方程;单一金属溶液中藻渣粉末和经过酶法活化的膳食纤维对Pb2+的吸附量大于Cd2+,当金属离子浓度为500 mg/L时,藻渣对Pb2+和Cd2+吸附量分别为:19.12 mg/g和12.25 mg/g;膳食纤维对Pb2+和Cd2+吸附量分别为:21.93 mg/g和12.63 mg/g。  相似文献   

Seaweed has a great potential to be used as an important ingredient in food processing, as it contains a significant content of soluble polysaccharides and has a potential function as a dietary fiber. In this study, seaweed powder (Kappaphycus alvarezii) was incorporated (2–10%) with wheat flour for the production of muffins. The effect of seaweed composite flour on the quality of muffins was investigated using various techniques, such as texture profile and proximate analyses, as well as sensory evaluation. Modification of the muffin formulation to include seaweed powder improved the composition of ash, crude fiber, and moisture content, while the protein and carbohydrate levels decreased, compared to the control sample. An increase in the seaweed component reduced the muffin height, volume, and specific volume. According to the experimental texture profile analysis data, the seaweed affected the textural characteristics of the muffins, increasing the hardness and decreasing the springiness. Sensory evaluation revealed that seaweed powder could be used in the muffin formulation up to 6%, without significantly impacting the color, aroma, and taste attributes relative to the control sample. For overall acceptability, however, the panelists preferred muffins without seaweed powder.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary water content and feeding rate on the growth and food conversion efficiency of turbot was investigated using diets which contained identical amounts of dry nutrient material but different quantities of water, ranging from 0 to 74%. The dietary water content did not significantly influence the growth, composition, condition factor or food conversion efficiency of the turbot. It appeared that, as long as the basic nutrients were formulated so as to produce an adequate diet, the water content was immaterial. The over-riding factor governing growth was the rate of food intake. Comparisons at feeding rates which in energy equivalents ranged from 24 to 72 calories per gram of fish a day, showed that the higher the energy intake the more rapid the growth. At the highest feeding rate, fast growth was accompanied by a marked increase in the condition factor and an elevated lipid content of the fish. The percentage protein content, however, was relatively stable in relation to the feeding rate. Food conversion efficiency was also relatively stable. On average, 40.3% of the dietary protein and 36.3% of the ingested energy was converted into turbot.  相似文献   

In this study our goal was to establish the most economical dietary protein content for tilapia culture. To this end we assessed the relationship of growth, measured as percent average daily gain (% ADG), food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) of young of four tilapiine species, Oreochromis mossambicus, O. niloticus, O. aureus and Tilapia zillii, for which experimental growth data were available, in relation to body weight and dietary protein content (% protein).

The relationship of % ADG to % protein in young tilapia weighing less than 1 g or 1–5 g was found to be a second order polynomial quadratic function whereas FCR and PER were linearly related to % protein. % ADG, FCR and PER were correlated better to body weight (curvilinearly) than % protein in both size groups, and multiple regressions were derived between the above parameters.

The most economical dietary protein content was evaluated from the polynomial quadratic function utilizing 95% confidence limits and also from the multiple regressions incorporating FCR and % ADG for a set of nearly isocaloric diets (gross energy) of different protein content ranging from 12% to 44%. Data derived from the foregoing approaches showed that young tilapia weighing between 1 and 5 g require 28% of the diet as protein. This dietary protein content, however, is considerably less than the protein level which supports maximum growth, namely 34%.  相似文献   

The natural diet of Plagusia dentipes de Haan was studied in Tateyama Bay, Japan, between June 2004 and May 2005. A total of 389 specimens were collected for analysis of stomach content during the period, with sizes ranging between 7.1 and 63.1 mm in carapace width. The major dietary item was rhodophycean algae (mostly articulated coralline algae), which was ingested by 91.8% of the crabs and accounted on average for 55.6% (points) of the volume of stomach contents. Chlorophycean algae (mostly Ulvaceae, 39.1% and 8.1 points) and crustaceans (mostly amphipods, 38% and 3 points) came next in feeding frequency and volume. Minor dietary items also included other algae such as Phaeophyceae and animals such as mollusks (bivalves, gastropods), annelids (polychaetes), other crustaceans (caprellids, isopods), and echinoids. Significant seasonal dietary differences were observed and, in general, the diet in spring contained more food items, particularly more animals, compared to other seasons. Feeding of Rhodophyceae was highest and lowest in winter and summer, respectively. The total volume of food consumed was also lowest in summer and likely reflected reduced availability of the main food item in this season. There were no differences in dietary items between male and female crabs. In conclusion. P. dentipes is a primarily herbivorous crab with incidental or opportunistic feeding on animal items, and it is suggested that seasonal shifts in consumption may be related to growth, molting, and reproductive activity.  相似文献   

菊花心江蓠(Gracilaria lichevoides)营养成分分析及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用氨基酸分析仪、气相色谱和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱技术分析菊花心江蓠(Gracilaria lichevoides)的氨基酸、脂肪酸、矿物质等主要营养成分及构成比例。结果表明,菊花心江蓠中的主要成分是粗纤维和粗蛋白质,分别占藻体的5.4%和13.8%;含有18种氨基酸,氨基酸总量(TAA)为13.5%,必需氨基酸(EAA)占总氨基酸(TAA)的35.5%;从菊花心江蓠中分析出4种脂肪酸,其中不饱和脂肪酸占脂肪酸总量的59.7%,特别是16碳和18碳脂肪酸比较丰富;矿物质含量丰富,尤其是Ca、Mg、K、P、Na、Fe等。因此,菊花心江蓠可作为人类和动物一种高膳食纤维、高蛋白、低脂肪,富含矿物质元素的天然理想食源。  相似文献   

Comprehensive analysis of food webs requires identifying dietary sources that support the production of all major organisms within the food web/food chain. Here, we use stable isotope ratios (δ13C, δ34S and δ15N) to assess the relative contribution of different basal carbon sources to the diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in three tropical lakes Hawassa (also Awasa in literature), Ziway and Koka (Ethiopia). Computations were carried out with Stable Isotope Analysis in R (SIAR) model to quantify the dietary proportion of each prey for the tilapia fish. Basal food sources were distinguishable based on their δ13C, δ34S and δ15N values. In Lake Ziway, macrophytes (64%) were the dominant assimilated diet of tilapia while particulate organic matter (POM) and zooplankton contributed only 20% and 16%, respectively. In parallel, Nile tilapia in Lake Hawassa assimilated macrophytes (35%), POM (33%) and zooplankton (32%) at comparatively equal proportion. The dietary sources of the fish in Lake Koka were POM (49%) and zooplankton (51%). In contrast with earlier studies based on gut content analysis, the present results reveal that macrophytes contributed more and phytoplankton less than previously reported especially in macrophyte‐dominated lakes Ziway and Hawassa. The ecological condition of the lakes might have been predominantly accountable for the diet change of the tilapia. As dietary data are prerequisite for food web/food chain analysis and aquaculture industry, re‐evaluating the diet of aquatic organisms appear relevant.  相似文献   

Feeding experiments were conducted on large and small adult freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii (36.96 ± 1.65 and 13.48 ± 1.65 g in weight) to determine the impact of dietary fiber on growth, digestion, and gastric emptying time. Fiber was incorporated as Q- cellulose into four semi-purified diets at calculated levels of 0, 5, 10 and 15% at the expense of starch and fed for an 8-wk period. The experiment was conducted in a closed, filtered, recirculating freshwater system. The results indicate that the specific growth rates, feed conversion ratios, and protein efficiency ratios improved as the levels of dietary fiber increased from 0.4% to 8%. Gastric emptying times increased as the level of inclusion of cellulose in the diets increased. It was concluded that diets containing up to 10% dietary fiber increases growth rates in adult prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii by increasing nutrient residence time in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby increasing absorption.  相似文献   

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