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大黄鱼性别特异SNP标记的开发与验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大黄鱼是我国养殖量最大的海水经济鱼类,其雌鱼生长显著快于雄鱼,但两性的外部形态差异不明显,也没有异形性染色体,依靠传统方法无法对其活体准确进行生理性别和遗传性别的判别与鉴定,需要开发性别特异的分子标记。本研究从2尾雌鱼和2尾雄鱼、以及分别由50雌鱼与50尾雄鱼组成的2个混合样品的基因组重测序数据比较中筛选与性别显著关联的SNP位点,对其中11个位点分别设计引物在15尾雌鱼和15尾雄鱼中扩增出PCR产物进行Sanger测序验证,鉴定出1个与性别完全连锁的位点(SNP6,15尾雌鱼均为纯合、15尾雄鱼均为杂合)。然后,设计等位基因特异性PCR引物,其中包括2条雌性与雄性通用引物和1条雄性特异引物,在闽—粤东族与岱衢族大黄鱼合计近2 200个个体中进行扩增,结果在全部雌鱼中都只扩增出1个348 bp的条带,而在全部雄鱼中还扩增出1个194 bp的Y染色体特异条带,检出率达到100%。研究表明,大黄鱼属于XX♀-XY♂类型的性别决定。本研究鉴定出一个雄性特异SNP标记,并建立了一种新的大黄鱼遗传性别鉴定技术,为大黄鱼单性育种、基因组选择育种和性别决定分子机制研究提供了重要的技术手段。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎养殖群体中自然性逆转伪雄鱼的发现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用雌性特异标记遗传性别鉴定技术,对71尾4龄半滑舌鳎的生理和遗传性别进行鉴定,结果显示32尾生理型雌鱼均能扩增出205bp的雌性特异条带;39尾生理型雄鱼,仅一尾鱼体重显著高于其他雄鱼并扩增出了雌性特异条带,因此这尾鱼遗传上为雌性,是一尾伪雄鱼。对养殖的600尾半滑舌鳎生理雄鱼大规模检测发现,养殖群体自然性逆转伪雄鱼比例为1.66%。对正常雌、雄鱼和1龄自然性逆转伪雄鱼的性腺组织学观察显示,与正常雄鱼相比,伪雄鱼性腺中也有大量的精母细胞,但数量比正常雄鱼的要略少;且未在伪雄鱼的性腺组织中观察到卵母细胞,说明半滑舌鳎性逆转发生在性腺分化期。半滑舌鳎自然性逆转现象的发现有助于解释当前半滑舌鳎养殖群体中雄性率偏高的现象,为半滑舌鳎全雌苗种生产提供了一条新的技术途径,并丰富了鱼类性别分化理论。  相似文献   

同源克隆了半滑舌鳎Dmrt3基因的部分cDNA片段,片段长度为228 bp,NJ系统发育树显示,半滑舌鳎Dmrt3基因cDNA片段与红鳍东方鲀、青鳉以及斑马鱼的Dmrt3基因cDNA片段同源性最高,首先聚为一支。实时定量分析了Dmrt3基因在半滑舌鳎雌性和雄性个体的各组织中的表达情况,以及在高温处理和甲基睾酮处理组的雌性、雄性和伪雄鱼的性腺组织中的表达。Dmrt3基因在雌性和雄性的脑、垂体、性腺、肝脏、脾脏、心脏、肾脏7个组织中都有表达,但是表达量有差异,在精巢中的相对表达量高,Dmrt3基因在精巢的表达与其它组织中的表达差异极显著(P<0.01),而在卵巢中的表达很微弱,结果预示Dmrt3基因可能在雄性的性腺发育过程中起着重要的作用。高温处理组的雌性、雄性和伪雄鱼的性腺组织之间Dmrt3的表达无显著差异(P>0.05),但都极显著低于对照组的雄鱼(P<0.01)。高温处理组的伪雄鱼与对照组雌鱼性腺中Dmrt3的表达表达无显著差异(P>0.05)。甲基睾酮处理组的雄鱼和伪雄鱼性腺中Dmrt3的表达都显著高于对照组雄性(P<0.01)。从孵化后43 d到5月龄,Dmrt3的相对表达量很低,7月龄时表达量显著升高,9月龄时达到最高峰,12月龄时表达量下降,这也预示Dmrt3基因在半滑舌鳎性腺的发育过程中起重要作用,可能是促进生殖细胞发育的重要转录因子。  相似文献   

采用RAPD技术筛选马口鱼性别差异相关分子标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱晴  罗文 《水产养殖》2012,33(1):38-42
选用SBSA和SBSB两组随机引物(各20条)分别对马口鱼卵巢DNA和精巢DNA进行RAPD扩增,并用1.5%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测扩增结果。结果表明,在40条随机引物中,有11条引物可以扩增出明显的雌雄性别差异条带,条带范围以SBSA5、SBSA6、SBSA9、SBSA16、SBSA19、SBSA20、SBSB2、SBSB3、SBSB9、SBSB16、SBSB17为主。运用RAPD筛选获得马口鱼性别DNA标记将有助于了解其调控雌雄性别发生的差异基因,为进一步的遗传育种提供基础。  相似文献   

为了解黄姑鱼(Nibea albiflora)异质雌核发育子代的基因纯合情况,利用微卫星标记(SSR)和扩增片段长度多态性标记(AFLP)对黄姑鱼异质雌核发育家系进行遗传鉴定和分析。结果显示:(1)雌核发育家系在4个SSR位点和5对AFLP引物组合扩增出的位点均未发现父本特异性等位条带,表明雌核发育体比率为100%。(2)用于遗传分析的7个SSR位点在雌核发育家系和正常交配家系中均未见完全纯合的情况,雌核发育家系7个SSR位点的平均纯合度为0.382,是正常交配家系(0.161)的2.37倍。雌核发育家系各个体的纯合位点数为0~6个,纯合位点所占比例为0~85.7%。(3)5对AFLP引物共扩增出182条清晰的扩增条带,其中有21条父本特异性条带和16条母本特异性条带。16条母本特异性条带中有7个条带在雌核发育家系中显著偏分离(P<0.05)。雌核发育家系和正常交配家系多态性条带比例分别为14.7%和20.3%。(4)雌核发育家系与母本的遗传相似度高于与正常交配家系的遗传相似度,正常交配家系同父本和母本的遗传距离大致相同。研究结果表明,黄姑鱼异质雌核发育二倍体家系的遗传纯合度显著高于正常交配家系,人工诱导雌核发育是促进基因纯合的一个有效途径,它不仅可以加速有利基因的纯合固定,还可以加速有害基因的淘汰,从而有效提高育种效率。  相似文献   

日本蟳微卫星富集文库的建立与多态性标记的筛选   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用磁珠富集法筛选日本蟳微卫星分子标记。日本蟳基因组DNA经Sau3 AⅠ酶切后,收集400~1 200 bp大小的片段并纯化,利用生物素标记的寡核苷酸探针(AC)15从中筛选出含有微卫星序列的DNA片段,连接到pMD18-T载体中,构建富集微卫星序列的基因组文库,经PCR检测筛选出阳性克隆进行测序。从随机挑选的970个菌落中筛选出369个阳性克隆进行测序,结果86.99%(321个)含有微卫星序列,其中完美型占80.54%,非完美型占15.95%,混合型占4.28%。除使用的探针AC重复外,还得到GA、CT等重复序列。共设计出102对微卫星引物,其中65对能扩增出清晰条带,27对具有多态性。同时筛选出的微卫星标记可为今后研究日本蟳的分子遗传育种提供有效的遗传标记。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎Dmrt1α基因的cDNA 克隆及其表达   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

前期报道了利用尼罗罗非鱼LG22上性别连锁的分子标记检测到养殖群体存在天然XY雌鱼,但其能否用于培育YY超雄罗非鱼尚不清楚。本研究首先引入遗传性别受LG22染色体严格控制的CQ尼罗罗非鱼群体和具有天然XY雌鱼的WC群体,将CQ群体XY雄鱼与WC XY雌鱼杂交,检验杂交F1 YY超雄鱼是否可用于控制后代性别,并比较杂交F1 XY和YY罗非鱼体质量、性腺指数、血清激素水平和性腺基因表达情况。研究发现,CQ XY雄鱼和WC XY雌鱼交配,获得的F1 中具有25%的YY超雄鱼,经鉴定为全雄且可育。将F1 YY超雄鱼与WC XX雌鱼、WC XY雌鱼(母本)、杂交F1 XX雌鱼和CQ XX雌鱼交配,后代几乎全雄,仅在与F1 XX雌鱼交配后代中有2尾雌鱼(雄性率98%)。在孵化后180 d,杂交F1中XY和YY个体的体重、性腺指数、血清激素水平差异不显著。基因表达分析发现,YY鱼精巢中AmhX/AmhY mRNA表达显著高于XY鱼,而Dmrt1 和Cyp11b2 mRNA表达水平差异不显著。杂交F1 YY和XY鱼生理指标无明显差异。因此,采用尼罗罗非鱼天然XY雌鱼能够培育YY超雄鱼,且该YY超雄鱼能够用于罗非鱼性别控制。  相似文献   

灯笼鱼科鱼类种类繁多, 且同属鱼类形态学相近, 因此利用分子标记对灯笼鱼进行准确的物种鉴定具有重要价值。为探讨线粒体细胞色素 b 基因(Cyt b)和 12S rRNA 基因在灯笼鱼科物种鉴定中的适用性, 对西北太平洋采集的 56 尾灯笼鱼进行扩增, 并进行序列对比与系统发育分析。研究表明, 采集的样本包括 6 种灯笼鱼, 分别为瓦氏角灯鱼(Ceratoscopelus warmingii)、长体标灯鱼(Symbolophorus californiensis)、粗鳞灯笼鱼(Myctophum asperum)、 细泰勒灯鱼(Tarletonbeania crenularis)、日本背灯鱼(Notoscopelus japonicus)以及某背灯鱼属鱼类(Notoscopelus sp.)。 核苷酸多态性分析显示, 基于 Cyt b 基因的种内与种间遗传距离比基于 12S rRNA 基因的更大。比较灯笼鱼科 2 种基因序列的结构特征, 发现 Cyt b 基因的种间平均遗传距离是种内平均遗传距离的 25 倍, 12S rRNA 基因的种间平均遗传距离是种内平均遗传距离的 26 倍, 均符合作为 DNA 条形码的基本要求。系统进化分析显示, 每种灯笼鱼均能形成独立分支, 2 个基因均能对 6 种灯笼鱼类进行鉴别; 但在 Cyt b 基因构建的进化树中, 每种鱼类能更好与数据库中已有的序列进行聚类。综上所述, Cyt b 和 12S rRNA 作为 DNA 条形码可以有效地对灯笼鱼科鱼类物种进行鉴定, 且 Cyt b 基因在系统进化关系的研究上具有更高的适用性。  相似文献   

青岛文昌鱼遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用RAPD技术对青岛文昌鱼雌、雄各11条个体共22个样本进行遗传多样性检测。从40个寡聚核苷酸随机引物中筛选出17个扩增重复性好、条带清晰、特异性强的引物,对每个个体基因组DNA进行了扩增。得到RAPD产物的分子量在200~2200bp之间,产物总计127个位点,其中,多态位点60个(占47.24%)。计算个体间遗传相似系数平均为0.8656,个体间遗传距离平均为0.1344。用Shannon多样性指数量化的遗传多态度(Ho),雄性群体(0.1912)高于雌性群体(0.1125),平均遗传多态度(Hpop)为0.1519。文昌鱼遗传多态度所占的比例在群体内为0.2553,而雌、雄群体间为0.7447。在文昌鱼雌、雄个体RAPD产物中,两个电泳图谱上能读出明显的雄性特征带,估计可能与雄性文昌鱼具有异型性染色体有关,这与XY型性别决定机制相吻合。引物OPC12扩增产物250bp为雄性文昌鱼所特有,可能为区别性别的分子标记。用NJ法进行聚类分析,结果表明,22个个体明显按性剐聚成两类,文昌鱼雌、雄个体基因组间的差异较大。  相似文献   

为研究白斑狗鱼(Esox lucius)雌、雄基因组差异,实验对20尾雌鱼和20尾雄鱼分别进行混池重测序。测序结果显示:雌、雄池待分析测序数(clean reads)分别为282400688条和277391000条,碱基测序错误率(Q30)为94.44%和93.98%。经过与参考基因组比对分析,得到2076647个雌性SNP和2076942个雄性SNP;105810个雌性Indel和647466个雄性Indel;具有显著性别特异的SNP位点10个;使用SNP-Index算法筛选出性别特异区域26个。对雌、雄基因组进行比对和组装分析,分别获得雌、雄特异序列524条和500条。选择116条雌性和160条雄性特异序列进行PCR验证,得到一条长度为773 bp具有雄性偏向性的序列。  相似文献   

罗氐沼虾3个Dmrt基因的序列分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Dmrt基因家族是一个与性别决定相关的基因家族。迄今,已在鱼类、爬行类、鸟类、哺乳类等高等动物中检测到了Dmrt基因的存在。为了进一步探讨该家族在系统进化中的保守性,本研究采用简并PCR技术,扩增了罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)Dmrt基因的DM结构域。经序列分析,获得了Dmrt基因家族的3个成员,其编码序列分别与人DMRT2、DMRT3、DMRT14基因DM结构域编码序列的相似性分别为93%、80%和95%,根据罗氏沼虾的拉丁名分别命名为MrDmrt2、MrDmrt3、MrDmrt4。与其他动物相关的Dmrt基因进行聚类分析,结果表明,不同进化地位动物的Dmrt基因DM域编码序列存在高度的同源性,显示Dmrt基因在系统进化上高度保守,序列上的相似性可能暗示着它们在功能上的保守性。  相似文献   

Paramisgurnus dabryanus (Cypriniformes; Cobitidae), has been an emerging aquaculture species in China since the 1990s. In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting with 220 primers was used to identify a sex-specific DNA marker in pooled DNA and individual DNA samples from male and female P. dabryanus. One primer, S2115, produced a novel sex-specific DNA fragment found only in tested females. This female-specific fragment was 917 bp with 36% GC content, and was named Pdff1. To further validate the authenticity of this female-specific marker for sexing, two PCR primers (pdff1-F and -R) were designed according to the cloned female-specific sequence. Amplification showed bands specific for females. Dot blot and Southern blot hybridization experiments both displayed female specificity using this marker as the probe. Two other P. dabryanus populations were tested by dot blot hybridization with the Pdff1 probe. The hybridization signals were seen in 33 or 43% of males in addition to all females in the Jinan and Xichuan populations, respectively. We propose to use this sex-specific marker to rapidly and specifically identify the gender of P. dabryanus from the ancient Yellow River Wetland in Yanjin, Henan Province. Our results could assist in cloning sex-specific chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

Sex‐specific markers provide significant molecular basis for sex control breeding biotechnology to produce all‐male or all‐female fish in commercial breeding. Redtail catfish (Mystus wyckioides), one of the commercial bagrid catfishes distributed in Southeast Asian, which have a long sexual maturation period that can last 3–5 years and males have apparent growth advantage over females, but its sex determination system remains unknown. In this study, we first applied 2b‐RAD‐seq approach to identify three male‐specific 2b‐RAD‐tags and one male heterogametic SNP locus and validated by blast to the genome survey sequences and PCR amplification in both wild and breeding populations. To get longer sex‐specific region, we performed genome walking and obtained a 4,630 bp of Y‐specific sequence and 4,581 bp of X‐specific sequence from the 2b‐RAD‐tag ref189950 with 92.19% nucleotide identity between them. And 9,923 bp/3,935 bp of Y‐specific sequences and 8,491 bp/5,172 bp of X‐specific sequences were also identified with 77.49% and 57.07% nucleotide identity in ref208528 and ref210837, respectively. Subsequently, three different kinds of sex‐specific primers with different length products were designed based on the detected highly sex differentiated regions and could be used to distinguish males and females both in wild and artificially bred populations. What is more, the X‐specific fragment was discovered to produce the dosage effect association in females and in males. The data suggest that male heterogametic XX/XY sex determination system should exist in the redtail catfish. More significantly, the sex‐specific markers are of great value to protect wild resources and improve the efficiency of all‐male breeding practices for aquaculture in the redtail catfish.  相似文献   

为探究金钱鱼(Scatophagus argus)MHC Ⅱβ基因的结构和特性,采用同源克隆和RACE等技术,在获得cDNA全序列的基础上,分析其内含子序列、基因多态性和组织表达情况。结果表明,金钱鱼MHC IⅡβ基因cDNA序列全长1172 bp,其中5′UTR长34 bp,3′UTR长388 bp,开放阅读框(ORF)长750 bp,编码249个氨基酸,包含信号肽、β1结构域、β2结构域、连接肽(CP)、跨膜区(TM)和胞质区(CYT);MHC Ⅱβ基因由6个外显子和5个内含子组成,其中内含子3将β2结构域分开。从43尾金钱鱼的209个有效克隆中,获得209条不同的核苷酸序列,可归为48个等位基因主型,分别命名为Scar-DXB*0101~Scar-DXB*4801,揭示金钱鱼MHC Ⅱβ基因的多态性很丰富。RT-PCR检测发现,金钱鱼MHC Ⅱβ基因在所检测的11种组织中均有表达,其中在脾、鳃、肠和皮肤中表达量较高,在肾、胃、心脏表达量中等,而在眼、脑、肝、肌肉中表达量较低。对健康金钱鱼人工感染嗜水气单胞菌后,发现其MHC Ⅱβ基因在肝、脾、鳃、肾等组织中的表达量均发生了不同程度的变化,证明该基因在金钱鱼免疫反应中有重要作用。在NJ法构建的系统树中,金钱鱼与舌齿鲈、大西洋鲑等硬骨鱼类的亲缘关系相对较近,而与铰口鲨、原鸡、小鼠、人等的亲缘关系则依次渐远。  相似文献   

The mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi is a historically important aquaculture species in China and exhibits sexually dimorphic growth. However, sex determination of this fish remains unclear so far. In this study, we induced meiotic gynogenesis in S. chuatsi using irradiated heterologous sperm from spotted mandarin fish (Siniperca scherzeri) to uncover its mechanism of sex determination. Up to 7.52% diploid progeny were obtained among three gynogenetic families in this study. Molecular analysis of female and male donors and sampled young gynogens by seven microsatellite loci further confirmed no genetic contributions from the ‘father’ S. scherzeri. After 8 months of culture, external morphology of adult fish showed that all gynogens were cloned from their mothers. Gonads of the gynogenetic progeny were examined by histological observations and the sexing results showed that they were almost 100% females, strongly supporting an assumption of female homogamety in mandarin fish. By this study, we obtained pure lines of S. chuatsi and elucidated its genetic mechanism of sex determination, providing a basis for possible sex control breeding in this species.  相似文献   

The honmoroko has been inferred to have an XX/XY sex determination system, but the parental genome can also affect the sex ratio of the offspring. The extent of parental effects on sex determination was examined by checking the sex ratios of F1 and F2 gynogenetic diploids and control diploids. Eleven gynogenetic broods from different females consisted of all or nearly all females, but eight broods showed a variable proportion of males (<50 %). One second-generation brood of gynogenetic diploids consisted wholly of females, but others produced some males. In crosses with a control diploid female, four males from a high-percentage male brood of gynogenetic diploids produced offspring with a balanced sex ratio. Sib-mating between a gynogenetic female and three gynogenetic males from the brood produced predominantly male progeny. These results suggest that there are at least four possible genotypes: genotypic female (XX), phenotypic female carrying a silent Y chromosome, genotypic male (XY), and genotypic supermale (YY). These inferences suggest that this fish has an XY system but a relatively high proportion of females possess a mutated, silent Y chromosome which does not lead to testis formation.  相似文献   

Stocking of all‐male fingerling produced by direct administration of male hormone 17‐α‐methyltestosterone is the most preferred method for present‐day aquaculture of the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. However, due to the growing concern of negative impact of steroid hormone in food fish, production of ‘genetically male’ tilapia, which depends on the concrete and thorough understanding of sex determination, has long been a scientific curiosity. The objective of the present study was to identify reliable sex‐linked markers and to evaluate the applicability of those markers in terms of monosex production approach. ‘XY’ neofemales were produced by using synthetic oestrogen and identified through selective breeding and progeny testing. Three females with progeny not deviating from 3:1 sex ratio (male:female) were designated as ‘XY’ neofemales and were used subsequently to produce putative YY progeny. Among the fifteen microsatellite markers tested, marker ARO172 was most informative in differentiating male and female genotypes. Twenty‐seven F2 fish from three families were identified as putative YY males based on marker genotyping, and four of them were crossed to produce F3 to validate marker association by progeny testing. The YY males produced 86%–100% male progeny indicating ARO172 a unique sex‐linked marker applicable in marker‐assisted selection.  相似文献   

The use of monosex populations for aquaculture is becoming widely used for several species. The current studies determined if there were any differences between male and female channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in disease susceptibility to Edwardsiella ictaluri, one of the most important pathogenic bacteria in catfish culture. Disease challenge experiments were carried out on fingerling channel catfish fed 17β‐estradiol or testosterone before the challenge, and on all male and on sibling all female fingerlings. All male populations were produced by mating YY males with normal XX females. Sibling females were produced by hormonally sex reversing a subpopulation of six of the all male families. Weight gain or specific growth rate did not differ in fish fed testosterone or estrogen. Fish fed the highest dose of estrogen (50 mg/kg) had a significant higher mortality (P < 0.05), while mortality was similar in catfish fed 10 and 50 mg/kg of testosterone compared to controls. There were no differences in mortality between sibling males and females. These data indicate no increased disease susceptibility to E. ictaluri between males and females or due to exogenous sex hormones. Production of all male catfish for culture can proceed without concern for disease susceptibility to E. ictaluri.  相似文献   

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