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通过自制人工海水培育罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)幼体,与天然海水对比分析人工海水特性及养殖过程中的水质状况,探究人工海水对罗氏沼虾幼体生长发育及能量收支的影响。试验在广西南宁国家级罗氏沼虾良种场进行,罗氏沼虾幼体和饵料丰年虫无节幼体均由该良种场提供,罗氏沼虾幼体规格(湿重)为(1.476±0.050)g,共80万尾;在幼体开始培育前配制人工海水1 000 kg,配比为海盐:MgSO_4∶CaCl_2∶KCl∶H_3B_3O_3∶KBr∶ETDA∶生石灰=2000∶600∶72∶36∶24∶4∶1∶2;设置天然海水为对照组,试验组及对照组分别设置4个重复。结果显示,人工海水中,Mg~(2+)∶K~+∶Ca~(2+)=3∶1∶1,与北部湾天然海水接近,且水质无毒性作用;与天然海水相比,人工海水培育的罗氏沼虾幼体成活率为95.00%,蜕皮率为16.82%,并提高了幼体的特定生长率和食物转化率,降低了摄食率;幼体在天然海水中生长和脱壳所用能量[(18.83±1.35)%和(0.99±0.16)%]分别显著低于人工海水[(19.64±0.51)%和(1.47±0.06)%](P0.05);而在呼吸、排泄和排粪上的能量比例无显著性差异。研究表明,自制的人工海水对罗氏沼虾幼体的生长发育、蜕皮具有促进作用。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾人工海水育苗试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了罗氏沼虾人工海水育苗技术,包括人工海水配制及影响幼体成活的主要因素,取得了育苗4万尾/m3的结果,与天然海水育苗基本一致  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾育苗人工配制海水经过1次使用后,应用生物净化技术处理,水中主要有毒有害物质(NH3-Nm、NO2-N)得到去除,盐度调整到1.2%左右,水质符合罗沼虾幼体生长发育的要求,可重复使用。出苗28万尾,3.95万尾/m3,成活率80%,质量符合有关标准。  相似文献   

对罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)育苗后的废海水生物净化及重复使用进行研究.采用自行设计的整体式生物过滤器,通过生物膜处理废水.结果表明:处理后的废海水中的NH+4-N和NO-2-N分别为0.47~1.21 mg/L和0.036~0.100 mg/L,符合罗氏沼虾幼体生长要求.2008年试验池水体12.76 m3,育苗各阶段使用50%~80%净化海水,虾苗产量达8万尾/m3,成活率96.2%,虾苗规格0.90 cm,与原配制海水无明显差异,节约净化海水57.52%.  相似文献   

研究人工海水在罗氏沼虾育苗全过程所必需的各种元素及配比,提出了一个具广泛实用性的罗氏沼虾育苗的人工海水配方,本试验共育苗455.3万尾,平均每立方人工海水育苗7.944万尾。  相似文献   

本文探讨了在江西人工半咸水进行罗氏沼虾育苗的育苗时间、育苗用水的调配、布苗密度、水质环境控制、饵料投喂等技术。Z1布苗密度为 10万尾 /m3,水温为 2 8 75± 1 39℃至2 9 16± 1 12℃时 ,经 19至 2 3天的培育 ,单位水体出苗量为 5 0 1± 1 89万尾 /m3,蚤状幼体成活率为4 4 6 8± 15 6 3%。  相似文献   

英国斯特林大学水产养殖研究所对罗氏沼虾和日本沼虾两种幼体生长进行比较研究。通过两种沼虾幼体生长比较研究结果表明,发现日本沼虾幼体存活率高于罗氏沼虾幼体存活率20%,其日本沼虾幼体变态速度比罗氏沼虾幼体快。但日本沼虾幼体孵化数大大低于罗氏沼虾,日本沼虾幼体平均孵化数为1500尾,而罗氏沼虾幼体平均孵化数为354100尾。仔虾孵化数的严重差异,直接影响了亲虾需要量。日本沼虾  相似文献   

<正>罗氏沼虾又名马来西亚大虾、金钱虾等,原产于东南亚地区,因其生长快、个体大、食性广、易养殖等优点,而深受养殖户欢迎。罗氏沼虾受精卵刚孵出的幼体即是罗氏沼虾蚤状幼体,经过11次蜕皮,变态成仔虾,此过程称为罗氏沼虾蚤状幼体培育。若培育池中已有80%幼体发育成为仔虾,便可淡化3天~5天再进行池塘养殖。沼状幼体能否变成仔虾,是罗氏沼虾育苗关键,本文为大家介绍罗氏沼虾蚤状幼体培育技术。  相似文献   

为建立罗氏沼虾育种项目,2006年利用罗氏沼虾3个群体,通过巢式交配设计,实现了大规模构建罗氏沼虾父系半同胞家系。实验中,每箱放置亲虾1雄5雌,按交配设计共布置100个交尾网箱;通过对培育条件及幼体数量的标准化,使每个家系在幼体培育的各个阶段的条件尽量保持一致,减少由于条件不一致造成的家系间的环境偏差。结果显示,500尾雌虾抱卵虾为271尾,亲虾抱卵率平均为54.2%,且每个网箱出现两尾以上抱卵虾的网箱数为92个,占全部网箱数的92%;通过标准化培育,最终建立了123个家系,其中含有父系半同胞家系37个。本试验结果为建立罗氏沼虾全同胞和半同胞家系提供了依据。  相似文献   

朱春华 《水产养殖》2005,26(4):19-22
在水温30的条件下,用8个盐度梯度(4、7、10、13、16、19、22、25)的育苗用水进行罗氏沼虾人工育苗对比试验,结果表明:在7 ̄13的盐度范围内,罗氏沼虾幼体生长发育正常,变态时间均值为181d,而过高或过低盐度明显延长变态时间,且存活率很低;用淡水孵化罗氏沼虾幼体,每天增加盐度2 ̄10,幼体的生长发育和变态与育苗盐度始终保持在10的对照组相比没有显著差异;罗氏沼虾在盐度为10的水体中孵化并发育到第期后,每天降低盐度2直到变态,幼体变态时间平均缩短2 ̄3d,且变态同步性较高。研究表明,罗氏沼虾幼体对盐度变化有较强的适应能力,因此在低盐度条件下进行罗氏沼虾生产性育苗是可行的,本研究可明显节约罗氏沼虾育苗过程中的海水用量,降低育苗成本,为内陆地区大面积推广罗氏沼虾养殖提供了一定的技术依据。  相似文献   

在20L水箱中加入15L人工污水模拟工厂化循环水养殖系统的生物滤池,采用优势菌种挂膜法,对滤材种类、混合菌液添加比例及接种次数等条件进行了优化,确定了快速挂膜的最佳实验室工作条件。在21d内对试验水体中的NH+4、NO-3和NO-2进行了监测。试验结果显示,最优试验条件为使用塑料弹性滤材作为生物膜载体,每7d接种1次优势菌液,硝化细菌∶反硝化细菌∶芽孢菌∶动胶菌添加比例为2∶1∶1∶1,在此条件下,第7d开始形成生物膜,第14d生物膜基本形成,第21d形成均匀完整的生物膜。成熟的生物膜在15d内对水体NH+4的最大降解量可超过5.00mg/L,即成熟生物膜降解NH+4的速率为每日降解超过0.50mg/L。当初始NH+4为5.00~10.00mg/L,成熟生物膜对NH+4和NO-2的降解能力在15d内可达到上限。  相似文献   

脊尾白虾是我国沿海地区池塘养殖重要品种,但目前尚未实现全人工繁育,严重制约了产业进一步发展。选取野生脊尾白虾作为亲虾,经过越冬培育、促熟交尾、幼体孵化培育、仔虾选育等手段,进行了脊尾白虾全人工繁育技术研究。试验结果显示,在盐度31.3、水温18.1~26.2℃、pH 8.1条件下,室内越冬脊尾白虾亲虾可成功培养至性腺成熟,并交尾抱卵,平均抱卵率达70%,平均孵化率为61.02%。幼体最佳培育密度20尾/L,仔虾适宜养殖密度0.13~0.53尾/L,培育至2cm时存活率可达80%,继续培育3个月后发育至性成熟。一年可繁殖2~3代。在此基础上建立了脊尾白虾近交家系,现已培育至第6代,各家系繁殖力、生长速度和存活率均未出现近交衰退现象。本研究初步解决了脊尾白虾室内全人工繁育技术,并为试验动物培育奠定了良好的技术基础。  相似文献   

The suitability of inland saline water (ISW) from the Lahli‐Baniyani Fish Farm, Rohtak was investigated for the larval rearing of giant freshwater prawn (GFP), Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Six experiments were conducted. In Experiment‐I, 54% of the larvae metamorphosed to postlarvae (PL) in constituted seawater (CSW) whereas total mortality occurred at larval stages (LS)‐II and LS‐III in ISW with salinity of 12 g L?1. Larvae survived to LS‐IV in Experiment‐II, when ISW was supplemented with K+~ SW. In Experiment‐III, total hardness in ISW was reduced serially, but K+ ~ SW was supplemented. The larvae did not survive beyond LS‐V. In Experiment‐IV, ISW was amended with different ratios of Mg2+/Ca2+ and K+ ~ SW. The larvae successfully metamorphosed to postlarvae with highest survival of 51.6% in Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of 2.5. In Experiment‐V, eight larval cycles were run with water quality used in Experiment V, where all the cycles produced PL's with a survival rate of 20–67%. In Experiment VI, the larvae were reared in Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of 2.5 and different levels of K+ to optimize its requirement. The ISW amended with K+ 80% ~ SW and Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of 2.5 was found to be commercially suitable for the seed production of GFP.  相似文献   

The algal polysaccharide agar has long been used as a food binder due to its structure, rheological behaviour, stability and interactions – properties that help to generate firm, round, disk‐shaped pellets that may be used in recirculating sea urchin‐rearing systems. Three algae‐based diets (Ulva lactuca, Gracilaria gracilis, Cystoseira sp.) containing 3% and 6% agar were tested on the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in order to examine the effect of varying percentages of agar on pellet stability in water and sea urchin gonad growth. The kinetics of water absorption and solute leaching of pellets were measured by immersing quadruplicate samples of the pellets in water for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 days. Our results show that the pellets had good water stability, were readily consumed by sea urchins and the presence of agar did not hamper sea urchin gonad growth. Animals fed Ulva‐containing pellets reached a more advanced gametogenic stage with respect to animals fed Cystoseira‐ and Gracilaria‐containing pellets. Moreover, the presence of agarase activity in the digestive system indicated that agar may be an energy source. Pellets are relatively low cost and easy to prepare and store. They may represent a useful resource for rearing sea urchins under intensive conditions.  相似文献   

试验以肥满度、平均规格、饲料系数、生长速度等生长性能指标,pH值、溶解氧、氨态氮、亚硝态氮等水质指标为依据,比较"太湖1号"F1及F2代与日本沼虾的生长性能。结果显示,饲料系数从低到高依次为:"太湖1号"F1<日本沼虾<"太湖1号"F2,其中F1和F2差异显著(P<0.05)。平均规格及上市成虾比例从高到低依次为:"太湖1号"F1>"太湖1号"F2>日本沼虾,其中F1代显著高于日本沼虾(P<0.05)。"太湖1号"的肥满度与日本沼虾差异不明显。9—10月吃食旺盛季节,杂交青虾"太湖1号"的体质量与体长均高于日本沼虾,其中,F1代达到显著水平(P<0.05),但体质量与体长的瞬时增长率优势不明显。9—10月份"太湖1号"F1养殖池的氨态氮、亚硝态氮等水质指标显著低于F2和日本沼虾池,而溶解氧与pH值的差异不大。养殖效益分析表明,尽管杂交青虾的增产优势不明显,但因其规格大,销售价格高,其产值与净利润仍高于日本沼虾,且F1代达到显著水平(P<0.05)。所以,杂交青虾"太湖1号"F1代的养殖性能显著优于日本沼虾,但F2代的生长优势不明显。  相似文献   

六线鱼人工育苗技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用从海区采集和人工催产获得的六线鱼卵块1091g,孵化仔鱼11万尾,平均孵化率为56%,仔鱼经45~60天培育,育成全长2.5~4.0cm,鱼种1.83万尾,平均成活率24.4%,专家验收认为,育苗量,苗种规格及生长速度均处国内领先水平,对卵块收集,人工孵化,苗种生长,饵料系列,育苗病害,饵料生物培育等问题进行了研讨。  相似文献   

参虾池塘高效混养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
7-9月刺参夏眠期间正是日本对虾快速生长的季节,在对虾池中人工造礁,第1年4月放入规格为80~120头/ kg的海参苗1740 kg,每年7月放入体长0.7~1.0 cm的日本对虾虾苗1.2×105尾,将刺参与日本对虾混养.在养殖过程中,刺参不投喂,只用卤虫、人工饲料、杂色蛤和四角蛤蜊投喂日本对虾,严格控制养殖池内的杂鱼虾,保持水质新鲜,可提高日本对虾和刺参的成活率,利用两者饵料和空间互补性,可显著提高虾池的利用率和经济效益.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the performance of new egg custard formula to replace Artemia sp. on the growth and survival of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, larvae. Five experimental diets were tested with triplicate treatments: ART (Artemia sp.), ART‐MIX (Artemia sp. + egg custard MIX: a mixture of shrimp, squid, and bivalve meal‐based egg custard, with palm oil), ART‐PBM (Artemia sp. + PBM, poultry byproduct meal‐based egg custard with fish oil), egg custard MIX only, and egg custard PBM only. All experimental diets were tested after 9 d (stage VI) of feeding Artemia sp. to prawn larvae. The stocking density was set at 100 larvae/L in a clear water tank culture system. Results indicated that the highest survival was recorded in the treatment of ART‐PBM (46.07 ± 0.84%) and the lowest was in the MIX treatment (8.87 ± 0.51%). ART‐PBM and ART‐MIX diets successfully reduced the rearing period and improved survival from larval to postlarval stage by 19 and 65%, respectively, compared with the ART diet. However, the use of MIX and PBM alone increased the rearing period up to 11%. The feeding regime of ART‐PBM and ART‐MIX has provided nutritional advantages and can be successfully practiced in the hatchery of M. rosenbergii larvae. The innovative approach of using PBM and palm oil in the egg custard formulation in this study can provide prawn hatchery operators with more options in terms of dietary ingredients and cost‐effective solutions.  相似文献   

2014年6月,按照海洋资源调查规范,调查北黄海大连沿岸的刺参Apostichopus japonicas原产区中的旅顺口区塔河湾附近海域和大连金州新区城山头海滨地貌保护区海域内大型底栖动物的种类、密度、生物量,计算优势种、生物多样性和群落物种相似性,探讨其修复策略。结果表明,两处海域刺参生境大型底栖动物群落结构基本相同,优势种组成相似,优势类群均为软体动物;物种组成因饵料条件及周边海域底质不同呈现差异性分化;两处海域内海星类与刺参的密度比分别约为1∶3和1∶1,海星类与刺参的生物量比值与密度比相同;海星类与海胆类密度比均约为1∶1和3∶1,海星类与刺参及海胆类密度和的比分别为1∶4和1∶1,海胆类与刺参密度比均约为1∶2。根据调查结果认为刺参生境和增养殖区的养护、修复策略为:(1)多种共养,以参为主;(2)控制海星,适度增殖海胆;(3)提高初级生产力,降低污染。  相似文献   

Fibreglass pools with sediment were used as model farming ponds to investigate the interactive effects of pond preparation and feeding rate on prawn production, water quality, bacterial dynamics, abundance of benthos and prawn feeding behaviour. Pools were either fertilised 1 month (prepared) or 2 days (unprepared) prior to stocking and either ‘high’ or ‘low’ feeding rates were used. The ‘high’ rate was 5.0% (range 4–8%) wet prawn biomass/day and was similar to that recommended for commercial farms. The ‘low’ rate was 2.5% (range 2–4%) wet prawn biomass/day. Juvenile Penaeus monodon (2.0–7.5 g) were stocked at 15 prawns/m2 and were cultured for 71 days. With the exception of one prepared, high feeding-rate pool where mass mortality (> 80%) of prawns occurred following an interruption to aeration, prawn survival was high (> 86%) and was unaffected by preparation, feeding rate or their interaction. Pond preparation improved growth and biomass gain by about 20%. Growth was 4% higher with the higher feeding rate but biomass gain was not affected and, as food conversion ratio was much worse, use of the lower feeding rate offers considerable scope to reduce production costs, especially during cooler periods. There was no interaction in relation to growth between pond preparation and feeding rate. Meiofauna were more abundant, and prawns grew faster, in prepared pools than unprepared pools at the start of the experiment. However, changes in bacterial dynamics or meiofauna abundance over time did not explain reductions in prawn growth over time. In general, water quality was reduced in pools receiving the high feeding rate compared with low feeding rate pools. Other interactive effects of pond preparation and feeding rate on water quality, bacteria, benthos and prawn feeding behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

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