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近几年,南方杂色鲍工产化养殖受病害困扰,养殖海区水质出现富营养化,共栖生物种群增加,病因较为复杂。工厂化养殖杂色鲍鱼采用2m以下海区砂层水,配合陆上过滤系统,或采用循环水生态系统工厂化养殖,能大幅度减少有害生物和污着生物,科学交替使用消毒丹和有益菌,能提高工厂化杂色鲍养殖成活率15~20%,减轻越冬时杂色鲍大量死亡的威胁。  相似文献   

随着皱纹盘鲍养殖规模迅速的发展,其育苗工作普遍存在着稚鲍于剥离后15—60内天出现不同程度大量死亡的现象,死亡率高达80%以上,保苗率一般维持在3—20%之间,多数育苗场的保苗率低于10%,目前此种情况一直未能得以解决。由于鲍苗大量死亡导致生产成本增加,许多场家不能维持正常生产,部分场家停产、转产,致使供养成的苗量锐减。特别值得重视的是:存活下来的鲍苗,无论放在海上或是陆地工厂化养殖的过程中,部分5cm以内的成鲍会瘦弱死亡,其症状与稚鲍死亡症状极其相似,因此不能排除成鲍、稚鲍的死亡属一种疾病所致…  相似文献   

福建省平潭县上井海珍品鲍养殖场,承担了上级下达的黑鲍示范育苗与养成技术项目,通过精心培育和科学管理,从2003-2004年,年均培育黑鲍苗种1.5 cm和 0.3 cm左右各100万粒以上,年均养成成品鲍3-4 cm和 5-6 cm分别为30万粒和50万粒,成活率达80%以上, 取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。现将养殖技术介绍  相似文献   

近年来,由于北方皱纹盘鲍和南方杂色鲍的育苗及养殖生产都出现了不同程度的大量死亡,使我国鲍的增养殖生产出现了滑坡,经济损失惨重.笔者自1997年以来先后在辽宁、山东开展了日本盘鲍与皱纹盘鲍杂交育苗的大规模生产性试验,并取得了较好的结果.  相似文献   

采用阴干加紫外线处理海水催产的方法,进行九孔鲍室内人工育苗研究,使用雌亲鲍1343粒,平均规格5.7cm,雄亲鲍117粒,平均规格5.8cm,共获得受精卵9500万粒,受精率91.5%,以塑料薄膜作为附着基质,共附着匍匐幼体607万粒。经过64~73d的附着期间的管理,剥离0.21~1.0cm稚鲍347万粒,成活率达57.2%,又经过98~102d的培育,获得规格1.0~2.5cm的鲍苗121.5万粒,平均成活率达35.0%。  相似文献   

大菱鲆自1992年引进以来,已发展成为我国北方优秀的水产养殖品种和工厂化养殖的主要对象之一。但由于其繁殖难度大、成活率低、白化率高,制约了大菱鲆工厂化养殖的进一步发展。日照市同翔大菱鲆工作室自2003年以来根据专家理论结合自己操作经验取得大菱鲆育苗成活率10%以上、原色率80%以上的业绩。现将有关技术问题作简要介绍。  相似文献   

刘瑜 《齐鲁渔业》2008,25(4):24-25
菲律宾蛤仔的苗种生产,经历了土池半人工采苗、土池全人工育苗,发展到今天的工厂化车间内全人工育苗。工厂化车间育苗极大地满足了养殖生产需要,幼体培育密度可达到150个/ml左右,最高可达到200个/ml,保苗成活率达30%以上,  相似文献   

我国鲍增养殖现状,问题与发展对策   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
1982~1988年由于人工育苗技术的不断改进,为鲍生产提供了可供人工养殖及放流增殖的大规格苗种,掀起了鲍人工养殖的高潮,并取得了显著的经济效益。据统计,我国年产量从1985年的100多吨猛增到1995年的1000多吨,但从1990年至今,无论是在人工育苗还是人工增养殖过程中均出现了大量死亡现象,给生产单位造成了严重损失,挫伤了育苗及养殖单位的积极性,出现了大的滑坡。作者对滑坡的原因进行了分析,并对今后的发展提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

九孔鲍工厂化养殖应警惕缺氧暴死   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
九孔鲍(Haliotisdiversicolorsupertex…陆上工厂化养殖,由于养殖密度高,在生产过程中尤其是在夏季常发生鲍鱼繁地暴死,死亡无明显病征,死亡非常突然,常给业者带来巨大的经济损失。为此笔者根据多年来的养殖实践就鲍鱼缺氧暴死的死亡原因、死亡特征以及预防方法提出以下的一些看法,供从业同行交流参考。一、缺氧死亡的原因分析九孔鲍工厂化养殖是一种高密度集约化的养殖方法,单位水体的载鲍量大,但水体中的溶解氧是有限的,因此极易造成鲍鱼缺氧。归结起来鲍鱼在养殖过程中出现缺氧死亡有如下几方面的原因。l、养殖密度过大水体中…  相似文献   

黄勃 《渔业现代化》2003,(5):25-25,31
杂色鲍 (H .diversicolor)是近几年推广养殖的品种 ,养殖形式多样 ,有工厂化养殖、沉箱养殖和笼式吊养等。目前海南省工厂化养鲍场达44家 ,养殖水体约 1 8万m3;沉箱养殖达 7万箱 ,已投苗 3.6万箱 ;陵水县黎安镇黎安村农民还根据本地自然条件 ,采用笼式吊养 ,目前共吊养 2万笼。 2 0 0 0年全省鲍产量 30 9吨 ,2 0 0 1年全省产量42 0吨 ,鲍养殖业发展速度较快。海南目前种鲍主要来源台湾及本地野生杂色鲍 (H .diversicolor ) ,在养殖过程中虽无大规模死亡现象 ,但种质退化现象开始出现 ,如生长速度慢、个体小型化、抗逆性差等现象 ,给养殖户…  相似文献   

该研究目的是建立一套鲍育苗和养殖的生态化模式,包括鲍苗种生态培育模式、鲍陆基生态养成模式和海上鲍藻套养生态养成模式,以克服目前鲍养殖业存在的病害频发、成活率低下等问题,提高鲍养殖的经济效益,降低养殖风险。鲍苗种生态培育模式通过"光照-微藻-微生态制剂-滤食性动物-鲍苗"构建复合生物体系;鲍陆基生态养成模式通过池内建立"复合生物区系",并在池外设立生态塘和生态渠进行养殖废水处理的方式构建;海上生态养成模式通过"鲍藻套养"构建。共培育鲍苗5批次,培育周期210~240d,共产出鲍苗17.764×104个,平均壳长1.5cm以上,育成率0.78%~1.23%。陆基生态化模式养成商品鲍43.774×104个,平均壳长6.53cm,平均体质量34.6g,成活率87.5%,周期18~20个月。海上鲍生态养成150口网箱,养成商品鲍3×108个,平均壳长6.50cm以上,成活率85%以上,养成时间18~20个月。  相似文献   

鲍遗传育种研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蔡明夷 《水产学报》2004,28(2):201-208
Abalones are important farming species with a high economic value. They have already been farmed for more than 50 years. As problems and new requirements rose continuously in culture industry of abalone, studies on genetic and breeding techniques are needed to improve characteristics and to gain new traits. This review concentrates on advances in genetics and breeding techniques in abalone. As for genetic studies, karyological analyses, allozyme, DNA markers and genetic diversity were reviewed. So far, karyological analyses in abalone have been performed in 12 species that can be divided into three groups according to the chromosome number. In some economically important species, loci of allozymes and. microsatellites have been isolated and applied to investigate the genetic structure of natural and hatchery populations and to identify the result of chromosome set manipulation, but the related reports are only a few yet. The resultsof investigation with DNA markers and allozymes showed that the genetic structure of natural populations presents two characteristics: excessive homozygosity and subdivision. Advances of various breeding techniques, including introduction, selection,hybridization, polyploidy, gynogenesis and gene manipulation, were reviewed in the other part. Although Haliotis discus discus, introduced from Japan, has become one of the most important culture species in China, the economic, social and environmental effects of introduction have been rarely studied. Selection is one of the most important and basic breeding techniques, but the studies on selection are only a few and preliminary, referring to the relations between genetic characteristics and the traits of growth and resistance, genetic diversity and heritability of quantitative traits, and the effect of selection. Interspecific hybridization was the first breeding program carded out in abalone. Experimental hybridization have been carded out for about 20 crosses. Heterosis,such as faster growth and high survival rate, has been observed in some crosses. Triploids have been successfully induced in many species of abalone with physical or chemical shock, e.g.H, discus hannai, H. rufescens, H.diversicolor diversicolor and H. rnidae. Field experiments were conducted in some species of triploid abalone. In comparison with triploid, the research on tetraploid is still in quest stage. The progress of induction of gynogenesis in abalone is quite slow. Conditions of sperm inactivation, diploid restoration and nuclear behavior of gynogenetically activated eggs have been researched on in H. discus han nai. Notwithstanding the gene transfer technology in abalone is in the quest stage, the research have already involved preparation of exogenic DNA,means of gene transfer, identification integration and expression of target gene, etc. Three research directions in these topics were proposed : to investigate the germplasm resources of abalone deeply and widely, to make use of traditional breeding methods and modem biotechnique synthetically, and to combine the science research with production practice.  相似文献   

三倍体九孔鲍的育种和养成技术研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
严正凛 《水产学报》2002,26(1):54-60
当 5 0 %九孔鲍受精卵出现第一极体后 ,以 6 -DMAP为诱导剂 ,用不同的浓度和不同的持续时间抑制第二极体的释放诱导三倍体 ;并进行了生产性苗种培育和养成试验。结果表明 ,6 -DMAP的诱导浓度为30 0μmol·dm-3 、诱导持续时间为 10min时 ,其胚胎的三倍体率为 90 %以上 ,并且胚胎的孵化率高达 85 % ,幼体的畸形率较低 ,为 5 0 %~ 5 5 % ;经过 7个月培育 ,试验组养成鲍的三倍体率为 6 5 %以上 ;试验组养成鲍的平均壳长比对照组增长 10 % ,平均体重比对照组增重 30 %。与二倍体鲍相比较 ,三倍体鲍在壳长增长和体重增重等方面 ,显示了显著的优势 [t>t0 .0 1( 58) ]。  相似文献   

The aquaculture industry of small abalone Haliotis diversicolor in southern China is now close to collapse because of high mortality at the grow-out stage. To examine if survival and growth (shell length increase) could be improved by cross breeding among populations, a 3 × 3 complete diallel cross was conducted among three populations from Japan (A), Taiwan (B) and Vietnam (C). Performances in growth rate and survival at early juvenile, later juvenile and grow-out stages were compared among the six reciprocal cross lines and three parental lines. Magnitude of heterosis for survival and growth varied among cross lines in the three growing stages. As to mid-parent heterosis, H AB was significantly ( P <0.01) higher than H AC and H BC at all three growing stages for both growth and survival, and all mid-parent heterosis fell between the two corresponding single-parent heterosis. H AB was 6.84% for shell length and 69.09% for survival at Day 420. Our results of high survival heterosis in line AB and line BA show that crossbreeding between different populations can benefit the small abalone breeding programs and the industry.  相似文献   

陈冲  孙丕海  王全军 《水产科学》2011,30(10):641-643
将在大连地区繁育的平均壳长2.2cm的皱纹盘鲍苗种运至福建省莆田市海域进行海上越冬,使用底面积为350mm×550mm、层间距150mm的7层专用养鲍笼,养殖密度25~80枚/层,饵料为盐渍海带、鲜紫菜、鲜海带苗。经5个月饲育,鲍苗平均壳长增长1.94cm,成活率达94.5%,效果明显优于北方沿海的室内越冬及海上越冬。  相似文献   

本文通过对古雷鲍鱼养殖区的海区状况、渔排分布情况、养殖密度、死鲍症状、过程、程度以及苗种来源、饲料种类、饲养管理等方面进行全面的调查,了解吊养鲍鱼的死亡情况和发病规律。通过分析,认为导致此次鲍鱼非正常死亡是由气候恶劣、养殖密度过高、海区环境恶化、种质退化等几个因素引起的,同时针对养殖鲍非正常死亡的原因,提出了避免类似事件再次发生的对策和建议。  相似文献   

2016年3月6日—5月3日,在福建省漳浦县霞美镇浮头湾外海域进行三种不同结构鲍匍匐基养殖对比试验。三种鲍匍匐基分别为扣箱式(有效匍匐面积1.072 8 m2)、双层斜板式(有效匍匐面积1.993 5 m2)和传统养殖盆(有效匍匐面积0.413 3 m2),试验对象为皱纹盘鲍杂交鲍(Haliotis discus hanai)。试验结果如下:1)扣箱式鲍壳长日增长为0.131mm,日增重为0.129 g,存活率为98.44%,饲料转化率为3.38%;2)双层斜板式鲍壳长日增长为0.098 mm,日增重为0.096 g,存活率为99.38%,饲料转化率为4.29%;3)传统养殖盆式鲍壳长日增长为0.115 mm,日增重为0.103 g,存活率为98.00%,饲料转化率为5.37%。试验设施未受到湾外海况影响破坏。结果表明扣箱式鲍匍匐基整体性能较好,基于该匍匐基的鲍养殖网箱在经济型吊杆辅助作业下具有养殖效率高、抗风浪流性好、劳动强度低、所需劳动力少等优点,适合应用于湾外养殖。  相似文献   

福建沿海杂交鲍育苗技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在同一区域相邻的两个育苗场,采用杂交鲍作亲鲍,用两种方法进行育苗试验。结果显示,南方育苗法工艺简单,成本低,有效面积附苗量平均为106.7只/m^2,生长速度快,后期稚鲍培育成活率达95%,单位面积平均出苗量近3000只/m^2;而北方育苗法工艺较复杂,有效面积附苗量平均为370.6只/m^2,剥离后出现大量死亡现象,后期培育成活仅为12%,单位面积平均出苗量408只/m^2。  相似文献   

The effects of using thraustochytrid Schizochytrium sp. as source of lipid and fatty acids in a formulated diet on growth, survival, body composition, and salinity tolerance of juvenile donkey’s ear abalone, Haliotis asinina, were investigated. Treatments consisted of diets either containing a 1:1 ratio of cod liver oil (CLO) and soybean oil (SBO) (Diet 1) or thraustochytrid (Diet 2) as source of lipid and fatty acids at 2 % level. Natural diet Gracilariopsis heteroclada (Diet 3) served as the control. No significant difference in growth was observed in abalone fed Diet 3 (SGR: 5.3 % BW day?1; DISL: 265 μm day?1) and Diet 2 (SGR: 5.2 % BW day?1; DISL: 255 μm day?1). Survival ranged from 78 to 85 % for all treatments and was not significantly different from each other. A 96-h salinity stress test showed highest survival of 84 % in abalone fed Diet 2 compared with those fed diets 1 and 3 (42 %). The high growth rate of abalone fed Diet 2 and high tolerance to low salinity could be attributed to its high DHA content (8.9 %), which resulted to its high DHA/EPA ratio of 10.5 %. These fatty acids play a significant role in abalone nutrition. The fatty acid profile of abalone meat is a reflective of the fatty acid profile of the oil sources in the diet. The present study suggests that the use of Schizochytrium oil in lieu of CLO and SBO can support good growth of abalone which is comparable with abalone fed the natural seaweeds diet.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of natural and artificial diets on growth performance and shell pigmentation of cultured abalone. A 7‐month feeding trial was conducted on 12 000 Pacific abalones (Haliotis discus hannai) with four diets including two extruder‐processed test diets (with & without addition of oleopaprika carotenoids), Pacific dulse (Palmaria mollis) and a combination of Pacific dulse and a test diet. The results showed that the two test diets resulted in higher survival of abalone, but with a lower growth rates when compared with Pacific dulse alone (P < 0.05). The combination diet achieved the highest survival and growth rates. The Pacific dulse resulted in abalone with dark‐brown shells, which are preferred by Asian markets. The test diets led to 52% and 55% of the animals with pink coloured shells and the supplementation of oleopaprika did not affect shell pigmentation. The aqueous acidic extracts from both dark‐brown and pink shells showed blue colour; HPLC‐MS chromatography revealed that the pigments in the extracts were consistent with a biliverdin and a cysteine‐biliverdin. These results are valuable for the development of abalone feed and the control of abalone shell colouration.  相似文献   

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