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氰戊菊酯对鲤科鱼类致突变效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过统计草鱼(C tenopharyngodon idellus)外周血红细胞的微核率和斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)胚胎致畸率,研究了氰戊菊酯对鱼类的致突变效应。结果显示:氰戊菊酯对1龄草鱼的96 h半致死浓度(LC50)为60.62μg/L;1.2μg/L以上的氰戊菊酯能显著提高草鱼的微核率、核异常率以及总核异常率,三者的变化趋势均是随着暴露时间的延长先升高,达到峰值后再缓慢下降;微核率与空白对照组比较呈显著性差异。表明氰戊菊酯对草鱼染色体畸变有明显影响。在2~32μg/L的氰戊菊酯中,随着浓度的升高,斑马鱼的胚胎死亡率升高、出膜率降低、80%胚胎出膜时间延长,仔鱼畸形率升高,说明氰戊菊酯对斑马鱼胚胎及仔鱼有致畸作用。  相似文献   

生殖细胞移植是指将供体的生殖细胞移植到同种或异种受体体内,供体生殖细胞嵌合到受体性腺,经过增殖、分化并最终发育为功能性配子的过程。作为辅助生殖技术,它不仅为珍稀濒危动物的繁育和保护提供了新途径,同时也为生殖干细胞的功能研究提供了有效手段。鱼类生殖细胞移植研究首先在模式鱼类斑马鱼中开展,经过十多年的发展,取得了一系列突破性的进展:主要包括先后建立了以胚胎、仔鱼和成鱼为受体的生殖细胞移植体系,精原和卵原干细胞的发现拓宽了供体生殖细胞的选择,受体的选择与制备方法的完善。该技术在缩短鱼类性成熟周期、性控育种、珍稀濒危鱼类保护等方面具有巨大的应用前景,已成功在多种淡水和海水鱼类中开展了研究和应用。本文结合作者的研究实践和经验,系统地梳理和总结了鱼类生殖细胞移植的研究进展,指出了该技术实践应用的关键问题,并探讨了其应用前景。  相似文献   

生长激素释放激素(growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH)是下丘脑弓状核合成和分泌的小分子多肽,其主要功能是调节垂体细胞合成和释放生长激素。为研究大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)GHRH基因5’侧翼启动子区域的活性和该区域中潜在的转录因子对GHRH基因表达的调控作用,对该基因5’端启动子区域约1400 bp长度的片段进行序列分析,预测顺式作用元件,获得了Oct-1、SP1、NF-1、C/EBPalp和C/EBP等多个潜在的调控GHRH基因表达的调节因子结合位点序列。在包括外显子1和内含子1的GHRH基因5’侧翼区两侧加入两个限制性酶切位点Xho I和Bam H I,对其进行改造,并将该片段插入红色荧光蛋白报告基因载体p DsRed2-1,构建了重组表达质粒pGHRH1-RFP。同时,用不含有外显子1和内含子1的GHRH基因5’侧翼区构建重组表达质粒p GHRH-RFP。将质粒pGHRH1-RFP和p GHRH-RFP转染鲤(Cyprinus carpio)上皮细胞(epithelioma papillosum cyprinid,EPC)。经过48 h的培养,在pGHRH1-RFP转染的部分细胞中检测到红色荧光蛋白表达。又将pGHRH1-RFP或p GHRH-RFP质粒注射到斑马鱼(Danio rerio)一细胞或二细胞期的胚胎中,注射了pGHRH1-RFP的胚胎在受精后48 h约有22.5%能检测到有红色荧光蛋白表达,受精后72 h约有29%的仔鱼检测到红色荧光蛋白表达。实验结果表明,目前分离到的GHRH基因5’侧翼序列具有启动基因表达的活性,且该基因的内含子1和外显子1是启动子的活性所必需的。另外,pGHRH1-RFP质粒注射的斑马鱼胚胎只能在胚胎和仔鱼的脊椎和肌肉中检测到RFP的表达,而在脑中没有检测到表达。推测扩增到的大口黑鲈GHRH启动子序列1407 bp(-1043 bp~362 bp)只是起到了驱动RFP脊椎和骨骼肌表达的作用,而不包括驱动在脑组织中特异性表达的启动子,本研究为GHRH基因功能的深入分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为研究UVB辐射对斑马鱼(Danio rerio)早期胚胎发育的影响,采用波长302nm,强度分别为120、240、310、420μW/cm2的UVB照射斑马鱼早期发育阶段的胚胎,照射时间分别为1、3、5、10min,用于研究UVB照射对形态学及DNA损伤的影响;将原肠期、体节期胚胎及孵化后2d仔鱼经UVB照射,设立未经UVB照射组为对照组,观察记录UVB照射后胚胎发育情况,统计死亡率、畸形率;应用单细胞凝胶电泳(SCGE)技术检测不同UVB照射条件对DNA损伤的影响。结果表明:(1)UVB照射对斑马鱼早期胚胎发育形态有明显的影响,能够造成尾部弯曲、围心腔扩大、脊柱扭曲等多种畸形甚至死亡;(2)在检测UVB照射与DNA损伤的关系时,发现UVB照射对胚胎细胞中的DNA能够产生比较明显的损伤,且DNA损伤随照射强度的增加和照射时间的延长而加剧。在所研究的3个发育阶段中,原肠胚受损最为严重,但未发现明显的剂量累积效应。结论认为,UVB照射对斑马鱼早期胚胎发育有明显影响,不同的照射强度和时间造成的影响差异显著;不同发育阶段的斑马鱼胚胎对UVB照射的耐受程度也不同。  相似文献   

本研究将100~300 pg含有肌肉特异表达启动子和绿色荧光蛋白(Green fluorescent protein,GFP)基因的重组质粒(smyd1:gfp)显微注射到大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)受精卵动物极细胞中,通过细心培育,成功孵化出鱼苗约120尾。统计分析显示,显微注射后,大菱鲆胚胎存活率为4.8%。利用荧光显微镜观察大菱鲆胚胎及仔鱼,只在注射smyd1:gfp质粒的胚胎及仔鱼的肌肉中发现有绿色荧光。通过进一步PCR扩增检测,在注射的大菱鲆胚胎及仔鱼DNA中扩增出了GFP特异片段,大小约为340 bp。研究表明,本研究成功建立了大菱鲆显微注射技术,可为大菱鲆基因功能研究和遗传育种奠定基础。  相似文献   

本研究利用组织切片和扫描电镜技术,观察和研究了2~30日龄大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)仔鱼消化系统的发育过程及组织学变化。结果显示,在水温为(23±1)℃条件下,0~4日龄仔鱼消化道初步分化,为内源性营养期;4~6日龄仔鱼消化道逐渐分化形成食道、胃和肠,胃和肠黏膜褶形成,肝胰脏细胞团出现,仔鱼具备基本摄食能力,进入混合性营养期;10~16日仔鱼消化道和消化腺结构分明,胃、幽门盲囊、肠道紧密排列,肝脏和胰脏独立,进入外源性营养期,此阶段后可逐步转食人工配合饲料。20~30日仔鱼胃腺发达,胃和肠道出现次级黏膜褶,幽门盲囊黏膜褶显著增多、增长,肝脏逐渐出现脂肪积累区,胰脏可见酶原分泌颗粒,肝胰脏组织结构近似成鱼。扫描电镜显示,30日仔鱼胃部内表皮具有丰富的网状黏膜褶,胃小凹间分布着密集的分泌孔;幽门盲囊和肠道内表面结构相似,无固定形态的黏膜褶上布满黏液细胞和分泌孔。20日龄后仔鱼具备转食人工配合饲料的能力。此外,在仔鱼开口和转食人工配合饲料过程中,部分死亡个体的胃肠组织表现出腔体扩大或皱缩,内表皮无成型的黏膜褶或黏膜层脱落,胃和肠道组织损伤。本研究可为大口黑鲈仔鱼开口和转食人工配合饲料条件的优化提供组织学基础资料。  相似文献   

筛选小分子化合物促进组织再生仍然是再生医学的一个巨大挑战。前期研究提示神经递质在斑马鱼(Danio rerio)下颌再生过程中发挥着重要作用。本实验分别剪切Flk-GFP转基因斑马鱼成体下颌组织和1月龄幼鱼尾鳍,然后将其置入四种神经递质(牛磺酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸以及γ-氨基丁酸)的浓度梯度环境中,培养5d后取成鱼下颌制作冰冻切片进行观察检测新生血管荧光量,对幼鱼尾鳍再生进行长度测量。结果显示甘氨酸和γ-氨基丁酸对损伤组织的再生表现出促进作用,而牛磺酸和谷氨酸表现出在低浓度时促进与高浓度的抑制作用。胚胎培养和早期胚胎细胞增生的MTT试验进一步验证了氨基酸神经递质在不同浓度所表现出的细胞营养和毒性作用。结果提示有必要建立一个多层面包括从细胞-胚胎-幼鱼和成鱼的斑马鱼检测系统,能有效筛选再生相关小分子化合物及其合适浓度。  相似文献   

为了探讨邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯(DEHP)对斑马鱼早期生命阶段下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴(HPG)和下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴(HPA)相关功能基因表达的影响,将斑马鱼的受精卵暴露于10、30和300μg/L DEHP溶液中,同时设置空白对照,96 h后,利用实时荧光定量PCR技术,测定斑马鱼仔鱼HPG和HPA轴上12个功能基因的表达。结果显示,与对照组相比,30μg/L DEHP处理组的Cyp19b、GnRH3、Era和ERβ基因表达量显著升高,GnRH2、Pomc、Mr、Mc2r、Crh、Gr和Crhbp基因在各DEHP处理组表达量显著降低,FSH-β和Crhbp基因表达量无显著变化。以上研究结果表明:DEHP对斑马鱼胚胎/仔鱼阶段的2个主要内分泌分子通路产生了显著影响,将会导致内分泌功能的改变,从而可能影响斑马鱼的后期生长发育。  相似文献   

银鲳仔鱼消化系统的组织学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
对出膜后1~12 d银鲳(Pampus argenteus)仔鱼的消化系统进行了形态学和组织学观察。在水温为22~24℃和盐度25~28情况下,初孵仔鱼具很大的卵黄囊,消化管为一简单的直形盲管,管腔狭窄,口和肛门尚未与外界接通。3 d仔鱼消化系统分化加快,在卵黄囊凹陷部位出现2~3个弯曲,已初步分化出食道、胃、肠和肝脏,肠管也变粗。4 d仔鱼消化系统各器官初步形成。5 d仔鱼出现侧囊,并见部分卵黄囊和油球。7 d卵黄囊和油球基本被完全吸收,仔鱼主动摄食轮虫和小球藻,从内源性营养向外源性营养的过渡基本完成。12 d以后仔鱼肝脏明显分为两叶,体积增大;幽门盲囊指状分支已增加到几十根;食道、胃和肠的黏膜皱褶明显增多和加深,肠黏膜上皮细胞高度增加,游离面纹状缘发达;胃黏膜的单层柱状上皮高度和胃腺细胞数量也明显增加;但整个消化道的黏膜下层、肌肉层均不发达,说明12 d仔鱼已具初步消化和吸收功能  相似文献   

实验以白斑狗鱼(Esox lucius)同一家系人工授精孵化的仔鱼为研究对象,用经浓度为20 mg/L 17α-甲基睾丸酮(17α-MT)浸泡的饵料分别在仔鱼生长的不同时期(出膜10、20、30、40 d)投喂,持续投喂30 d,待仔鱼培育至7月龄将其解剖取出性腺,进行组织学观察。结果显示:投喂17α-MT对其有显著致死效应;在10d喂药组出现较高的雄性率(40.8%),其它3个试验组雄性率相对较低,而对照组雄性率仅为26.3%,由此推断白斑狗鱼性腺分化转雄的时间节点在出膜10~20 d。在试验过程中发现白斑狗鱼性腺分化在稚鱼阶段存在精巢组织与卵巢组织共存现象,根据其性腺的组织学特征推断白斑狗鱼性腺分化方式可能是未分化型雌雄异体型。  相似文献   

金红建 《水产学报》2005,29(5):599-605
QM基因是一种与肿瘤抑制、细胞生长、分化、发育和凋亡等有关的重要基因,已在人类及许多物种中得到了克隆,但鱼类中尚无报道。我们利用表达序列标签数据库和电子克隆等技术,成功克隆了斑马鱼QM基因,并对该基因的结构进行了系统分析。结果显示,斑马鱼QM基因cDNA全长769bp,含648bp开放阅读框架,编码215个氨基酸,5’UTR 25 bp,3’UTR122 bp,所编码的QM多肽分子量24.6kDa,等电点(pI)10.6,含潜在的蛋白酶C磷酸化位点、N-酰基化位点和酰胺化位点。比较斑马鱼QM和人等13个物种QM的同源性,发现其氨基酸序列相似性为66%~92%。数字化差异显示分析结果表明,QM基因在斑马鱼胚胎及成体多种组织中均有广泛表达。研究结果为今后利用生物信息学快速克隆新的鱼类功能基因打下了方法学基础,也为进一步研究鱼类QM基因功能提供了依据。  相似文献   

显微注射技术在制备鱼类嵌合体和转基因海水鱼上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以鱼类胚胎细胞和胚胎干细胞为核供体进行细胞移植构建鱼类嵌合体研究方面,现有的成功报道均采用显微注射方法;在转基因海水鱼类研究中,显微注射也是最为常用的技术,本实验室在花鲈胚胎干细胞嵌合体构建和外源基因向花鲈胚胎的转移研究中取得的结果也充分证实,显微注射技术是开展海水鱼类细胞移植和转基因研究的首选技术。  相似文献   

陈晓武  申亚伟  赵金良  吴明林 《水产学报》2018,42(10):1626-1634
为更好地开展鳜基因功能研究和药物筛选工作,提高基因转染效率,本研究以鳜囊胚期胚胎为材料,采用含有20%胎牛血清的DMEM培养基进行培养,建立了生长稳定的鳜胚胎细胞系MFE。在此基础上,采用绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)作为标记物,在HEK293T细胞中体外包装逆转录病毒,再感染MFE细胞系。MTT法分析表明传代后细胞培养96 h内,细胞生长率变化也经历增殖、降低到达稳定期。而且MFE细胞能稳定表达GFP基因,感染效率为20%±5%,而脂质体转染效率为3%±2%。可见包装病毒感染细胞不仅能获得稳转细胞系,效率也远高于脂质体瞬时转染。荧光定量PCR分析表明,MFE细胞系能表达Irf1、Irf3和Irf7基因,Irf1基因表达量最高。MFE细胞系受到poly I:C刺激后,Irf1、Irf3和Irf7的表达量分别升高3.5,2.3和2.1倍。因此,MFE细胞通过病毒感染可以获得较高的转染效率,该细胞可作为鳜免疫相关基因功能研究的工具。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the long-term effects of feeding plant products from both traditional breeding and from biotechnology on intestinal somatic indices, histology and cell proliferation in first-feeding Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. (initial weight 0.21 +/- 0.02 g). A standard fishmeal diet (standard fishmeal) was formulated to contain fishmeal as the sole protein source and suprex maize as the main starch source. Six experimental diets were then developed: two in which some of the fishmeal was replaced with commercially available, genetically modified Roundup Ready full-fat soybean meal (GM-soy) or commercially available, non-GM full-fat soybean meal (nGM-soy) at a level of 12.5% of the total diet, and four diets in which the suprex maize was replaced with two lines of GM-maize (Dekalb 1; D1 and Pioneer 1; P1), both products of event MON810, and their half-sibling non-GM counterparts (Dekalb 2; D2 and Pioneer 2; P2), at a level of 12.1% of total diet. Each diet was fed to fish in triplicate tanks and the experiment lasted for 8 months, during which the fish reached a final weight of 101-116 g. There was no significant effect of diet on the intestinal indices, nor were histological changes observed in the pyloric caeca or mid intestine. In the distal intestine, one of nine sampled fish fed nGM-soy showed moderate changes, two of nine sampled fish fed GM-soy showed changes, one with moderate and one with severe changes, and two of nine fish fed nGM-maize D2 had moderate changes. Using a monoclonal antibody against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), cell proliferative responses to the experimental diets were assessed. In fish fed both soy diets, a significantly higher (P < 0.05) cell proliferation response was observed in the distal intestine concomitant with an increased localization of PCNA positive cells along the whole distal intestinal folds. The PCNA response among the nGM-soy group was significantly higher compared with all the other diet groups. In contrast, for fish exposed to dietary maize (type D) compared with fish fed the standard fishmeal, the soy-diets (GM-soy and nGM-soy) and maize (type P), a significantly lower (P < 0.05) cell proliferation response was observed in the distal intestine. Results indicated that the GM plant products investigated in this study, at about 12% inclusion level, were as safe as commercially available non-GM products, at least in terms of their effect on indices and histological parameters of the Atlantic salmon intestinal tract.  相似文献   

Two new cell lines, designated RE and CB, were derived from the eye of rohu, Labeo rohita , and the brain of catla, Catla catla , respectively. The cell lines were maintained in Leibovitz's L-15 supplemented with 20% foetal bovine serum. The RE cell line was sub-cultured for more than 70 passages and the CB cell line for more than 35 passages. The RE cells are rounded and consist predominantly of epithelial cells. The CB cell line consists of predominantly fibroblastic-like cells. Both cell lines are able to grow at temperatures between 25 and 32 °C with an optimum of 28 °C. The growth rate of the cells increased as the foetal bovine serum concentration increased from 2% to 20% at 28 °C, with optimum growth at concentrations of 15% or 20% foetal bovine serum. The cells were successfully cryopreserved and revived at different passage levels. The cell lines were not susceptible to four marine fish viruses. Extracellular products from Aeromonas sp . were toxic to the cell lines. When the cells were transfected with plasmid eukaryotic green fluorescent protein (pEGFP [Clontech, Carlsbad, CA, USA]) vector DNA, a significant fluorescent signal was observed suggesting that these cell lines could be a useful tool for transgenic and genetic manipulation studies. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of mitochondrial 12S rRNA from rohu and catla confirmed that the cell lines originated from these fish species. The cell lines were further characterized by immunocytochemistry using confocal laser scanning microscopy.  相似文献   

流式细胞术能快速检测生物细胞的DNA含量和细胞周期,在鱼类遗传育种方面已得到广泛运用。目前的研究多基于鱼类血液和生殖细胞开展实验,存在周期性和操作难度的限制。该研究利用草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)不同组织进行流式分析,在鳍条组织中得到了明显的峰图,并在4种鱼类的重复实验中得到了稳定结果,且不同鱼类的鳍条组织均存在细胞周期,大部分细胞停留在G_0/G_1期。利用斑马鱼(Danio rerio)作为内标测定出团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)鳍条组织的相对DNA含量(C值)为(1.25±0.07)pg,与相关研究结果基本吻合,认为利用鳍条组织作为血液和生殖细胞的替代材料进行流式细胞实验是科学可行的。  相似文献   

Four tropical marine fish cell lines have been established from the eye, fin, heart and swim bladder of grouper, Epinephelus awoara (Temminck & Schlegel). Optimum media and temperature conditions for maximum growth were standardized. The eye and swim bladder cells were mostly epithelial, but the fin and heart cells were mostly fibroblastic. The viability of cells was 95% after 1 year of storage in liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees C). Besides these four cell lines, previously established grouper brain, kidney and liver cell lines were also used for a viral susceptibility study which showed that all the cell lines were sensitive to grouper iridovirus, whereas only brain, fin and liver cell lines were susceptible to the yellow grouper nervous necrosis virus (a nodavirus). Electron microscopy studies of the grouper irido- and nodaviruses in ultrathin sections of infected cells showed an abundance of viral particles in the cytoplasm of the virus-infected cells indicating the effective replication of these two viruses. It is suggested that these cell lines can be used for the isolation of putative fish specific viruses and provide a valuable tool to study the mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions. Furthermore, these cell lines upon transfection, using pEGFP-C1 and pEGFP-aMT2.5 (ayu metallothionein promoter), produced significant fluorescent signals indicating their utility for exogenous studies.  相似文献   

Streptococcus phocae is a beta-haemolytic bacterium that causes systemic infections in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., cultured in southern Chile and also in seals. In this study, the host-pathogen interaction between S. phocae and seven types of cell lines (fish and mammalian) was examined using an indirect fluorescent antibody and confocal microscopy (CM). Chinook salmon embryo (CHSE-214), epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC), salmon head kidney (SHK-1) and Atlantic salmon kidney were used as the fish cell lines, while human cervix epithelial adenocarcinoma (HeLa), African green monkey kidney fibroblast (Cos-7) and mouse leukaemic monocyte macrophage (Raw 264.7) were included as mammalian cell lines. Streptococcus phocae type strain ATCC 51973(T) and isolates LM-08-Sp and P23 were selected as representatives from the salmon and seal host, respectively. For the CM examination, monolayers seeded on round coverslips were studied at 2- and 20-h post-inoculation (pi). The results showed that there is no common infectivity pattern between the three S. phocae strains at 2-h pi and the cell lines tested, regardless of the source of isolation (seal or salmon). All S. phocae strains could internalize and were found inside the fish and mammalian cell cytoplasm after 20-h pi. Regardless of the cells studied (fish or mammal) and incubation (2 and 20 h), S. phocae was never observed inside the nuclei. Seal and salmon isolates showed the highest number of bacteria entering into the primate cell lines (HeLa and Cos-7) from 2-h pi, while ATCC 51973(T) was not found outside or inside the HeLa and Cos-7 cells.  相似文献   

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