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南海北部海域重要经济鱼类资源声学评估   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据1997年12月至1999年6月利用“北斗”号调查船的SimradEK500回声探测-积分系统在南海北部海域获取的渔业资源调查资料,运用渔业资源声学评估方法对该海域的带鱼科(Trichiuridae)鱼类、蓝圆(Decapterusmaruadsi)、竹鱼(Trachurusjaponicus)、金线鱼科(Nemipterus)鱼类以及大眼鲷科(Priacanthidae)鱼类等5类23种经济鱼类进行了评估与分析。结果表明,在南海北部海域带鱼科、蓝圆、竹鱼、金线鱼科和大眼鲷科的资源量分别为50.4×104t、16.3×104t、10.4×104t、9.8×104t和9.2×104t,其中带鱼科的资源量密度以冬季和粤西海域最高,蓝圆和竹鱼的资源量密度都以秋季和粤东海域最高,但竹鱼的资源量密度秋季明显高于其他季节。金线鱼科秋季在112°30′~116°E珠江口近海海域自西南到东北出现高度密集分布带,大眼鲷科在南海北部海域的分布较广泛,没有出现明显的高度密集区。  相似文献   

根据南海北部近海资源调查项目2014—2015年调查数据,分析了南海北部竹鱼(Trachurus japonicus)渔场与不同水层温度和水温垂直结构的关系。研究表明,渔场位置与水温梯度密切相关,不同季节渔场位置与温度梯度关联系数不同。春季航次渔场位置与20~25 m水层水温梯度关联度最高,夏季航次渔场位置与表层和50 m水层关联度高,秋季航次渔场位置与10~15 m水层关系密切,冬季航次渔场位置与15~20 m水层温度梯度关联度最高。研究表明,南海北部竹鱼渔场对水温梯度变化很敏感,渔场春夏季主要位于北部湾海域,秋冬季主要位于雷州半岛海南岛东部附近海域等水温梯度的高值区。  相似文献   

南海北部大陆架底层鱼类资源密度概率分布型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈正兴  李辉权 《水产学报》1987,11(2):159-166
本文把底层鱼类资源密度看成是海洋生态系整体系统的一个组成成份。应用柯尔莫哥洛夫假设拟合优度检验,系统分析了近两周年(二十三个月)共1,445网次的“南海北部大陆架底层鱼类资源调查”的综合渔获量资料。发现理论的对数正态分布完全符合观察的频率分布,二十三个月无一例外。因而,得出了该海域底层鱼类的渔获密度服从对数正态分布型这个初步结论。在此基础上,进一步推证了资源密度同样服从对数正态分布型。这一发现,为研究该海域底层鱼类的数量分布提供了一个确当的随机性模型。  相似文献   

海洋生物的空间分布具有不均匀性,从而造成底拖网调查数据频数分布显著偏斜。偶尔出现的极端值,会直接影响资源密度均值和方差的估计值。本文根据东海区渔业资源监测调查数据库中资料,利用Δ-分布模型法和调查设计法分别估算了2005年夏季的太平洋褶柔鱼Todarodes pacificus、2007年春季的鳀鱼Engraulis japonicus以及2008年秋季的竹荚鱼Trachurus japonicus的平均资源密度。结果表明,利用-分布模型法分布模型法对三种类资源密度均值的估算值均低于调查设计法,且-分布模型法对资源密度均值进行估算时的标准误也相对较小。因此,针对调查数据中出现极端值的情况,如果资源密度对数转换后服从正态分布,那么利用Δ-分布模型法对资源密度均值进行估算是一种稳健的评估方法,值得在渔业评估上进行推广。  相似文献   

海洋生物的空间分布具有不均匀性,从而造成底拖网调查数据频数分布显著偏斜.偶尔出现的极端值,会直接影响资源密度均值和方差的估计.作者根据东海区渔业资源监测调查数据库中资料,利用△-分布模型法和调查设计法分别估算了2005年夏季的太平洋褶柔鱼Todarodes paci ficus、2007年春季的鳃鱼Engraulis japonicus以及2008年秋季的竹荚鱼Trachurus japonicus 的平均资源密度.结果表明,利用△-分布模型法对3种鱼类资源密度均值的估算值均低于调查设计法,且△-分布模型法对资源密度均值进行估算时的标准误差也相对较小.因此,针时调查数据中出现极端值的情况,如果资源密度对数转换后服从正态分布,那么利用△-分布模型法对资源密度均值进行估算是一种稳健的评估方法,值得在渔业评估上进行推广.  相似文献   

采用PCR产物直接测序法测定了2尾来自中国南海的日本竹煲鱼(Trachurus japonicus)线粒体DNA控制区基因全序列,并结合从GenBank中下载的8种竹笑鱼属相应序列,对竹煲鱼属控制区序列进行了结构分析,识别出终止序列区、中央区和保守序列区3个区域,并找到了2个与DNA复制终止相关的序列TAS和中央保守区的保守序列CSB—F、CSB—E和CSB—D,以及保守序列区的保守序列CSBl、CSB2和CSB3。以鳜(Sinipercachuatsi)作为外群,使用邻接法和最大简约法构建了9种竹荚鱼属的系统发育树。竹笑鱼属鱼类为单系类群,蓝竹煲鱼(rpicturatus)、智利竹笑鱼(zmurphyi)、太平洋竹笑鱼(zsymmetricus)、南非竹荚鱼(rcapensis)和竹荚鱼(rtrachurus)构成一支,地中海竹笑鱼(zmediterraneus)、青背竹笑鱼(zdeclivis)、日本竹荚鱼(rjaponicus)和新西兰竹荚鱼(rnovaezelandiae)为另一支;日本竹笑鱼未单独成一支,而是聚人青背竹笑鱼和新西兰竹笑鱼之间,初步猜测日本竹笑鱼和新西兰竹荚鱼为同种异名。  相似文献   

研究经济鱼类的资源密度重心及其时空异质性有助于深入了解其渔场形成过程,并为其渔业资源的可持续利用和科学管理提供参考依据。本研究基于2009—2014年南海捕捞信息网络中的南海北部海域底拖网渔业生产数据,运用重心分布、自举法(Bootstrap)和地统计等方法研究了大眼鲷资源密度重心分布和时空异质性。结果发现,2009—2014年大眼鲷资源密度总体上呈逐年降低的趋势,且差异极显著,最高值为2012年的(26.69±7.34) g/(h·kW·nets)。不同年份大眼鲷资源密度重心均分布在南海北部50~100 m等深线间,资源密度重心年际分布差异不显著,主要集中于调查海域中部。大眼鲷资源密度在70~90 km的尺度范围内呈强烈的空间自相关格局及良好的空间结构性(块金系数25%),主要受环境因素的作用;在90 km以上的尺度范围,空间自相关性较弱,受随机成分影响较大。  相似文献   

东海竹荚鱼的开发利用和区域共同管理探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用定性分析、定量分析的方法,介绍了东海竹荚鱼的典型洄游性、波动性和共享性资源特征,为使东海竹荚鱼资源能够科学长期可持续使用,围绕中国和日本对东海竹荚鱼资源的利用状况和未来的管理趋势,讨论了对东海竹荚鱼资源实施区域共同管理的必要性及未来努力的方向。  相似文献   

应用初级生产力估算南海北部的渔业资源量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1997~1999年对南海北部海域进行了4个季度生物资源与生态环境专项综合调查,调查范围为16°00′~23°30′N、107°00′~119°30′E的大陆架海域。本文利用调查资料,选择56种主要生物种类(占总渔获量的80%以上)作为研究对象,分别采用营养动态模型、Cushing模型和Tait沿岸海域生态系统能流模型3种方法,以季节为时间尺度,对南海北部海域的渔业资源量进行评估。结果表明,3种方法评估的渔业资源密度基本接近,以其平均值作为南海北部海域渔业资源量的评估结果。南海北部渔业资源量显示明显的季节差异,以夏季资源量最高,春季最低,春、夏、秋和冬季的资源密度平均值分别为2.4、5.0、3.2、3.7t/km2。资源量的平面分布,4个季节都呈现近岸海域资源量较高、外海资源量较低的趋势,其中北部湾、粤东、粤西和台湾浅滩海域的资源量较高,资源密度均>5t/km2,夏季最高密集区超过10t/km2。本文同时对影响渔业资源评估结果的评估参数进行了初步分析,并对南海北部渔业资源量的变化进行了比较。  相似文献   

中国南海北部剑尖枪乌贼资源现状及其合理利用对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
头足类动物是海洋渔业资源的重要组成部分.剑尖枪乌贼(Loligo edulis)是头足类动物中主要种类之一,其在中国南海的资源分布和变动等规律还不清楚.因此,调查南海北部剑尖枪乌贼的资源现状,探索其时间变动规律,对于更好地开发利用南海剑尖枪乌贼资源具有积极意义.本文基于2000-2002年调查数据,介绍中国南海北部剑尖枪乌贼生物学特性,分析其资源密度指数的区域、昼夜、季节以及水深变化规律.结果表明,海南岛以东近海剑尖枪乌贼的平均密度指数和平均尾数密度指数均明显高于北部湾及海南岛南部近海;整个南海北部剑尖枪乌贼的平均密度指数和平均尾数密度指数夜晚高于白天,其中平均密度指数以海南岛以东最高,为6.453 kg/h;平均尾数密度指数以北部湾及海南岛南部为最高,为134.6 ind/h;整个南海北部剑尖枪乌贼的最高网次密度指数和最高网次尾数密度指数均出现于夏季,最大值均出现在海南岛以东;随着水深变化,密度指数和尾数密度指数最大值出现在北部湾及海南岛南部18~20 m水深范围,其值分别为15.500 kg/h和910.0 ind/h;其次出现在海南岛以东100~110m水深范围.南海北部剑尖枪乌贼渔获量在头足类中超出中国枪乌贼(Loligo chinensis)居于首位,其资源还有一定的开发潜力.本研究旨在为剑尖枪乌贼资源的保护利用提供科学依据,为中国南海海洋生态系统可持续发展提供理论基础.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Recent surveys showed substantial aggregation of larvae of jack mackerel in the southern East China Sea, indicating intensive spawning grounds near Taiwan. A numerical model was applied to investigate transport and survival processes of eggs and larvae of jack mackerel from the spawning area to the nurseries. The results show that: (i) the distributions of larvae simulated by the model agreed well with those obtained by field survey; (ii) the stock of jack mackerel in the Sea of Japan is composed of both groups from north of Taiwan and from the western coast of Kyushu. It takes more than two months for the former to reach the Sea of Japan, while it is within 40 days for the latter; and (iii) large proportions of the eggs and larvae spawned off the north of Taiwan are transported rapidly to the Pacific side of Kyushu by the Kuroshio Current, and the rest slowly to the east or north-east along the continental slope in the East China Sea. In contrast to the larval flux, survivors are more abundant in the northern East China Sea than in the Pacific Ocean, indicating that survival in the northern East China Sea would determine the jack mackerel stock in Japan.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution and migration of age-0 jack mackerel in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea, based on data from seasonal bottom trawl surveys. Sampling was conducted at 79–161 stations during five cruises in spring (April–June), early summer (May–July), late summer (August–October), autumn (October–December), and winter (January–February). During early summer, jack mackerel (mean 92 mm fork length), which were estimated to have hatched in the southern East China Sea (SECS) during winter, began to occur abundantly, especially along the shelf-break region of the central East China Sea (CECS). In late summer, the distribution center of young fish (mean 126 mm) shifted northward into the shelf region of northern East China Sea (NECS), corresponding with the rise of bottom water temperature and high prey abundance. In winter when the bottom water temperature declined in the shelf region, the distribution center of jack mackerel (mean 144 mm) shifted southward, with high densities occurring in the SECS and CECS. In spring, overwintering jack mackerel that had become age-1 (mean 175 mm) were distributed abundantly along the shelf-break region of the ECS. On the other hand, jack mackerel were only sporadically found, generally at low densities, in the Yellow Sea during all seasons. High densities of jack mackerel were largely restricted to areas of >15°C bottom water temperature during all seasons. Our results indicate that the seasonal shifts of the 15°C isotherm of the bottom layer and the food conditions are significant environmental factors determining the migration of jack mackerel within the ECS.  相似文献   


In the southern part of the East China Sea (ECS), a large spawning ground of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus has recently been found: Larval survival during the period of transport from the spawning ground along the shelf break is potentially a critical stage prior to recruitment. As such, the distribution of copepod nauplii in this region was investigated during the main spawning period in 2003–2006. The average naupliar density in 2003 was significantly higher than the other years along the shelf break, which is a major transport pathway for jack mackerel larvae (sea-surface temperature 20–23°C). Estimated egg production rates for Paracalanus spp., one of the most dominant genera of copepods in the southern ECS, based on temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration could not fully explain the spatial and annual variation in naupliar distribution and abundance. Although naupliar densities showed significant positive correlations with chlorophyll-a concentration for all years, an analysis of covariance revealed that naupliar density in 2003 was high even if the effect of chlorophyll-a concentration was excluded. This suggests that apart from copepod production, adult female distribution plays an important role in variability of the naupliar distribution and abundance in the southern ECS.  相似文献   

The Chilean jack mackerel Trachurus murphyi, is a pelagic fish from the Carangidae family that is distributed in the South Pacific Ocean. Because this species constitutes an important economic resource across the South Pacific and plays an important ecological role in this ecosystem there is a growing interest in determining its population structure. In this study, we used molecular markers (mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellites) from Chilean jack mackerel samples to investigate its genetic population structure across the South Pacific Ocean. The mitochondrial DNA did not detect a genetic structure in T. murphyi populations in the Pacific Ocean, but revealed very low haplotype diversity and a short genealogy history compared to other small-pelagic species. The same general pattern of a lack of genetic structure was found with microsatellite loci; however, a large genetic diversity was revealed with microsatellite markers. The present results did not support the existence of different stock units for T. murphyi across the South Pacific Ocean but a more holistic approach will be necessary to determine an adequate management strategy for this fishery.  相似文献   

The jack mackerel, Trachurus japonicus, has a prolonged spawning season and widely spread spawning grounds. The population in the coastal waters of Japan seems to be composed of several cohorts spawned seasonally from different waters. To understand its population structure along the Tsushima Warm Current, we analysed hatchdates and growth histories of fish from Kunda Bay, the southern, central and northern East China Sea (ECS), the southern Sea of Japan, and Maizuru Bay. Seven cohorts were detected from fish collected between June 2005 and June 2006 in Kunda Bay. Comparing hatchdate distributions and growth trajectories of the seven cohorts with those of the other five regional samples, we did not find that cohorts collected in Kunda Bay originated in the southern ECS. Therefore, these coastal waters of Japan appear to be significant spawning grounds for juvenile jack mackerel.  相似文献   

Time series of condition factors for mackerel, Scomber japonicus , jack mackerel, Truchurus symmetricus , and northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax , stocks in the Southern California region were compared with time series of oceanographic indices to develop hypotheses concerning physical environmental forcing of the population dynamics and energetics of small pelagic fishes. Mackerel and jack mackerel condition factor time series showed decade-scale variation, whereas those of anchovy showed coherent fluctuations for 1 to 2 years. Mackerel, and to a lesser extent jack mackerel, condition factors were correlated with proxy indices of alongshore advection (sea level), offshore advection (Ekman transport), ambient temperature (shore station temperature), and ambient salinity (shore station salinity). The condition factor of anchovy was much less correlated with environmental variables. Multiple regression analyses which included sea level, upwelling and salinity proxies explained 80% (33%) of the variance in the annual (monthly) condition factor of mackerel. The first-order variation in condition factors of mackerel and jack mackerel suggests that they are responding to very large-scale perturbations of the California Current system which are at least partially described by variations in sea level. The population size of mackerel is apparently also responding to these large-scale perturbations, making it difficult to isolate environmental dependence of condition factors from density dependence. The second-order variation is more regional in nature and unexpectedly it appears to be associated with upwelling in the Baja California region.  相似文献   

多鳞鱚目标强度的模型法研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
鱼类目标强度测量是渔业水声学工作的核心内容之一。本研究采用基尔霍夫近似模型对19尾多鳞鱚(Sillago sihama)样品的理论目标强度进行近似计算,模型计算所需鱼类形态学参数由中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所所属X光机(SOFTEX M-100)拍摄X光影像获得。通过编程计算获得多鳞鱚不同频率下目标强度随姿态倾角的变化图案,并通过数据拟合方法建立了不同频率和倾角分布函数下多鳞鱚目标强度随体长变化的经验公式,并与常规的b20表式进行对比。结果表明:在70 kHz、120 kHz和200 kHz 3种频率下多鳞鱚目标强度的倾角变化图案呈多峰状特征分布,且频率越高目标强度对倾角变化越敏感,波峰数增加,目标强度最大值对应的倾角增大。70 k Hz下多鳞鱚目标强度最大值出现在–15°~5°,120 k Hz和200 k Hz下目标强度最大值则出现在–10°~0°,且各频率下目标强度最大值出现的位置各不相同。不同频率及倾角分布函数下多鳞鱚目标强度随体长变化特性各不相同,其中在角度函数为(–5°,15°)、频率为120 kHz,以及角度函数为(0°,10°)、频率为200 k Hz时目标强度对体长经验公式和常规的b_(20)表式曲线基本重合,拟合度较高,可将常规的b20表式直接用于多鳞鱚的资源评估;而其他情形下2种表式存在一定偏差,采用直接拟合的参数方程更为恰当。研究表明,基尔霍夫近似模型能够很好地反映多鳞鱚的目标强度特性,可为中国南海近岸鱼类目标强度研究提供有益借鉴,为提高渔业资源水声学评估的准确度和可信度提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以东南太平洋智利竹鱼为对象、以资源量动态模型为基础,使用模拟方法构建了"真实"的智利竹鱼种群及其渔业,评估了观测误差和过程误差对智利竹鱼资源评估和管理的影响。模拟的"真实"的智利竹鱼种群及其渔业结果显示,1997—2014年太平洋智利竹鱼资源量总体上呈逐年下降趋势,且远低于B_(MSY)的50%;捕捞死亡系数波动剧烈,仅在2012—2014年低于F_(MSY)且相对稳定。渔业资源评估模拟结果显示,观测误差和过程误差使资源量和B_(MSY)被低估,捕捞死亡系数和F_(MSY)被高估,且随机误差越大,资源量、B_(MSY)被低估,而捕捞死亡系数、F_(MSY)被高估的程度越大。渔业管理模拟的结果表明,捕捞控制规则采用恒定捕捞死亡系数时,未来10年基于50%2014年捕捞死亡系数的管理措施为最佳管理措施。由于捕捞死亡系数被高估,最佳管理措施实施后使得年总可捕捞量高于预期,而年资源量低于预期,资源量增长或恢复的速度变慢,资源可能同时处于过度捕捞状态和正遭受过度捕捞。过度捕捞的风险与随机观测误差和过程误差的大小成正比。  相似文献   

东、黄海日本鲭种群鉴定和划分的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布于东、黄海的日本鲭(Scomber japoncus)在我国海洋渔业中具有重要的地位,随着中韩、中日渔业协定的生效,开展日本鲭等重要经济鱼类的种群归属研究显得尤为重要。关于东、黄海日本鲭种群划分,20世纪中日两国学者利用标志放流和渔业调查数据分别进行了研判,但中日间以及国内对其种群划分存在不同见解。21世纪以来,中国一些研究者利用形态框架法和分子遗传学方法对前辈的种群划分进行了验证并提供了一些证据,但分析结果值得商榷。总结相关研究结果,多数中国学者将分布于东、黄海的日本鲭划分为东海西部种群、五岛西部种群和闽南—粤东地方种群,也有中国学者将其划分为东海群系和闽南—粤东地方种群;日本学者将分布于东海不同越冬场日本鲭归属为对马暖流群系,也有日本学者将分布于东、黄海和日本海西部的日本鲭划分为九州西部群系和东海西部群系。针对东、黄海日本鲭种群划分存在的不同观点,今后研究者应同时利用目前较为先进的、相对可操作的鱼类框架形态和分子遗传等判别技术,增加产卵场样本采集覆盖面,以获得判别东、黄海日本鲭种群相对最为科学的证据。  相似文献   

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