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采用排水式蒸渗仪试验,研究了不同地下水埋深时,冬小麦需水量和地下水利用量的变化规律。结果表明,冬小麦生育期内地下水控制在1.0~1.5 m以下,对减少冬小麦需水量最为有益;随着地下水埋深增加,地下水利用量和地下水利用系数显著减小;不同地下水埋深条件下冬小麦生育阶段日需水量变化规律表现基本一致,即越冬前较大,在越冬期最小,抽穗灌浆期达到最大,然后又减少。研究结果可为冬小麦节水灌溉制度的制定和高效灌溉管理提供参考。  相似文献   

浅层地下水对蔬菜腾发量和产量的   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了提高旱作蔬菜的产、质量,以甜椒和冬菠菜为试验品种,采用4种地下水埋深处理,实测了腾发量、地下水利用量和产量,得了了它们与地下水埋深之间的变化规律。结论:在开展蔬菜节水灌溉中,即应考虑充分利用地下潜水量,也需注意控制适宜地下水埋深。  相似文献   

利用大型称重式蒸渗仪多年冬小麦季日蒸散量数据,对FAO56推荐的作物需水量计算方法在地下水浅埋区的适用性进行了验证.模拟结果表明,在充分供水的灌溉制度下,即使不考虑地下水补给,单、双作物系数法的模拟结果也较精确,对各生育阶段的模拟误差并没有明显的规律,双作物系数法在覆盖度低的初期和后期可以较好的反映灌溉和降水的影响;当供水较少且不考虑地下水补给时,单、双作物系数法和土壤水分胁迫系数修正法的模拟误差均较大.因此,在地下水浅埋区灌溉和降水偏少时,FAO56计算作物需水量的方法应慎重应用,如何考虑地下水对蒸散发的补给,从而实现FAO56在地下水浅埋区的应用还有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

地下水埋深对春玉米需水量及需水系数的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用排水式蒸渗仪试验,研究了不同地下水埋深时,春玉米需水量和地下水利用量的变化规律,对春玉米需水系数进行了计算。结果表明,在全生育期内,春玉米需水量最大值出现在地下水埋深为0.5 m时,1.0 m时最小;地下水埋深对春玉米需水量的阶段分配没有太大影响,不同地下水埋深处理的规律基本一致,即拔节到抽穗期最小,灌浆到收获期最大;不同地下水埋深的春玉米日需水量变化规律也基本一致,即前期较小,生长盛期达到最大;春玉米需水系数在播种-拔节期最小,在抽穗-灌浆期最大。研究结果可为春玉米节水灌溉制度的制定和高效灌溉管理提供参考。  相似文献   

探讨北疆地区棉花生育期需水量和灌溉需水量的变化趋势进而分析了变化趋势与气象因子的关系.选用北疆26个气象站1961-2016年的逐日气象数据,参考作物蒸散量计算方法和相关作物系数,计算北疆棉花56 a来的作物需水量和灌溉需水量,并分析了对气候变化的响应.结果表明:近56 a北疆地区棉花需水量和灌溉需水量都呈下降趋势,尤其是花铃期下降趋势很显著,气候倾向率依次为-0.635、-0.643 mm/a;棉花花铃期平均需水量为305.02 mm,灌溉需水量平均值为289.95 mm.气象因子与棉花各生育期作物需水量和灌溉需水量相关,其中,降雨对灌溉需水量的影响最大.从气候变化来看,北疆地区棉花作物需要水量呈减少趋势,随着降雨量的增加,灌溉需水量也呈减少趋势.  相似文献   

使用蒸渗仪群开展了冬小麦对浅层地下水利用试验,讨论了在降雨、灌溉和不同地下水埋深等多种水分条件下冬小麦对浅层地下水的利用规律,并确定了适宜冬小麦生长的地下水埋深上限和相应的合理灌水量。结果表明,从返青至收获期,在40~150 cm埋深范围内,无灌溉无降雨条件下地下水对作物腾发的贡献率可达到90.0%以上,而降雨和灌溉处理的地下水贡献率减小到54.0%~78.9%。另外,无论是否有降雨影响,随着地下水埋深的增加,地下水贡献率都降低。试验结果还表明,150 cm是适宜冬小麦生长的地下水埋深上限,每公顷穗数较大是冬小麦产量高于其他埋深处理的主要原因。从返青至灌浆期,在150 cm埋深下,只需在拔节期灌水约60.0 mm,冬小麦产量就可达到8 846 kg/hm2,在无灌水和降雨时产量可达到拔节灌溉处理的80.0%左右。  相似文献   

河南省三义寨灌区主要农作物需水量动态预报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据三义寨灌区惠北水利科学试验站2000—2014年作物需水量试验资料及气象观测资料,结合灌区土壤墒情、地下水埋深、作物种植结构等资料,以灌区主要农作物小麦、棉花和玉米为主要研究对象,分析了灌区内主要农作物需水量与气象因子的相关关系,借助Origin 8.1软件建立了冬小麦、夏棉花、夏玉米日尺度的灌溉需水量经验模型,分析计算了三义寨灌区的作物需水量,并实现了对主要农作物需水量趋势分析。  相似文献   

【目的】探究节水灌溉模式条件下稻田地下水补给特征。【方法】采用定地下水埋深的蒸渗仪开展试验,分析节水灌溉干湿循环下稻田地下水补给量变化过程,研究地下水补给对节水灌溉稻田作物需水的贡献及对土壤水分的调节作用。【结果】控制灌溉稻田地下水补给过程频繁,当稻田干湿循环过程中土壤水分降至一定限度时,稻田地下水补给量在复水后(灌水或降雨)1 d内出现峰值,稻季共出现16次峰值。控制灌溉稻田稻季地下水补给量达253.98mm,约占水稻需水量的51.1%。稻田干湿循环中,在稻田地下水补给与土壤水入渗的综合作用下,30 cm深度以下土壤含水率保持稳定,0~30 cm深度土壤含水率总体呈下降趋势。【结论】节水灌溉干湿循环下稻田地下水补给量显著增加,有效补给了水稻需水。浅地下水埋深条件下,稻田地下水补给过程直接影响水稻根区土壤水分变化。  相似文献   

西藏高寒牧区燕麦作物系数的推求及验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用FAO-56推荐的单作物系数法和双作物系数法推求充分灌溉条件下西藏高寒牧区燕麦的作物系数,并通过灌溉试验数据验证所求作物系数的可靠性以及这2种方法在海拔4 000m以上地区的适用性。结果表明,基于单作物系数法,2011年和2012年作物系数Kcini、Kcmid、Kcend分别为1.06、1.18、0.28和1.09、1.17、0.28。2011年和2012年双作物系数法与单作物系数法计算的ETc拟合相关系数分别为0.743和0.894。理论计算的作物需水量与实测值接近,该2种作物系数法均适用于西藏高寒牧区。  相似文献   

淮北平原气象因素对裸地潜水蒸发的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】理清气象因素对潜水蒸发的影响。【方法】采用五道沟水文实验站62套原状土蒸渗仪及气象场1991─2015年长系列实验资料,分析了潜水蒸发与水面蒸发、气温、降雨及地温的关系,并比较了气象因素对砂姜黑土与黄潮土潜水蒸发量影响的差异。【结果】砂姜黑土与黄潮土地下水埋深为0时的潜水蒸发均比水面蒸发小,且都与水面蒸发呈线性相关关系(R~2>0.9)。潜水蒸发与气温年内变化趋势基本一致,气温对砂姜黑土在地下水埋深小于0.2 m影响较大,大于0.4 m影响较小;对黄潮土在地下水埋深小于1.0 m影响较大,大于2.0 m影响较小。地温是潜水蒸发的能量来源之一,5—8月,潜水蒸发随地温的增加而增大;11月—次年2月,潜水蒸发随地温的增加而减小,而3、4月和9、10月处于转折阶段,规律性不明显。对多年平均月潜水蒸发与地温进行曲线拟合,采用高斯曲线拟合最好(R~2均大于0.9)。【结论】气象因素对地下水埋深浅的潜水蒸发影响明显,且对黄潮土的影响大于砂姜黑土,可用地温计算潜水蒸发。  相似文献   

[目的]探究引黄春灌对区域浅层地下水动态及地下水理化性质的影响.[方法]通过监测试验区盐碱地春灌前后地下水位、八大离子(Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-、Cl-、SO42-、CO32-)质量浓度、地下水EC值、pH值、土壤电导率等指标,运用数理统计和水文地球化学分析的方法,分析春灌前后地下水动态及春灌后地下...  相似文献   

The evapotranspiration from a 3 to 4 years old drip irrigated peach orchard, located in central Portugal, was measured using the eddy covariance technique during two irrigation seasons, allowing the determination of crop coefficients. These crop coefficient values differed from those tabled in FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56. In order to improve evapotranspiration estimates obtained from FAO tabled crop coefficients, a dual crop coefficient methodology was adopted, following the same guidelines. This approach includes a separation between the plant and soil components of the crop coefficient as well as an adjustment for the sparse nature of the vegetation. Soil evaporation was measured with microlysimeters and compared with soil evaporation estimates obtained by the FAO 56 approach. The FAO 56 method, using the dual crop coefficient methodology, was also found to overestimate crop evapotranspiration. During 2 consecutive years, measured and estimated crop coefficients were around 0.5 and 0.7, respectively. The estimated and measured soil evaporation components of the crop coefficient were similar. Therefore, the overestimation in evapotranspiration seems to result from an incorrect estimate of the plant transpiration component of the crop coefficient. A modified parameter to estimate plant transpiration for young, yet attaining full production, drip irrigated orchards is proposed based on field measurements. The method decreases the value of basal crop coefficient for fully developed vegetation. As a result, estimates of evapotranspiration were greatly improved. Therefore, the new approach seems adequate to estimate basal crop coefficients for orchards attaining maturity established on sandy soils and possibly for other sparse crops under drip irrigation conditions.  相似文献   

近几年锡林河流域开始进入降水偏丰周期,但地下水“入不敷出”的情况愈加明显,过量的地下水开采需求只能通过消耗地下水储蓄量来实现。基于水均衡原理和统计学方法分析锡林河平原区地下水位对降水量和开采量间的响应程度。研究结果表明,各个观测井对降水时序变化的响应差异较大,其中饲草料基地井与农场三队井地下水位变幅对降水较为敏感;水位埋深与开采量之间存在明显的正相关关系,从水位-开采量关系曲线变化趋势来看,随着地下水开采量增加,农场三队、饲草料基地和奶牛场的水位响应最明显;农作物大棚种植区地下水位主要受降水量与开采量共同作用,响应程度为51.16%,而饲草料基地受开采量影响最大,达到60.71%,压减灌溉饲草料地规模、调整集中连片布局为分散式利用是缓解农灌区地下水超采、促进农牧业安全发展的主要途径。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2007,92(1-3):91-114
Water-saving irrigation regimes are needed to deal with a reduced availability of water for rice production. Two important water-saving technologies at field scale are alternately submerged–nonsubmerged (SNS) and flush irrigated (FI) rice. SNS allows dry periods between submerged soil conditions, whereas FI resembles the irrigation regime of an upland crop. The effects of these regimes on the water balance and water savings were compared with continuously submerged (CS) and rainfed (RF) regimes.The crop growth model ORYZA2000 was used to calculate seasonal water balances of CS, SNS, FI, and RF regimes for two locations: Tuanlin in Hubei province in China from 1999 to 2002 during summer seasons and Los Baños in the Philippines in 2002–2003 during dry seasons. The model was first parameterized for site-specific soil conditions and cultivar traits and then evaluated using a combination of statistical and visual comparisons of observed and simulated variables. ORYZA2000 accurately simulated the crop variables leaf area index, biomass, and yield, and the soil water balance variables field water level and soil water tension in the root zone.Next, a scenario study was done to analyse the effect of water regime, soil permeability, and groundwater table depth on irrigation requirement and associated rice yield. For this study historical weather data for both sites were used.Within seasons, the amount of irrigation water application was higher for CS than for any of the water-saving regimes. It was found that groundwater table depth strongly affected the water-yield relationship for the water-saving regimes. Rainfed rice did not lead to significant yield reductions at Tuanlin as long as the groundwater table depth was less than 20 cm. Simulations at Los Baños with a more drought tolerant cultivar showed that FI resulted in higher yields than RF thereby requiring only 420 mm of irrigation.The soil type determined the irrigation water requirement in CS and SNS regimes. A more permeable soil requires around 2000 mm of irrigation water whereas less permeable, heavy soil types require less than half of this amount. We conclude that water savings can be considerable when water regimes are adapted to soil characteristics and rainfall dynamics. To further optimize water-saving regimes in lowland rice, groundwater table dynamics and soil permeability should be taken into account.  相似文献   

干旱区玉米滴灌需水规律的田间试验研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在内蒙古干旱区的一种砂土及砂质壤土上 ,对玉米滴灌需水规律进行了田间试验研究。试验设置高灌水定额 ( 3 0~ 40 mm)、中灌水定额 ( 2 0~ 3 0 mm)和低灌水定额 ( 1 5~ 2 5 mm ) 3个处理 ,灌水周期相同 ,在需水高峰期为 3 d,其它时间为 4~ 7d。试验结果表明 ,中灌水定额处理的株高、叶面积和产量均明显高于低灌水定额处理 ,而高灌水定额与低灌水定额处理之间差异很小。因此对所研究土壤来说 ,建议采用灌水定额 2 0~3 0 mm,灌水周期 3~ 5 d的灌溉制度。这种情况下 ,玉米生育期需水量为 466mm (生育期有效降雨 1 0 1 .1mm)。对滴灌玉米作物系数的计算方法进行比较后发现 ,双作物系数法可以较好地描述灌水或降雨后地表蒸发对作物腾发的影响 ;在作物生育中期 ,分段单值平均法、双作物系数法的计算结果与实测值吻合良好。  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动对灌区地下水埋深的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探析气候变化和人类活动对灌区地下水埋深的影响.[方法]利用年代波动性分析、突变检验、灰色关联分析、敏感性分析、双累积曲线法和相对贡献率分析了人民胜利渠灌区1952-2013年地下水埋深及其影响因素的变化和突变特征,并识别了地下水埋深与各影响因素间的响应特征.[结果]人民胜利渠灌区地下水埋深呈明显增加趋势(0.8...  相似文献   

地下水浅埋区农田地下水动态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在地下水浅埋区,农田地下水动态对降水、蒸发等气象因素很敏感,研究它们之间的关系对农田水管理具有重要意义。对湖北省荆州农业气象试验站1981~2005年和湖北省荆州市四湖工程管理局排灌试验站2000~2004年实测降水、蒸发、土壤水和地下水资料进行分析,建立2种数学模型以模拟不同季节地下水埋深随基本分析时段有效降水、蒸发等因素的变化情况。用后验差指标法检验模型的拟合程度,结果表明,所建立的2种模型都能较好地描述农田地下水动态受降水量、蒸发量等因素影响的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of crop coefficients for evaporation and transpiration is of great importance in optimizing irrigation and modeling water and solute transfers in the soil-crop system. In this study we used inverse modeling techniques on soil sensor measurements at depths from the soil-crop system to estimate crop coefficients. An inverse model was rigorously formulated to infer the crop coefficients and the lengths of growth stages using the measured soil water potential at depths during crop growth. By applying a micro-genetic algorithm to the formulated inverse model, the optimum values of the crop coefficient and the corresponding length of growth stage were successfully deduced. It has been found that the lengths of both the initial and development growth stages of cabbage were 5 d shorter than those from the FAO56 (Irrigation and Drainage Paper by the FAO). The deduced crop coefficient for transpiration at the initial growth stage was 0.11; slightly smaller than 0.15 recommended by the FAO56, while at the mid-season growth stage, the deduced value of 0.95 was identical with the recommended value. Results show that the predictions of soil water potential using the obtained values of crop coefficients agreed well with the measurements throughout the entire growing period, indicating that the deduced crop coefficients were credible and appropriate for cabbage grown under the specific conditions of location and climate. It follows that the strategy presented in the study can enable accurate estimates of crop coefficients to be obtained from soil sensor measurements and inverse modeling techniques.  相似文献   

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