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东乡野生稻是全球分布最北的普通野生稻,具有丰富的抗逆性状,其育种利用价值高。本文综述了近年来东乡野生稻在耐冷、耐旱及抗虫等重要耐逆性状及其分子机制研究方面取得的进展,以期为水稻耐逆性的进一步研究提供依据。  相似文献   

不同尺度下低山丘陵区茶园土壤钾素含量变异与制图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以低山丘陵区中峰乡生态茶园为例,利用地统计学方法和GIS(Geographic Information System)相结合,分析了在中、小两个尺度下茶园土壤速效钾和缓效钾含量的空间变异规律,并进行了空间异质性的比较。结果表明:(1)中尺度下茶园土壤速效钾和缓效钾的变异系数分别为40.21%和37.60%,属于中等程度变异;小尺度下速效钾和缓效钾的变异系数分别为42.12%和53.56%,也属于中等程度变异。(2)中尺度下土壤速效钾在主轴70°方向上有较强的空间相关性,在主轴25°、115°和160°方向上具有中等程度相关性,缓效钾在主轴113°方向上具有中等的空间相关性,在68°、158°、203°方向上具有强烈的空间相关性;小尺度下土壤速效钾在主轴112°方向上变异比较明显,其他方向上变异均很小,缓效钾在主轴73°、118°方向上变异明显。(3)中尺度下土壤速效钾含量在西北至东南方向呈明显的带状分布,海拔主要影响在垂直方向上的变异,缓效钾的空间分布规律不明显;小尺度下土壤速效钾含量呈块状分布,整体上其含量由西北向东南方向有逐渐增加的趋势,缓效钾含量的空间分布上的规律与速效钾基本一致。  相似文献   

陈李林  周浩  赵杰 《茶叶科学》2020,40(6):817-829
基于中国820个气象站点数据、灰茶尺蠖已知地理分布资料和生物学数据,结合CLIMEX模型与ArcGIS软件模拟预测灰茶尺蠖在中国目前及未来的潜在分布范围,评估灰茶尺蠖的潜在分布范围及气候变暖对其分布的潜在影响。结果表明,灰茶尺蠖在中国目前的适生区主要分布在3°51′N~40°6′N,适生区面积占全国总面积的34.27%。中国大部分省份的气候条件均适合灰茶尺蠖种群生长。随着气候的变化,灰茶尺蠖在中国的潜在适生区面积总体增幅不大,但其组成变化较大。至2050年,预测灰茶尺蠖高度适生区面积占比达最大(22.23%)。相比各种能源之间的平衡情景(A1B),较高能源需求情景(A2)下灰茶尺蠖在陕甘宁地区向内陆扩张更快。灰茶尺蠖在中国适生区分布广泛,应加强灰茶尺蠖预测预报,趁早采取防控措施,以保障茶叶优质安全生产。  相似文献   

四川崇州枇杷茶野生大茶树生化成分及制茶品质初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查四川崇州枇杷茶野生大茶树的资源现状,根据植物学特征,从中选取具代表性的茶树初分为6种不同类型(依次编号为A类、B类、C类、D类、E类、F类),测试了其主要生化成分含量,评审了所制红、绿茶样的制茶品质。结果表明,不同类型枇杷茶树游离氨基酸总量为(2.46±0.07)%~(5.69±0.10)%,茶多酚含量为(21.67±0.40)%~(37.16±0.99)%,咖啡碱含量为(4.01±0.18)%~(4.88±0.03)%,水浸出物含量为(33.31±2.49)%~(47.28±1.35)%,儿茶素总量为(77.08±1.18)~(236.47±29.59)mg/g,因此,部分材料可以作为选育高儿茶素、高咖啡碱等特异成分的育种材料。以咖啡碱、表儿茶素没食子酸酯、表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯作为影响红碎茶品质的第一、二、三主成分或综合因子,结合主要生化成分含量、酚/氨值及感官审评结果可推论,E类适制红茶,F类制绿茶品质最优。从茶氨酸及苯丙氨酸的含量比例、儿茶素组分及总量等可推论,6类供试枇杷茶树中,E类茶树进化程度最高,接近栽培型。  相似文献   

田间试验结果表明,“丙环·嘧菌酯+天然螯合硼钙”组合对水稻后期综合性病害有较好的控制作用及增产效果。在水稻分蘖末期、孕穗中期每667 m2连续使用19%丙环·嘧菌酯SE 50 mL+天然螯合硼钙50 mL后,对稻瘟病、稻曲病的防治效果分别高达95.1%和97.8%,极显著优于施用75%肟菌·戊唑醇WG 10 g和32.5%苯甲·嘧菌酯SC 30 mL的处理,且安全性好、增产效果明显。“丙环·嘧菌酯+天然螯合硼钙”组合在当前水稻生产上有较好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

东乡野生稻具有丰富的遗传多样性,是水稻育种的宝贵资源。综述了东乡野生稻高产性状、抗病性、抗虫性、耐寒性、抗旱性、细胞质雄性不育及其育性恢复和其它优良性状的鉴定、基因定位、遗传及其育种利用等方面的研究进展,并就进一步研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

以EGCG-O-甲基转移酶催化EGCG生成EGCG3′′Me、EGCG4′′Me和EGCG3′Me等3种主要的EGCG甲基化衍生物的生成量为主要指标,考察了EGCG甲基化衍生物酶促合成的反应条件。结果表明,EGCG甲基化衍生物的酶促合成最佳反应条件为:温度35℃,pH7.5,DTT和Mg2+的浓度为2mmol/L;在该反应条件下,反应体系中EGCG3′′Me、EGCG4′′Me以及EGCG3′Me的生成量分别可达到386.39μg/mL、23.40μg/mL和107.01μg/mL。  相似文献   

赵隽劼  费丹  陈萍  严松  徐俊 《中国稻米》2022,28(4):23-26
通过对江西省东乡野生稻种质资源的野外调查,结合东乡野生稻原生境保护区实地监测结果,分析了东乡野生稻种质资源保护现状及其存在的主要问题,提出了进一步保护和利用的对策,为更好保护东乡野生稻种质资源和研究利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

取健康家兔10只,随机分为2组,单剂量静注和灌服脂质体儿茶素(Catechin Liposome)25mg/kg。用高效液相色谱法测定血浆中儿茶素原药质量浓度。房室模型分析表明:健康家兔静注儿茶素脂质体的药时数据符合无吸收二室开放模型,主要药物动力学参数为:t1/2α0.18±0.01βh,t1/2β1.52±0.08βh,Vd4.48±0.24L,ClB2.05±0.07L/h,AUC29.20±1.00βmg/(L.h),K101.64±0.19h–1,K211.08±0.06h–1,K121.61±0.19h–1。健康家兔灌服脂质体儿茶素的药时数据符合一级吸收一室开放模型,主要药物动力学参数为:t1/2ka 0.27±0.03βh,t1/2ke 1.72±0.04βh,tmax0.87±0.05βh,Cmax6.53±0.62βmg/L,AUC 25.90±1.34βmg/(L.h),F 88.60±5.73%。脂质体儿茶素在健康家兔体内的药动学特征是:吸收迅速,达峰时间较短,消除慢,半衰期延长,表现分布容积大,口服生物利用度高。结果表明:儿茶素经脂质体包封后,药物动力学及组织分布均发生了明显改变。  相似文献   

【目的】全球气候变化异常导致旱涝急转事件频发,为保障国家粮食安全,做好农作物的防灾减灾工作,研究了旱涝急转条件下水稻的减产特征。【方法】以淮北平原区水稻为试验对象,在淮委水利科学研究院新马桥农水试验站(117°22′E,33°09′N)开展了为期两年(2017–2018年)的水稻旱涝急转胁迫试验,分析了不同旱涝胁迫程度、不同胁迫持续时间的单一干旱、单一淹涝、旱涝急转胁迫对水稻产量及产量构成的影响,提出先期旱与后期涝的补偿、削减作用量化指标R,揭示了旱涝急转后期淹涝胁迫与前期干旱胁迫对水稻产量影响的交互作用新规律。【结果】拔节期发生旱涝急转产量普遍减少,减产范围12.38%~56.15%。其中,重旱重涝组合对产量最为不利,粒数与粒重减少是旱涝急转胁迫条件下水稻减产主要原因;旱涝急转处理下前期适度干旱可减轻后期淹涝导致的减产,即旱涝急转旱胁迫对涝胁迫具有产量上的补偿效应,主要是提高了每穗粒数、总粒数和结实率;而后期淹涝对前期干旱具有协同作用,表现出产量上的削减效应,主要是每穗粒数、总粒数、千粒质量、结实率的减少。【结论】前期已经发生了轻、中旱胁迫,应尽量避免后期淹涝对水稻的二次损伤;若预测到后期将出现洪涝,并且短时间内田间排水设施无法消除其不利影响,则可提前在水稻拔节中、后期进行旱锻炼以减轻水稻产量损失。  相似文献   

An attempt was made to determine the qualitative changes in basmati rice(Pusa Basmati 1121, PB1121) during soaking at 40 ℃ to 80 ℃. Soaking temperature had significant effect(α = 0.01) on chemical composition, glycemic index and starch characteristics of rice. Starch content, apparent amylose content, crude protein content and crude fat content in un-soaked rice were found to be 73.24%, 27.26%, 8.79% and 2.56%, respectively, but differences in these traits were observed after soaking. Amylose to amylopectin ratio(Am/Ap) decreased from 0.59 to 0.52(soaked at 80 ℃). Crude fibre and crude ash contents increased after soaking. The mineral composition(K, P, S, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn) in soaked rice was found to be 16.46% higher than un-soaked rice at the same degree of polishing. Glycemic index of un-soaked rice was found to be 58.41, but decreased to 54.31 after soaking at 80 ℃. Pasting properties, scanning electron microscope images, and X-ray diffractograms suggested partial gelatinization of starch in the temperature range of 60 ℃ to 80 ℃. Based on qualitative changes in rice(apparent amylose content, Am/Ap ratio and crystallinity rate), it was concluded that intermediate soaking temperatures(60 ℃ to 70 ℃) would be useful for soaking of PB1121.  相似文献   

Deep rooting is an important trait in rice drought resistance. Genetic resources of deep-rooting varieties are valuable in breeding of water-saving and drought-resistant rice. In the present study, 234 BC2F7 backcross introgression lines were derived from a cross of Dongye 80 (an accession of Dongxiang wild rice as the donor parent) and R974 (an indica restorer line as the recurrent parent). A genetic linkage map containing 1 977 bin markers was constructed by ddRADSeq for QTL analysis. Thirty-one QTLs for four root traits (the number of deep roots, the number of shallow roots, the total number of deep roots and the ratio of deep roots) were assessed on six rice chromosomes in two environments (2020 Shanghai and 2021 Hainan). Two of the QTLs, qDR5.1 and qTR5.2, were located on chromosome 5 in a 70-kb interval. They were detected in both environments. qDR5.1 explained 13.35% of the phenotypic variance in 2020 Shanghai and 12.01% of the phenotypic variance in 2021 Hainan. qTR5.2 accounted for 10.88% and 10.93% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. One QTL (qRDR2.2) for the ratio of deep roots was detected on chromosome 2 in a 210-kb interval and accounted for 6.72% of the phenotypic variance in 2020. The positive effects of these three QTLs were all from Dongxiang wild rice. Furthermore, nine and four putative candidate genes were identified in qRDR2.2 and qDR5.1/qTR5.2, respectively. These findings added to our knowledge of the genetic control of root traits in rice. In addition, this study will facilitate the future isolation of candidate genes of the deep-rooting trait and the utilization of Dongxiang wild rice in the improvement of rice drought resistance.  相似文献   

Paddy rice samples were parboiled by soaking at 65 °C for 180 min and steaming at 96 °C for 2–10 min, and then dried to achieve the final moisture content of 11% ± 1%. The degree of starch gelatinization(DSG) and several quality attributes(head rice yield(HRY), color value and hardness) of parboiled rice were measured. Results showed that DSG(46.8%–77.9%), color value(18.08–19.04) and hardness(118.6–219.2 N) all increased following steaming. In contrast, the HRY increased(64.8%–67.1%) for steaming times between 2–4 min but decreased(67.1%–65.0%) for steaming times between 4–10 min. Linear relations between DSG and color value(R~2 = 0.87), and DSG and hardness(R~2 = 0.88) were observed. The suitable DSG of parboiled rice leading to the highest HRY was found to be 62.5%, obtained following 4 min of steaming.  相似文献   

东乡野生稻育性恢复性的鉴定与遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以东乡野生稻水桃树、东塘上2个居群与不同细胞质来源的5个水稻不育系(B06S、珍汕97A、协青早A、中97A和粤泰A)配组,根据F1结实率的高低对东乡野生稻育性恢复性进行鉴定。建立了10个组合的P1、F1、P2、F2群体,利用混合模型理论的Akaike信息准则(AIC),在F2代中鉴定影响数量性状的主基因存在与否,主基因存在时通过分离分析估计主基因和微效基因的遗传效应以及所占总变异的分量。F1代的结实率变化范围为45.98%~76.57%,表明东乡野生稻具有一定的育性恢复性。F2代中该性状符合1对主基因+多基因的遗传模式,主基因遗传率为56.63%~88.29%,多基因遗传率为2.74%~30.97%,总基因型遗传率为63.17%~94.01%。中9A /东塘上居群杂交组合的F2代中,主基因是加性遗传,无显性效应,其他9个组合主基因是完全显性遗传。  相似文献   

由α、β和γ 3个亚基组成的异源三聚体G蛋白是真核生物中一类重要的信号传导分子,在生长发育中起重要的调控作用。G蛋白通过细胞表面的偶联受体感知细胞外刺激,并由G 蛋白传送信号到胞内蛋白来影响细胞行为。植物与动物G蛋白虽然具有类似的分子结构,但植物信号的传递由非典型“自我激活”机制和效应蛋白来完成并控制植物生长发育。综述了植物G蛋白的组成;重点介绍了水稻G蛋白亚基编码基因 D1GS3DEP1qNGR9参与激素、抗病、抗逆信号传导及水稻株型控制,粒型和N元素高效吸收利用的研究进展。另外,对G蛋白的偶联信号途径组分和功能、系统生物学和应用方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to develop and characterize a novel cytoplasmic male sterile(CMS)source which was identified from Dongxiang wild rice(Oryza rufipogon)by crossing Dongxiang wild rice as female with Zhongzao 35,an indica inbred variety,as male and continuous backcrossing with Zhongzao 35.Observation under optical microscope manifested that this novel CMS belonged to typical abortion type with less pollen compared with wild abortive type cytoplasm(CMS-WA).Sequential planting showed that this novel CMS has complete and stable male sterility.Testcross experiment showed that all the 24 tested materials including maintainer and restorer lines of CMS-WA and Honglian type cytoplasm(CMS-HL)and other indica inbred varieties are the maintainers with complete maintaining ability,suggesting that this novel CMS has fertility restoration totally different from CMS-WA and CMS-HL and belongs to a novel type of CMS.So far,we only discovered a unique fertility restoration source for this novel CMS.Inheritance analysis showed that the fertility restoration of this CMS was governed by three pairs of independent dominant genes.Prospect for application of this novel CMS system in hybrid rice breeding was also discussed.  相似文献   

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