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栗茶间作是较为经典的林茶间作类型,对生态环境修复以及农林业的可持续发展具有重要意义。文章简要归纳栗茶间作对茶园生态因子、茶树根系、茶叶质量及经济、生态效益影响的研究进展,介绍栗茶间作这种稳定高产的生态茶园经营模式,以期为栗茶间作提高茶园综合效益提供借鉴。  相似文献   

油棕体细胞胚的诱导是油棕体胚发生技术体系中最关键的培养过程,通过建立油棕次生胚增殖培养方法可有效地实现油棕组培苗快速的增殖繁育。本研究通过系统的对油棕体细胞胚发生及次生胚再生途径中若干影响因子的比较研究,建立油棕体细胞胚和次生胚再生体系。结果表明:油棕体细胞胚再生体系在不同基因型的油棕品种内诱导率存在较大差别,其中植物外源激素二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-D)对油棕胚诱导效果较好;油棕次生胚增殖在不同基因型的油棕品种内差异不显著,木本植物培养基(WPM)在油棕次生胚增殖中培养效果最好。  相似文献   

油棕是热带地区主要的油料作物之一,基于SCI收录的研究论文分析世界油棕的研究格局,对我国油棕产业布局及科研管理具有重要意义。分析结果发现,马来西亚是世界上研究油棕最多的国家,其次是美国和法国,而我国在油棕领域的研究亟需加强。  相似文献   

间套作棉田高产高效栽培技术①赵敬霞王忠义河北省石家庄市农科院050041焦同库马新田河北省辛集市种子公司052360棉田间作套种已有多年历史,但由于棉花品种、栽培技术不配套,使间作棉田费工不少,总体效益不尽理想。近几年,为了提高套作棉田效益,降低棉田...  相似文献   

棉豆间作的综合效益及其配套技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉豆间作的综合效益及其配套技术周存高浙江省江山市农业局江山3241001棉豆间作的效益分析1.1生态效益4月底至7月上旬为棉豆共生期。5月底前,棉豆均处苗期,植株互无影响。6月棉花处蕾期,豆处花期,双方生长较快,棉株比豆株高出30~40cm,棉的遮荫...  相似文献   

观测结果,间作区的橡胶和间作物的生长量都大于对照。影响间作物生长和产量的主要因素是行间光照条件。甘蔗生长要求全光照,益智适合光照度50%左右,咖啡、胡椒及茶叶要求光强度在70-80%之间。为获得较高间作生产效益,必须做好间作计划,按不同间作物的生长习性,合理间作。  相似文献   

棉花间作套种“残毒”治理措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉花间作套种“残毒”治理措施张统亮山东邹平县棉花生产办公室256200为了提高植棉效益,缓解棉花生产滑坡,我们选择了棉花间作套种的路子。这一种植制度的改革,无疑对提高植棉效益、稳定棉花生产起到了积极的推动作用。但是,在提高效益的同时,也带来了农产品...  相似文献   

在不同程度的人工干旱胁迫下,测定10个油棕品种的叶绿素、游离脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、丙二醛含量、相对电导率、SOD与POD酶活性等,并利用SAS8.1统计主成分分析法,对10个油棕品种的抗旱能力进行综合评价。结果表明:(1)在干旱胁迫初期(0~5 d),油棕各生理指标向着有利于适应抗旱的方向变化;随着干旱时间的延长(5~30 d)和胁迫程度的加剧(trt1~trt3),各指标反映出油棕植株受害;当胁迫达50 d时,各生理指标几乎都向着抗旱有利的方向转变,表明油棕对干旱有较强的耐受性;(2)主成分分析表明,叶绿素含量、相对电导率、可溶性糖含量和SOD酶活性是反映油棕干旱胁迫的最重要的生理指标,可作为油棕品种抗旱性评价的依据;(3)10个油棕品种的综合抗旱力排序为:RYL34>RYL39>RYL38>RYL32>RYL37>RYL31>RYL36>RYL40>RYL33>RYL35。  相似文献   

在油棕传粉象甲人工饲养过程中,原有的成虫饲养装置存在2点突出问题。改进成虫饲养装置并比较改进后的饲养效果,发现改进后的油棕传粉象甲成虫饲养装置的人工饲养效率显明提高,为油棕传粉象甲规模饲养提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

麦、瓜、棉、豆间作套种栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着杂交棉花在我国长江流域的普及,早熟大豆品种的育成与推广,棉田套种大豆技术也在不断发展,大豆、棉花、西瓜和小麦四种作物间作套种,既能增加生产效益,也能使大豆增产。简要介绍这四种作物的间作套种技术及获得高产、高效的技术关键。  相似文献   

Ground cover is an essential element in the selection of habitats by small mammals. It provides shelter, foraging opportunities and a hiding place from predators. In oil palm plantations rodents are abundant yet the relationships between ground cover structure and rats are not well understood. Plantation management emphasizes maximisation of oil palm yield by reducing rat damage and competition from weeds, typically through chemical control. This study examined the relationships between ground cover, including undergrowth and frond piles, and rat abundance. Rat trapping and vegetation assessment were conducted simultaneously in five study plots in the Labu Estate, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Over 21,000 trap-nights 1190 individual rats were captured and these data were analysed using spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE). No significant clustering of rats was observed within any plot over time. Redundancy analyses suggested that the overall occurrence of rats, especially Rattus argentiventer, was positively correlated with vegetation cover and height. This implies that habitat complexity is important to rats, even in a relatively simple agroecosystem. Results of the SADIE analyses were inconsistent, perhaps due to highly variable management practices in the plantations. The findings from this study suggest that using an integrated approach in the control of both weeds and rats in oil palm plantations may maximise the benefits from weeding while reducing the production loss due to rats and the need for chemical control of rats.  相似文献   

中国目前没有专门的油棕授粉昆虫,油棕园主要靠风媒和人工授粉。为研究人工授粉对油棕产量的影响,分别在12个油棕品种上进行了试验,并与风媒授粉作了比较。结果表明,人工授粉:(1)显著提高了座果率,平均由62.25%提高至89.18%;(2)显著改善了产量性状指标,其中:平均果串重由6.18kg增加至12.40kg,增幅100.64%;果实占果穗平均比重由52.53%增加至66.02%,增幅13.49%;果穗含油率平均由21.71%增加至28.76%,增幅7.05%;核仁占鲜果串比重平均由7.70%增加至8.62%,增幅0.92%;(3)显著提高了鲜果产量,平均增加了61.1%,毛棕油产量提高了113.4%,经济收益增幅达103.23%。  相似文献   

胶园间种柱花草的生态适宜性及间作效益评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在幼、中、成龄胶园中进行了柱花草间种的生态适宜性试验。结果表明,仅幼龄胶园可以间种,间种后土壤肥力略有下降,对胶树生长亦有一定影响,但无显著差异,柱花草产量为全光照的46.5%。中、成龄胶园不宜间种柱花草,原因是:(1)中、成龄胶园内光照太弱,上午10:00平均仅为全光照的13%;(2)中、成龄胶园行间整地后橡胶营养根系生长迅速,密布土壤表层,柱花草无法同其竞争;(3)中、成龄胶园柱花草长势弱,易遭受从橡胶树冠落下的雨滴打击,林地湿度较大,炭疽病十分严重易导致衰败。对Wasana的PER和LER评价公式进行了修正,建立了土壤养分均衡率公式,采用了Wasana的IER经济效益评价公式,对幼龄胶园间作柱花草的效益进行了评价。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):288-297

Cultivation of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) has expanded tremendously in recent years such that it is now second only to soybean as a major source of the world supply of oils and fats. Presently, Southeast Asia is the dominant region of production with Malaysia being the leading producer and exporter of palm oil. This paper reviews the various factors that have led to oil palm occupying its present position, including biological, technical, managerial, environmental, and socio-political aspects. Biological features recognised as critical to the high productivity of the crop are examined. These include its perennial and evergreen nature (giving a continuous year-round canopy cover intercepting a high proportion of incoming radiation), the year-round production of fruit bunches and the high partition of total assimilates into harvested product. Scientific and managerial aspects contributing to the success of the crop include the significant genetic improvements and production of high quality planting materials, the development and application of finely-tuned agronomic practices, the appropriate scale and efficient organisation of oil palm plantations and the continuous R&D and good infra-structural support provided in the main producing countries. The programmes of crop improvement through the utilisation of traditional breeding and selection methods, the development and benefits of vegetative propagation techniques using tissue culture and ongoing efforts to apply molecular and genetic engineering techniques to improve and modify oil composition, are reviewed. Finally, the nutritional qualities of palm oil as a healthy component of diet are briefly described.  相似文献   

为了寻求适合高山茶园的间作模式,探究不同间作作物对茶园主要叶部病害发生的影响。本文通过田间试验,明确川西北茶园主要叶部病害种类;通过对茶-黄豆、茶-玉米、茶-李树、茶-厚朴间作茶园和单作茶园的病害发生情况进行调查研究,比较分析不同模式茶园叶部病害发生的差异性。结果表明,川西北高山茶园主要叶部病害为茶饼病、茶炭疽病、茶云纹叶枯病、茶圆赤星病和茶赤叶斑病;4种间作作物中黄豆和玉米是较为理想的间作作物。茶-黄豆间作的茶园茶饼病和茶炭疽病发病率最低,两种病害发病率分别比单作茶园降低了85.12%和74.34%;茶-玉米间作茶园炭疽病发病率比单作茶园降低了49.76%。茶-厚朴间作茶园茶饼病的平均发病率为27.82%,是单作茶园的11.50倍。同时茶-厚朴间作茶园9月份炭疽病的发病率高达51.67%是单作茶园发病率的2.73倍。因此,黄豆和玉米是替代厚朴等林木类较为理想的高山茶园间作作物,间作黄豆可显著降低茶园病害的发生,减轻病害的损失。  相似文献   

简要回顾和总结云南橡胶园间作发展过程,分析我国橡胶园间作存在的主要问题及原因,提出了应用生物多样性理论创新橡胶种植模式的发展思路,并初步描述了生物多样性胶园的建设概念、主要建设内容及方法设想。  相似文献   

幼龄胶园间种香蕉光合及水分生理生态特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比研究幼龄胶园间种香蕉后,橡胶与香蕉的光合及水分生理生态特性。试验结果表明:(1) 间种香蕉的橡胶树幼林净光合速率和蒸腾速率均高于无间种(对照)的橡胶树幼林,水分利用效率间作香蕉的胶树低于无间种的对(照胶)胶树;(2) 橡胶树下间种的香蕉净光合速率与对照香蕉间无明显差异,蒸腾速率以普通对照的香蕉略大,水分利用效率是间作的香蕉略大。幼林胶园间种香蕉,能充分利用林下资源,生态效应良好,值得发展。  相似文献   

茶园间作芳香植物罗勒和紫苏对茶园生态系统影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过茶园间作芳香植物研究其对茶园害虫和天敌种群数量、土壤养分状况、茶树生长及茶叶生化成分等的影响,分析间作芳香植物对幼龄茶园的生态综合调控效果。幼龄茶园间种芳香植物能减少小贯小绿叶蝉和绿盲蝽的数量,增加茶园中瓢虫、草蛉、寄生蜂和蜘蛛等天敌的数量;芳香植物间作区土壤中铵态氮、有效磷和速效钾的含量高于绿肥间作区和对照;茶园间作芳香植物能在一定程度上促进茶树生长、培养幼龄茶园的树势和树冠、增加茶叶产量。茶园间作芳香植物能减少茶叶中茶多酚和咖啡碱含量,提高可溶性糖和儿茶素含量,改善茶叶品质。可见茶园间作芳香植物是一种具有较好生态效益的茶园栽培管理模式,能促进生态茶园的发展。  相似文献   

In recent times there has been a growing research interest in palm oil, one of the major edible plant oils in the tropical countries, because of the link between dietary fats and coronary heart disease. Obtained from a tropical plant, Elaesis guineensis, it has a polyunsaturated fatty acid/saturated fatty acid ratio close to unity and a high amount of antioxidant vitamin A precursors and vitamin E. Palm oil is consumed in the fresh state and/or at various levels of oxidation. Feeding experiments in various animal species and humans have highlighted the beneficial role of fresh palm oil to health. These benefits include reduction in the risk of arterial thrombosis and atherosclerosis, inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and platelet aggregation, and reduction in blood pressure. However, a considerable amount of the commonly used palm oil is in the oxidized state which possesses potential dangers to the physiological and biochemical functions of the body. Oxidation is as a result of processing the oil for various culinary purposes. Studies have revealed that relative to fresh palm oil, oxidized palm oil induces an adverse plasma lipid profile, free fatty acids, phospholipids and cerebrosides. Additionally, oxidized palm oil induces reproductive toxicity and organotoxicity particularly of the kidneys, lungs, liver and heart. Available evidence suggests that at least part of the oxidized oil impact on health reflects generation of toxicants due to oxidation. The reduction of the dietary level of oxidized oil and/or the level of oxidation may reduce the health risk associated with consumption of oxidized fats.  相似文献   

The link between dietary fats and cardiovascular diseases has necessitateda growing research interest in palm oil, the second largest consumedvegetable oil in the world. Palm oil, obtained from a tropical plant, Elaeis guineensis contains 50% saturated fatty acids, yet it does notpromote atherosclerosis and arterial thrombosis. The saturated fatty acidto unsaturated fatty acid ratio of palm oil is close to unity and it containsa high amount of the antioxidants, -carotene, and vitamin E. Although palm oil-based diets induce a higher blood cholesterol level thando corn, soybean, safflower seed, and sunflower oils, the consumption ofpalm oil causes the endogenous cholesterol level to drop. Thisphenomenon seems to arise from the presence of the tocotrienols and thepeculiar isomeric position of its fatty acids.The benefits of palm oil to health include reduction in risk of arterialthrombosis and atherosclerosis, inhibition of endogenous cholesterolbiosynthesis, platelet aggregation, and reduction in blood pressure. Palm oilhas been used in the fresh state and/or at various levels of oxidation.Oxidation is a result of processing the oil for various culinary purposes.However, a considerable amount of the commonly used palm oil is in theoxidized state, which poses potential dangers to the biochemical andphysiological functions of the body. Unlike fresh palm oil, oxidized palm oilinduces an adverse lipid profile, reproductive toxicity and toxicity of thekidney, lung, liver, and heart. This may be as a result of the generation oftoxicants brought on by oxidation. In contrast to oxidized palm oil, red orrefined palm oil at moderate levels in the diet of experimental animalspromotes efficient utilization of nutrients, favorable body weight gains,induction of hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes, adequatehemoglobinization of red cells and improvement of immune function. However, high palm oil levels in the diet induce toxicity to the liver asshown by loss of cellular radial architecture and cell size reductions whichare corroborated by alanine transaminase to aspartate transaminase ratioswhich are higher than unity.The consumption of moderate amounts of palm oil and reduction in thelevel of oxidation may reduce the health risk believed to be associated withthe consumption of palm oil. Red palm oil, by virtue of its-carotene content, may protect against vitamin A deficiency andcertain forms of cancer.  相似文献   

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