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对盆栽的伴生有金雀花(Cytisus scoparius)、黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum)的辐射松(Pinus radiata)幼苗施用3种浓度(O,50,100 μg·g-1)的三过磷酸钙,14个月后测定缺磷Allophanic土壤中各磷形态变化,确定根际土壤中施加的磷肥的去向.结果表明,施加磷肥增加了根际土壤中NaOH-Pi、NaOH-P0和H2SO4-Pi的浓度,但是减少了土壤残留磷的含量,而树脂磷浓度维持不变,在这种土壤中树脂磷浓度仍然较低(1 to 3μg·g-1).施加到土壤里的磷肥,有机磷的回收率最高(40%-49%),这是因为这种土壤具有较高的磷固定能力(92%),其次是不稳定有机磷(7%-19%).在磷肥缺乏或不施加磷肥的情况下,辐射松根际土壤中有机磷浓度低于周边土壤以及金雀花、黑麦草根际土壤.这可能与磷肥缺乏条件下,根系和菌根产生较高的草酸盐而释放部分磷到根际土壤中有关.但此观点需要进一步的研究检验.  相似文献   

磷是植物生长所必需的营养元素之一。但大多数土壤具有全磷含量高,有效磷含量较低的特点,难以满足植物生长的需要。而提高植物对土壤中磷素的吸收利用能力是解决土壤有效磷供应不足的有效途径。根系是植物吸收矿质养分的主要器官,其特性决定着植物对土壤磷的吸收和利用效率,因此分析根系及根际分泌物对土壤磷素的响应机制是提高作物磷效率的基础。同时通过外源添加土壤磷活化剂以提高我国磷肥利用率,也是促进植物磷高效利用的有效方法。但目前有关提高植物对磷的高效利用的研究主要集中于外源添加磷活化剂,根系形态结构的变化、根系与根际微生物互作方面,而在土壤系统中各个要素的相互作用关系极为复杂,因此,提出了在未来的研究中也不应局限于单一因素的研究发展,磷高效利用机理及方法还需进一步研究完善。  相似文献   

监测林地土壤肥力动态变化有利于山核桃Caryacathayensis林地土壤地力维护及科学经营管理。以杭州市临安区山核桃主产区7个镇山核桃林地土壤为研究对象,分别于2008年、2013年和2018年调查、采集固定位点254个样地土壤样品,研究不同镇山核桃林地土壤肥力的动态变化。结果表明,2018年山核桃林地土壤pH平均为5.77,有机碳平均含量为19.52 g·kg-1,水解氮、有效磷、速效钾平均含量分别为74.96 mg·kg-1,3.64 mg·kg-1,99.93 mg·kg-1;2018年,7个镇山核桃林地的土壤水解氮含量显著低于2008年和2013年(P0.05);7个镇林地土壤磷素有效性普遍较低,均不能满足山核桃正常生长磷素需求;不同镇山核桃林地土壤速效钾含量以2013年为最低,其中,岛石镇、河桥镇土壤速效钾含量显著低于2008年(P0.05);2008-2018年,7个镇山核桃林地的土壤有机碳和土壤pH总体上呈升高趋势,而土壤水解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量下降明显。今后,在山核桃林经营过程中仍需大力推广测土施肥技术,科学施用氮肥,重视钾肥施用,提高磷肥利用率,促进山核桃林地土壤营养均衡供给。  相似文献   

经过连续6a对岷江上游干旱河谷油松刺槐混交林分的土壤水分、养分、理化性质及林冠结构和效益研究,结果表明:(1)混交林土壤0~40 cm平均含水量比油松纯林增加0.91 g·kg-1、比刺槐纯林增加0.55 g·kg-1;(2)混交林18年后土壤容重比油松纯林减少0.13 g·cm-3、比刺槐纯林土壤容重减少0.10 g·cm-3;(3)混交林土壤有机质比纯林增加0.54 mg.kg-1~1.48 mg·kg-1、土壤碳酸钙含量比纯林减少0.43 mg·kg-1~1.09 mg.kg-1、土壤有效氮比纯林增加6.4 mg·kg-1~19.4 mg·kg-1、土壤有效磷比纯林增加0.36 mg·kg-1~1.37 mg·kg-1、土壤有效钾比纯林减少6.90 mg·kg-1~23.90 mg·kg-1,土壤CEC含量比纯林增加0.23 mg·100 g-1~0.85 mg·100 g-1;(4)混交林林冠面积、林冠厚度、林冠水分截留率分别比纯林提高47.83%~78.95%、40.63%~73.08%、6.15%~8.32%,枯落物饱和持水量是纯林的1.62倍~4.22倍;(5)混交林中油松的树高、胸径比纯林分别提高24.7%和27.35%,混交林年均利润是纯林的7.12倍。  相似文献   

磷素环境与马褂木种源的生长和干物质积累   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自然土壤中有效磷含量很低,难以满足植物最佳生长的需要。据统计,在全世界13·19亿hm2的耕地中约有43%缺磷,而我国耕地则有2/3缺磷(何绪生等,1998)。我国南方地区高温多雨,富铝化作用明显,多数土壤呈酸性或强酸性,磷素固定强烈,土壤有效磷含量仅在1~2mg·kg-1(邱燕等,2003)。虽然施用磷肥的效果显著,但其利用率一般不超过10%,多为土壤固定并转变成植物较难吸收的Ca-P、Fe-P和Al-P等(熊毅,1997)。鉴于植物具有将土壤难溶态磷转化为有效态磷并加以吸收利用的能力,通过选育磷高效利用的植物品种来开发土壤中难溶态的磷素资源,可减小对施用磷…  相似文献   

测定云南松根际土和非根际土的全磷、有机磷、有效磷、pH值、酸性、中性、碱性磷酸酶活性.结果表明:根际土与非根际土之间的全磷和有机磷含量差异不显著,而有效磷含量差异极显著.根际土pH值极显著地低于非根际的.酸性、中性磷酸酶活性占总酶量的比例较大,碱性磷酸酶的较小.根际土的3种磷酸酶的含量极显著地高于非根际土的.根际活化磷的能力与土壤中的总磷含量、有机磷含量以及pH值和碱性磷酸酶的数量成显著正相关关系,这表明磷的活化是多因素共同作用的结果.不同林龄的云南松根际对磷的活化有一定差异,年龄小的云南松根际土与非根际土之间的有效磷差异较大.  相似文献   

【目的】研究黄河三角洲4个不同树种人工林根际土壤细菌群落结构及多样性,揭示人工林改善土壤生产力的微生物学机制,为人工林的栽培和管理提供理论依据。【方法】应用高通量测序技术,比较臭椿、榆树、绒毛白蜡和刺槐4种人工林根际土壤细菌群落结构及多样性,并结合根际土壤理化性质进行相关性分析。【结果】1)臭椿、榆树、白蜡和刺槐人工林根际土壤细菌分别有27、26、28和28门,酸杆菌门、变形菌门和放线菌门3门细菌在4种人工林根际土壤中相对丰度大于10%,是根际土壤中的优势群落;硝化螺旋菌门、绿弯菌门、浮游菌门、芽单胞菌门和疣微菌门5门细菌相对丰度超过1%,是根际土壤中的主要群落。4种人工林根际土壤中变形菌门、WS3、蓝藻菌门、广古菌门、厚壁菌门、OD1和软皮菌门7门细菌丰度差异显著。2)4种人工林中刺槐根际土壤细菌多样性最高,物种数、Chao1指数、Shannon多样性指数和Simpson指数分别为1 828.49、2 602.81、8.92和0.95。榆树根际土壤细菌物种数和白蜡根际土壤细菌Chao1指数最低,分别为1 703.36和2 161.69。臭椿根际土壤细菌Shannon指数最低,Simpson指数最高,分别为8.73和0.98。3)榆树根际土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾和有机质含量最低。刺槐根际土壤有效磷含量为3.47 mg·kg-1,显著高于其他3种人工林。臭椿根际土壤pH、碱解氮、速效钾和有机质含量最高,分别为8.52、48.63 mg·kg-1、330.27 mg·kg-1和74.83 g·kg-1,土壤含水量和有机质含量显著高于其他3种人工林。4)人工林根际土壤电导率、含水量、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾和有机质含量与根际土壤细菌多样性相关关系显著,土壤pH与细菌多样性指数无显著相关关系。【结论】黄河三角洲4种人工林根际土壤细菌结构相似,但部分细菌丰度差异显著;刺槐根际土壤细菌多样性最高。土壤电导率、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量是细菌结构和多样性的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

作者对辐射松(Pinus radiata)施用两种不同磷肥(磷灰岩与过磷酸钙)重要的生长效应有过报道(Forest Science 11,1965)。那时试地已轮伐过两次,头耕土没有施肥。同一林地现正为第三轮伐期的林分(作过第一次疏伐),仍不施肥,其生长效应,针叶与土壤化学分析同第一轮伐期施肥的林分相比较。结果表明,最初于1947年施肥的林分,经过两个轮伐期至今,林木生长效应仍保持显著。两种磷肥火部分仍存在于土壤表层。磷灰岩大部分成为钙磷,过磷酸钙大都变为铝磷和铁磷。为了森林经营的关系,除了森林立地质量外,要从改变长期肥料投资中获得单一长效肥源的适宜林木生长效应。本文根据两个轮伐期1983年的费用作了成本——效果对比。1947—1948年于新南威尔士南部台地国营 Penrose 森林设立辐射松林磷肥试区,用等比的磷灰岩与过磷酸钙作肥效试验(Br-ockwell 和 Ludbrook 1962)。尽管试区的气候条件很适宜,但因土壤瘦瘠,以往的松林生长极差。Gentle 等(1965)报道,施用两种等比磷肥的林分商品材生产力高于没有施磷肥林分的三倍多。1965年,森林和试区被野火烧毁。随后于当年冬季重栽辐射松而没有再施肥。本文为报道1981年第二次施肥轮伐初次疏伐林分的生长水平与土壤的化学分析,结果同 Gentle 等(1965)报道的第一轮伐期材料及正在进行的商品材生产力差异相比较,并对34年来所做的施用磷肥成果做了评价。  相似文献   

果园营养状况是合理施肥的基础。为了解甘肃省东部地区苹果园的营养状况,对甘肃省静宁县和泾川县的44个苹果园的土壤和苹果树叶片的营养状况进行了调查与测定。结果表明:土壤中有机质含量偏低,最高值仅为1.33%;全氮含量适宜或偏低;大部分果园土壤中有效磷的含量正常或富余;速效钾含量普遍较高,平均值达到了230mg·kg-1;有效锌、有效铁和有效硼的含量适中,分别为1.23、8.98和0.88mg·kg-1。不同果园土壤中的碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾等速效养分的变异系数明显高于全氮、全磷、全钾,中微量元素明显高于大量元素。土壤pH值8.0的果园占81.8%,变异系数为2.81%。不同果园苹果树叶片中氮、磷、钾的含量正常;除铁含量较高外,其余微量元素均为适量。不同果园土壤中的硼(13.94~199.27mg·kg-1)、锌(10.31~70.11mg·kg-1)和铜(2.71~21.78mg/kg)含量的差异最大,变异系数分别为86.74%、49.60%和48.96%;锰、镁、钙、铁的变异系数分别为30.48%、28.08%、27.96%、26.31%;全氮、全磷、全钾含量的差异较小。  相似文献   

在岷江上游干旱河谷岷江柏木幼林地经过连续4 a利用雨季种植绿肥压青,增加土壤肥力,提高水分利用率,促进幼树生长研究。结果表明:(1)种植红豆草的土壤0~40 cm含水量旱季增加3.68 g·kg-1,0~20 cm土壤容重降低0.07 g·cm-3;种植草木樨土壤0~40 cm含水量旱季增加4.18 g·kg-1,0~20 cm土壤容重降低0.05 g·cm-3;种植沙打旺土壤0~40 cm含水量增加2.46 g.kg-1,0~20 cm土壤容重降低0.18 g·cm-3。(2)种植绿肥压青,土壤有机质增加0.37 g·kg-1~0.55 g·kg-1,土壤CaCO3含量下降0.66 g·kg-1~1.36 g·kg-1,有效氮增加4.5 mg·kg-1~18.5 mg·kg-1,有效磷含量增加1.0~3.46 mg·kg-1,CEC比对照增加0.54~0.58mg.100g-1。(3)种植红豆草、草木樨、沙打旺绿肥压青对岷江柏木树高、地径生长有显著的促进作用,尤其种植红豆草的岷江柏木幼树生长最好,高、径生长为对照的1.7倍和1.6倍。  相似文献   

A study was carried out to test the effects of three rates of TSP (triple superphosphate) (0, 50, and 100 mg·kg -1 P) on growth of broom with and without radiata pine seedlings and to determine the rela- tionships between P concentrations in the broom shoot and dry matter yields with soil plant-available P (Bray-2 P). A bulk sample of soil was collected from Kaweka forest at soil depth of 0 10 cm, in New Zealand on March 11, 2001. The forest area was not supplied with fertiliser at least 30 years. The results show that TSP application increased P avail- ability in the soil. The P availability concentration in soil of broom with radiata pine seedlings was higher than that in soil of broom alone. Bray-2 P concentrations had a significant logarithmic relationship with P con- centrations of broom shoot and an exponential relationship with dry matter weight of whole broom plant.  相似文献   

Changes in phosphorus (P) fractions in a P deficient allophanic soil under P. radiata seedlings grown with broom (Cytisus scoparius L.) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in pots were studied 14 months after the application of triple superphosphate at the rates of 0, 50, and 100 μg·g−1, to determine the fate of fertiliser-derived P in the rhizosphere soils. Application of P fertiliser increased NaOH-Pi, NaOH-Po, and H2SO4-Pi concentrations in the soil, but decreased the residual-P concentration. The resin-Pi concentration, which is extremely low in this soil (1 to 3 μg·g−1), remained the same. The majority of the added fertiliser P was however recovered in the NaOH-Pi fraction (40%–49%). This is due to the high P fixation in this soil (92%). The second highest P recovery was in NaOH-Po fraction (7%–19%). Under P deficient condition or addition at the rate of 0 μg·g−1, the NaOH-Pi concentration in the radiata rhizosphere soil was lower than that in the bulk soil and broom and grass rhizosphere soils. This may be due to higher oxalate production by the roots and mycorrhiza under P deficient conditions which released some of the P fixed to the soils in the rhizosphere, which needs to be tested in future studies. Foundation project: This work was supported by Centre for Sustainable Forest Management at Forest Research Institute, New Zealand.  相似文献   

Kayama M  Sasa K  Koike T 《Tree physiology》2002,22(10):707-716
We investigated the adaptation of three spruce species (Picea glehnii Masters, P. jezoensis Carr. and P. abies Karst.) to growth in northern Japan on serpentine soils (characterized by high concentrations of heavy metals and Mg, a low Ca/Mg ratio and low fertility) and fertile brown forest soils. Among species, seedling survival on serpentine soil was highest in P. glehnii. Shoot growth of P. glehnii was similar whether grown on serpentine or brown forest soil, whereas shoot growth of the other species was significantly less on serpentine soil than on brown forest soil. On serpentine soil, needle life span of P. glehnii was at least 3 years longer than that of the other two species. Needle area per shoot of P. glehnii was significantly higher on serpentine soil than on brown forest soil up to a shoot age of 8 years. In all three species, light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Pmax) decreased with needle age independently of soil type. However, on serpentine soil, Pmax in P. glehnii was higher, particularly in older needles, than in the other species. Furthermore, on serpentine soil, needle concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus were higher in P. glehnii than in the other species. We conclude that P. glehnii is better adapted to serpentine soil than P. jezoensis and P. abies at least in part because of its greater needle life span and higher needle nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

We studied effects of soil temperature on shoot and root extension growth and biomass and carbohydrate allocation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings at the beginning of the growing season. One-year-old Scots pine seedlings were grown for 9 weeks at soil temperatures of 5, 9, 13 and 17 degrees C and an air temperature of 17 degrees C. Date of bud burst, and the elongation of shoots and roots were monitored. Biomass of current and previous season roots, stem and needles was determined at 3-week intervals. Starch, sucrose, glucose, fructose, sorbitol and inositol concentrations were determined in all plant parts except new roots. The timing of both bud burst and the onset of root elongation were unaffected by soil temperature. At Week 9, height growth was reduced and root extension growth was much less at a soil temperature of 5 degrees C than at higher soil temperatures. Total seedling biomass was lowest in the 5 degrees C soil temperature treatment and highest in the 13 degrees C treatment, but there was no statistically significant difference in total biomass between seedlings grown at 13 and 17 degrees C. In response to increasing soil temperature, below-ground biomass increased markedly, resulting in a slightly higher allocation of biomass to below-ground parts. Among treatments, root length was greatest at a soil temperature of 17 degrees C. The sugar content of old roots was unaffected by soil temperature, but the sugar content of new needles increased with increasing soil temperature. The starch content of all seedling parts was lowest in seedlings grown at 17 degrees C. Otherwise, soil temperature had no effect on seedling starch content.  相似文献   

Heiskanen  Juha  Rikala  Risto 《New Forests》1998,16(1):27-42
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) seedlings were grown in containers filled with growth media based on medium-textured sphagnum peat, coarse perlite and fine sand. The seedlings were then planted into fine and coarse sandy soils in 2.2 l pots, which were subjected to two water-content treatments (only one for birch). After the seedlings had grown five weeks in a greenhouse, rooting into the surrounding soil and shoot growth were measured. Addition of perlite and sand to peat medium slightly affected rooting; thus suggesting minor effects on seedling establishment. However, nitrogen concentration of the seedlings varied between growth media and correlated positively with rooting into the soil. The particle size and water content of the soil affected considerably rooting of the seedlings. Seedling height at the time of planting did not affect rooting or shoot growth. The fact that the fewest out-grown roots occurred in the dry fine sandy soil, suggests that dry soil together with high strength and resistance to root penetration reduce rooting and water uptake by container seedlings most and may thus cause water and nutrient stresses to seedlings after outplanting.  相似文献   

本文探测了无机肥(磷和钾)对苗圃内培养的印度黄檀生长和结瘤的影响。播种前,磷和钾肥以不同比例混合后与营养匮乏的自然林土壤混合,然后混合土再补以粪肥(混合土:粪肥=3:1)。出苗后60天时记录植株结瘤状况(结瘤数、形状、鲜重、干重和颜色)和植株生长参数(枝条和根长及鲜重和干重、直径)。与对照相比,补充肥料的土壤显著地改变了植株生长和结瘤状况(P<0.05)。植株结瘤的数目、鲜重和干重均在磷钾施肥量为 160kg/hm2时达到最大值,分别为62, 0.05g和0.07g。不同比例的补肥处理改变了结瘤形状和颜色,同时显著地影响了枝条和根长、直径、鲜重和干重等生长参数。研究揭示:苗圃内生长的黄檀,在贫瘠的自然林土壤中施以160kg/hm2磷钾肥并混以粪肥(混合土:粪肥=3:1)可使植株生长和结瘤的形成达最佳。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to test the influence of different inorganic fertilizers (phosphorous and potassium) on the nodulation and growth of Dalbergia sissoo grown in the nursery. Before seeds sowing, different combinations of P, K fertilizers were incorporated with the nutrient-deficient natural forest soils, and then amended with cowdung (soil: cowdung = 3:1). Nodulation status (nodule number, shape, fresh weight, dry weight and color) in the roots and the plant growth parameters (length of shoot and root, collar diameter, fresh and dry weight of shoot and root) were recorded 60 days after seeds sowing. Nodulation status and growth of the plants varied significantly (P〈0.05) in the soils amended with fertilizers in comparison to the control. The highest nodule number (62), fresh (0.50 g) and dry (0.07 g) weights were recorded with the dose of PK at the rate of 160 kg/hm2. Nodule shape and color also varied widely in different treatments. In case of plant growth parameters, shoot and root length, collar diameter, fresh and dry weight of the plants took on a significant difference (P〈0.05) among various combination of fertilizers. From the study, it is revealed that PK at the rate of 160 kg/hm^2 fertilizer with soil and cowdung mixture (soil: eowdung = 3:1) is recommended for optimum growth and nodule formation of D. sissoo in degraded soils at a nursery level.  相似文献   

Trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae are the dominant trees in Southeast Asian tropical forests where they play an important ecological role and are also important commercially. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of ectomycorrhizal fungi on the growth of dipterocarp species in peat soils. Seedlings of Shorea pinanga were inoculated with spores of two ectomycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus arhizus and Scleroderma sp. were grown in pots containing sterilized peat soil for 7 months. The percentage of ectomycorrhizal colonization on S. pinanga exceeded 86%. Colonization of S. pinanga roots by ectomycorrhizal fungi resulted in increased shoot height, stem diameter, number of leaves, and shoot fresh and dry weight. Survival rates of S. pinanga were greater for inoculated seedlings than control seedlings. These results suggest that inoculation of ectomycorrhizal fungi can improve the early growth of S. pinanga grown in tropical forests and that this technique will accelerate the rehabilitation of degraded dipterocarp forests.  相似文献   

三峡库区岸生植物秋华柳对镉胁迫的光合响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾中民  程华  魏虹  李昌晓 《林业科学》2012,48(6):152-158
镉是一种植物非必需元素,以毒性强、在土壤-植物系统中移动性大等特点受到广泛关注,它在生物圈中通常给生物带来有害的生态效应。土壤中过量的镉会引起植物的许多胁迫症状,研究表明:叶镉浓度超过5~10mg·kg-1(干质量)时对大多数植物都是有害的(Whiteetal.,2010);镉能抑制叶绿素的生物合成并导致叶绿素含量的下降和不同色素  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess the effect of Phosphorous (P) fertilizer (i.e. TSP or triple super phosphate @ 80 kg/hm^2) on seedling growth and nodulation capabilities of three potentially important agroforestry tree species (Acacia auriculiformis, Albizia lebbeck and Albizia procera) of Bangladesh. The study was conducted in nursery beds with six-month-old polybag seedlings ofA. auriculiformis, A. lebbeck and A. procera. The effects of P fertilizer on seedling growth and nodulation were compared with that of the seedlings grown in control (i.e. unfertilized soil). The observations revealed that the seedling growth was enhanced significantly with the application of P fertilizer. The growth was found more pronounced in A. auriculiformis, whereas it was not apparent and shows depressed growth in case ofA. lebbeck. The study also suggests that the nodulation in terms of nodule number and size was also increased significantly with the application of P fertilizer.  相似文献   

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