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近年来,人造板行业发展迅猛,产量更是突飞猛进,但是超轻质板的产品仍然是一片空白。为了拓展更广泛的市场空间,走差异化经营的特色路线,大亚人造板江西工厂针对超轻质人造板的需求空间大、市场前景宽广等良好态势利用当地良好的松木资源优势,于2012年2月底成功研发了超轻质板(UL-  相似文献   

国内轻质刨花板的研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了我国轻质刨花板的发展状况,指出了以轻质刨花板的研究为基础,开发研制一种密度在0.25~0.4g/cm^3之间、物理力学性能优良、机械加工性能较好的轻质纯木质人造板具有很广阔的发展空间,是目前木制品市场的需求;同时认为,扩大原料范围,压制密度在0.25~0.4g/cm^3之间的板材是一个很好的研究方向,对提高"三次材"的利用率,缓解木材供需矛盾具有现实意义.  相似文献   

<正>轻质人造板作为一种低密度、高强度的板材,近年来日益得到重视。轻质人造板的生产不仅可以有效节省资源短缺、价格日渐高涨的原材料,还可以大大降低产品的运输成本,是企业转型升级、拓展新的利润增长点的上好选择。围绕这一行业热点,中国林科院木材工业研究所和雅式展览服务有限公司,共同主办了以"轻质人造板"为主题的论坛,《木材工业》和《中国人造板》杂志承办,并得到了国家人造板与木竹制品质量监督检验中心、中国林产工业协会刨花板委员会、全国人造板标准化技术委员会和中国木竹产业技术创新战略联盟的大力支持。  相似文献   

人造板"轻质化"是近期我国木材加工行业的重要发展方向之一,而对于轻质刨花板力学性能及其破坏模式的深入分析可为其开发利用提供重要依据.以松木和桉木为木质原料,选用聚氨酯发泡胶黏剂制备全松木、全桉木和松桉混合3种具有不同原料组成的轻质刨花板,对比分析其内结合强度和破坏模式,并从破坏断面形貌和刨花表面润湿性两方面进行了深入探...  相似文献   

管宁 《国际木业》2012,(7):60-60
木质人造板的防火性能、轻质板材和木材的热改性将成为欧洲板材联合会(EuropeanPanelFederation,EPF)2012年研讨会的议题。该研讨会将于今年10月l0-12日在德国汉诺威举行,  相似文献   

轻质纤维板的研究现状和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对轻质纤维板的研究背景及在国内外的研究现状进行分析,阐述了目前国内外研究的重点,即:轻质纤维板的传统制造方法及工艺优化、新型轻质纤维板的功能性特点,归纳了目前轻质纤维板发展存在的问题和解决办法,并提出了轻质纤维板可以发展成为吸声隔音、隔热保温和力学等性能优良的材料,对我国经济可持续发展和人造板行业发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

欧洲板材联合会2012研讨会木质人造板的防火性能、轻质板材和木材的热改性将成为欧洲板材联合会(European Panel Federation,EPF)2012年研讨会的议题。该研讨会将于今年10月10—12日在德国汉诺威举行,会  相似文献   

微米木纤维低密度轻质板制造技术探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
马岩 《木材工业》2006,20(4):19-21
利用微米木纤维的絮状结构,通过纤维的重组交织技术,制造一种超低密度的新型人造板MLFB(简称微米轻质板),用于对板材没有强度要求的装饰和家具,实现节省原料、降低能耗的目的.对MLFB样品的测定结果表明:板材密度在0.33~0.40 g/cm3范围内,其MOE达到1 825 MPa;握钉力810 N;MOR为12.31 MPa.  相似文献   

总结我国人造板产业基本情况和家具、橱柜、定制衣柜、地板、木门等现代家居木质制品产业发展现状,阐述现代家居对人造板产品尺寸、表观质量、气味、功能性、环保等方面的新要求,特别分析了轻质人造板和木质门的发展动向,指出了值得关注的新产品。  相似文献   

以蔗渣为原料,不采用合成树脂,而是加入少量环保型添加剂(有机酸或糖)压制轻质无胶蔗渣板。探讨了板的密度,以及防水剂的有无对轻质无胶蔗渣板的物理力学性能及热学性能的影响。采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)初步分析了加入添加剂、防水剂对板的物理力学性能及胶合机理的影响,结果表明:随着密度增大,板的导热性能,MOR值和TS值上升;加入添加剂后,板的纤维素结晶度增大;加入少量防水剂(石蜡)后,板的纤维素结晶度没有明显变化,—OH吸收峰强度下降,TS下降明显;在研究范围内,板的导热系数达到国家林业行业标准LY/T 1718-2007所要求的保温材料的要求。本研究既扩大了人造板生产的原料来源,又解决了人造板产品的游离甲醛释放问题。  相似文献   

通过木材改性实现人工林低密度软质木材的提质增效,高效利用人工林资源,对我国木材工业的可持续发展和生态建设具有重要意义。木材硅化改性可以有效提高木材性能,但改性材性较脆、工艺复杂、成本较高等问题限制了其实际应用。文中分别从木材硅化改性剂种类、改性方法、改性机理和改性材性能等方面综述了木材硅化改性的研究成果,讨论了目前木材硅化改性存在的主要问题。建议基于有机-无机杂化研制多效一体化木材硅化改性剂,改进工艺,提升性能,降低成本,从而推动硅化木的开发和利用;开展木材仿生硅化改性研究,促进组分界面结构性连接,全面提升木材性能。  相似文献   

采用异氰酸酯(ISO)改性的脲醛树脂胶制造低密度稻壳-木材复合材料。稻壳与木质刨花的混合比例为1:1,施胶量为7%,试验结果表明,异氰酸酯改性的脲醛树脂胶黏剂适用于低密度稻壳-木材复合材料,其物理力学性能明显优于使用传统的脲醛树脂胶黏剂。低密度稻壳-木材复合材料的物理力学性能随着改性剂异氰酸酯用量的增加而提高。密度是稻壳-木材复合材料物理力学性能的重要影响因素,低密度稻壳-木材复合材料的物理力学性能随着密度的增加而提高。在设定密度为0.45g/m~3和0.5g/cm~3的条件下,3:4的ISO/UF的稻壳-木材复合材料的物理力学性能均达到日本刨花板工业标准(JIS A5908)的要求。  相似文献   

以苎麻纤维作为植物增强材料添加到木纤维表面并压制成低密度纤维板,通过对改性低密度纤维板的物理力学性能进行分析,认为苎麻作为木材纤维增强材料完全可行.  相似文献   

为实现刨花板轻量化,通过向芯层引入聚苯乙烯(EPS)泡沫颗粒,制备平均密度为500 kg/m^3的刨花板,探索表芯层刨花构成对板材的剖面密度分布和物理力学性能的影响。结果表明:以杨木细刨花为表层、桉木粗刨花和EPS泡沫颗粒混合物为芯层制备的复合轻质刨花板,其表芯层密度差异最为显著,力学性能达到GB/T 4897-2015《刨花板》中干燥状态下使用的家具型(P2型)刨花板的要求。  相似文献   

Age trends in variance components and heritability of overall wood density, earlywood and latewood density, and latewood proportion were investigated in 29-year-old trees of 19 full-sib families of hybrid larch (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × Larix kaempferi) F1. The age–age correlation and optimum selection age for these traits were also estimated and genetic and phenotypic correlations between wood density and radial growth rate were calculated for each growth ring. Intraring wood density data were obtained using X-ray densitometry. The coefficient of additive genetic variance was stable over all ages, whereas the coefficient of environmental variances gradually decreased with increasing age, resulting in increases in heritability estimates with age for overall density. The latewood proportion had the highest heritability estimates at all ages, ranging from 0.44 to 0.66. Overall density and its various components at 28 years of age showed strong genetic correlations with their respective traits at all younger ages. Optimum selection ages for the wood density traits ranged from 8 to 14 years, at which point maximum gain efficiencies per year were obtained. There were negative correlations between wood density and radial growth rate at early ages, although these relationships tended to be weaker with increasing age. These results suggest that selection at a young age is effective for wood density, but particular care must be taken in selecting trees with an improved radial growth rate because rapid growth will result in a low-density wood product, especially in the early growth period.  相似文献   

Density profile and morphology of viscoelastic thermal compressed wood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The viscoelastic thermal compression (VTC) of low-density hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides × Populus trichocarpa) from fast growing trees was performed in order to produce specimens with three different degrees of densification (63, 98, and 132%). The morphology and density profile of the VTC specimens were studied. Three different methods for the preparation of specimens for microscopy were used in order to find a technique that makes it possible to examine the VTC wood microscopically in the completely deformed state. It was found that the abrasive surface preparation of oil-embedded blocks was the most promising technique. Microscopic observation revealed that the deformations in the VTC wood were mostly the result of the viscous buckling of cell walls without fracture. The volume of the void areas in the specimens decreased with the degree of densification. The results showed that the density profile of the VTC wood varied with the degree of densification as a consequence of different temperature and moisture gradients formed before and during wood compression. The density profile is also visible on the cross-section of the VTC specimens.  相似文献   

造林密度对马尾松木材主要性质影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏玉芳  谌红辉 《林业科学》2002,38(2):113-118
本文对贵州省龙里林场马尾松密度试验林 ,5种造林密度 ,15年生马尾松木材基本密度、生长轮宽度、晚材率和解剖特性进行研究。结果表明 :造林密度对马尾松生长轮宽度、晚材率和管胞列数影响较大 ,方差分析达到显著水平。造林密度大 ,则生长轮变窄 ,管胞列数减少 ,晚材率增加。造林密度对马尾松木材基本密度的影响不显著 ,但具明显的规律性 ,即随着造林密度加大木材基本密度增加 ,造林密度过大反而下降。造林密度对管胞形态的影响表现出因树龄而异 ,不同造林密度马尾松管胞形态总平均值变化不大 ,但管胞长度随树龄的增大而增加的趋势受到造林密度影响。较低的造林密度各生长轮管胞长度差异不显著。组织比量不受造林密度影响。  相似文献   

Sandwich compression of wood that can control the density and position of compressed layer(s) in the compressed wood provides a promising pathway for full valorization of low-density plantation wood. This study aims at investigating the effects of preheating temperatures (60–210 °C) on sandwich compression of wood, with respect to density distribution, position and thickness of the compressed layer(s). Poplar (Populus tomentosa) lumbers with moisture content below 10.0% were first soaked in water for 2 h and stored in a sealed plastic bag for 18 h, the surface-wetted lumbers were preheated on hot plates at 60–210 °C and further compressed from 25 to 20 cm under 6.0 MPa at the same temperature on the radial direction. The compressed lumbers were characterized in terms of density distribution, position and thickness of compressed layer(s). It was found that depending on preheating temperatures, sandwich compressed wood with three structural modes, namely, surface compressed wood, internal compressed wood and central compressed wood can be formed. Density of the compressed layer(s) in wood increased gradually as a result of the elevated preheating temperatures. Higher preheating temperatures gave rise to bigger distance between compressed layer(s) and the surface, and preheating temperature elevation from 90 to 120 °C contributed to a maximal distance increase of 2.71 mm. In addition, higher preheating temperatures resulted in bigger thickness of compressed layer(s) over 60–150 °C and temperature elevation from 120 to 150 °C lead to the layers integration from two into one. Further temperature elevation over 150 °C reduced the thickness of the compressed layer in wood. SEM scanning suggested that cell wall bucking rather than cell wall crack occurred in compressed layer(s) and transition layer(s).  相似文献   

对两个地区不同种植密度的湿地松、火炬松进行了微密度分析,研究了种植密度对木材密度径向变异模式的影响。主要结果是:种植密度对湿地松和火炬松各密度特征值径向变异模式的影响,主要表现在变异曲线平均水平高低的变动,而对变异曲线形状的影响并不显著。种植密度对湿地松和火炬松各年轮宽特征值径向变异模式的影响,主要表现在年轮宽度RW和早材宽度EW变异曲线平均水平高低的变动和RW、EW与晚材宽度LW变异曲线形状的变动。种植密度对年轮密度RD的影响从年轮内宽度和年轮密度变异曲线平均水平高低两个方面起作用,出现较复杂的情况,并非所有情况下都是单调的正相关。  相似文献   

The Effect of Forest Practices on Quality of the Harvested Crop   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BRAZIER  J. D. 《Forestry》1977,50(1):49-66
The paper reviews the effects of forest management practiceson wood quality in softwoods. The forester modifies growth ina variety of ways but most commonly by spacing, either at plantingor in thinning, by pruning, and by fertiliser application. Hisprimary objective is to enhance rates of growth but he shouldbe aware of the consequences of his actions on wood properties.Of special importance are those properties which affect technicalperformance and so commercial acceptance, such as knottiness,density, grain angle and incidence of compression wood, andthe extent to which these are affected by silvicultural operationsforms the main part of the paper. The limited information whichis available is often apparent; there is a need for furtherwork to examine the effects of vigour of growth on most propertiesbut especially on grain inclination and compression wood development,to distinguish response more clearly in terms of types of ringstructure, age, and conditions of growth, and to seek a physiologicalexplanation for observed changes.  相似文献   

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