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Iris sangumea Dorm ex Horn. is a perennial cold-tolerant herbs of the Iris genus of Iridaceae, which has a well-formed, bright color and adaptability. Through understanding the fl ower bud differentiation, Sporogenesis, gametogenesis, fertilization and embryogenesis of I. sangumea, we developed fl owering regulation and control breeding. I. sangumea fl ower bud differentiation was observed in April for 21 days; in this stage, the early differentiation process was slow, temperature was more than 5 °C, if the temperature is shorter than this, most fl ower bud will have no differentiation, and turn to vegetative growth; later differentiation is faster and required temperature is from 5 to 8 °C and gradually rose to 10-12 °C. The temperature in April plays the defi nitely role in the number of bud differentiation. Three stamina contain tetrasporangiate anthers and a glandular tapetum. The anther wall is composed of four cell layers inclduding the epidermis, the endothecium, one middle layer and the secretory tapetum. The type of anther wall development the dicotyledonous type. After pollen maturation, the anther wall forms a double-layer containing only epidermis and endothecium. Simultaneous cytokinesis is of the continuous type during meiosis of microspore mother cell results in a zygomorphous or tetragonal tetrad. Mature pollen grains are two-celled. I. sangumea 's stylar canal is hollow, open type style, and the gynoecium has three carpels. The ovaries have axial placentas. The ovule is anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate. The primary sporogenous cell differentiates directly as the megaspore. The megaspore tetrads are linear, T-shaped or juxtaposed. Generally, the fi rst of the tetrad megaspores at the chalaza becomes functional while the other three degenerate. A mature embryo sac with seven cells and eight nuclei embryo sac is of the polygonum type. For dichogamy, the male gametophyte matures about 2 days earlier than the female gametophyte. The pollen tube entered into the embryo sac for 22–24 h after pollination. The dormancy stage of fertilized ovules is 5-6 days, and the fusion of sperm and egg nucleus is of the premitotic type. The primary endosperm cell has shorter dormancy of 4-6 days, and endosperm formation is of the nuclear type.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to follow each development stage of inflorescence in order to understand the biological feature of flowering and the development of male gametophyte in Anthurium andreanum ““Arizona““ and to try to find the optimum conditions for its pollination. The methods of dissection and paraffin section were adopted to examine the structural characteristics of anthurium‘s tiny floret and the development of the microspore. All the florets of the anthurium arrange on the rhachis helically subtended by a colorful bract. Each tiny floret has one gynoecium, four tepals and four stamina. The bract and the florets show different colors during the whole blooming period. The ovary is bicarpellary and has two locules, each of which has one anatropous ovule. The placenta is of a central placentation type. The stylar canal cells not only can produce the secretory mucilage but also can release their own cytoplasm caused by their self-disintegration before the pistil reaches its maturity. The wall of the anther is composed of four layers: epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. The tapetal cells and the middle layers‘ cells degenerated completely during meiosis of microsporocytes. The pollen grains were 2-celled at the time of anther dehiscence. Early morning, when the inflorescences stay at their fiRb development stage, is the optimum opportunity for pistil to get pollen grains. The pollen-collection should be done at the end of the seventh stage.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to follow each development stage of inflorescence in order to understand the biological feature of flowering and the development of male gametophyte in Anthurium andreanum “Arizona" and to try to find the optimum conditions for its pollination. The methods of dissection and paraffin section were adopted to examine the structural characteristics of anthurium’s tiny floret and the development of the microspore. All the florets of the anthurium arrange on the rhachis helically sub- tended by a colorful bract. Each tiny floret has one gynoecium, four tepals and four stamina. The bract and the florets show different colors during the whole blooming period. The ovary is bicarpellary and has two locules, each of which has one anatropous ovule. The placenta is of a central placentation type. The stylar canal cells not only can produce the secretory mucilage but also can release their own cytoplasm caused by their self-disintegration before the pistil reaches its maturity. The wall of the anther is composed of four layers: epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. The tapetal cells and the middle layers’ cells degenerated completely dur- ing meiosis of microsporocytes. The pollen grains were 2-celled at the time of anther dehiscence. Early morning, when the inflores- cences stay at their fifth development stage, is the optimum opportunity for pistil to get pollen grains. The pollen-collection should be done at the end of the seventh stage.  相似文献   

The tissue-cultured seedlings of tree peony ‘Wulong Pengsheng’ were used to study the effects of different plant growth regulators, culture methods, and holdfast on rooting. The morphological structure change during rooting was also observed using the method of paraffin section. The result showed that the best combination of plant growth regulators for rooting was IBA 3.0 mg·L-1 + NAA 0.6 mg·L-1. The treatment under the temperature of 4℃ for ten days was benefit to rooting, and the rate could reach 75.67%. It was identified that the adventitious root primordia of shoot in vitro originated from the vascular cambium cells, especially, the cross areas of cambium and pith ray and they started to differentiate at the 5th day and lasted to the 12th day. If the shoots were cultured in the root inducing medium for 12 days, it would lead to not only descend of rooting rate, but also showing callus of stem base, and leaf senescent. However, if they were transferred into the medium without hormone in time, the root primordial protruded the epidermis and developed normally after 5 days’ culture.  相似文献   

The differentiation process including somatic embryogenesis in different Ginkgo explants in vitro culture were studied by cytological observation.The results are as follows:1) two complete cotyledons and a embryo bud were observed in mature embryos and several secretory acavitives appeared in maturation region of embryo buds,hypocotyls,cotyledons and radicles after culturing 20 days;two incomplete cotyledons and a embryo bud primordia were found in large cotyledon embryos.The proembryo of two cells,four cells, multi-cellular,and globular embroy were developed from the callus of the small cotyledon embryos.2) The differentiation of cotyledon explants started from epidermal cells,and gradually formed meristematic cell mass in the cortical cells,and eventually adventitious buds were observed.3) The adventitious roots of Ginkgo originated in the cells at the cross of vascular cambium and vascular rays. 4) The type of rooting belongs to induction type by root primordium.The formed adventitious roots were observed after 20 days.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate in vivo interspecific pollination success between Pinus radiata, P. maximinoi, P. oocarpa and P. tecunumanii. Pinus radiata was control pollinated with pollen lots of P. maximinoi, P. oocarpa and P. tecunumanii in a P. radiata seed orchard at Karatara (Southern Cape, South Africa). Pollination success was determined by counting the number of visible ovules, pollen grains inside and outside P. radiata ovules, as well as pollen tubes visible inside P. radiata ovules. Conelets were harvested and studied at eight time intervals, including 24 h after pollination, and weekly for 7 weeks after pollination. Histology studies with a standard fixation-dehydration-embedding sequence and paraffin wax method were used to determine the number of visible pollen grains inside versus outside the ovules and number of pollen tubes. Results indicated that pollen grains did sift through the cone scales within 24 h after pollination. However, P. radiata differed significantly (time by type of cross interaction) from the other three hybrid combinations in terms of number of visible ovules, visible pollen grains inside and outside of the ovules as well as pollen tubes, confirming limited interspecific hybridisation success. Future studies need to determine the percentage of fertile ovules in cross combination as a tool in predicting pollination success.  相似文献   

郁金香授粉后雌蕊生理生化变化的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The protective enzyme (SOD, POD, CAT) activities and soluble protein content of pistil after pollination were compared between interspecific-cross and self-cross of cultivar, using Tulipa specie (T. tianschanica) from Xinjiang and T. gesneriana cultivars ('Kees Nelis’, 'Negrita’) as test materials. The results showed that all the SOD, POD, CAT activities and soluble protein content changed after interspecific and self pollination, which means that the recognition between pollen and stigma can be initiated effectively when pollen fell on stigma despite of genetic relationship. Fluctuant changes were observed in 5 hours after pollination for protective enzyme activities and soluble protein content, and the fluctuation tendencies were different between interspecific and self pollination, as well as between 'Kees Nelis’ ×T. tianschanica and 'Negrita’×T. tianschanica. Self pollination appeared peaks of POD and CAT activities preceding interspecific pollination. Self pollination showed a larger rise and maintained rise for longer time than interspecific pollination. The SOD activity of 'Kees Nelis’ ×T. tianschanica changed more than that of 'Negrita’×T. tianschanica, meanwhile, the soluble protein content of the former declined preceding that of the latter. These differences were probably attributed to genetic relationship.  相似文献   

Nitrogen was the main limiting nutrient of net primary production in the southeastern Keerqin Sandy Lands, Northeast China. Species richness declined and biomass increased after five consecutive years of nitrogen fertilization of these sandy grasslands (2004-2008). After fertilization had been stopped for three years (2009-2011), we surveyed vegetation on previously fertilized plots to quantify changes in commu- nity composition. Respect species richness showed an increasing trend over time since the cessation of fertilization. Respect vegetation height and coverage showed decreasing trends over time since the cessation of fertilization. Species composition changed after fertilization ceased, the dominant species shifting from Cannabis sativa, Phragmites communis and Chenopodium acuminaturn in 2008 to Cannabis sativa, Phragmites communis and Artemisia scoparia in 2011. Dominance of dominant species declined from 66.2% in 2008 to 57.5% in 2011. The importance value of annual plants in the earlier nitrogen addition plots was higher than in control plots, but the differences were not significant in 2011. The importance value of perennial plants differed significantly between treatments from 2009 to 2011. The reversion rate not only differed be- tween community characteristics, but also between functional groups in the same community characteristic. Although the residual effect of nitrogen addition on vegetation was still observed three years after fertilization ceased, the vegetation showed signs of recovery.  相似文献   

A survey on the symptom and severity of the leaf spot disease of Pongamia pinnata L. was conducted in the nurseries of the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong (IFESCU), Bangladesh Forest Research Institute (BFRI) and Aronnak Nursery in Chittagong. The highest infection percentage and disease index were found in IFESCU nursery, followed by BFRI and the lowest was recorded in Aronnak nursery. The associated organism of leaf spot disease of P. pinnata was isolated from the diseased plant parts and the pathogenicity was established with the isolated fungus. Colletorichum gloeosprioides Penz was proved to be pathogenic. The inhibition of mycelial growth of C. gloeosporioides was observed and identified as suitable fungicides (Bavistin, Cupravite and Dithane M-45) and doses (0.05, 0.10, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50 and 2.00). The lowest and highest mycelial growth were respectively found on Bavistin and on Cupravite at the concentration of 0.05 after 8th day of incubation. It indicates that out of the three tested fungicides, Bavistin showed most effective, followed by Diathane M-45, and Cupravite was ineffective for its very little inhibition on mycelial growth.  相似文献   

Poplar leaf defoliator, Clostera fulgurita (Walker) larvae were reared on three Populus deltoides clones (PL1, PL5 and PL7) in the laboratory. The nutritional indices were computed for working out the relationship between food consumption and growth rate of 3rd, 4th and 5th instar larvae on three clones. The result showed that the consumption index (CI), approximate digestibility (AD), growth rate (GR), relative growth rate (RGR) and efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) decreased with the increase in the age of the larvae. Efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) increased with increase in age of the larvae. GR and RGR varied significantly, indicating that larval development was enhanced on PL1 as compared to PL5 & PL7. The values of AD, ECI and ECD were not affected by the different clones. Feeding and growth indices could be useful to define a defoliation prediction model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to classify current forest cover types,and to investigate stand development patterns for natural forests in six areas in northern Baekdudaegan,South Korea.Twenty-eight independent forest communities were aggregated into eight forest cover types by species composition in the overstory of each forest community.The forest cover types were of mixed mesophytic,‘‘others’ ’ deciduous,Quercus mongolica dominant,Q.mongolica pure,Pinus densiflora–Q.mongolica,P.densiflora,Betula ermanii,and Q.mongolica–P.koraiensis.The ecological information was organized by importance value and species diversity for each forest type.Based on the correlation between species diversity index and the abundance of Q.mongolica plus P.densiflora for corresponding forest cover types,we compared the developmental process and approximate successional pathway between each cover type.The P.densiflora forest cover type changes into the P.densiflora–Q.mongolica cover type,followed by the Q.mongolica dominant cover type through continuous invasion of the oak trees.Furthermore,the Q.mongolica pure cover type would spread toward the Q.mongolica dominant cover type with a mixture of various deciduous tree species.The Q.mongolica dominant cover type progresses through the other deciduous cover types to the mixed mesophytic cover type with diversified composition and structure.On the mid to lower slopes,with loamy soils and good moisture conditions,various deciduous forest types should progress,by ecological succession,toward the mixed mesophytic cover type without any further disturbance.  相似文献   

Arundinaria spanostachya is the main bamboo species on which giant pandas forage.Information on its regeneration capacity to meet the foraging demands of pandas is important to ensure the long-term survival of pandas.In 2014,2 plot types(grazed versus control)were selected in the winter habitat used by one wild giant panda.Various morphological and regeneration characteristics of the bamboo were assessed in the respective plots during 2014 and 2015.The panda avoided feeding on bamboo with a basal diameter of<6 mm,preferentially feeding on intermediate-sized bamboo.The density of new shoots and the recruitment rate of shoots were significantly higher in the grazed plots compared to the control plots.The annual recruitment rate of shoots was markedly higher than the annual mortality rate in the same plot type.After grazing,the basal diameter and height of new bamboo were similar between the 2 plots.In the grazed plots,the basal diameter of new bamboo was similar to that of the stumps.Innutrition and foraging by insects were the main factors influencing the survival of new shoots.Our results showed that grazing by giant pandas helped the clonal regeneration of A.spanostachya populations,with the basal diameter of new bamboo shoots meeting the foraging demand of pandas.However,information on the carrying capacity of A.spanostachya is necessary to ensure sufficient forage matter is available for reintroduced giant pandas.Furthermore,fertilization and insect control measures should be implemented during the shooting period to optimize A.spanostachya resources.  相似文献   

We determined a suitable amount of fertilizer for konara oak(Quercus serrata) and Japanese zelkova(Zelkova serrata) planted in a harvested pitch pine(Pinus rigida) plantation. Two-year-old bare-root seedlings of konara oak and one-year-old containerized seedlings of Japanese zelkova were planted in April 2011. Three plots were established for each tree species to evaluate each of three fertilization applications. Solid compound fertilizer(N:P:K = 3:4:1) was applied yearly in three amounts(control: no fertilization, F1: 180 kg ha-1, and F2:360 kg ha-1), every May from 2011 to 2013. We measured the root collar diameter and height, and analyzed the compartmental N and P concentrations. Compartmental N concentrations of konara oak and Japanese zelkova were not consistent based on amount of fertilization. However,the compartmental P concentrations of konara oak and Japanese zelkova were significantly different in the order of F2, F1, and control. Although the differences in growth of konara oak appeared after 3 years of fertilization,Japanese zelkova showed differences after only 2 years of fertilization owing to differences in seedling type. Growth of konara oak was affected by fertilization at F1 and F2 in2013. However, growth of Japanese zelkova was affected only at F2. Nutrient demand of Japanese zelkova appeard to be higher than that of konara oak, at least during the early growing period. Results from this study could be practically used in harvested pitch pine plantations to determine appropriate fertilization regimes.  相似文献   

The historic development of forest certification was firstly reviewed in order to understand how forest certification has developed throughout the world.The characteristics of forest certification were analyzed in details,including the essence of forest certification,approach of forest certification,structure of forest certification and development processes of forest certification standards.Then,the forest certification development in China was reviewed,including background,basic principles and objectives and main tasks.Based on the reviews on forest certification,recommendations were given so as to greatly boost the development of forest certification in China.  相似文献   

The age structure of the natural Zoysia japonica clonal population at Qipan Mountain in Huishan Scenic Spot of Shenyang,Liaoning Province, China was studied using the morphological method in 2003 and 2004. The dynamics of leaves were recorded and the dynamics of tiller and rhizome in the growing season were observed. The results indicated that the rhizomes formed in different years changed in color and rigidity. Its internodes produced in autumn became shorter. The number of naked nodes changed with the tiller age.Rhizome and tiller characters were used as a foundation for judging the ages of modules in this study. The longevity of tiller and rhizome was 3 years at most. At the beginning of the growing season, 2-year-old tillers and rhizomes predominated. Then I -year-old tillers and rhizomes increased rapidly and became dominant in July. The proportion of buds to tillers on quantity was stable at about 30% in the mid-phase of the growing season and rose to about 50% in autumn. The seasonal dynamics of tiller, rhizome and bud was very important to guarantee the sustained existence of the Zoysia japonica population. The turnover of modules was the mechanism of sustaining the rejuvenation of the Zoysia japonica clonal population.  相似文献   

宋漳  林毓银 《林业科学》2001,37(Z1):181-184
The wilt disease of Bambusa ventricosa was a serious disease occured in Nanping city, Fujian Province. Thesymptoms of the disease, identification, inoculation, biological characteristics of the causal organism and bionomics of thewilt disease were studied. The species was identified as Nectria ditissirna Tul. at sexual phase, and as Fusarium semitec tum Berk. &Rav. at anamorphic state. The causal organism of wilt disease grew vigorously on the PSA and PSA + 10%decoction of culm media, and formed white coloured colonies. After incubation of 7 days at 28℃ , a great amount of macro-conidia was produced, no stroma and perithecia were formed after 30 days. The stroma and ascospore were only producedunder natural condition. The preference temperature for mycelia growth was between 25 ~ 28 ℃ , and the optimum pH val-ues was at 6 ~ 7. The optimum temperature for conidia and ascospores germination was between 25 ~ 28℃, and the opti-mum pH values was at 6 ~ 7. The high relative humidity ( RH 96.1% ~ 100% ) was necessary for the germination ofconidia and ascospores. The results of experiments showed that the pathogen of the wilt disease overwintered on the soil,and disseminated by winds and rains to infect the wounded stem base of Bambusa ventricosa. The primary infection occurredfrom the last ten days of February or the first days of March. The peak infection occurred from the first ten days of Marchto the second ten days of April during early summer rains. The infection ceased from the second ten days or the last tendays of May. The freeze injury was possibly important factor to induce infection of the wilt disease.  相似文献   

The structural diversity of different tree-crop associations were studied at Gachabari Sal forest area of Madhupur Garh on Buffer and Peripheral Zone during 2006. The total density, basal area of trees in the Buffer and Peripheral Zone were 155.5 trees·hm^-2, 795.4 trees·hm^-2 and 3.9 m^2·hm^-2, 5.8 m^2·hm^-2, respectively. No regeneration and natural trees were found in Peripheral Zone and the Zone is totally occupied by exotic species where the Buffer Zone comprised of both natural and exotic trees. The Peripheral Zone belonged to younger and smaller trees whereas the Buffer Zone belonged to mixture of smaller, taller, younger and mature trees simultaneously. For the practicing of different agroforestry systems both Zones have lost their original characters of Sal forest.  相似文献   

In natural ecosystems, nutrition available for plants shows great spatial heterogeneity. Much is known about plant root responses to the spatial heterogeneity of nutrition, but little is known about carbon usage in roots in nutrition-deficient patches and its effect on root longevity. In this study, split-room boxes were used for culture of Cercis chinensis seedlings, and the small rooms were supplied with different nutrition levels. The number of the first-order roots in the rooms with nutrition supply was significantly higher than that in the rooms with deficient nutrition. Specific root length (SRL) of the first-order roots in the rooms with deficient nutrition reached its peak at day 64 after nutrition treatment. There was no significant SRL differences between the two order roots during the experiment. Biomass of the first-order roots in the rooms without nutrition supply was significantly less than that of the first-order roots in the rooms with nutrition supply from day 64 to 96. The total biomass of the lateral roots in the rooms without nutrition supply decreased from day 64 to 96. The activities of the enzymes in roots in the rooms without nutrition supply increased and the activities of alkaline invertases in roots in the two sides of split box did not change significantly. The activities of the enzymes in roots in the rooms without nutrition supply increased gradually. These results suggest that nutrition spatial heterogeneity induced the changes in root traits and plants actively controlled carbon usage in roots in nutrition-deficient patches by regulating the activities of invertases and sucrose synthases, resulting in the reduction in carbon usage in the roots in nutrition-deficient patches.  相似文献   

Plant flowering and breeding characteristics are important for us to understand the reproduction of plant populations. In this paper, we studied the reproduction characteristics of Jatropha curcas in Yuanjiang County (23°36′N, 101°00′E), Yunnan Province. The plant produces flowers in dichasial inflorescences. Normally, the flowers are unisexual, and male and female flowers are produced in the same inflorescence. Only a few male flowers are produced in an inflorescence, and fruits are produced only through pollination between different flowers from the same or different plants. By the treatments of emasculation, bagging and artificial pollination in this experiment, there were few but same fruit set ratios when the inflorescences were emasculated, bagged, or bagged with net, except artificial pollination treatments, which showed that Jatropha curcas could produce fruit through apomixis but not wind pollination. When the inflorescences were unbagged, unemasculated and with free pollination treatments, or bagged, emascu- lated and with artificial cross-pollination treatments, or unbagged, emasculated and with free pollination treatments, there were many fruits produced. It showed that Jatropha curcas shows outcrossing, is self-compatible, and demanding for pollinators. Normally, the male flowers open first and a few flowers bloom in one day in a raceme. These flowers last a long time in bloom. However, a large number of female flowers open from the third to the fifth day, with some female flowers opening first in a few raceme. This shows a tendency to promote xenogamy and minimize geitonogamy.  相似文献   

Mao‘ershan region is a representative natural secondary forested region in the eastern mountainous region, northeast of China. Under the support of ARC/INFO, the landscape pattern and landscape diversity of Mao‘erhshan region were sudied by combining the forest type map (1:10 000), which was drawn from the aerial photographs (1999), field investigation and land utilization map (1:10 000). The selected indices included patch number, patch size, patch density index, richness index,dominance index, evenness index and diversity index. The results showed that the landscape dominant forest type in Mao‘ershan region was softwood broad-leaved forest. In all landscape types, the average patch area of natural secondary forests was bigger than that of artificial forest. The patch density index of each landscape formed in artificial forest was higher than that of natural secondary forest. The landscape diversity index and landscape evenness index of natural forest were highest, the landscape heterogeneity was also, but the landscape dominance was lower. In natural forest, the control effects of landscape elements on landscape-structure, function and its change were weakened. The artificial forest was on the contrary.  相似文献   

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