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植物叶片面积测量系统的设计及应用   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
介绍了用CCD(Charge Coupled Device)测量植物叶片面积的方法,设计了测量系统的多种组成方案。该系统通过标准的图像接口,实现了硬件部分与软件部分相互无关,硬件可以采用扫描仪、数码相机、视频图像采集卡加视频摄像头等应用CCD的数字化图像采集设备。软件采用交到方式实现图像分割、系统标定和最终测量,试验表明,该系统具有测量精度高、测量范围大、使用方便等特点,使用数码相机时可以实现非破坏性测量,在农业、林业等方面具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对目前转速测量方式中普遍存在的价格高或精度低的实际问题,设计了以自带磁钢的霍尔效应齿轮传感器ATS665作为敏感元件,低功耗的微处理器MSP430F1121和无线收据收发模块为主要组成部分的无线转速测量系统。该系统具有高性价比、高可靠性、使用方便的特点。该测量系统可对单齿轮速度检测,也可通过扩充从机构成无线分布式系统,实现多通道转速测量。  相似文献   

本文从提高微波信号源相位噪声测量精度的要求出发,给出了一种由计算机控制微波相位噪声测量系统,并在此基础上从改进系统硬件和采用不同测量方案的角度对进一步提高测量精度的不同途径进行了研究。  相似文献   

微波信号源相位噪声测量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从提高微波信号源相位噪声测量精度的要求出发,给出了一种由计算机控制的微波相位噪声测量系统,并在此基础上从改进系统硬件和采用不同测量方案的角度对进一步提高测量精度的不同途径进行了研究。  相似文献   

阐述了测量系统重复性和再现性(GR&R)分析的方法、数学统计模型,利用残差分析对模型的正态性、方差齐次性等假设条件进行检验,同时以某阀体质量的测量系统分析为例进行实证研究,根据GR&R分析结果,确定测量系统误差的主要原因,找到测量系统的改进方向及方法,并给出了改进意见.  相似文献   

介绍了一种采用数字摄像头或CCD(Charge Couple Device)机获取叶片的数字图像,建立运用计算机图像处理技术,快速、准确地测定叶片面积、周长及其他相关特征值的叶片测量系统软件。该软件是利用VC++6.0语言,根据该文的算法编写的;它基于Windows平台,具有非常友好的用户界面,采用交互方式实现图像分割、系统标定和最终测量,提高了可靠性和测量精度,实现了非破坏性地测量,在农业、林业等领域具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

对交直流小功率测量电路的工作原理及功率测量算法进行研究,基于低功耗微处理器MSP430F5529、低功耗直流功率计量芯片INA226和交流功率计量芯片HLW8012设计了交直流小功率测量系统.系统能自动识别输入的电源类型,交流电源(1 V~5 V)或直流电源(200 mV~30 V)输入时,调整负载,能够测量40 mW~1 W的有功功率,测量误差小于1%.系统中交直流功率测量模块采用串联接法,有效简化了软硬件设计,降低系统功耗,系统电路功耗小于30 mW.  相似文献   

故障数据或丢失数据的及时恢复,对空调系统的可靠、最优运行是非常重要的.本文提出用主成分分析法对正常运行条件下的原始数据建立模型,该方法将测量空间分为主成分子空间和残差子空间.当数据故障或数据丢失发生时,故障数据被投影到主成分子空间和残差子空间,通过多次迭代,逐步逼近主成分子空间的方法可实现数据恢复.用空调监测系统实例充分显示了该方法有良好故障数据与丢失数据恢复能力.  相似文献   

应用JEM-1200EXⅡ透射电子显微镜测量系统观察和测量香石竹斑驳病毒、烟草花叶病毒、马铃薯Y病毒.结果表明:电镜测量的数据准确,测量系统性能可靠.  相似文献   

智能型测量系统具有总线通道,通过RS 232、RS 485接口将多达64路测量信号输出到任何制式的PLC或计算机系统中,实现远程设定传感器量程及组态。这样的系统也可以称为现场总线系统。与已往的准智能型测量系统相比,智能型测量系统具有以下几个特点: (1)利用现场总线通道实现双向通信。每一测量仪表至少具有两根芯线用来连接过程与控制系统,而采用现场总线结构,将使整个测量系统形成一个闭合环路,所有仪表均可与之相连,这样不仅节省引线、降低成本,而且只需更换测量系统界面单元就可以实现系统的改造。 (2)利用计算机系统对测量仪表实现远程标定及控制。传感系统实现完全由微处理器控制,通信信号叠加于4~20  相似文献   

Ulysses spacecraft radio and plasma wave observations indicate that some variations in the intensity and occurrence rate of electric and magnetic wave events are functions of heliographic latitude, distance from the sun, and phase of the solar cycle. At high heliographic latitudes, solartype Ill radio emissions did not descend to the local plasma frequency, in contrast to the emission frequencies of some bursts observed in the ecliptic. Short-duration bursts of electrostatic and electromagnetic waves were often found in association with depressions in magnetic field amplitude, known as magnetic holes. Extensive wave activity observed in magnetic clouds may exist because of unusually large electron-ion temperature ratios. The lower number of intense in situ wave events at high latitudes was likely due to the decreased variability of the high- latitude solar wind.  相似文献   

During the Galileo probe's descent through Jupiter's atmosphere, under the ionosphere, the lightning and radio emission detector measured radio frequency signals at levels significantly above the probe's electromagnetic noise. The signal strengths at 3 and 15 kilohertz were relatively large at the beginning of the descent, decreased with depth to a pressure level of about 5 bars, and then increased slowly until the end of the mission. The 15-kilohertz signals show arrival direction anisotropies. Measurements of radio frequency wave forms show that the probe passed through an atmospheric region that did not support lightning within at least 100 kilometers and more likely a few thousand kilometers of the descent trajectory. The apparent opacity of the jovian atmosphere increases sharply at pressures greater than about 4 bars.  相似文献   

In connection with the environmental safety of methods of storing and processing agricultural raw material, it is suggested to treat biological tissue with low-frequency electromagnetic fields. In this case, an original approach is used to combine the ion cyclotron frequency of the charged particles being treated, induced by a solenoid electromagnetic field, with the natural frequency of the electromagnetic radiation being generated. Such ion cyclotron resonance frequencies are calculated for the majority of basic biogenic components of biological tissue as well as for certain xenobiotics with consideration of all forms of occurrence of the objects being treated in solution. The dynamics of biogenic components behavior both during treatment and subsequent relaxation are established.  相似文献   

During the Galileo flyby of Venus the plasma wave instrument was used to search for impulsive radio signals from lightning and to investigate locally generated plasma waves. A total of nine events were detected in the frequency range from 100 kilohertz to 5.6 megahertz. Although the signals are weak, lightning is the only known source of these signals. Near the bow shock two types of locally generated plasma waves were observed, low-frequency electromagnetic waves from about 5 to 50 hertz and electron plasma oscillation at about 45 kilohertz. The plasma oscillations have considerable fine structure, possibly because of the formation of soliton-like wave packets.  相似文献   

基于弱场条件,计算了在柱坐标下由电磁环形腔中强电磁简正模在其焦点区域产生的引力驻波的第二类克氏联络、里奇张量、曲率标量及其能量密度.研究发现,在焦点区域的引力驻波的能量密度是正定的.此外,讨论了该引力驻波的能量密度和时空的曲率标量的关系.高Q值强场环形微波腔以及受控核聚变的Tokamak装置均具有轴对称的特点,并可作为可能的潜在高频引力波源.  相似文献   

本文以电磁场理论为依据,阐述了光在两种媒质的界面上发生全反射时的表面现象,说明全反射时,不仅有反射波,而且还存在有振幅按指数规体在减的透射波—倏逝波。  相似文献   

Maximum germination and viscosity of extraction solution of barley seeds are noted under the effect of an electromagnetic field with frequency f = 18 Hz. At this frequency the electrical conductivity and pH of the extraction solution are minimum. Amylolytic activity of malt increases 50% after treating the seeds.  相似文献   

余东亮  陈金忠  赵荣生  王洪涛  杨喜良  许斌  熊敏 《油气储运》2012,31(7):518-521,95,96
国内外长输管道泄漏监测技术主要有流量平衡法、实时模型法、统计分析法及负压波法。针对成品油管道的运行特点,分析了负压波泄漏监测技术难点,对顺序输送工况下的信号波速进行了定量计算,对多分输、调控频繁等工况下的信号变化进行了定性描述,介绍了成品油管道泄漏监测系统应具备的主要性能。将音波-负压波联合监测方法作为成品油管道泄漏监测的解决方案,并给出泄漏判定准则及泄漏监测流程。兰成渝成品油管道的模拟测试及现场应用结果表明,该解决方案效果良好,且各项指标均符合相关要求。  相似文献   

农业虫害电磁波谱防治研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述电磁波谱技术应用于农业虫害治理,产生了针对害虫生物物理特性的无毒害化防治效果。利用昆虫的趋光性,光电诱导诱虫灯技术实现了农业虫害的有效防治;电磁波谱治虫技术利用了高能波谱对生物体的聚热致死效应,在防治农业虫害的研究中取得良好效果。随着农业生产的发展以及农产品品质安全性能的逐步提高,农业虫害的电磁波谱治理技术必将成为虫害防治的重要技术手段。  相似文献   

本文报告了土壤湿度议第二阶段的研制工作。在此期间,通过对仪器的进一步改进,提高了仪器重复测量的准确度;采用了三种不同波长的电磁波同时对三种土样进行了反复多次测量实验,实验结果表明不同土壤、不同湿度、对不同频率电磁波的衰减遵循着统一规律。  相似文献   

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