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Globalisation is dramatically changing the context of urban communities and the premises for urban development policy. In the context of global intercity competition, cities' major goal is to increase their competitiveness, in which the positioning and attractiveness of a city have a critical function. Attraction‐oriented development strategies aim at effective absorption of external resources from the global space of flows. At the core of attraction strategy are business promotion activities with appealing incentives, but it is assumed that such a competition is risky and may lead to a race to the bottom. Therefore the emphasis is increasingly on less costly and more synergistic city marketing, which utilises city branding and “city profiling” that aim at attract high value‐adding services or high‐tech firms. This paper proposes a city attraction hypothesis that states that global intercity competition is essentially about a city's ability to attract the highest possible value from global flows of values in order to promote urban development. The result of such a global intercity competition determines cities' functions and positions in the global division of labour and thus in the global urban hierarchy, and ultimately determines their ability to increase prosperity and welfare in urban communities.  相似文献   

生态环境与西部城市竞争力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘超 《中国农学通报》2004,20(5):287-287
西部城市生态环境的好坏直接关系到西部城市竞争力的培育和提高,而强有力的城市竞争力对加速西部地区城市化进程,促进全国经济均衡持续发展具有重要的战略意义。加强西部城市生态环境建设要注意:坚持可持续发展理念,避免“唯经济发展”观念;加快农村城市化步伐,减轻人口对城市区域环境的压力;大力培育发展环境产业,走生态建市的道路;推行投资项目评估制度,确保西部城市投资项目取得经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的统一;加强生态环境监察执法力度,根除环境污染源。  相似文献   

Master towns of Chongqing includes Wanzhou, Fuling, Jiangjin, Huochuan and Yongchuan. According to the stratage of developing Western China and urbanization, this article discusses tendency of sustainable development in towns of Chongqing. Applying `evaluation method of arrangement model' and `analyze method of equal difference ', the authors find the short wming of the quality of urbanization and the sustainable development in five towns. So the article takes center city and towns construction and set up cooperation mechanism between the five cities that will be sure to increase momentum and ability of Chongqing for Sustainable development object.  相似文献   

Along with the process of urbanization,the old-town renewal has become the top task in the city construction.Directed by quantitative analysis of city's economy,this paper puts forward a new conception and model of development capacity for old city renewal,established land class evaluation system and AHP model to determine the land class and its evaluation factors.Restricted by the old town's eco-environment and social environment,and targeted by its economy,this paper suggests that the upper limit model of the old city's development capacity should be decided by its eco-environment volume and social environment,and the lower limit model should be determined by the market economy,thus the renewal can see the economy,society and environment proceed orderly and harmoniously.Upon the platform of ARCGIS with considering Nanyang old town renewal planning and design,this paper has drawn a digital map for old town renewal development intensity,and explores tentatively the proper development capacity under the platform of GIS.  相似文献   

大庆市湿地生态旅游发展SWOT分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在旅游业大发展的时代背景下,湿地生态旅游被认为是旅游业可持续发展的最佳模式之一。笔者介绍了大庆市湿地的概括,采用SWOT分析法对大庆市湿地生态旅游开发的各项因素进行分析,得出大庆市湿地不仅具备景观多样化、动植物资源丰富、独特的城中湿地和多处鸟类自然保护区以及便利的交通条件等开展湿地生态旅游的先决条件,而且拥有国内外生态旅游发展的有利形势和地方政策大力支持的大好机遇;但同时存在湿地保护和开发以及旅游管理等方面的困难和问题,以期对大庆地区湿地生态旅游的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Coal cities are the main part of the resource-based cities in China, and the benign development of coal cities' spatial structure has a direct impact on these cities' future economic and social development, as well as the urban residents' welfare. Land use fragmentation is the most typical morphological characteristic of the coal city's spatial structure development. In this paper, Pingdingshan City of Henan Province in China is taken as an example. Through empirical analysis, the urban spatial structure development processes of a typical coal resource-based city in its mature period are illustrated, and the formation reasons and potential mechanism behind coal city land use fragmentation are explored, and the measurement method of land use fragmentation degree of the coal city is put forward. On the above basis, the appropriate adjustment strategies and methods aimed at the coal city spatial structure are found out and given. This study is a good guideline and reference for the spatial structure planning and land use planning of the coal city during the mature and declining period, which is of great help to the sustainable development and industrial structure transformation of the coal city. It also has certain reference significance for the coal city in the growth period.  相似文献   

Under the impetus of China's urbanization and industry updates, the high-tech new towns (areas) are developing rapidly with an unprecedented scale. The areas which being rich in the natural environment resources, but weak in traffic up are also included in the urban construction lands, and often these urban construction lands is a new city or high-tech development zone of choice. In the city's character building and natural resource protection, the high-tech new town (area) has a lot of issues such as the popular gathering, environmental protection, investment and so on. In this paper, Yantai City of Shandong high-tech Development Zone, an instance of the urban design for the card, summary of the Binhai New Science and Technology Park development characteristics and design requirements, refining the design concept and strategy, shaping the features multi-purpose, rich in content, distinct features of the city park life designed to provide a reference for similar urban planning and design.  相似文献   

Diversified management is a strategic decision for many enterprises at some stage in the course of their development, but in practice, there are examples showing that some of them are successful and some may fail. The full development of the enterprises leading business, formation of the key competitive ability, the strategic target of the relevant industries associated with diversified management, the opportunities and approaches for diversified management are discussed in this paper. The following conclusions have been drawn: the full development of leading business and formation of key competitive ability are the basis of the enterprise's diversified management. The area for diversified management should be strategy-related industries, as for the approach to diversified management; the first choice is absorbing firms. The opportunity possibly entering into the market of diversified management must be the best gearing point between the most favorable situation to develop industry and the enterprise's key competitive ability, which should be fully considered. It is hoped that the study will be helpful for the enterprises.  相似文献   

沿海滩涂发展能源植物的潜力分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
发展生物质能源对缓解中国的矿质能源压力、减轻能源污染具有重要意义。在分析了发展生物质能源的迫切性的基础上,介绍了利用中国丰富的沿海滩涂土地资源和植物资源开发能源植物的潜力。同时,从滩涂资源的有效利用、盐生植物中能源植物的发掘和通过转基因技术提高能源植物耐盐性及改良盐生植物生产能源物质的特性等方面提出了沿海滩涂发展能源植物的资源潜力。  相似文献   

China's stock market enters a stage where the competition's rules as well as the competition's environment are changing continuously,Under such circumstances,to gain the competition advantages is of vital importarce to the existence and development of China's stock companies themselves. As a result, the stock companies should have a thorough analysis of the RBV theory at present, and evaluate its applicability to China's stock companies, Then they should come up with some reformational measures,aiming at improving the competition advantages of domestic stock companies. There fore they are able to make measonable use of the company's resources and accomplish the organic unity combination of the company's valued resources and its strategic administration. These are the key measures used by stock companies to gain the competition cedvantges.  相似文献   

“新生代民工”的心理和思想政治工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“新生代民工”是相对于20世纪80年代的老一代民工而言的。他们和老一代民工一样,打工是为了挣钱,为了发展。然而,在传统的二元结构背景下,新一代民工在城市同样遭受了许多不公平的待遇,这不仅造成了新一代民工在思想和心理上对城市的疏离感,也不利于城市的稳定和进一步发展。近期,又有媒体报道,北京将废除“外来人员管理条理”。所有这些都表明,新形势下研究如何加强城市中的农民工的管理,特别是如何加强他们的思想政治工作,显得意义非常重大。应从用工单位、居住社区、大众传媒、提高民工自身素质等方面加强民工的思想政治工作,使他们尽快适应城市生活。  相似文献   

新疆地处祖国西北边陲和亚欧腹地,周边与多个国家相邻,区内多个民族、多种宗教并存。新疆是我国拥有后备资源最多、开发潜力最大的一个省区,具有从资源上支撑全国经济发展的重要战略地位。新疆是我国少数民族聚居地区,民族问题和宗教问题比较突出,民族问题和宗教问题往往交织在一起,并且容易为“三股势力”所利用,新疆境内外“三股势力”是危害国家统一、破坏民族团结和社会政治稳定的主要危险,“7.5”事件是个典型的例子。新疆在维护祖国统一和社会安定方面处于重要的战略地位。同时,新疆的经济发展水平相对落后,而且区域内部经济发展状况不均衡。新疆人口素质尤其是农村人口素质偏低,农民在从事生产经营对基层政府的依赖性比较强。新疆的特殊区情决定了在新疆乡镇政府的作用不能忽视。因此,本文通过分析新疆的特殊区情,认为在新疆尤其是经济欠发达地区加强乡镇政府的管理职能非常重要。下面通过南北疆各选一个典型的县具体情况的分析,找出新疆区情的特殊性,并找出特殊区情对新疆乡镇政府管理职能的影响,以及在此基础上提出了新疆乡镇政府较好的发挥作用、保证新疆农村各项事业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

浅谈新农村建设中农业信息服务模式的创新   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着中国建设社会主义新农村战略目标的提出,农业、农村和农民问题日益成为中国政府工作的重中之重,中国将投入巨大的人力、物力和财力来推动国内农业向纵深发展,中国农业正朝着现代农业的发展方向稳步、快速地推进。农业信息服务是中国社会主义新农村建设的重要支撑点之一,而农业信息服务模式的优劣则决定了农业信息服务水平和质量的高低。为了推动促进社会主义新农村的建设和发展,笔者全面回顾和总结了中国的农业信息服务模式,运用比较分析的方法充分阐述了各种农业信息服务模式的主要内容和特点,最后从政策、法律、教育等方面提出了关于中国农业信息服务模式创新的几点建议,以期为提高中国农业信息服务水平提供一些具体的可操作的策略和措施。  相似文献   

湖北省水资源供需平衡及其承载力   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以湖北省为研究区域,运用水资源负载指数和水资源供需平衡模型,采用数理统计方法,定量计算和分析了湖北省近年来的水资源供需平衡态势以及湖北省市域尺度的水资源开发潜力;在水土平衡分析、水资源供需状况评价与水资源开发潜力评价的基础上,从资源平衡关系入手,采用水资源承载指数等指标,对2000—2012年省域与市域2个层面的水资源平衡状况进行了定量研究。结果表明:湖北省人均水资源量居全国平均水平。湖北省属于水资源利用程度较高、开发利用条件较好、水资源开发潜力较大的省区。湖北省水资源承载力有限,随着未来人口的增加以及工农业的快速发展,在现有的水资源量基础上,水资源短缺将会成为湖北省中东部城市的发展瓶颈。  相似文献   

人才是高校发展与参与竞争最关键的因素,如何建设并管理好一支适应高校发展需要的人才队伍,是高校人力资源管理中的一个重要课题。针对高校人力资源管理中存在的突出问题,新时期高校人力资源管理需要从转变观念,完善激励机制,重视培训教育几个方面加以改革。  相似文献   

The provision of quality industrialized housing in Chongqing to meet demand is perceived by the Chongqing Construction Commission to be a key feature of the local construction industry's future development. The growing strategic importance of Chongqing as a developing municipality, at the junction of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers, will ensure continuing economic development in the region. To facilitate such development the local construction industry will need to react accordingly to provide new infrastructure, commercial development, and housing and recreation facilities. Clearly, this must be achieved in accordance with a robust Master Plan, which addresses all issues associated with the built environment and other environmental considerations relating to pollution, conservation and sustainability. Throughout the World it is becoming increasingly recognized that traditional forms of construction are not sustainable in the long term and that new concepts and methods of construction must be developed. Construction must more effectively utilize and re-cycle resources that would otherwise become depleted or exhausted. Further, all aspects of the in-use performance of buildings, especially housing, must be significantly improved. The situation in Chongqing is no exception to this perception and hence the purpose of this paper is to evaluate locally available resources and relevant resources elsewhere in China to assess the potential for adaptation for effective use in industrialized housing. A broad approach will be taken covering all forms of human and non-human resources, especially those resources which can be re-cycled rather than being consigned to waste. By-products from other industries will be considered, such as those from agriculture and manufacturing. A key aspect of this paper is the articulation of a framework to facilitate the realization and development of an industrialized housing system by the creation of an integrated supply chain capable of delivering the necessary design and performance features geared to affordability, conservation and sustainability. The paper will be concludes by presentation of recommendations regarding the introduction of a development strategy geared to an incremental timetable for implementation.  相似文献   

Agglomeration Effects and its evolution lead to the formation and further evolution to multi centers of a city's original center.During the further evolution to multi centers, there exists a rule which is proved to be true by the example of the formation and evolution of The dynamic adjustment of functions between business and trade within centersdrive the formation of a modern city's central business district(CBD).This rule discloses the following facts in planning and policy making of CBD:we must obey the natural rules of city centers' evolution,including the rules of Agglomeration Effects;we must lead CBD to mainly agglomerate business,not agglomerate everything;we can choose the original city center or other place out of the original city center as a CBD's location.  相似文献   

刘超 《中国农学通报》2004,20(6):362-362
西部地区城市化进程缓慢,一个重要的原因就是西部城市竞争力偏弱,因此培育西部城市竞争力,充分发挥中心城市的带动和辐射作用就成为推动西部城市化的一个重要手段。培育西部城市竞争力应注意从树立符合发展需要的新观念,加强对重点城市竞争力的培育,提高城市产业、企业的竞争力,加强人力资源的开发与管理,抓住机遇勇于创新、筑巢引凤招商引资,治理城市区域生态环境、建设生态城市等几个方面着手。  相似文献   

提高科技期刊竞争力的策略   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李琍  赵连生 《中国农学通报》2010,26(22):418-421
21世纪是中国科技期刊发展的新阶段,期刊市场的竞争日趋激烈,如何提高科技期刊的竞争力是期刊发展的关键问题,越来越受到人们的关注。作者分析了中国科技期刊的发展现状,并结合了《中国畜牧兽医》的发展现状、办刊理念、管理经验。现从人力资源、经营策略和管理机制3方面探讨了提升科技期刊竞争力的策略,为科技期刊可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍茭白的保鲜技术流程、保鲜贮藏管理、采后生理指标测试,旨在为提升宁波市茭白的保鲜水平提供一些理论依据和开发思路。  相似文献   

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