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聚丙烯酸接枝碱木质素基铁肥的制备及其缓释性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高铁元素的累积释放率,以丙烯酸单体接枝无定形高分子碱木质素制备了具有保水、缓释功能的聚丙烯酸接枝碱木质素基铁肥(简写,ALS-G-P(AA)铁肥)。考察了丙烯酸中和度、引发剂用量、交联剂用量、温度、碱木质素接枝率等因素对ALS-G-P(AA)铁肥吸水倍率的影响,研究了ALS-G-P(AA)铁肥在水中的Fe离子的缓释行为。结果表明:最佳制备条件为丙烯酸中和度60%、引发剂用量0.06g、交联剂用量0.03g、温度为60℃、碱木质素接枝率为25%;该产物铁质量分数为7.74mg/g,吸水倍率可达1017g/g。吸水饱和的ALS-G-P(AA)铁肥的肥效期为22d,其在水中铁元素累积溶出特征符合一元二次方程模型,铁元素释放曲线呈"S"形。该研究为高效施用铁肥和碱木质素在农业可降解缓/控释载体领域的应用提供了参考,并有望进一步拓展。  相似文献   

喷施硫酸锰对紫花苜蓿草产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用叶面喷施的方法,研究了喷施不同浓度锰对紫花苜蓿草产量和营养品质的影响。结果表明,喷施硫酸锰可显著(P<0.05)提高苜蓿草产量,以喷施锰浓度为100 mg/kg效果最好,年总产量达14 268.88 kg/hm2,产量比对照提高24.0%。喷施硫酸锰可以显著提高苜蓿粗蛋白的含量,当喷施浓度为100 mg/kg时效果最显著;而喷施锰肥后苜蓿粗灰分有所降低;粗纤维含量有增加的趋势;不同茬次对粗脂肪含量影响效果有较大差异,以200 mg/kg(Mn2)处理更能提高粗脂肪含量;喷施锰肥对无氮浸出物含量影响不明显。营养物质的年积累量均以喷施浓度为100 mg/kg时最高。  相似文献   

本文对宁夏扬黄新灌区微肥对春小麦的有效性及适宜用量进行了研究和探讨.两年的试验结果表明:1.在氮磷基础上,施用锌、锰微肥,对春小麦均有一定的增产效果.2.缺锰影响春小麦的叶干重、单位面积的穗数和穗粒数,缺锌影响春小麦根干重和千粒重.3.锌锰肥配施使穗粒数和千粒重显著增加,锌锰肥配施的最佳施用量各为60kg/hm2.4.研究了锌锰肥不同基施量与土壤有效锌锰的关系,为锌锰肥的施用提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

砂质土壤pH对中性缓释复合肥养分释放特性的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采用连续恒温培养研究了30℃条件下砂质酸性、中性土壤对2种不同剂型中性缓释复合肥养分释放特性的影响.研究结果表明,中性缓释复合肥的养分累积量、拟合动力学方程参数b值及养分平均释放相对百分率的变化趋势,受砂质土壤pH的影响基本一致.随砂质土壤pH升高,两种中性缓释复合肥氮素和磷素释放速率、累积量和相对百分率变大;砂质土壤pH降低,中性缓释复合肥钾素释放速率、累积量和相对百分率变大.两个中性缓释复合肥的养分释放速率对于砂质土壤pH变化响应一致,均表现为SRF1(有机无机型)<SRF2(无机型).  相似文献   

通过油页岩与碱木质素的热解不但可以得到丰富的轻质气体,也存在着有害的含芳环结构化合物以及酚类化合物等物质,通过二者的共热解意在减小有害物质的生成,提高气产率。选取不同工况下碱木质素与油页岩进行共热解试验,并通过2种Model free动力学分析法对该混合试样进行拟合分析。结果表明:5个试样的失质量峰整体都具有相同的规律。油页岩与碱木质素的热解峰有叠加,具备协同的条件。碱木质素添加量为80%的混合试样对气产率存在抑制作用,其余混合比都使气产率增加。基于FTIR的检测,混合比对二者的共热解产量影响的研究中表明,向油页岩中添加80%的碱性木质素,可以减少芳环结构化合物与酚类化合物的生成。但对于H2O、CO、CO2、CH4的累积产量并未产生明显的影响。不同升温速率的试样中,芳环结构化合物、CO2、CH4的累积产量与升温速率和温度成正比,H2O、CO、苯酚类化合物则不同。通过2种Model free法对该试验数据进行拟合且效果较好,证明了该反应机理的复杂性。  相似文献   

树干注射锰肥对新疆灰枣生长和品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
锰是果树生长发育过程中不可缺少的一种重要微量元素。为了解锰在枣生长发育过程中所起的作用,本实验采用树干注射的方式在灰枣的萌芽期,花期和膨大期增施锰肥,并对树体的生长和品质指标进行了测定。结果显示:枣在不同生长期增施锰肥对枣树生长的影响都以2.0 g/tree 表现最好,其中干径增长量、基径增长量、枣吊增长量、单果重和产量分别比对照增长了26%、33%、19%、38%和19%。对营养品质的测定中,2.0 g/株的处理枣果铁、锰、锌和钙的含量分别是对照的47%、20%、22%和13%,糖酸比为57.36。各施肥处理对灰枣生长和品质的增加均有促进作用。综上所述,在灰枣的生长期配合施用锰肥,能有效促进枣树的生长和产量和枣果营养品质的提高。  相似文献   

为探讨滋味物质在不同交联度鱼糜凝胶中的释放规律并揭示其释放机制,该研究以氯化钠、蔗糖和谷氨酸钠分别为鱼糜凝胶咸味、甜味和鲜味的代表滋味物质,通过感官评价、释放动力学模型拟合和模拟咀嚼释放等方法,分析滋味物质在不同交联度鱼糜凝胶中的释放规律。结果表明,随着交联度的增加,人体对咸味的感知逐渐降低而对鲜味的感知逐渐增强,并当交联度大于42.2%时,咀嚼破碎显著提高了鱼糜凝胶咸味和鲜味的感知(P<0.01)。氯化钠和蔗糖的释放动力学曲线符合准一级动力学模型,而谷氨酸钠的释放则符合准二级动力学模型。随着交联度的增加,鱼糜凝胶在模拟咀嚼过程中氯化钠和蔗糖的释放量先降后升,分别在交联度为42.2%和51.5%时取得最小值(4.54和3.38 mg/g);而谷氨酸钠的咀嚼释放量则逐渐增加。相关性分析结果表明,氯化钠和蔗糖在鱼糜凝胶中的释放主要与网络结构和化学作用力相关,谷氨酸钠的释放主要与凝胶质地、凝胶持水性和化学作用力相关。综上,滋味物质在鱼糜凝胶中的释放行为受滋味物质种类、凝胶质地以及凝胶与滋味物质的相互作用等多方面的影响,且凝胶在咀嚼过程中较高的破碎程度增强了滋味物质的释放与感知。  相似文献   

培养试验研究了2种温度下紫色水稻土有机碳的矿化特征以及添加不同植物残体对其矿化的影响。结果表明, 62d的培养过程中,有机碳累积矿化量在28℃条件下为C 66.79 mg/g;40℃条件下为C 86.99 mg/g,差异达到极显著水平。用一级动力学方程对植物残体的矿化速率进行拟合表明,28℃条件下,植物残体的分解速率常数(k)为蚕豆秸秆玉米秸秆水稻秸秆,而40℃条件下则为水稻秸秆玉米秸秆蚕豆秸秆。温度状况和植物残体化学组分的差异影响了紫色水稻土中有机碳的动态变化,最终导致了碳累积矿化量的差异。  相似文献   

卞永荣  朱波  程虎  谷成刚  宋洋  杨兴伦  王芳  叶茂  蒋新 《土壤》2019,51(1):107-112
稻米对甲基汞的累积危害居民身体健康。本文通过施用厌氧腐熟有机肥的盆栽试验,探讨有机肥施用对水稻中汞-甲基汞累积的影响。结果表明,有机肥施用水稻土中甲基汞含量显著增加,对照(10.43μg/kg)1%豆饼粉肥(16.80μg/kg)1%鱼粉肥(24.10μg/kg)2%豆饼粉肥(33.53μg/kg)2%鱼粉肥(38.46μg/kg),可能是施加有机肥后,增加了土壤微生物数量,提高了酶活性,导致水稻土中甲基汞含量增加。有机肥施用后,水稻不同部位总汞累积差异显著,根部最高(2 812.83μg/kg),其次是糙米(336.78μg/kg)和茎叶(300.44μg/kg)。有机肥施用后,水稻不同部位累积甲基汞的能力不同,表现为糙米(180.06μg/kg)根(59.71μg/kg)茎叶(38.97μg/kg)。不同有机肥的施用均增加籽粒中甲基汞的含量,与对照相比,各处理增加量表现为1%豆饼粉肥(16.1%)1%鱼粉肥(19.3%)2%豆饼粉肥(41.5%)2%鱼粉肥(57.9%)。同时稻米中甲基汞含量与水稻土中甲基汞含量呈正相关关系。有机肥施用增加汞污染土壤水稻中汞与甲基汞累积,其可为合理施肥提供科学依据和理论指导。  相似文献   

滇池流域土壤磷累积特征与释放风险研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张乃明  李成学  李阳红 《土壤》2007,39(4):665-667
通过对滇池流域土壤进行采样测定与模拟试验,研究了流域表层土壤有效P、全P的累积特征和释放风险.研究结果表明,滇池流域表层土壤P素累积明显,其中全P含量范围在0.5~7.0 g/kg,平均值为2.15 g/kg,有效P含量范围在26.7~598.3 mg/kg,平均值为151.04 mg/kg,全P和有效P均高于全国土壤平均值.土壤P累积与P肥施用量密切相关,模拟试验表明土壤P释放风险临界值为57 mg/kg,按此标准,滇池流域有69%的土壤已对滇池水体构成不同程度的环境风险,其中51%的土壤P释放的环境风险较高、流失严重,并己成为滇池水体富营养化的主要污染来源之一.  相似文献   


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown in nutrient solution in the greenhouse. Mn concentrations in the nutrient solutions used ranged from 0.0025 to 50,000 mg/1. Visual symptoms associated with high tissue Mn content were stunting, general chlorosis, necrotic leaf spots, white flecking, purpling, and leaf tip burn. Mn tissue concentrations of 380 mg/kg were found to reduce dry matter production by 10%.  相似文献   


Fertiliser manganese (Mn) does not have good residual value in calcareous soils in southern Australia. The interaction of biotic and abiotic factors determining availability of fertiliser Mn is not well understood. Effects of autoclaving and temperature of moist incubation on DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid)‐extractable Mn and the distribution of Mn among soil fractions was tested in a sandy, calcareous Wangary soil. In the topsoil receiving 10 or 40 mg Mn/kg, higher incubation temperature (26°C) accelerated a decrease in DTPA‐Mn and weakly adsorbed Mn during 0–14 d incubation compared with the lower temperature (15/10°C, 12 h each) regardless of whether soil was autoclaved or not. In a Wangary soil mixed in 1:1 ratio of topsoil to subsoil and supplemented with Mn, higher temperature during soil incubation resulted in higher DTPA‐Mn compared to the lower incubation temperature after 36 d. The decrease in weakly adsorbed Mn with incubation time was mainly due to: (i) Mn fixation by chemisorption on calcite, and (ii) Mn oxidation by soil microflora; the higher the incubation temperature, the quicker the fixation. Autoclaving of the soil fertilised with Mn caused the amounts of Mn in various soil fractions to remain almost constant throughout the 24‐d incubation period regardless of the incubation temperature. The present study indicates that the reduction of Mn availability in soils results when dry non‐autoclaved soil is re‐moistened and incubated at relatively higher temperatures as occurs in the autumn in Mediterranean climates such as that of South Australia.  相似文献   

Responses of narrow‐leafed sweet lupins (Lupinus angustifolius L.) to foliar sprays of different sources of manganese (Mn) were compared in field experiments in three years at six sites in Western Australia. The relative effectiveness of manganese chelate (EDTA; 14% Mn) and manganese sulfate (25% Mn) applied as foliar sprays for alleviating Mn deficiency of lupins was assessed. Each source was sprayed at six levels of Mn (0, 0.125, 0.250, 0.50, 1.0, and 2 kg Mn/ha) when pods on the main stem were 2–3 cm long to define the relationship between seed and the amount of foliar Mn applied for lupins grown on Mn‐deficient soil. Manganese chelate, manganese sulfate, and the Mangasol sprays were equally effective. For all sources, 1.0 kg Mn/ha sprayed on the foliage was required to produce maximum seed yield and reduce split seed to an acceptable level (<4%). In all years, manganese sulfate banded with the seed produced similar seed yields as Mn sprayed on the foliage.  相似文献   

Grains of wheat were produced with differing zinc (Zn) or manganese (Mn) contents by culturing detached ears from anthesis onwards in solutions of four different concentrations of Zn or Mn (0.1,1.0,10, and 50 μM). After 20 days, ears were labeled with 65Zn or 54Mn at (i) the pretreatment concentrations of Zn or Mn, or (ii) at 10 μM Zn or Mn regardless of the pretreatment. Accumulation of Zn or Mn in the grain was greater as the pretreatment concentration of Zn or Mn increased from 1.0 to 10 μM, however, accumulation was less in ears cultured at 50 μM Zn or Mn. Accumulation of Mn in grain of different Mn status labeled at 10 μM Mn was similar in the 0.1,1.0, and 10 μM Mn pretreatments, but accumulation in the grain pretreated at 50 μM Mn was reduced. In contrast, accumulation of Zn in grains of different Zn status when labeled at 10 uM Zn was highest in ears pretreated at 10 μM Zn, but substantially lower in ears of a lower Zn status (those pretreated at 0.1 or 1.0 μM Zn) as well as in those pretreated at 50 μM Zn. These results suggest that Zn‐deficient grain was not a strong sink for Zn, while at high concentrations of solution Zn, a protective barrier exists preventing excessive accumulation of Zn in the grain. Proportionally more Zn was distributed to the inner pericarp and generally less to the endosperm, outer pericarp, and embryo as the Zn status of the grain increased. This work demonstrates that loading of Zn and Mn into, and distribution within, wheat grain is regulated by the nutritional status of the grain.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the forms and reactions of Al and Mn in the rhizosphere of plants are discussed in relation to Mn availability and Al toxicity. The differences in behaviour between the two elements are sufficiently great that quite distinctly different procedures are required to estimate availability of Mn and toxicity of Al.  相似文献   

大豆锰营养研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据国内外研究进展,从锰营养的生理过程、作用及对大豆产量、品质的影响和施用方法等方面综述大豆锰营养的研究现状。  相似文献   

盐分对土壤锰释放的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
司友斌  章力干 《土壤通报》2000,31(6):255-258
盐分能诱导土壤锰的释放 .Na+和Ca2 +的离子交换作用促进了土壤锰向水溶液中释放 ,提高了土壤锰的有效性 ;同时 ,盐分降低了土壤的 pH值 ,并使土壤氧化还原电位发生变化 ,引起土壤中锰形态间的转化 .NO- 3 离子对氧化还原电位影响显著 ,硝酸盐处理土壤中易还原态锰含量显著增加  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) deficiency is a widespread problem on the alkaline soils, particularly for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum), which is more sensitive than either bread wheat or barley. The existence of considerable genetic variation in current germplasm of durum wheat (a relative yield of 58% in Stojocri 2 compared to 15% in check cv Yallaroi) and the development of a consistent selection criterion (Mn content of 35‐day‐old seedlings) has made breeding for Mn efficiency feasible. The development of Mn‐efficient durum wheat would be facilitated if the mode of inheritance was well understood. F1 hybrid, F2, and F2‐derived families from a cross between Stojocri 2 (moderately efficient) and Hazar (inefficient) were studied under controlled‐environment conditions. F1 hybrid was intermediate to the parents, indicating incomplete dominance and dependence on external Mn concentration. Analysis of 110 F2 and 220 F3 single plants (including 20 F2‐derived F3 families) showed that the observed variance was in agreement with the expected variance of a population segregating for two genes. Chi‐square analysis of the segregation ratios of F3 families also supported the digenic segregation hypothesis. Currently Stojocri 2 is used in a breeding program for the transfer of Mn efficiency to commercial varieties, by backcrossing (two backcrosses retain about 88% of recurrent parent genotype).  相似文献   

A microbiological examination of manganese concretions which were found in an alfisol soil of West Peloponnese, Greece, is presented. Two new Mn2+ oxidizing bacteria identified as Pseudomonas sp. nov. (E1) and Citrobacter freundii (E4) were isolated from the core of the concretions. The Mn2+ oxidizing activity of the isolates was demonstrated on solidified media. The quantitative determination of Mn2+ precipitation was performed by activation analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The mechanism of Mn2+ precipitation was studied using whole cell, and cell-free extracts of both bacteria; a precipitation of 50% and 70%, respectively, occurred without any change in the pH. The precipitation of Mn2+ depended on the concentration of the whole cells and of the cell-free extracts and was independent of the presence of Mn during the growth of the cultures. The activity of cell-free extracts is heat sensitive and inhibited by HgCl2.The porosity of the concretions and the presence of amorphous manganese oxides in them, together with the morphology and physiology of the bacteria isolated from the core of them, present good evidence that those bacteria play an important role in the formation of the examined concretions.  相似文献   

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