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平原地区河道堤防滩地的水土流失,直接淤积河床,影响行洪安全。堤防滩地的水土流失是自然因素和人为因素共同作用的结果,以新修堤防的水土流失最为严重,对其防治须实行工程措施、植物措施和人为预防相结合。  相似文献   

论水土、水土生态与水土生态保持   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
在论述水土在陆地生态系统中的地位和作用的基础上,提出了水土生态的概念,认为植被与水土不可分割的整体观念是水土生态的重要特征。同时,对水土生态保持的含义作了新的定义,并将水土生态保持划分为四大类型,即生态型、自然型、生产型、建设型。从水土生态的高度,从源头上、要素的联系中去认识和防治水土流失,是一种主动的、有机的、整体的水土保持观念,是水土保持认识观的深化和发展,将使水土生态保持事业进入一个崭新的时代。  相似文献   

重庆地处长江上游、三峡库区,由于三峡库区水土流失严重、生态环境脆弱、自然灾害频繁,且三峡库区的水土保持和生态建设事关全市经济社会发展全局、事关三峡工程建成后的安全运行和库区的长治久安,因此是我市水土保持生态建设的重点。虽然,“长治”工程的有效实施,使我市的水土保持生态建设取得了较大的成绩,但离全面建设小康社会的要求尚有不少的差距,因此,我们要紧紧抓住国家实施可持续发展战略和西部大开发战略的历史机遇,进一步增强紧迫感、责任感和使命感,调动全社会各界力量,防治水土流失,改善生态环境,建设巴渝秀美山川。  相似文献   

The charge characteristics of A1 or Ap and B2 horizon samples of total 23 Ultisols, Alfisols and Oxisols in Korea and Thailand were studied by measuring the retention of NH4+ and NO3? at different pH values (4–8) and NH4NO3 concentrations (0.1–0.005 m ). The magnitude of their negative charge (σ?; meq/100g) was dependent on pH and NH4NO3 concentration (C; m ) as represented by a regression equation: log σ?=apH +blogC +c. The values of the coefficient a (0.04–0.226), b (0.03–0.264) and c (–0.676–1.262) were correlated with the kinds of the soil and horizon and with the region where the soil exists. The retention of NO3? was less than 1 and 2–3 meq/100 g for the A1 or Ap and B2 horizon samples, respectively. The sum of exchangeable base and Al (‘effective’ CEC) was close to and higher than the magnitude of permanent charge (=σ? measured at pH = 4.3 and at C = 0.005 m ) for one-third and two-thirds of samples, respectively. A σ? value of 16 meq/100 g clay at pH = 7 and C = 0.01 m was found appropriate to separate the B2 horizons of Thai Ultisols and Oxisols from those of Korean Ultisols and Alfisols. Korean Alfisols and Ultisols and Thai Ultisols were distinguished from each other on the status of exchangeable base and Al  相似文献   

水土保持法律规范和相关行政法律规范,共同构成了水土保持监督管理法律体系,其内容庞杂,相互交叉、融合,程序复杂。通过一组网络图及其简要注释,直观地表述了水土保持监督管理工作的相关程序、时效、逻辑关系和法律依据;通过对网络图呈现的逻辑问题所反映出的法律缺陷进行分析,提出应当按照立法法的有关规定,对现行法律特别是水土保持法律法规进行必要的修改,以适应不断发展的水土保持监督管理工作需要的建议。  相似文献   

简析了婺源县城镇开发区建设过程中造成水土流失的状况、危害、原因后,提出了其防治措施,并阐明开展城市(镇)水土保持的紧迫性。  相似文献   

我国滑坡、崩塌的区域特征、成因分析及其防御   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了我国滑坡、崩塌的区域分布特征,滑坡和崩塌的危害程度,滑坡和崩塌类型和成因分析,并且提出了灾害的防御措施,以期达到环境保护成为社会发展过程中的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

Soils were collected from 2-year (2-y) and 3-year (3-y) old red-pine seedling plots in two tree nurseries, Hayward in the north and Wilson in the southwestern part of Wisconsin State respectively, and equilibrated with 0.01 M Ca(NO3)2 for soil solution Zn and Mn (solu-Zn and Mn), and with 0.01 M Ca(NO3)2+0.005 M EDTA for soil adsorbed Zn and Mn (ad-Zn and Mn). Buffering capacity of soil Zn and Mn (b-Zn and Mn) was obtained from the ratio of ad-Zn and Mn to the solu-Zn and Mn. The concerned traces in pine seedling needles (ndls), stems(sts) and roots (rts) were simultaneously measured.  相似文献   


Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.) were grown separately and together in a pot trial on a yellow‐brown pumice soil with three rates of sodium (Na) and two rates of potassium (K) in factorial combination. Lucerne alone had a low Na concentration but growing phalaris as a companion grass produced herbage with a Na concentration adequate for stock. Na application increased the Na concentration in phalaris and the mixture of phalaris and lucerne much more than in lucerne alone; had little effect on K concentration; slightly reduced Mg concentration; and greatly reduced Ca concentration but not as much in lucerne as in phalaris or the mixture with lucerne. K application increased K concentration and reduced Na, Ca and Mg concentrations throughout. Yield of phalaris grown alone and in combination with lucerne was increased significantly by Na application when K concentration in the plants was low. Yield of lucerne was not affected by Na application and it is concluded that Na did not substitute for K in this species. It is concluded that field trials are warranted to investigate the possibility of growing a special purpose mixture of lucerne and phalaris on New Zealand yellow‐brown pumice soils to provide feed that has adequate Na for grazing animals.  相似文献   

关于水土生态与水土生态保持的再认识   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
2004年,笔者提出了"水土生态保持"一词,随后又撰文多篇探讨其内涵,阐述其意义。结合这些年的生产实践,笔者又对水土生态、水土生态保持的内涵与外延及其意义提出了进一步的思考和认识,希望专家学者指正或争鸣。  相似文献   

不同水氮管理对菠菜生长和水氮利用的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
针对传统水肥方式中存在的投入过量问题 ,采用控制耕层土壤湿度以及应用KNS氮素推荐系统对菠菜的产量及水氮利用进行了研究。结果表明 ,推荐施氮处理与传统施氮处理对菠菜的生长没有明显的差异 ,而控制耕层土壤水分含量为植物有效的土壤含水量的 50%~80%及 60%~90%时的处理产量比传统灌水处理有显著性增加。推荐灌水施氮模式同传统灌水施氮模式相比 ,菠菜产量没有明显的差异 ,但是氮素以及水分供应量分别减少了 73.6 %和 39.2% ,相应地水分利用效率提高 64% ,氮素利用效率也有显著提高。推荐的水氮处理在菠菜收获后土壤无机氮残留量比传统处理明显降低。因此在合理灌溉的基础上进行氮素推荐 ,可有效地解决蔬菜生产中产量与环境之间的矛盾  相似文献   

20世纪末,开发建设项目水土保持方案的编报工作已经实现了规范化和制度化,但有不少的编制者在编制建设类和建设生产类项目的水土保持方案时往往出现失误.建设类和建设生产类项目的水土保持方案在很多方面都存在很大区别.根据多年编制两类水土保持方案的实践经验,总结出了这两类项目水土保持方案的编报工作在水土保持要求、服务年限、预测时段划分、防治目标等方面的异同,以防止在编报过程中出现水土流失量预测、水土保持措施体系以及水土保持监测等方面产生较大的偏差.  相似文献   

Cocoa and chocolate products from major brands were analyzed blind for total antioxidant capacity (AOC) (lipophilic and hydrophilic ORAC(FL)), catechins, and procyanidins (monomer through polymers). Accuracy of analyses was ascertained by comparing analyses on a NIST standard reference chocolate with NIST certified values. Procyanidin (PC) content was related to the nonfat cocoa solid (NFCS) content. The natural cocoa powders (average 87% of NFCS) contained the highest levels of AOC (826 +/- 103 micromol of TE/g) and PCs (40.8 +/- 8.3 mg/g). Alkalized cocoa (Dutched powders, average 80% NFCS) contained lower AOC (402 +/- 6 micromol of TE /g) and PCs (8.9 +/- 2.7 mg/g). Unsweetened chocolates or chocolate liquor (50% NFCS) contained 496 +/- 40 micromol of TE /g of AOC and 22.3 +/- 2.9 mg/g of PCs. Milk chocolates, which contain the least amount of NFCS (7.1%), had the lowest concentrations of AOC (80 +/- 10 micromol of TE /g) and PCs (2.7 +/- 0.5 mg/g). One serving of cocoa (5 g) or chocolate (15 or 40 g, depending upon the type of chocolate) provides 2000-9100 micromol of TE of AOC and 45-517 mg of PCs, amounts that exceed the amount in a serving of the majority of foods consumed in America. The monomers through trimers, which are thought to be directly bioavailable, contributed 30% of the total PCs in chocolates. Hydrophilic antioxidant capacity contributed >90% of AOC in all products. The correlation coefficient between AOC and PCs in chocolates was 0.92, suggesting that PCs are the dominant antioxidants in cocoa and chocolates. These results indicate that NFCS is correlated with AOC and PC in cocoa and chocolate products. Alkalizing dramatically decreased both the procyanidin content and antioxidant capacity, although not to the same extent.  相似文献   

依法防治水土流失 促进经济社会可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水土保持法颁布实施十年来 ,全国七大流域水土保持生态建设工程累计完成水土流失综合治理面积 38万km2 。全国有 10个城市、134个县、110 0条小流域成为水土保持生态建设的示范样板。在全国 110 0多个县开展了监督执法规范化建设 ,实施预防保护面积 2 0多万km2 ,累计查处违法案件 6万多件 ,全国各级水行政主管部门审批水土保持方案 17万多项  相似文献   

有机与常规种植稻米品质及安全性的分析与评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
有机食品由于生产过程中禁止使用化学合成的农药、化肥、除草剂和生长调节剂以及基因工程品种并需要通过独立的第三方认证机构的认证而给人们以优质、安全、口感好的印象。调查表明,在英国有46%的消费者认为购买有机食品的首要因素是关注健康,40%的消费者认为有机食品味道更好;  相似文献   

滇东北山区水土流失防治对策研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
王军  陈川 《水土保持研究》2003,10(4):99-101
滇东北山区是云南省生态环境恶化、人民生活贫困的特困山区之一。这里山高坡陡、水土流失严重、地质灾害频繁,严重的水土流失,构成对长江中下游地区危害日益加剧。数量众多的坡耕地是水土流失的主体,加快退耕还林步伐和进行坡耕地治理是当务之急。在当前实施西部大开发战略中,应该把滇东北山区水土流失防治纳入重要议事日程。建议从加快生态经济型防护林(草)体系建设,实施必要的生态移民,积极进行水土保持型生态农业建设,强化法制意识、依法保护和治理生态环境和控制人口增长、提高人口素质等5个方面入手。  相似文献   

Greenhouse and laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the toxic effects of Be and V on collards (Brassica oleracea, var. acephala L.). In the laboratory germination study, incremental increases in the Be concentrations of the growing medium induced a steady decline in the radicle length of seven-day-old collard seedling. Beryllium concentrations greater than or equal to 8 mg Be L?1 totally inhibited seed germination. The presence of V in the growing medium had no effect on collard germination; however, it had a profound effect on subsequent radicle elongation. Concentrations of V less than 1 mg V L?1 stimulated radicle elongation, while concentrations greater than or equal to 3 mg V L?1 caused severe toxicity. In the greenhouse study, Be toxicity was observed in collards grown in a Blanton sand (Grossarenic Paleudult) received treatments greater than or equal to 150 mg Be kg ?1 (as BeSO4). Irrespective of treatment level, 97% of the Be taken up by the plants remained in the roots while only 3% was translocated to aboveground plant parts. Vanadium tissue concentrations and toxicity to collards varied with soil type. Additions as low as 80 mg V kg?1 to the Blanton sand significantly reduced collard biomass while additions as high as 100 mg V kg?1 to an Orangebury loamy sand (Typic Paleudult) had no effect on plant biomass. The differential response was attributed to greater accumulation of V by plants grown in the Blanton soil.  相似文献   

水土保持与生态农业建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了水土流失对农业生产持续发展的影响,阐述了水土保持对发展农业生产、改善生态环境的 重要作用。指出生态农业建设是我国农业发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

从水土保持与环境治理的关系方面阐述了作为国土整治的重要内容,水土保持对建立良好的生态环境、整治江河、改善农户庭院经济和环境卫生质量开辟了极为广阔的前景。  相似文献   

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