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长穗偃麦草y型高分子量谷蛋白基因的鉴定与分子克隆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用SDS-PAGE方法,对长穗偃麦草(Elytrigia elongata,EeEe,2n=2x=14)的高分子量谷蛋白进行了研究。在长穗偃麦草材料P198526中,33粒种子具有2~4条各不相同的高分子量谷蛋白亚基,以4条最为普遍,这表明长穗偃麦草居群P198526高分子量谷蛋白位点上是杂合的。采用1粒种子总DNA对其蛋白基因编码区进行PCR扩增,有2.4、2.1、1.8和1.5kb4个片段,分别回收并克隆到T-载体上,得阳性质粒pEe2.4,pEe2.1,pEe1.5和pEe1.8。其中,pEe1.5和pEe1.8为两个y型亚基,与小麦族物种A、B、D和R基因组编码的y型高分子量谷蛋白基因十分类似。这进一步证实了长穗偃麦草含有高分子量谷蛋白基因。  相似文献   

根据已报道的其他植物高亲和钾离子转运蛋白(HKT1;4)基因的保守序列设计一对简并性引物,以长穗偃麦草幼根总RNA为模板,采用RT-PCR方法克隆出长穗偃麦草HKT1;4,基因命名为EeHKT1;4。结果表明:该基因片段长度为614 bp,编码204个氨基酸,所得序列与其他植物氨基酸序列同源性均在80%以上,特别是和一粒小麦TmHKT1;4氨基酸同源性高达92%。这为长穗偃麦草HKT1;4全长基因的克隆及其耐盐分子机制的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

利用小麦微卫星引物建立偃麦草Ee染色体组特异SSR标记   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用40对小麦SSR引物对17份偃麦草(Thinopyrum sp.)、2份小麦(Triticum aestivum)材料进行了PCR扩增分析,从中筛选到引物Xgwm325能在不同偃麦草材料中扩增出4条长度分别为1400、440、120和100bp的特异DNA片段,可以作为偃麦草种质的特异SSR标记。利用小麦-二倍体长穗偃麦草(Th.elongatum)异代换系和异附加系对引物Xgwm325进行了扩增鉴定,结果只有100bp左右的片段出现在长穗偃麦草所有E^e组染色体上,该片段可以作为E^e染色体组的特异SSR标记。  相似文献   

为建立长穗偃麦草Ee染色体组特异的分子标记,以普通小麦中国春、中国春-长穗偃麦草二体代换系、附加系为材料,用5对AFLP引物进行分析,共筛选出28个分布于1Ee-7Ee 7个染色体特异的AFLP标记,经PAGE凝胶电泳后回收、克隆和测序,并根据测序结果设计PCR特异引物,成功地将AFLP标记E-ATC/M-CGTA341bp, E-ATT/M-CTAG265bp, E-AAT/M-CCAG139bp和E-ATT/M-CTAG205bp转化为实验结果稳定、操作更简单的STS标记。利用获得的STS标记对5个长穗偃麦草居群和8个小麦品种进行了鉴定。结果表明其可以在长穗偃麦草居群中被检测到,但在其它小麦背景中检测不到。表明这些标记可以用于小麦-长穗偃麦草异源附加系和代换系中长穗偃麦草遗传物种的检测。  相似文献   

为了打破小麦抗赤霉病育种种质资源狭窄的局限,丰富抗赤霉病遗传材料,本研究通过对中国春-长穗偃麦草二体异代换系DS7E/7A与扬麦16杂交后代进行辐射诱变,以产生小麦-长穗偃麦草易位系选择群体,并结合赤霉病抗性鉴定和长穗偃麦草染色体特异分子标记辅助选择,最终获得了5个小麦-长穗偃麦草抗赤霉病易位单株,创建了一条有效获得小麦-长穗偃麦草抗赤霉病易位系的技术路线。小麦-长穗偃麦草抗赤霉病易位系的成功创建不仅为小麦抗赤霉病育种提供了重要的中间材料,也将为小麦近缘种的抗赤霉病研究和利用提供理论与实践参考。  相似文献   

本研究利用亚基5和10的特异PCR标记,对19个已知HMW-GS组成的品种(包括中国春及其缺体1D-四体1A、缺体1D-四体1B)进行了扩增。结果表明,具有5亚基的8个品种[如钱尼(CNN)和荔垦2号],能扩增出450bp的特异带;而其它品种[如中国春(CS)及其1D缺体-四体],则没有这一特异带。具有10亚基的品种[CNN和荔垦2号等]能扩增出576bp的特异带;具有12亚基的品种(如CS等)能扩增出612bp的特异带。结果与HMW-GS的蛋白质电泳结果一致。用这两个标记对同一组合内的15个F6品系进行PCR扩增,发现其中12个品系HMW-GS组成为1Dx5 1Dy10。  相似文献   

小麦品系CH5383是源于中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium)的兼抗多种小麦病害的新种质。为明确其抗性来源和外源DNA片段的渗入位置,采用基因组原位杂交(GISH)和荧光原位杂交(FISH)对CH5383进行分析,GISH分析未发现外源信号,FISH结果观察到CH5383的3BL染色体端部与对照小麦(Triticum aestivum)品种中国春相比有明显的重组信号,初步推断CH5383染色体3BL端部可能有中间偃麦草DNA片段插入。用135对PLUG(PCR-based landmark unique gene)标记对CH5383、中国春和多个近缘物种进行扩增分析,发现位于3B染色体长臂端部的引物TNAC1383,能在CH5383和中间偃麦草中扩增出大约1 300 bp的特异DNA产物。从而进一步证实,CH5383是一个小麦-中间偃麦草小片段渗入系,携带抗条锈病基因的外源中间偃麦草DNA渗入片段位于3B染色体端部0.81-1.00区段。CH5383可以作为优异的小麦抗病育种新种质加以利用。  相似文献   

在C-分带识别普通小麦钢82-122染色体长臂的基础上,通过染色体显微切割和微克隆技术切割1D染色体,并通过PCR扩增得到高分子量麦谷蛋白1Dx5亚基基因片段,序列分析证明其正确性。这一方法的建立为获得新基因特异性探针打下基础。  相似文献   

以长穗偃麦草为材料,采用土培试验方法,研究了重金属Cd、Zn单一及复合污染对长穗偃麦草的生物量、保护酶(SOD和POD)、丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸(Pro)的影响,及长穗偃麦草对Cd、Zn的积累能力。结果表明,Cd、Zn单一及复合污染下,长穗偃麦草生物量随Cd和Zn浓度的升高而降低,与对照存在显著差异(P〈0.05);Cd和Zn单一污染下,随着Cd、Zn浓度的升高,SOD、POD、MDA、Pro含量增加;Cd和Zn复合污染下,随处理质量浓度的增加,SOD呈下降趋势,POD和MDA呈增加趋势。Cd10Zn200处理下Pro含量减少,随Cd和Zn质量浓度的增加,其他复合处理下的Pro含量增加;植株根部的Cd和Zn积累量均大于地上部的积累量。综合实验结果,可初步判断长穗偃麦草能积累和忍受一定量的Cd、Zn,Cd和Zn复合污染对上述各指标的毒害效应大于同水平单元素污染的效应。长穗偃麦草根茎发达,生物量大,在生长过程中可通过生物量带走部分重金属Cd、Zn,因此长穗偃麦草具有修复重金属Cd和Zn污染土壤的潜能。  相似文献   

玉米大斑病菌G蛋白β亚基编码基因的克隆与表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米大斑病菌(Setosphearia turcica)属半知菌亚门丝状真菌,是严重威胁玉米生产的重要植物病原真菌。本研究克隆了玉米大斑病菌G蛋白β亚基编码基因Stgb-1。Stgb-1基因全长1296bp,由5个外显子和4个内含子组成;开放阅读框(ORF)为1056bp,编码351个氨基酸,蛋白质计算分子量为39.081kDa。STGB1蛋白推导氨基酸序列与Cochliobolus heterostrophus(100%)、Cryphonectria parasitica(80%)、Aspergillus fumigatus(81%)等丝状真菌的G蛋白β亚基编码基因均具有较高的同源性。同时,利用RACE技术和Genomic Walking技术获得了Stgb-1基因3’-末端cDNA和DNA的3’端侧翼序列,BlastN结果表明其cDNA 3’-UTR为136bp,poly(A)由9个A构成。此外,构建了pET28a-Stgb-1原核表达载体,SDS-PAGE检测和Western blot鉴定结果表明,目的蛋白在E.coli BL21菌株中已成功实现了诱导表达,为进一步研究蛋白结构与功能的关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Analysis of 17 derivatives from a somatic fusion between common wheat (Triticum aestivum) and tall wheat grass (Thinopyrum ponticum) showed a diversity of high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) compositions. On the basis of the inheritance of HMW-GS patterns, the derivatives were either (i) bred true over four successive generations, (ii) generated a few novel HMW-GS combinations at each generation, or (iii) showed highly unstable HMW-GS compositions. HMW-GS analysis of F(5) seed and each single seed-generated F(6) progenies further revealed that most of the HMW-GS had genetic stability. The variations of HMW-GS were inferred to occur in early generations and were maintained thereafter. Low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) in hybrid lines with high or low bread-making quality, classified into the first pattern, were compared. The result showed that hybrid lines with the uniform HMW-GS patterns also have identical LMW-GS patterns. The Glu-1 quality score was inferred to be relatively significant to the sodium dodecyl dulfate sedimentation value, as well as to correlate with the gluten exponent and contents of dry gluten and proteins. Sexual hybridization between high-quality somatic hybrid progeny II-12 and Chinese Spring (CS) showed that these high-quality HMW-GS genes could entail progenies. There was not subunit variation in the progenies of II-12 x CS. Therefore, sexual hybridization between somatic hybrid line and cultivars can transfer novel high-quality HMW-GS of somatic hybrids and benefit wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Glutenin largely determines wheat bread baking quality. As high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS), related to Glu-1 loci, determines wheat flour elasticity, it correlates strongly with bread-making quality. This study was aimed at clarifying genetic variations in bread-making characteristics between East and West Asian wheat landrace germplasms, by investigating HMW-GS allelic composition of 1068 wheat accessions. Herein, the accession number having reported HMW-GS pattern in previous studies was 855. However, the accession number with newly detected HMW-GS patterns was 114. These new HMW-GS patterns were classified into 4 types based on similarity. Eight Korean accessions with these four types were identified. Concerning landrace germplasm nature, 99 accessions showed heterogeneous patterns caused by seed mixture. The Glu-1 loci allelic variation analysis, revealed that the percentages of Glu-A1c (73.6%), Glu-B1b (60.2%), and Glu-D1a (68.5%) were highest at Glu-A1, Glu-B1, and Glu-D1 loci, respectively. The incidence of preferable alleles for bread baking was high in Chinese accessions. In bread-making quality evaluation using Glu-1 score, 24 among 35 accessions with full score were from China. The polymorphic information content index of each origin based on HMW glutenin subunit combination showed that West Asian and neighboring-regional landraces, excluding Afghanistan ones, were more diverse than East Asian landraces excluding Chinese ones. Cluster analysis based on Glu-1 allelic combination showed that many Korean, Japanese, and Afghan accessions were in the same group. However, many Chinese and other West Asian accessions were in the other group despite geographical distance.  相似文献   


A population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed from a cross of Triticum aestivum cvs. WL711 and PH132 using the single-seed descent method was used to investigate the genetics of high protein content and its contribution to bread-making quality. Four-year data on protein content of parents and 124 RILs suggested that the difference in protein content between the two parents was controlled by two major genes with an additive effect. The individual gene gave intermediate protein content. Seven RILs with high protein content and without any yield penalty were selected, multiplied, and investigated for various milling, dough, and bread-making characteristics. PH132 and all seven selected RILs had higher protein content, higher sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation value, longer dough development time, a lower mixing tolerance index, higher stability, and better loaf volume and loaf quality than the bread wheat cultivars WL711 and PBW343. High molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunit composition of various high-protein RILs indicated a recombination of parental protein subunits. “2?” coded by Glu-A1 locus, 17 + 18 subunits coded by Glu-B1 locus, and “5 + 10” coded by Glu-D1 locus were predominant. One of the selected RILs, T-74, possessing 2 + 12 at Glu-D1 locus, also had superior bread-making quality, indicating that grain-protein content above a certain minimum value is a relatively more important determinant of bread-making quality than HMW glutenin subunits 5 + 10.  相似文献   

The high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) composition at the Glu-1 complex loci, in 23 old original wheat genotypes cultivated in Slovakia several decades ago and 32 modern Slovak and Czech wheat cultivars growed in Slovakia at present were studied by SDS-PAGE. Some of the HMW-GS – subunit pairs 3+12, 17+18, and subunit 20, present in old historical wheats were missing in modern cultivars utilized in Slovakia nowadays. There were observed 15 different HMW-GS encoded by 11 alleles or allelic pairs in old genotypes. Lower number of different HMW-GS and competent alleles were observed in a set of modern wheat cultivars – 11 different HMW glutenin subunits encoded by 8 alleles or allelic pairs. The same number of different HMW-GS patterns was revealed in both sets of wheats. From the point of view of genetic variability, it could be concluded that long-term effort of breeders and decreasing of cultivation of landraces and old cultivars are associated with the loss of several HMW-GS alleles and decreasing of genetic variability of wheats. Molecular characterization can reveal broad allelic variability of old wheat genotypes and landraces. Their maintenance in genetic resource collections can prevent losses of these interesting genes.  相似文献   

Seed samples of 27 landraces of wheat were collected from farmers’ fields of hilly areas of Himalaya in Uttaranchal state of India during April 2004. Genetic diversity among 41 genotypes (cultivars and landraces of wheat) was studied using morphological traits, microsatellite markers and SDS-PAGE of HMW-GS. The dendrogram and PCA (Principal Component Analysis) based on morphological data clearly separated landraces of wheat from cultivars. In the dendrogram based on microsatellite markers data all the wheat cultivars released after the introduction of high yielding dwarf wheat varieties from CIMMYT, used in this study, were grouped separately with the exception of NP4. The pre-green revolution indigenous varieties grouped with landraces suggesting that the same had been probably developed through selection among landraces in India. The landraces had higher diversity for HMW-glutenin subunits coded by Glu-B1, with distinct subunit combinations 6 + 8, 7 + 9, 13 + 16, than within the wheat cultivars analyzed. Most of the landraces except IITR10 and IITR14 are clearly distinct from the indigenous and modern wheat cultivars released in India in the 20th century. More than half of the landraces were heterogeneous mixture of plants with different glume color, awnness, grain color and HMW-GS profile and hence need purification through single plant selection. Some of the landraces with resistance to yellow rust and powdery mildew and distinct HMW-GS subunits can be used in appropriate breeding programs. It will be desirable to conserve and protect the landraces as geographical indications of Uttaranchal.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare the effects of incorporated wheat storage proteins on the functional properties of rice and wheat flours. The advantage of rice as a base flour compared to wheat is that it does not contain any wheat flour components and, therefore, has no interactive effect between wheat glutenin proteins. The incorporation of individual HMW glutenin subunit proteins (Bx6, Bx7, and By8) in different ratios had significant positive effects on the mixing requirements of both rice and wheat doughs. Reconstitution experiments using two x+y type HMW-GS pairs together with a bacterially expressed LMW-GS have been also carried out in this study. The largest effects of polymer formation and mixing properties of rice flour dough were observed when Bx and By subunits were used in a 1:1 ratio and HMW and LMW glutenin subunits in a 1:3 ratio. However, using the same subunit ratios in wheat as the base flour, these synergistic effects were not observed.  相似文献   

In wheat ( Triticum aestivum L), the synthesis of high molecular weight (HMW) glutenins (GS) is controlled by three heterologous genetic loci present on the long arms of group 1 wheat chromosomes. The loci Glu-A1, Glu-B1, and Glu-D1 and their allelic variants play important roles in the functional properties of wheat flour. This study focused on understanding the functionality of these protein subunits on tortilla quality. Near-isogenic wheat lines in which one or more of these loci were absent or deleted were used. Tortillas were prepared from each deletion line and the parent lines. The elimination of certain HMW-GS alleles alter distinct but critical aspects of tortilla quality such as diameter, shelf stability, and overall quality. Two deletion lines possessing HMW-GS 17 + 18 at Glu-B1 and deletions in Glu-A1 and Glu-D1 had significantly larger tortilla diameters, yet tortilla shelf life was compromised or unchanged from the parent lines used to develop the deletion lines or the commercial tortilla flour used as a control. Alternatively, a deletion line possessing Glu-A1 and Glu-D1 (HMW-GS 1, 5 + 10) and a deletion in Glu-B1 also significantly improved tortilla diameters. Whereas the increase in diameter was less than the line possessing only HMW-GS 17 + 18 at Glu-B1, the stability of the tortillas were, however, maintained and improved as compared to the parent lines containing a full compliment of HMW-GS. Thus, the presence of subunits 5 + 10 at Glu-D1 alone or in combination with subunit 1 at Glu-A1 appears to provide a compromise of improvement in dough extensibility for improved tortilla diameters while also providing sufficient gluten strength to maintain ideal shelf stability.  相似文献   

The primary structures of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) of 5 Triticum durum Desf. cultivars (Simeto, Svevo, Duilio, Bronte, and Sant'Agata), largely cultivated in the south of Italy, and of 13 populations of the old spring Sicilian durum wheat landrace Timilia (Triticum durum Desf.) (accession nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, SG1, SG2, and SG3) were investigated using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography/nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC/nESI-MS/MS). M(r) of the intact proteins determined by MALDI mass spectrometry showed that all the 13 populations of Timilia contained the same two HMW-GS with 75.2 kDa and 86.4 kDa, whereas the other durum wheat cultivars showed the presence of the expected HMW-GS 1By8 and 1Bx7 at 75.1 kDa and 83.1 kDa, respectively. By MALDI mass spectrometry of the tryptic digestion peptides of the isolated HMW-GS of Timilia, the 1Bx and 1By subunits were identified as the NCBInr Acc. No AAQ93629, and AAQ93633, respectively. Sequence verification for HMW-GS 1Bx and 1By both in Simeto and Timilia was obtained by MALDI mass mapping and HPLC/nESI-MSMS of the tryptic peptides. The Bx subunit of Timila presents a sequence similarity of 96% with respect to Simeto, with differences in the insertion of 3 peptides of 5, 9, and 15 amino acids, for a total insertion of 29 amino acids and 25 amino acid substitutions. These differences in the amino acidic sequence account for the determined Δm of 3294 Da between the M(r) of the 1Bx subunits in Timilia and Simeto. Sequence alignment between the two By subunits shows 10 amino acid substitutions and is consistent with the Δm of 148 Da found in the MALDI mass spectra of the intact subunits.  相似文献   

新疆小麦地方品种资源HMW-GS的遗传多样性组成分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确新疆小麦地方品种高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基的遗传多样性,并为小麦品质改良提供基础材料,利用十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE) 技术,分析了源自新疆地区的282份小麦地方品种的高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成。结果表明,在Glu-A1、Glu-B1和Glu-D1位点上的等位变异分别为3、6和 5种,三个位点上的优势亚基依次为null、7+8和2+12,其频率分别是75.5%、90.8%和72.0%。在Glu-1位点共检测到20种亚基组合,其中(null, 7+8, 2+12)组合的频率最高,为52.8%, 其次是(null, 7+8, 2.6+12)和(2*, 7+8, 2+12)组合,其频率分别为14.1%和11.0%,其它亚基组合的频率均低于10%。另外,在Glu-D1位点上还检测到一个新的亚基2.6+12。在供试的282份新疆地方品种中发现了两份具有优质亚基组合的材料,它们的亚基组成为(2*, 7+9, 5+10)和(1, 7+9, 5+10),这些地方品种可作为改良小麦品质性状的重要遗传资源。  相似文献   

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