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选取水耕年限分别为2年、19年和>100年稻田,通过野外样品采集与室内分析相结合的方法,对比了稻田田内和田埂土壤物理性质与水-氮分布差异,揭示了水耕历史对稻田-田埂过渡区土壤物理性质与水-氮流失过程的影响机制。结果表明,耕作活动影响了稻田-田埂过渡区土壤容重、孔隙、土壤水分特征曲线和饱和导水率(Ks)等物理性质。随着水耕年限的增加,田内耕作层与田埂表土层、田内犁底层与田埂硬质层的容重差异增大;耕作层的中小孔隙(直径<0.03 mm)含量增加,其他土层的总孔隙和大孔隙(直径>0.3 mm和>0.03 mm)含量降低;田内土壤的Ks下降速度较田埂更快。在测定的吸力范围内(0~100 kPa),2年和19年的耕作层与表土层持水能力相近,而100年耕作层持水能力高于表土层;2年和100年的硬质层与犁底层持水能力相近,而19年硬质层持水能力更强;19年和100年田埂底土层持水能力较田内强。随着水耕年限增加,耕作层与表土层Ks差异减小,硬质层与犁底层Ks差异增加,2年、19年和100年硬质层的Ks分别是对应犁底层的1.10倍、6.90倍和6.32倍,100年田埂底土层的Ks...  相似文献   

不同植稻年限土壤剖面基本性质与水-氮分布的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张君  刘目兴  易军  张海林  李胜龙  段赫  杨倩 《土壤》2019,51(6):1188-1195
在江汉平原典型农业区选定不同水稻种植年限(2、18、100a)的稻田,采用野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法,量化不同稻田土壤剖面基本性质和水–氮分布特征,以揭示内在原因,探讨适宜不同水稻种植年限稻田的水–氮管理方式,为提高稻田水–氮利用率和减少稻田面源污染提供科学依据。结果表明:对于不同水稻种植年限农田,土壤剖面基本性质差异明显。耕作层和犁底层厚度随水稻种植年限的延长而增加;土壤有机质在耕作层富集,且随水稻种植年限的延长含量增加;耕作层土壤容重随水稻种植年限的延长而减小,犁底层土壤容重则增大;受耕作和淋溶条件的影响,犁底层和心土层的黏粒含量随水稻种植年限的延长而增加;饱和导水率(Ks)随水稻种植年限的延长而降低,犁底层Ks差异较大,2、18、100a稻田犁底层Ks分别为37.02、8.45、3.11cm/d。土壤剖面基本性质的差异影响水–氮的剖面分布特征。土壤水分和硝态氮含量随水稻种植年限的延长而增加,2、18、100 a稻田土壤剖面(0~100 cm)平均含水量分别为0.39、0.46、0.54cm3/cm3,硝态氮含量分别为3.75、6.27、9.85mg/kg。铵态氮储量远低于硝态氮储量,且受水稻种植年限影响较小;2、18、100 a稻田土壤剖面铵态氮与硝态氮储量比值分别为0.61、0.39和0.30。在灌溉和施肥方式上,水稻种植年限短的稻田适合少量多次的管理方式以减少渗漏损失;而年限长的稻田可适当提高单次灌溉量以减少灌溉次数,进而减少劳力消耗。  相似文献   

长期水耕植稻对水稻土耕层质地的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解长期水耕植稻对南方地区水田表土层颗粒组成的影响,以浙江省为研究区,采用历史资料分析、典型样区调查及定点观察相结合的方法,研究水稻土耕作层(包括犁底层)与心土层间黏粒含量的差异,分析植稻时间对水稻土不同土层颗粒组成的影响,比较植稻期间稻田排水中泥砂物质的颗粒组成与对应土壤间的差异,探讨了长期植稻对水稻土剖面质地分异的影响。对浙江省456个代表性剖面统计,与水稻土心土层比较,耕作层和犁底层黏粒含量平均下降了14%和10%。对植稻不同时间的浅海沉积物(从10~20年至80年)、第四纪红土(从5~20年至70年)和玄武岩风化物(从5~20年至35~70年)发育的水稻土比较发现,随植稻时间的增加,耕作层和犁底层土壤砂粒含量呈现增加趋势,黏粒含量明显下降,耕作层、犁底层与心土层黏粒含量的比值逐渐下降。农田排水中泥砂物质的黏粒和粉砂含量高于对应农田土壤,而砂粒含量则低于相应的土壤。分析认为,长期水耕植稻可导致耕作层土壤砂化(即砂粒含量增加,黏粒含量下降),其原因除与水耕过程中黏粒淋淀外,排水中黏粒和粉砂细颗粒的选择性流失对耕作层砂化也有较大的贡献。  相似文献   

田间原位不同深度入渗试验是表达土壤分层状态、展示土层物理分异以及定量土壤剖面水功能变化的关键。为了探究不同深度水稻土的入渗能力及保水作用,该研究以华东稻麦轮作区小农户长期机械化耕整模式下代表地块的土层分异为目标,设计田间原位不同深度入渗试验。在试验地块内开挖7个不同深度的入渗坑并在坑底进行入渗试验,然后渗透48 h分层测取土壤含水率,研究不同坑底深度(坑深)土壤的入渗能力和入渗后各土层含水率的变化。结果表明,不同深度入渗试验准确表达了不同坑深土壤的水分入渗及土层持水分异,同时也能清晰地鉴别出犁底层所在位置和厚度,犁底层始于15 cm深,且耕作层与犁底层分异明显,耕作层平均紧实度为1 005.79 kPa,犁底层平均紧实度为1 910.73 kPa;土壤剖面分析表明,耕作层土壤形态疏松,根系分布稠密,犁底层土壤容重大,孔隙度小,透水性差,心土层土壤铁锰斑点较多,结构性差;土壤入渗参数随坑深的增加而减少,其中0~15 cm坑深范围内平均的平均入渗速率和累计入渗量分别为>20~30 cm的17.04倍和18.06倍;通过对比初始含水率和渗透48 h后含水率,得到坑深在15 cm范围内的...  相似文献   

以明确自然界中广泛存在的层状结构土壤孔隙分布特征为目的。选黄土高原典型坝地土壤剖面为研究对象,利用CT扫描技术分析耕作层、犁底层、心土层土壤三维结构,探讨层状土孔隙参数随土层结构变化及界面层孔隙特征。结果表明:(1)瘦长型孔隙(孔隙形状系数≤0.2)是各土层土壤孔隙的主要形态。各土层的孔隙参数具有明显差异。耕作层的总孔隙度最高,大孔隙(≥1 mm)分布较多;犁底层孔隙总数量最高,含有较多孤立的小孔隙(≥0.1~0.5 mm)和微小孔隙(≥0.06~0.1 mm),但连通性最差;心土层孔隙参数多数介于耕作层与犁底层之间。(2)坝地剖面层状土壤具有一定厚度的界面层,各孔隙参数均在土层界面位置存在突变点,具有明显分界现象。孔隙特征参数均呈过渡位置渐变、界面位置突变的规律。在界面层,犁底层土壤总孔隙度和连通性与耕作层相比,分别显著下降41.6%,69.8%;心土层在界面层的土壤总孔隙度和连通性与犁底层相比,分别显著增高30.4%,52.3%。(3)孔隙孔径大小与孔隙形态密切相关,大孔隙形态多呈瘦长型,而微小孔隙形状则多呈规则型。(4)土层越深,连通性与总孔隙度、孔隙总数量、孔径分布及孔隙形状的...  相似文献   

稻田—田埂过渡区土壤水分运动与保持特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为揭示田埂对稻田水分渗漏的影响,以江汉平原典型稻田—田埂过渡区为研究对象,采用室内土壤理化性质分析、水力学参数测定和田间染色示踪等方法量化了过渡区各位点(田内、田埂和灌溉沟)土壤剖面导水与持水性能差异,并揭示了该区域的水流特征。结果表明:(1)不同位点的土壤饱和导水率(Ks)均随土层深度的增加而减小,上层(-20—35cm)高于中、下层(35—65cm),剖面导水性能表现为田埂灌溉沟田内,田埂平均Ks分别是灌溉沟和田内的1.6倍和16.0倍;(2)同一吸力值下不同位点土壤含水量差异较大,田内含水量最高,灌溉沟其次,田埂最低,在持水性能上表现为田内灌溉沟田埂;(3)田埂土壤受动物活动和根系生长影响剧烈,导致其大孔隙(当量孔径0.3mm)含量整体上高于田内,在染色特征上表现为田埂中、下层土壤染色面积显著高于田内。由于稻田-田埂过渡区不同位点土壤的导水和持水能力差异显著,稻田水分不仅可以在田内发生垂直渗漏,还可以通过田埂区域垂直入渗和跨田埂侧流两种方式快速流失,进而加速了稻田水分的散失。  相似文献   

干湿交替条件下稻田土壤裂隙开闭规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究江汉平原稻田土壤在干湿交替过程下的裂隙发育规律,利用室内试验和数字图像处理方法对典型稻田耕作层和犁底层土壤裂隙特征进行了定量研究。结果表明:在干燥过程中,土壤裂隙形成初期裂隙长而窄,随着土壤含水量的降低,裂隙面积率和当量宽度逐渐增大;在增湿过程中,随着土壤含水量的增加,裂隙面积率和当量宽度逐渐减小,但裂隙长度密度降幅较小。干湿交替条件下的裂隙形成和闭合过程不可逆,且干燥形成的土壤裂隙并不能通过增湿完全闭合。土壤有机质含量和容重差异影响了耕作层和犁底层裂隙开闭特征。在干燥过程中,耕作层土壤裂隙面积率、长度密度和当量宽度分别为16.1%,0.076 mm/mm~2,2.13 mm,约为犁底层的1.63倍、1.09倍和1.54倍。而增湿结束后,犁底层裂隙闭合程度高于耕作层。耕作层和犁底层的裂隙面积闭合率为39.8%,61.6%,裂隙长度密度降幅为7.9%,20.0%,当量宽度降幅为35.7%,53.6%。为减少裂隙发育造成的稻田水肥渗漏,需合理控制土壤水分含量,特别应避免冬春季节长期干旱造成犁底层裂隙无法闭合的现象。  相似文献   

欧锦琼  卢瑛  胡丹心  周志军  秦海龙  熊凡  阳洋 《土壤》2023,55(6):1336-1346
为明确广西岩溶地区水稻土在中国土壤系统分类中的归属,以该区域不同母质发育的水稻土为研究对象,挖掘20个典型剖面,通过野外观测、分层取样与分析,依据《中国土壤系统分类检索(第三版)》进行分类检索。结果表明,大多剖面出现明显的复钙现象。供试剖面的系统分类高级单元归属为人为土土纲,水耕人为土亚纲,潜育、铁聚和简育水耕人为土3个土类,复钙、铁聚和普通潜育水耕人为土、复钙和普通铁聚水耕人为土、复钙和普通简育.水耕人为土7个亚类,在系统分类基层单元归属上,可划归出17个土族和续分为20个土系。考虑广西地区水耕人为土耕作层Ap1碳酸钙相当物含量往往低于犁底层Ap2的现象,而现行水耕人为土复钙亚类的检索中“表层土壤”的“表层”不尽明确而可能导致的亚类误判,建议将其修改为“水耕表层(耕作层或犁底层)土壤”;另外,由于实际调查发现广西地区的一些铁聚水耕人为土也具有复钙特征,建议在检索中增设复钙铁聚水耕人为土亚类。  相似文献   

邹德生  廖宝玲  杜力 《土壤》1996,28(5):258-262
新疆米泉地区起源于原灰漠土或灌耕土的水稻土,成土过程中水耕熟化和灌淤、淋溶与淀积并行,形成独特的灌淤-水耕表层(耕作层+犁底层)和灌淤-水耕氧化还原层,总厚度〉50cm。基于研究,将供试土壤划分为铁聚水耕人为土和铁渗水耕人为土两个土类,并建议在水耕人为土系统分类中增设灌淤亚类。  相似文献   

牛犇  王艳玲 《土壤学报》2023,60(6):1726-1738
以江西鹰潭孙家典型红壤小流域中期稻田(MP)、新稻田(NP)与老稻田(OP)的发生层土壤为研究对象,基于吸附-解吸实验与结构方程模型,分析了稻田红壤各发生层土壤磷的固持能力(PSI)、最大固持容量(MCSP)及释放潜能的变化差异与影响因子,明确了固定态磷的释放机制与流失风险。结果表明:随发生层深度的增加,稻田红壤PSI及MCSP逐渐增大,二者变化分别为:MP > NP > OP与NP > MP > OP;但稻田红壤发生层中电性吸附态磷(CaCl2-P)及OP剖面专性吸附态磷(EDTA-P)逐渐降低,而MP剖面和NP剖面的EDTA-P以及稻田红壤发生层的残留态磷(Red-P)则相反;OP剖面发生层CaCl2-P与EDTA-P的比值随发生层深度的增加呈逐渐升高趋势,且显著高于MP和NP剖面。结构方程模型分析结果表明,土壤有机质、全磷、pH和铁铝氧化物之间相互作用且协同调控着稻田红壤的磷吸附位点数量及其吸附-解吸能力。稻田红壤水耕层(Ap层)土壤吸磷能力弱、释磷能力强,土壤磷流失风险大;而氧化还原层(Br)和母质层(C)土壤吸磷能力强、释磷能力弱,土壤磷固持容量大。与新稻田和中期稻田剖面相比,老稻田发生层土壤中吸附态磷更难以向专性吸附态磷及残留态磷转化,土壤磷流失风险相对较大,需及时采取相应的调控措施。  相似文献   

低场核磁探测水稻田改蔬菜地土壤水分的相态变化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了解水稻土转变为设施蔬菜地后土壤水分的相态变化,该研究在田间土壤调查的基础上,结合低场核磁测氢技术,评价了田间状态的水稻土和不同转化年限设施蔬菜地土壤水分的相态分布情况。结果表明:随着转化时间的延长,耕层土壤大孔隙吸持的自由水比重下降,土壤小孔隙吸持的束缚水比重上升,犁底层土壤水分的相态分布却无明显变化,土壤水分吸持性能在转化时间序列上呈现下降的趋势,但长期施用有机肥可以优化耕层质量,提升土壤大孔隙吸持自由水的能力,改善土壤水分供释性能;水稻土转化为设施蔬菜地土壤2 a后,出现新犁底层,使得原有的耕层土壤变薄,土壤水分吸持性能下降。核磁共振作为一种新的技术手段,可以实现实时、快速、准确地检测土壤水分的相态变化,可为设施农业的可持续管理提供新的技术支持。  相似文献   

The leaching of nutrients from the plow layer by water percolation and their accumulation in the subsoil observed in a Japanese paddy field (Katoh et al. 2004: Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 50, 721-729) were determined semi-quantitatively in a soil column experiment. Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Mn2+, Fe2+, and phosphate in percolating water from the plow layer soil column were retained in the subsoil columns that were connected to the plow layer soil column. Fe2+, K+, and phosphate accumulated in the uppermost part of the subsoil. Accumulation of Fe2+ in the uppermost part of the subsoil was presmnably due to the cation exchange process with concomitant desorption of Ca2+. In contrast, Ca2+ and Mg2+ in percolating water from the plow layer soil colmnn accumulated once in the subsoil, and translocated downwards slowly with successive water percolation. Considerable amounts of inorganic carbon (IC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in percolating water from the plow layer soil column were also retained in the subsoil columns. IC did not accumulate a gaseous form.  相似文献   

To estimate the impact of water percolation on the nutrient status in paddy fields, the seasonal variations of the concentrations of cations, anions, inorganic carbon (IC), and of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in percolating water that was collected from just below the plow layer (PW-13) and from drainage pipes at the 40 em depth (PW-40), as well as in irrigation water were measured in an irrigated paddy field. Total amounts of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn leached from PW-13 during the period of rice cultivation were estimated to range from about 390 to 770, 65 to 130, 33 to 66, 340 to 680, and 44 to 87 kg ha-1, respectively. Amounts of losses that were estimated from the differences between the input by irrigation water and the output by percolation water from the plow layer corresponded to 11 to 26, 22 to 47,5.9 to 12, and 13 to 26% of exchangeable Ca and Mg, amorphous Fe, and easily reducible Mn in the plow layer, respectively. The concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn in PW13 were higher than those in PW-40. The amounts of these nutrients that were retained in the subsoil between the 13 em and 40 em soil depth corresponded to 83, 86, 61, 99, and 89% of the amounts that percolated from the plow layer, respectively. Total amounts of IC and DOC that percolated from the plow layer ranged from 750 to 1,500 and 85 to 170 kg-C ha-1, which corresponded to 5.0 to 10.0% and 0.6 to 1.1% of the total carbon content in the plow layer, respectively. Eighty eight % of IC in the percolating water from the plow layer was also retained in the subsoil.  相似文献   

Percolating water was sampled from the plow layer and subsoil layer in a Japanese paddy field, and the bacterial communities were compared together with floodwater by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) targeting a partial 16S rRNA gene and subsequent sequencing. The number of DGGE bands ranged from 16 to 28 with no significant differences among the sampling sites and times. Only 2 bands were common for the three sources of water samples. DGGE bands specific for the floodwater samples and percolating water samples from the plow layer were identified, while percolating water samples from the subsoil layer did not show specific bands but displayed common bands to those of the floodwater samples (7 bands) and percolating water samples from the plow layer (1 band). Cluster analysis of the DGGE banding patterns showed a distinct clustering in the samples of percolating water from the plow layer and a closer relationship between the others. These results suggest that the bacterial communities in percolating water changed during downward movement through the plow layer and subsoil layer. Sequences of the DGGE bands specific for the samples of percolating water from the plow layer showed a close relationship with anaerobic bacteria such as iron-reducers or uncultured bacterial DNA isolated from environments that are considered to be less oxic. On the other hand, the sequences of the bands specific for the samples of floodwater and percolating water from the subsoil layer showed a close relationship with uncultured bacterial DNA isolated from freshwater environments.  相似文献   

坡耕地局部打破犁底层对水分入渗的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对我国东北半干旱地区坡耕地的耕作层逐年变薄,结构坚硬、紧密的犁底层上移变厚,造成土壤透水、通气性极差,土壤径流、泥沙侵蚀严重,严重影响水分的入渗。利用同心环有压入渗试验及野外模拟降雨试验,研究了在垄作区田的坡耕地中,根据区田土垱之间打破犁底层范围的不同,来分析坡耕地的犁底层对水分入渗的影响。结果表明局部打破犁底层后水分稳定入渗率提高,产流时间延长,径流和泥沙明显减少。  相似文献   

Ecological safe management of rice paddy landscapes is in focus of a joint research project comprising five German working groups and Chinese partners. The project is aiming at characterizing the scale-depending structures and processes of agricultural landscape of terraced paddy fields in southeast China. The specific objectives were the enlightenment of the linkage between remote sensible information and the spatial distribution of soil features, as well as soil structural processes and their relation to vertical and lateral water losses and solute leaching.The experimental watershed is located in southeast China. The soils which either developed from quaternary clay or red sandstone exhibit a (man-made) layered structure with three hydraulic-functional horizons: puddled layer, plough pan and the (water unsaturated) subsoil.The analysis of soil texture and selected chemical parameters on the catenary and catchment scale confirmed that even in old terraced and thoroughly modified landscapes, the original structures (unaffected by man) of catenary soil property distributions persist. Thus, the application of co-regionalization techniques incorporating topographical attributes as explaining variables was found to be suitable to characterize soil property distributions on both the catenary and the catchment scale.On-site field scale investigations revealed that paddy soils exhibit a dynamic soil–water system which is driven by the mechanical seed bed preparation (puddling) on the one hand and drying and wetting cycles including ponded/flooded periods on the other. It was found that the hydraulic properties depend mainly on the duration of cultivation as a rice paddy. In contrast to earlier studies, we found that a further decrease in the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the plough pan may still occur after 20 years. Even in older rice paddies, however, water losses may be significant mainly because of ineffective functioning of the surrounding bunds.Pedon and aggregate investigations demonstrated the pronounced dual porosity nature of the paddy soils with a macropore network consisting of cracks and biopores penetrating both the plough pan and the bunds. The shrinkage potential of the puddle layer was higher in older paddy fields than in younger ones while it was vice versa for soil from the plough pan. Swelling and shrinkage affected also the living conditions for soil microorganisms especially after drainage when the habitable pore space was significantly reduced. Pore scale and micro-biological investigations revealed that drainage induced stress reduced micro-biodiversity and decreased abundances of soil inhabiting microorganisms.In addition to newly proposed management strategies with recurrent wetting and drying cycles, we suggest maintaining (saturated) equilibrium conditions over longer periods to reduce soil structural dynamics and the risks of water losses and chemical leaching involved with preferential flow.  相似文献   

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