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钱泽澍  闵航  莫文英 《土壤学报》1985,22(2):144-149
本试验观察了在杭州生态条件下土壤中不同NH4+-N水平对水稻根际固氮活性的影响。试验的结果表明:1.NH4+-N肥在一定时间内对水稻根际固氮活性具有明显的抑制效应,施用量越大,其抑制作用越严重。土壤速效氮浓度与水稻根际固氮活性之间呈高度(或中度)负相关,不同生育期两者的相关系数r值在-0.4288—0.9945之间。2.土壤速效氮对水稻土柱固氮活性抑制的起始浓度为20ppm。3.NH4+-N对水稻根际固氮活性的抑制时间随施用量而不同,低氮区在20天左右,中氮区和高氮区在25—30天左右。此后施氮区对水稻根际固氮活性具有促进作用。  相似文献   

刘志光 《土壤》1986,18(3):168-168
G.Keerthisinghe等人在菲律宾主要植稻区的三种土壤上进行田间试验,考察NH4+-N肥的施用和作物氮素的吸收对土壤交换性NH4+和非交换性NH4+水平的影响。  相似文献   

13年长期施肥和轮作试验结果表明,连续种植苜蓿时N肥、P肥、有机肥的配合施用(NPM)较单施P肥对提高土壤硝态氮(NO-3-N)含量水平有较好效果;而无论施肥与否,种植苜蓿对土壤深层NO-3-N均造成不同程度的亏缺。苜蓿(NPM)连作较小麦(NPM)连作土壤NO-3-N利用率高;种植苜蓿对土壤铵态氮(NH+4-N)分布影响与NO-3-N不同,深层土壤CK、NPM配施处理NH+4-N含量明显高于施P和裸地处理,不同作物种植系统中以苜蓿连作土壤剖面中NH+4-N含量最高。与其他轮作相比,苜蓿连作在提高土壤剖面供N能力方面有较好作用。  相似文献   

淹水土壤中氮素运移与转化试验及其数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在室内试验的基础上,建立了淹水土壤中NH4+—N和NO3-运移转化的耦合数学模型,并对表施于水层中的氮肥(碳铵:NH4HCO3)在饱和土中运移与转化过程进行了数值模拟。结果表明:该试验条件下NH4+—N的硝化作用主要发生于土壤表层1cm左右的范围内。  相似文献   

用营养液培养方法研究了铁和两种形态氮素对玉米植株吸收铁、锰、铜、锌等微量元素及其在体内分布的影响。结果表明:与硝态氮(NO3--N)相比,铵态氮(NH4+-N)显著提高了玉米对铁的吸收,降低了对锰、铜及锌的吸收。供铁也明显提高了植株地上部铁的吸收总量,降低了锰及锌的吸收量,尤其是在供应No3--N时这种作用更为明显。在缺铁条件下,NH4+-N处理的玉米新叶中铁的含量明显高于NO3--N处理;而新叶、老叶、茎中锰、锌、铜含量以及根中锰、锌含量都明显低于NO3--N处理。但使用NH4+-N时,根中铜的含量较高。在供铁条件下,NH4+-N处理的玉米植株四个不同器官中锰和锌的含量显著低于NO3--N处理的植株,而铜的含量正好相反。在缺铁条件下,玉米新叶中活性锰、活性锌的含量显著高于供铁处理;与NO3--N相比,NH4+-N的供应也显著降低了玉米新叶中活性锰以及活性锌的含量。  相似文献   

用营养液培养方法研究了铁和两种形态氮素(NO3--N和NH4+-N)对玉米植株吸收氮、磷、钾等大量元素和钙、镁等中量元素及其在体内分布的影响。结果表明:与NO3--N相比,供应NH4+-N促进了玉米对氮的吸收,在缺铁条件下,降低了对磷、钾、钙及镁的吸收。铁和NH4+-N都显著提高了玉米植株各器官中氮的含量。与NH4+-N处理相比,NO3--N处理的新叶中磷含量显著增加,但铁的供应对植物体内磷的含量无显著影响。使用NO3--N显著提高了玉米新叶和老叶中钾的含量,根和茎中钾的含量无明显影响。铁的供应降低了新叶和老叶中钾的含量。供铁时,NH4+-N处理的玉米新叶中钙和镁的含量显著低于NO3--N处理,而在缺铁时则无显著差异。  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区稻田氮素浓度变化与迁移特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
过量施氮与不合理灌水是农田面源污染加剧的主要原因。为了寻求较优的水氮管理模式以促进农业生产和减少农田退水对黄河水体的污染, 在宁夏引黄灌区典型稻田中开展了不同水氮条件下稻田氮素迁移转化规律研究。结果表明: 不同水氮条件下稻田田面水NH4+-N 与NO3--N 浓度伴随施肥出现明显峰值, NO3--N 峰值出现时间较NH4+-N 晚, 且变化较平缓。3 次追肥时期和整个生育期田面水NH4+-N 平均浓度与施氮量和灌水量都呈显著相关, 田面水NO3--N 平均浓度与施氮量呈显著正相关, 与灌水量相关性不显著。稻田30 cm与60 cm 深度的直渗水NH4+-N 浓度受施肥影响较大, 与田面水NH4+-N 浓度变化规律相似, 90 cm 处直渗水NH4+-N 浓度峰值出现较为滞后, 且浓度较上层土体低, 120 cm 处直渗水NH4+-N 浓度大体呈现持续上升趋势,整个生育期直渗水NH4+-N 平均浓度与施氮量呈显著相关, 仅30 cm 处NH4+-N 平均浓度与灌水量呈负相关, 其他土层深度不显著。30 cm 与60 cm 直渗水NO3--N 浓度在首次灌水后急剧下降, 在施肥后有较小幅度上升, 90 cm 与120 cm 直渗水NO3--N 浓度下降缓慢, 仅30 cm 处NO3--N 平均浓度与施肥量显著正相关。总的结果表明减少施肥或灌水均可达到减少农田氮素淋失的目的。  相似文献   

升高CO2浓度能够促进作物的光合作用,提高作物的生物量和产量,但关于CO2与NH+4/NO-3比及其交互作用对作物影响的研究较少,为探索番茄幼苗生长发育对CO2浓度升高的响应是否对NH+4/NO-3配比有较强的依赖关系,本试验在营养液栽培条件下,以番茄(Lycopersicun esculentum Mill)为试材,研究正常大气CO2浓度(360 μL/L)和倍增CO2浓度(720 μL/L)与不同NH+4/NO-3配比的交互作用对番茄幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:CO2浓度升高提高了低NH+4/NO-3比例处理中番茄叶片的光合速率和水分利用率,提高幅度随NH+4/NO-3比例的降低而增强,光合速率增强最大达55%。在同一CO2浓度处理下净光合速率与水分利用率均随NH+4/NO-3比例的增加而显著降低。这说明CO2浓度升高对番茄幼苗生长发育的促进作用随NH+4/NO-3比例的降低而提高,但并没有减弱全NH+4-N处理中番茄幼苗的受毒害作用。综上所述,CO2浓度升高能提高植物生产的节水能力和水分生产力;水培条件下,NO-3-N是最适合番茄幼苗生长发育的氮源,其它NH+4/NO-3比例对番茄幼苗的生长发育有一定的抑制作用,仅以NH+4-N作氮源则番茄幼苗很难生长。  相似文献   

不同铵硝配比对弱光下白菜氮素吸收及相关酶的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黑色遮阳网覆盖模仿弱光环境, 使光照强度为自然光的20%左右, 以自然光照为对照, 采用精确控制水培溶液氮素营养, 研究NH4+-N/NO3--N 比例分别为0/100、25/75、50/50、75/25、100/0 对弱光下白菜氮代谢及硝酸还原酶和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性的影响。结果表明, 弱光下, 白菜的鲜重及叶片总氮量以NH4+-N/NO3--N 比为25/75 时最大, NH4+-N/NO3--N 比为100/0 时最低。随弱光处理的进行, 白菜叶片中硝酸还原酶活性及谷氨酰胺合成酶活性均呈下降趋势, 但NH4+-N/NO3--N 比为25/75 时, 可维持叶片内较高的硝酸还原酶活性及谷氨酰胺合成酶活性。试验表明, NH4+-N/NO3--N 比25/75 是白菜在弱光下生长的较适宜氮素形态配比。  相似文献   

Plants show different growth responses to N sources supplied with either NH4+ or NO3-. The uptake of different N sources also affects the rhizosphere pH and therefore the bioavailability of soil phosphorus, particularly in alkaline soils. The plant growth, P uptake, and P availability in the rhizosphere of oat (Avena nuda L.) grown in hydroponics and in soil culture were investigated under supply with sole NH4+-N, sole NO3--N, or a combination. Sole NO3--fed oat plants accumulated more biomass than sole NH4+-fed ones. The highest biomass accumulation was observed when N was suppliedw ith both NH4+-N and NO3--N. Growth of the plant root increased with the proportion of NO3- in the cultural medium. Better root growth and higher root/shoot ratio were consistently observed in NO3--fed plants. However, root vigor was the highest when N was supplied with NO3-+NH4+. NH4+ supply reduced the rhizosphere pH but did not affect P uptake by plants grown in soils with CaHPO4 added as P source. No P deficiency was observed, and plant P concentrations were generally above 2 g kg-1. P uptake was increased when N was supplied partly or solely as NO3--N, similarly as biomass accumulation. The results suggested that oat was an NO3--preferring plant, and NO3--N was essential for plant growth and the maintenance of root absorption capacity. N supply with NH4+-N did not improve P nutrition, which was most likely due to the absence of P deficiency.  相似文献   

任改弟  张苗  张文越  郭德杰  马艳 《土壤》2022,54(4):740-749
通过盆栽试验,分析了不同来源有机物料(鸡粪、牛粪、菇渣)对菜用蚕豆生长和品质、根际土化学和生物学性状的影响。结果表明:①3种有机物料对蚕豆分枝数、荚干重、籽粒干重、大粒重、大粒蚕豆占比、籽粒淀粉含量均有积极作用,其中牛粪和菇渣能显著(P<0.05)提高大粒蚕豆占比,鸡粪能显著(P<0.05)提高二粒荚和三粒荚的占比,并且对籽粒淀粉含量的提升效果最为明显(比对照增加69.1%);②3种有机物料增加了根际土中细菌、真菌数量,显著(P<0.05)提高了根际土中性转化酶、脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、多酚氧化酶活性(除牛粪使中性转化酶活性提高不显著外),其中鸡粪对细菌数量、中性转化酶活性、脲酶活性的提高程度均最大;③鸡粪能显著(P<0.05)增加根际土有机碳、全氮、NH4+-N含量,牛粪、鸡粪能显著(P<0.05)提高土壤pH。大粒蚕豆占比与土壤酸性磷酸酶活性、有效磷含量呈显著正相关。蚕豆淀粉含量与细菌数量、中性转化酶活性、有机碳、全氮、NH4+-N含量呈显著正相关,这说明有机物料的施用可能为细菌生长提供了更多的碳源和能源,导致细菌数量增加。细菌是酶的重要产生者,细菌数量的增加可能提高了碳氮循环相关酶(中性转化酶、脲酶)的产生量和活性,从而使更多的有机氮转变为无机氮(NH4+-N),提高了土壤养分(NH4+-N、全氮)水平,进而提高了蚕豆营养品质。  相似文献   

中国陕西省施有机肥黄土NH4+固定的热力学性质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Some thermodynamic properties of NH4+ fixation by loess soil in plowing and clay layers are discussed. The results indicate that the four ion adsorption equations commonly used can describe the properties of NH4+ fixation in these soils under constant temperature. Among the four adsorption equations, the single-surface Langmuir equation is the best. When the concentration of NH4Cl solution is 10-1 mol below, the Freundlich equation can be used. The changes of apparent standard free energy (ΔG°), enthalpy (ΔH°) and entropy (ΔS°) illustrate that NH4+ fixation in soil is an endothermic adsorption and spontaneous reaction, and the process can be enhanced by a higher temperature and clay content in soil. The "proper value of NH4+ fixation by soil (K1 × qm) increased with increasing clay content and temperature. The heat of NH4+ fixation in soil (Qm) confirms the conclusions made in this paper.  相似文献   

王岩  王克科  赵颖 《农业工程学报》2006,22(14):260-263
采用盆栽试验模拟潜流型人工湿地,研究了土壤、蛭石、煤渣和碎石四种人工湿地基质不同组合净化养猪场污水的能力。结果表明:以上层蛭石土混合物、下层煤渣和碎石的组合处理效果最佳,14d内CODCr、NH4+-N、T-P的去除率分别达到了95.3%、90%、91.6%。试验前期,四种不同组合基质的CODCr、NH4+-N、T-P去处率有明显差异,但试验后期除T-P的去除率仍有明显差异外,CODCr和NH4+-N去除率已无明显差异。  相似文献   

长期施肥对塿土硝态氮分布、累积和移动的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用 18年长期定位试验研究了冬小麦 夏玉米轮作制度下 ,有机 无机肥配合施用对土剖面NO3-N的分布累积和阶段性移动的影响。结果表明 ,土壤剖面中NO3-N的总量与氮肥施用量直接相关 ,而作物对化肥氮的利用率与施肥量呈相反趋势。低氮处理 (75kg/hm2)及其与有机肥配合施用 ,NO3-N主要累积在 0~100cm土层内 ;高氮处理 (120kg/km2)及其与有机肥配合施用 ,NO3-N在剖面出现 2个累积峰 ,且在400cm土层处NO3-N的含量接近或超过 10mg/kg。适宜的氮肥用量、施用有机肥及合理的有机 无机肥料配比是减少NO3-N在土壤剖面中的累积和淋失的有效措施  相似文献   

A soil column method was used to compare the effect of drip fertigation (the application of fertilizer through drip irrigation systems, DFI) on the leaching loss and transformation of urea-N in soil with that of surface fertilization combined with flood irrigation (SFI), and to study the leaching loss and transformation of three kinds of nitrogen fertilizers (nitrate fertilizer, ammonium fertilizer, and urea fertilizer) in two contrasting soils after the fertigation. In comparison to SFI, DFI decreased leaching loss of urea-N from the soil and increased the mineral N (NH4+-N + NO3--N) in the soil. The N leached from a clay loam soil ranged from 5.7% to 9.6% of the total N added as fertilizer, whereas for a sandy loam soil they ranged between 16.2% and 30.4%. Leaching losses of mineral N were higher when nitrate fertilizer was used compared to urea or ammonium fertilizer. Compared to the control (without urea addition), on the first day when soils were fertigated with urea, there were increases in NH4+-N in the soils. This confirmed the rapid hydrolysis of urea in soil during fertigation. NH4+-N in soils reached a peak about 5 days after fertigation, and due to nitrification it began to decrease at day 10. After applying NH4+-N fertilizer and urea and during the incubation period, the mineral nitrogen in the soil decreased. This may be related to the occurrence of NH4+-N fixation or volatilization in the soil during the fertigation process.  相似文献   

3 种挺水植物吸收水体NH4+、NO3-、H2PO4- 的动力学特征比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文用动力学试验研究了具有景观价值的3 种挺水植物—— 水生美人蕉(Canna generalis)、细叶莎草(Cyperus papyrus)、紫芋(Colocasia tonoimo)对H2PO4-、NH4+、NO3- 的吸收特征及差异。试验结果表明: 3 种挺水植物吸收H2PO4- 时, 美人蕉的吸收速率最快, 且在较低离子浓度条件下也可以吸收该离子, 说明其具有嗜磷特性, 能够适应广范围浓度H2PO4- 环境; 吸收NO3- 时, 细叶莎草的速率最快, 但对低浓度NO3- 环境的适应能力较差, 美人蕉吸收NO3- 的特性与细叶莎草刚好相反; 吸收NH4+ 时, 细叶莎草的吸收速率最快, 且在低浓度NH4+ 环境下仍能吸收该离子, 而美人蕉的吸收速率最慢, 但能在低浓度NH4+ 环境下吸收该离子。说明不同植物对养分的吸收特性存在较大差异, 各自的污染水体修复适用范围也不同。美人蕉可用于各种浓度H2PO4- 污染的水体修复; 而NO3- 污染严重的水体最适宜用细叶莎草作先锋植物, 修复到一定程度后再种植美人蕉来维持水质; 细叶莎草在各种浓度NH4+ 污染的水体中均适用, NH4+ 污染较轻的水体也可用美人蕉修复。  相似文献   

Dynamics of fixed NH4+ in NH4+-treated soils incubated with glucose at 37±2 ℃ during the course of incubation and factors affecting it were studied. Results showed that content of fixed NH4+ in soil reached a minimum on day 7 after incubation and then increased gradually regardless of the amount of glucose added and the kind of soil tested. However, the amount of fixed NH4+ released from the soil at the given time varied with both the amount of glucose added and the kind of soil examined. In cases glucose was added at a rate of 10.0g C/kg soil, the amount of fixed NH4+ retained in soil after 7 days of incubation was almost identical to that found by Neubauer test. Addition of K+ depressed the release of fixed NH4+ significantly. Based on the results obtained a method for determining the content of available fixed NH4+ in soils was proposed and the amount of N as available fixed NH4+ in two soils measured by this method on an area profile-depth basis was presented.  相似文献   

硝态氮促进水稻生长和氮素吸收的生理机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rice is being increasingly cultivated in intermittently irrigated regious and also in aerobic soil in which Nitrate (NO3-) plays important role in nutrition of plant. However, there is no information regarding the influence of nitrate on the overall growth and uptake of nitrogen (N) in rice plant. Solution culture experiments were carried out to study the effects of NO3- on the plant growth, uptake of N, and uptake kinetics of NH4+ in four typical rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars (conveutioual indica, conventional japonica, hybrid indica, and hybrid japonica), and on plasma membrane potential in roots of two conventional rice cultivars (indica and japonica) at the seedling stage. The results obtained indicated that a ratio of 50/50 NH4+-N/NO3--N increased the average biomass of rice shoots and roots by 20% when compared with that of 100/0 NH4+-N/NO3--N. In case of the 50/50 ratio, as compared with the 100/0 ratio, total N accumulated in shoots and roots of rice increased on an average by 42% and 57%, respectively. Conventional indica responds to NO3- more than any other cultivars that were tested. The NO3- supply increased the maximum uptake rate (Vmax) of NH4+ by rice but did not show any effect on the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) value, with the average value of Vmax for NH4+ among the four cultivars being increased by 31.5% in comparison with those in the absence of NO3-. This suggested that NO3- significantly increased the numbers of the ammonium transporters. However, the lack of effect on the Km value also suggested that the presence of NO3- had no effect on the affinity of the transporters for NH4+. The plasma membrane potential in the roots of conventional indica and japonica were greatly increased by the addition of NO3-, suggesting that NO3- could improve the uptake of N by roots of the rice plant. In conclusion, the mechanisms by which NO3- enhances the growth and N uptake of rice plant was found by the increased value of Vmax of NH4+ and increased plasma membrane potential. Thus promotion of nitrification in paddy soil is of great significance for improving the production of rice.  相似文献   

农田面源污染已成为引起水体富营养化的主要原因之一。为了减少稻田氮素流失、改善稻田局部水体养分负载过重的问题,采用盆栽试验,通过生物炭吸附富营养水中的养分后再利用于盆栽水稻,设置主区为持续淹水灌溉(IF)与干湿交替灌溉(IA),副区为1个对照(常规施氮,N1C0)与4种不同用量的氮肥与氮负载生物炭处理(N3/4C1、N3/4C2、N1/2C1、N1/2C2),其中N3/4、N1/2表示氮肥施入量为当地传统施氮量(N1)的3/4,1/2倍;C1、C2分别为10 t/hm2和20 t/hm2氮负载生物炭。结果表明:(1)减少氮肥施入配施氮负载生物炭显著提高了常规施氮处理田面水的pH;(2)常规施氮肥处理下,干湿交替灌溉(IA)田面水NH4+—N平均浓度较持续淹水灌溉(IF)高8.0%,但是添加20 t/hm2氮负载生物炭后,干湿交替灌溉田面水NH4+—N平均浓度低于持续淹水灌溉处理;(3)水稻生育后期,氮负载生物炭对NH4+—N具有明显的缓释作用,而在干湿交替灌溉中,减施氮肥配合添加氮负载生物炭处理较N1C0处理降低了田面水NO3-—N浓度;(4)减施氮肥配合添加氮负载生物炭可提高水稻分蘖率,而添加20 t/hm2氮负载生物炭在氮肥施用量较少时,有利于提高水稻的有效分蘖率。综上,氮负载生物炭不仅可以降低富营养水中30.8%含氮量,还能显著降低施肥初期水稻田面水中NH4+—N浓度,降低流失风险,延长NH4+—N的释放时间而减少1/4的施氮量和保证水稻生育末期的氮素需求,从而有利于水稻生长。  相似文献   

我国几种主要土壤胶体的NH4+吸附特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
谢鹏  蒋剑敏  熊毅 《土壤学报》1988,25(2):175-183
本文讨论我国几种主要土壤胶体的NH4+吸附特征。土壤胶体对NH4+的吸附符合两种表面Langmuir方程。土壤胶体对NH4+的结合能力强弱顺序是:黄棕壤>黑土、(土娄)土>红壤>砖红壤,而NH4+的解吸率大小顺序与此相反。Langmuir吸附方程参数K1与土壤胶体的粘粒矿物组成有关,并与土壤胶体对NH4+的相对偏好性(A值)呈正相关。Langmuir参数(M1+M2)与土壤胶体的CEC呈正相关,去有机质(OM.)前后△K1与△OM.呈反相关。去有机质可增加土壤胶体对NH4+的偏好性。土壤胶体的NH4+吸附和解吸特征决定于其组成和表面性质,并受有机无机复合作用的影响。永久电荷吸附位对NH4+的偏好性较强,而可变电荷吸附位则较弱。  相似文献   

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