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锌离子活度对水稻锌积累与分配的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用HEDTA螯合剂缓冲营养液培养法,选用籽粒含锌量有明显差异的2个基因型水稻(BY和Z921),设置4种锌离子活度(pZn2+9.7、10.3、11.0、11.4),研究了锌离子活度对水稻锌积累、分配的影响以及对不同时期水稻叶片中锌的化学形态的影响。结果显示:(1)2个基因型水稻各器官的锌含量都随着锌离子活度的升高而升高,但不同基因型间,同一基因型不同器官间均存在差异,供锌正常的的条件下,锌首先向代谢活性较弱的营养器官分配;缺锌的条件下,锌首先满足籽粒的需要;(2)从籽粒锌分配看,当锌离子活度(pZn2+)小于10.3时,糙米锌含量最高,当pZn2+升高到9.7时,颖壳锌含量则超过糙米,糙米和精米锌含量的比值在0.79~0.90之间,并以pZn2+为9.7时为最小;(3)任一锌离子活度下,BY籽粒锌含量均大于Z921。表明通过筛选籽粒富锌水稻品种来提高稻米锌含量是经济可行的,且通过增加环境锌离子活度来改善水稻的锌营养能显著提高水稻籽粒的锌含量;(4)营养生长前期,水稻叶片中的锌主要以活性较低的醋酸提取态(重金属磷酸盐)存在;营养生长后期,锌主要以乙醇提取态(醇溶性蛋白、氨基酸等)存在。  相似文献   

锌离子活度对水稻幼苗锌吸收分配的影响及基因型差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用卜HEDTA螯合缓冲营养液,在4个锌水平(pZn2+即-log[Zn2+])分别为11.4、11.0、10.3和9.7下对锌营养效率不同的4个水稻基因型[IR8192、IR26、BY(碧玉早糯)、Z921(浙农921)]进行营养液培养试验,研究水稻幼苗对Zn吸收、转运和利用规律。结果表明,随着锌离子活度下降,各水稻基因型的锌累积量下降,锌从地下部向地上部的转运率提高,锌利用效率提高,且各基因型间差异显著。在锌离子活度较低时,耐低锌基因型(IR8192)锌养分利用效率和提高养分利用率的能力要远远高于锌敏感基因型IR26和子粒富锌基因型BY;在锌离子活度较高时,水稻子粒富锌基因型BY有较强的锌富集能力,具有较高的秧苗锌累积量,这可能是其子粒富锌的主要机理之一;利用苗期营养性状筛选子粒富锌水稻基因型效果可能较好。  相似文献   

水稻耐低锌基因型的生长发育和若干生理特性研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
在不同Zn2+活度(pZn2+9.7,pZn2+11.0和pZn2+>11.5)的溶液培养条件下,研究了水稻耐低锌基因型的生长发育和若干生理特性。结果表明:水稻锌营养存在明显的基因型差异,降低锌离子活度会增加地下部于物质的积累,当Zn2+活度从pZn2+9.7下降到pZn2+11.0时,耐低锌品种的地上部干重虽下降,但因地下部干重显著增加,故总干重相近;锌敏感品种则地上部干重显著下降,而地下部干重增加不明显,总干重显著下降。当严重缺锌(pZn2+>11.5)时,所有基因型水稻的干重构极显著地下降,但锌敏感品种比耐低锌品种下降得更多。降低Zn2+活度使水稻秧苗的出叶速度减慢,在极度缺锌条件下,敏感品种只能生长到3.5叶,而耐低锌品种能生长到4.5叶左右。对叶绿素和根系氧化力的测定结果表明,轻度缺锌或缺锌初期会使叶绿素含量上升和根系氧化力下降,但严重缺锌时,则使叶绿素含量显著降低,而使根系氧化力明显增加。锌敏感品种比耐缺锌品种的变化更为明显。锌离子活度对秧苗的含水量也有明显的影响。因此,耐低锌基因型在低Zn2+活度条件通过保持较低的根氧化作用,促进根系生长以维持地上部新叶生长,达到低锌适应稳态。  相似文献   

为明确小麦开花至成熟期间锌在不同器官内的积累动态,探讨锌对小麦开花后农艺性状及籽粒蛋白质形成的调控作用,采用离体穗培养技术研究了不同浓度锌对新春8号和杜伦的影响。结果表明,开花后离体穗培养小麦各器官的含锌量变化趋势基本一致,不同器官含锌量关系为:穗>倒一节>倒二节。缺锌小麦生长受抑制,节间生长严重受阻,倒一节长度对锌的反应比倒二节敏感。开花期旗叶叶绿素含量受锌影响不大,花后两周叶绿素含量受锌离子浓度的影响较大。增加供锌量显著或极显著地增加小麦穗粒数,提高其结实率;低锌强烈抑制杜伦的小花分化,减少其穗粒数,高锌促进小花分化但是使结实率下降;缺锌阻碍籽粒灌浆,显著降低千粒重,高锌使小麦千粒重有小幅下降。锌对小麦籽粒总蛋白含量的影响不显著;小麦籽粒蛋白组分含量受锌离子浓度的影响显著,各蛋白组分与锌的相关性和相关度差异较大。  相似文献   

水稻锌高效营养特性的遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本试验以耐低锌能力不同的6个水稻基因型为材料,采用双列杂交,在不同锌离子活度下研究了水稻锌高效营养的遗传特性。结果表明,水稻秧苗含锌量和单位锌营养效率虽然存在不同程度的遗传变异,但主要受基因型与环境互作效应的影响,显性与环境互作效应方差在总方差中占57.50%~68.35%,加性与环境互作效应方差在总方差中占10.49%~24.44%。水稻的耐低锌能力与干物质分配(冠/根比)、锌运输能力和锌利用效率有关,它们主要受基因的显性效应控制,其次受基因的加性效应控制。  相似文献   

锌肥对作物产量、子粒锌及土壤有效锌含量的后效   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1992年一1998年在河南新乡缺锌褐土进行了微区定位试验,研究施锌对作物和土壤的长期效应。结果表明:施锌提高第一茬作物小麦的分蘖数、穗数、穗长和第二茬作物玉米的穗长、穗粒数和粒重,从而显著增加小麦和玉米产量。不同用量的锌对作物产量影响末及显著差异水平。施锌对作物产量的后效不明显,最多能维持两茬作物。施锌显著提高土壤有效锌含量,尽管施用锌肥,经过4茬之后,土壤有效锌含量仍维持在临界值之上,但作物产量没有多大影响。施锌显著提高前2茬小麦和前3茬玉米子粒中锌含量。  相似文献   

高锌水稻研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
锌是影响人类健康的重要元素。水稻作为世界上主要的粮食作物之一,其籽粒尤其是精米中的锌含量非常低,因此,开发高锌含量的水稻极为重要。本文综述了高锌水稻的研究进展,包括不同水稻基因型间锌含量差异及其生物有效性,通过施肥和接种植物生长促生菌等农艺措施以及常规、诱变和转基因育种方法提高水稻中的锌含量,以期为生产高锌水稻提供参考。  相似文献   

以中国农业大学昌平试验站长期定位试验为基础,研究了长期施用磷肥对冬小麦根际磷锌有效性及其对作物磷锌营养的影响。结果表明,长期施用磷肥[P2O5,135.kg/(hm2.a)]导致土壤有效磷含量逐年提高;对根际和非根际土壤有效锌含量没有显著影响,但是根际土壤有效锌含量显著高于非根际土壤;长期施用磷肥冬小麦抽穗期植株锌含量显著低于不施磷处理;无论拔节期和抽穗期,植株含磷量和植株磷锌比(P/Zn)都随着施磷量的增加而显著增加。长期施用磷肥处理(P1和P2)在显著提高了冬小麦子粒含磷量的同时,显著降低了其含锌量;冬小麦子粒磷锌比(P/Zn)随着施磷量的增加也显著增加,子粒含磷量与含锌量呈极显著的负线性相关关系。  相似文献   

【目的】研究利用有机锌肥生物强化水稻糙米锌含量的可行性及其生物可给性。【方法】锌生物强化试验在江苏溧阳进行,供试锌肥为糖醇螯合态锌(Zn 170 g/L),供试水稻品种为中熟晚粳稻‘南粳46’。设5个处理:喷施清水(CK);锌肥喷施一次,用量为2.55 kg/hm2 (Zn1)、5.10 kg/hm2 (Zn2);锌肥喷施两次,总施用量为5.10 kg/hm2 (Zn3)、10.20 kg/hm2 (Zn4)。水稻成熟后,测定糙米中锌、植酸含量,测定糙米中锌赋存形态含量,计算糙米植酸/锌摩尔比、糙米锌赋存形态占比,并利用in vitro人工胃肠模拟法分析糙米锌在胃阶段和胃肠阶段的溶出量,以溶出锌与糙米锌量之比来计算糙米锌生物可给性。【结果】与CK处理相比,锌生物强化对糙米植酸含量无显著影响,但显著提高了糙米锌含量,Zn1、Zn2、Zn3和Zn4处理的增幅分别为23.93%、37.51%、82.38%和87.81%,Zn3和Zn4处理增幅差异不显著。Zn1、Zn2处理对糙米植酸/锌摩尔比无显著影响,Z...  相似文献   

低锌旱地施锌方式对小麦产量和锌利用的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
西北地区是我国典型的旱地低锌区。本文选择黄土高原中部两个典型地点,通过田间试验,在两个施氮水平下,研究了不施锌、 土施锌、 叶喷锌和土施+叶喷锌4种方式对冬小麦产量、 锌的吸收和累积以及锌肥利用效率的影响。结果表明,不同施锌方式对小麦产量均无显著影响,但均提高了小麦子粒锌含量,提高幅度因施锌方式而异。与不施锌相比,叶喷和土施+叶喷锌肥可使小麦子粒锌含量提高40%左右,平均达到 40 mg/kg;单独土施锌肥虽使土壤有效锌提高3倍左右,但子粒锌含量无显著变化。叶喷锌肥的锌利用效率远高于土施和土施+叶喷处理,每公顷喷施1 kg锌可使小麦子粒锌含量提高6.70~13.04 mg/kg;子粒锌利用率为6.02%~9.40%, 达到土施锌肥的80倍左右;总锌利用率为19.78%~30.91%,是土施锌肥的132~221倍。施氮水平对小麦产量及锌肥利用效率均无显著影响。可见,在旱地低锌区,与土施锌相比,叶喷是更加经济有效、 环境友好的锌肥施用方式,是提高小麦锌营养品质切实可行的措施。  相似文献   

【目的】研究氮锌肥配施对南方香粳稻产量和外观加工品质、蒸煮食味品质、香气的影响,为南方香粳稻的调优栽培提供科学依据。【方法】田间试验于2020和2021年在扬州大学试验基地进行,供试粳稻品种为宁香粳9号和南粳46。在施锌(+Zn)和不施锌(Zn0)条件下,分别设3个施氮水平:0 (N0)、180 kg/hm2(N180)、270 kg/hm2(N270),共6个处理。于收获期,测定产量和产量构成因素,分析籽粒加工外观、食味和香气品质。【结果】提高氮肥用量可显著增加香粳稻产量,而施用锌肥对香粳稻产量无显著影响,+ZnN270处理宁香粳9号和南粳46产量均最高,分别达10.48 t/hm2和10.40 t/hm2;相同氮肥用量下,增施锌肥对产量没有显著影响。宁香粳9号和南粳46的最佳稻米加工和外观品质均以+ZnN270处理最优。在相同氮肥用量下,施用锌肥改善了香粳稻的加工和外观品质。与N0处理相比,在N180和N270处理下两品种的直链淀粉含量下降了8.44%~13.16%,蛋白质含量增加了9.79%~...  相似文献   

A pot experiment with 38 commonly cultivated rice cultivars from the Yangtze River Delta was conducted in a greenhouse to study the effect of mercury (Hg) contamination of a paddy soil (4.7 mg Hg [kg soil]–1) on crop growth and Hg accumulation in the grains. Mercury contamination differentially affected growth, grain yield, and Hg accumulation in brown rice of the tested cultivars. The average Hg concentration in the grains was significantly higher (p < 0.01) when plants were grown in the Hg‐contaminated compared to the control soil. Averaged over cultivars, the Hg concentration in brown rice exceeded the maximum permissible limit of 20 μg Hg kg–1. Increasing Hg concentrations were associated with grain‐yield declines up to 70%. This yield decline was mainly due to a reduction in the number of panicles. Japonica cultivars tended to be generally less affected by Hg than indica cultivars. The two japonica cultivars Jiahua and Chunjiang 026 showed both low Hg concentrations and no Hg‐induced grain‐yield reduction. These cultivars may be preferred candidates for cultivation in Hg‐contaminated soils or for studies on possible Hg‐exclusion mechanisms.  相似文献   

Rice is the staple food for nearly 40% of the world's population. In Malawi, rice is ranked second only to maize as a cereal food crop. In rainfed areas of Malawi, grain yields typically average 1.0–1:5 t ha‐1 while potential yield is 4–5 t ha1. To bridge the gap between current and potential yields, several novel nutrient management systems were studied. Many research reports indicate that rice responds to silicon (Si) application as well as to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) which are commonly applied. Rice crop residues (straws and hulls) are rich in Si and K, but are not utilized currently in rice production. The effect of rice‐hull ash, rice straw, and method of N application (prilled or briquetted urea) on a transplanted rice crop was studied through field experiments in Malawi during 1995 and 1996. Application of urea in briquette form increased rice grain yield by 1056 and 122 kg ha‐1 compared to prilled urea in the 1995 winter and 1996 summer experiments, respectively. However in the 1996 winter experiment, prilled urea was superior to urea briquette and increased the rice grain yield by 307 kg ha1. Incorporation of rice straw significantly increased rice grain yields over the control in three consecutive experiments. Rice‐hull ash alone increased the rice grain yields in all three experiments up to 12%; however, the increase was not statistically significant. The combination of rice straw and rice‐hull ash along with optimum N rates (60 kg ha‐1) increased the rice grain yields significantly in 1996 winter season but the increase was not significant in the other two experiments.  相似文献   

A new zinc supply parameter taking into account the intensity, quantity and buffering capacity and also the relative competitive influence of Cu2+, Fe2+, Mn2+ on the availability of Zn2+ has been tested. The proposed parameter correlated significantly and positively to Bray's per cent yield and zinc concentration in some parts of rice plant. The critical limit of soil zinc, in terms of this parameter at 15° and 30°C for rice, were 0.51 and 0.97 respectively. The required zinc addition to the deficient soil was also calculated on the basis of the values of this parameter at 30°C.  相似文献   

Foliar application of fertilizers can guarantee the availability of nutrients to rice for obtaining higher yield. Rice responds favorably to macro- and micronutrients and the tolerance to salinity hazards improves by decreasing the N/S ratio. In this study, results showed that nutrient concentrations (g L?1) for rice are: nitrogen (N) 108.0, phosphorous (P2O5) 6, potassium (K2O) 81.0, calcium (CaO) 15.0, and magnesium (MgO) 6 g L?1; and for iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), cupper (Cu), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo) and silicon (Si) the recommended concentrations are 0.6, 0.45, 0.21, 0.06, 0.09, 0.0002 and 0.004 g L?1, respectively. A significant increase was recorded in number of panicles m?2, 1000 grain weight, biological yield and grain yield with foliar application of nutrients. Five foliar applications of nutrients resulted in maximum number of panicles m?2, grains panicle?1, 1000 grain weight and biological yield. It is concluded that five foliar applications of balanced amounts of fertilizers at the seedling stage (two sprays), tillering (single spray) and at panicle initiation and panicle differentiation (two sprays) helped in enhancing yield and yield components of rice. In this research, five foliar applications produced the smallest damaging effects of blast (Pyricularia oryzae) in rice.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown on cadmium (Cd)-contaminated soils has caused health problems in Asian subsistence rice farmers. For other crops, normal co-contaminant zinc (Zn) inhibits the increased uptake of Cd. We used a multi-chelator-buffered nutrient solution to characterize the interaction of Zn and Cd in uptake-translocation of Cd in “Lemont” rice. The activity of free Zn2+ varied from 10?7.6 to 10?5.2 M, while free Cd2+ held constant at 10?10.7 M. Zinc activity 10?5.6 M and higher was phytotoxic to rice, resulting in severe chlorosis, reduced growth, and increased Cd transport to shoots. In contrast to previous studies with wheat, lettuce, and spinach, free Zn2+ maintained at adequate to sub-phytotoxic levels (10?7.6 to 10?6.1) did not inhibit Cd uptake by rice. The inability of Zn to inhibit Cd uptake by rice is a key factor in Cd risk from zinc-lead mine waste contaminated soil compared with other crops.  相似文献   

The nutritional bioavailability of zinc from cooked milled, undermilled, and brown Philippine rice (variety PSB Rc14) was evaluated in rats, comparing results based on weight gain, tibia zinc incorporation (slope ratio analyses), and zinc radiotracer retention. Milling reduced the phytic acid and mineral content of the rice, resulting in zinc concentrations of 16.5, 19.4, and 27.2 microg/g and phytate/zinc molar ratios of 4, 20, and 28 for milled, undermilled, and brown rice, respectively. Measured zinc bioavailability was similar whether using growth, bone zinc, or radioisotope retention as criteria, at approximately 92, 86, and 77% of zinc sulfate, for milled, undermilled, and brown rice, respectively. However, the higher percent bioavailability of the zinc after milling was insufficient to compensate for the lower zinc content. With respect to zinc, the nutritional value was inversely related to milling, providing approximately 15, 17, and 21 microg bioavailable zinc/g rice, respectively, for milled, undermilled and brown rice of this variety.  相似文献   

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