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为了研究双向贯流式水轮机反向工况效率低下的问题,该文以某带有后置导叶的双向贯流式机组为对象,针对不同形状和不同厚度的叶片尾部,分析了反向工况下叶片尾部对机组性能的影响。采用UG建模软件对机组进行几何建模,基于CFX软件,采用SST k-ω湍流模型对不同形状和厚度的叶片尾部的转轮进行了数值模拟。结果表明:反向工况下采用圆形尾部的叶片其机组效率为59.55%,高于矩形尾部的58.4%和弧形尾部的58.01%,说明反向工况下矩形尾部和弧形尾部的冲击损失较大。增加叶片尾部厚度对机组反向工况的效率提高较为明显,其效率最高能抬高到79%,但叶片尾部厚度增加到一定程度后效率不再增加,叶片尾部厚度的增加使得反向工况下叶片尾部最低压力值降低了1.2×106 Pa,对其反向工况下的空化性能有较大影响,且增加了正向工况运行是出现卡门涡的概率。研究成果为双向贯流式水轮机反向工况下叶片尾部形状的优化设计提供了经验参考。  相似文献   

水轮机频繁经历变负荷工况转换过程,使得机组在较短时间内工作参数急剧变化,严重影响电站稳定运行。该研究以某贯流式水轮机为研究对象,在考虑自由液面和水体重力的情况下,采用动网格技术对贯流式水轮机相同出力范围下的减、增负荷过渡过程的动态特性进行分析。研究结果表明:由于增负荷和减负荷过渡过程的起始工况导致起始流动状态不同,因此在相同出力时,机组内的流动分布不同,减负荷过程尾水管内的涡流面积及强度明显小于增负荷工况,且尾水管涡带尺度也明显小于增负荷过程;相比于增负荷过程,减负荷过程中转轮叶片大范围的低压区极易引发空化;机组内的水压力脉动主要以尾水管涡带引起的0.1fn(fn为转频)低频压力脉动和转轮的旋转引起3fn的高频压力脉动为主,增负荷过程的压力脉动幅值明显大于减负荷过程,两种压力脉动共同作用,使得贯流式水轮机主要振动区域集中于转轮。研究结果对贯流式水轮机的设计与运行具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

贯流式水轮机飞逸过渡过程瞬态特性CFX二次开发模拟   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
当水轮发电机组处于飞逸状态时,水轮机内部会出现严重的不稳定现象,容易引起机组的振动。贯流式水轮机因为水头低、流量大、通道短等特点,其过渡过程与常规的立式水轮机有许多不同之处。基于此,该文通过CFX16.0和Fortran程序的二次开发建立了水轮机飞逸过程的数值计算方法,对贯流式水轮机的飞逸过程进行了数值模拟,获得了转速、流量、力矩、轴向力等外特性参数在飞逸过程中的变化历程以及水轮机内部流场的动态特性。结果表明:计算得到的最大飞逸转速为2 190 r/min与试验测得的结果较为接近,误差不超过2.5%,验证了该数值方法的可靠性;飞逸过程中其余外特性参数的变化规律均符合高比转速水轮机飞逸过程的流动规律;在飞逸过程中,由于转速和流量的增加使得水轮机转轮进口相对液流角降低,水流在叶片吸力面进水侧靠近叶缘处发生撞击形成高压,在叶片压力面进水侧叶缘处出现脱流产生负压,并随着转速的升高,高压区和低压区逐渐增大,转轮叶片受力变得极为不均匀容易引起疲劳破坏;同时,转速的增加使得转轮出口环量增加,在尾水管内部将会形成偏心的螺旋涡带,引起了强烈的低频压力脉动,振幅最大可达到试验水头的104%,不利于机组的安全稳定运行。  相似文献   

转轮下环间隙对混流式水轮机内部流动特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水轮机转轮间隙内的泄漏涡、泄漏流等复杂的湍流易影响水轮机的性能与稳定性。为了分析下环间隙对混流式水轮机能量特性和内部流态的影响,该文基于N-S方程和SST湍流模型,考虑了0.6 Qd(Qd为设计流量工况)、0.8 Qd、Qd、1.2 Qd共4种流量工况,对5种下环间隙下的混流式水轮机模型机进行三维全流道数值计算。通过对比不同下环间隙方案对混流式水轮机效率与容积损失的影响,结合不同水轮机内部流场特征,分析下环间隙与水轮机性能的关系。计算结果表明:下环间隙由0.4 mm增大到1.3 mm,机组泄漏量增大,水轮机效率整体呈下降趋势。其中,当机组在小流量0.6 Qd工况运行时,间隙对水轮机能量特性影响最为明显,效率下降了4.1个百分点。当机组在小流量0.6 Qd与0.8 Qd工况运行时,下环间隙增大,间隙内部流场与尾水管内部流场呈现小幅度恶化;当机组在大流量1.2 Qd工况运行时,下环间隙增大,转轮叶片吸力面压力分布以及尾水管内部流场均得到改善。该研究可为混流式水轮机结构设计提供有效参考。  相似文献   

不完全蜗壳轴流式水轮机大流量工况性能分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究大流量工况下,轴流式水轮机机组振动严重、效率锐减、空蚀破坏严重、叶片产生裂纹等问题产生的原因,该文以某不完全蜗壳轴流转浆式水轮机模型为研究对象,对其最优工况及大流量工况进行了全流道数值分析,以揭示引起大流量工况下水轮机运行性能变差的主要原因,结果表明:水流惯性使大部分流量直接由非蜗形区域进入导水机构,蜗形区域过流量偏少,蜗壳内流场沿圆周方向分布的轴对称性变差,并且将这些不均匀性传递向下游;水流沿导叶高度方向分配不均匀,蜗形段的活动导叶叶道内产生叶道涡,形成圆周方向不均匀的非稳定源,并对下游转轮产生影响;蜗壳及导叶内的不均匀水力要素传递向下游,使得转轮内不同位置的叶片所受水力矩产生差异,转轮叶片在旋转过程中受交替动应力作用而容易产生裂纹和破坏。因此在大流量工况下,这些水力不稳定因素不仅限制了水轮机的运行范围,而且对机组的稳定性及强度产生威胁。该研究结果对轴流水轮机的水力设计以及大流量工况下的实际运行具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

贯流式水轮机是农村小水电电网中的重要组成部分,其低水头、大流量的特点,易导致电站机组效率低下、出力降低。而贯流式水轮机运行中的最优运行问题很少引起学者关注,目前最优工况的研究仅仅局限于某点或线。该文从转轮水力损失的角度,理论上分析了影响贯流式水轮机效率的翼型阻力损失、端部损失与撞击损失,依据现场实际导叶与桨叶翼型,在定水头、定桨叶方式下,通过改变转轮进口水流角,对转轮进、出口速度三角形进行计算,从能量角度,进行工况优化,得到转轮10°工况下导叶在53.9°~58.8°的最优特性区域,效率可提高约3%~8%。利用数值仿真技术,对其工况做相应的数值仿真,并进行流场分析,在此基础上,进行真机试验,结果与理论分析相符,与数值仿真计算的误差小于2%,采用此方法对电站机组的全工况进行了计算,全工况范围内进行区域工况优化,得到转轮在7°~42°,导叶在0~78°的最优特性曲线,通过一段时间运行,数据显示机组的能量特性与稳定性效果比较理想。  相似文献   

贯流式水轮机在实际运行过程中受力不对称,这使得叶片容易出现疲劳损坏、裂纹等问题,为准确地揭示贯流式水轮机内部流动状态,分析水轮机振动及叶片疲劳损坏的内在原因,该研究在考虑上下游库区自由液面及水体重力的情况下对灯泡贯流式水轮机进行真机流动性能的数值研究,并采用流固耦合的方法对不同工况下转轮叶片进行应力应变分析。结果表明:受水体重力产生的静水压力影响,贯流式水轮机叶片旋转的过程中经历周期性的压力波动,且水头越低、转轮淹没深度越大,叶片表面所承受的压力波动幅值越大;叶片的形变量沿半径方向逐渐增大,叶片位于0°位置时,静水压力方向与叶片表面动水压力方向一致且相互叠加,使得叶片产生最大形变量,叶片处于180°位置时,静水压力推动叶片转动有助于缓解叶片发生形变;由于悬臂梁结构的叶片在轮缘处的应力可以通过形变量得到释放使得此处等效应力接近为0,随着半径的减小等效应力逐渐增大,叶片靠轮毂处受枢轴的约束而使得此处应力出现最大值;水头的增加导致转轮淹没深度减小,使叶片表面承受的静水压力减小,因此叶片上的最大形变量及最大等效应力均有所减小。研究结果对贯流式水轮机转轮叶片设计优化、运行维护具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

某电站混流式水轮机转轮叶片历年出现不同程度的裂纹情况,为了分析该转轮叶片裂纹产生的原因,该文首先采用流体动力学技术,对该水轮机机组在额定水头下、不同负荷的4个工况进行了全三维的非定常湍流数值模拟,分析对比了各个工况下转轮内部流场的变化和压力脉动情况,计算结果表明:在低负荷情况下转轮内部出现叶道涡,叶道涡的存在使得转轮内部压力脉动变大,从而引起机组运行不稳定;其次采用结构有限元技术对转轮在上述4个工况下进行了动应力分析,模拟结果显示:应力最大发生在转轮上冠和叶片出口连接处,且在低负荷下动应力最大,最大值可达到164.3 MPa,长期在低负荷工况下运行容易引起叶片疲劳;最后对转轮单个叶片进行了模态分析,从模态分析结果可知叶片固有频率远离各个水力激振频率,因此不会发生水力共振。该文通过计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics)的方法全面分析了叶片产生裂纹的原因,并提出了相应的裂纹控制对策,为机组的稳定运行提供了参考。  相似文献   

混流式水轮机部分负荷叶道空化涡不稳定特性已成为制约水电与其他可再生能源多能互补发展、扩大水轮机稳定运行范围急需研究的技术难题。该研究以HL702低水头混流式模型水轮机为研究对象,通过非稳态数值模拟技术及涡流可视化试验,对部分负荷工况下的叶道空化涡不稳定涡流演化及压力脉动特性展开研究。结果表明,叶道空化涡在水轮机转轮内为一个体积周期性变化的动态过程,其涡结构脉动主频为转轮转频的1.1倍。叶道空化涡诱发时,水轮机转轮叶片压力面和吸力面均捕捉到与涡结构频率相同的压力脉动信号。叶道空化涡体积的变化主要发生在转轮叶片背面出水边与下环交界附近,引起压力脉动幅值的局部放大。进一步分析发现,叶道空化涡发生工况下水轮机内部的瞬时压力脉动信号与空泡体积加速度成正比,表明涡流演化是引起压力脉动幅值上升的重要原因。研究进一步阐明了部分负荷工况叶道空化涡的演化特征,揭示了涡流诱发不稳定高振幅压力脉动的内在机制。  相似文献   

多能互补系统中新能源发电的不稳定性使得作为调能机组的水电机组频繁在水力效率低、振动剧烈的低负荷区运行,严重影响机组的寿命。该研究以多能互补系统中的混流式水轮机为研究对象,在前期考虑工况权重系数的转轮多工况优化设计结果基础上,对比分析了优化前后转轮叶片的几何参数变化,不同负荷区的水轮机内部流动状态及压力脉动特征差异。研究结果表明:优化后叶片包角、安放角以及叶片长度均有所增加,叶片表面压力分布及转轮进出水边速度矩分布更加均匀,有助于改善水轮机低负荷区的空化性能、提高能量转换能力。转轮进出口安放角的增加很好地抑制了转轮进口背面脱流涡及出水边的脱流涡区,改善了尾水管的入流条件,使得尾水管涡带的强度和影响范围明显减小。叶片优化后,转轮内各频率的压力脉动幅值均有不同程度的降低,尾水管内压力脉动改善明显。尾水管内0.2fn(fn为转频)和14fn压力脉动在低负荷工况(OP1)幅值降幅分别为45%和40%,额定工况(OP4)尾水管内0.2fn压力脉动基本消除,14fn压力脉动幅值降幅为31%。...  相似文献   

感潮河网地区城镇化对排涝模数的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
随着城镇化发展,感潮河网地区下垫面原有的透水层逐渐被不透水层替代,涝水的产汇流过程发生了改变;同时排涝期间受外江潮水位顶托,涝灾风险加剧,合理的确定排涝模数对于涝灾治理具有重要意义。针对感潮河网地区的排水特点,建立了区域二层排涝模数计算模型。模型将全区域划分为城镇子排区和农业子排区,在子排区层面分别利用SWMM模型和广东综合单位线法进行建模,然后在子排区共同的排水通道(内河道)层面建立全排区的河网区水动力学模型。利用该模型,以广州市大岗排区为背景,研究了城镇化对该排区排涝模数的影响。结果表明:2003-2012年,大岗排区城镇化面积占有率由9.69%提高到24.25%,在20年一遇的同等排涝标准下,排涝模数由1.766 m3/(s·km2)提高到2.808 m3/(s·km2),泵站设计流量需由122 m3/s提高到194 m3/s;当排涝模数均为1.766 m3/(s·km2)时,2003年能够满足20年一遇的排涝标准,而2012年只能满足约15年一遇的排涝标准,同一排涝模数下,城镇化降低了排区的排涝标准。该研究可为城镇化背景下感潮河网地区排涝模数的计算方法选择及其合理取值提供参考。  相似文献   


The microbial turnover of sediment organic matter (OM) in ports and waterways impacts water quality, sonic depth finding and presumably also rheological properties as well as greenhouse gas emissions, especially if organic carbon is released as methane. As a consequence, sediment management practices as a whole are affected. This study aimed to discern spatial OM degradability patterns in the Port of Hamburg and investigated correlations with standard analytical properties as a basis for future predictive modelling.

Materials and methods

Sediments in the Port of Hamburg were repeatedly sampled at nine locations along an east-west transect using a 1-m corer. In a stratified sampling approach, layers of suspended particulate matter (SPM), fluid mud (FM), pre-consolidated sediment (PS) and consolidated sediment (CS) were identified and individually analysed for long-term aerobic and anaerobic degradation of organic matter, DNA concentration, stable carbon isotope signature, density fractions and standard solids and pore water properties.

Results and discussion

The investigation area was characterised by a distinct gradient with a 10-fold higher OM degradability in upstream areas and lower degradability in downstream areas. Concomitantly, upstream locations showed higher DNA concentrations and more negative δ13C values. The share of bulk sediment in the heavy density fraction as well as the proportion and absolute amount of organic carbon were significantly larger at downstream locations. A depth and hence age-related gradient was found at individual locations, showing higher degradability of the upper, younger material, concomitant with higher DNA concentration, and lower OM turnover in the deeper, older and more consolidated material. Deeper layers were also characterised by higher concentrations of pore water ammonium, indicative of anaerobic nitrogen mineralisation.


Organic matter lability is inversely linked to its stabilisation in organo-mineral complexes. The observed degradability gradient is likely due to the different OM quality in relation to its origin. Downstream OM enters the system with the tidal flood current from the direction of the North Sea whereas upstream locations receive OM originating from the catchment, containing more autochthonous, plankton-derived and more easily degradable components. At individual sampling points, depth-related degradability gradients reflect an age gradient, with easily degradable material in top layers and increasing stabilisation of OM in organo-mineral compounds with depth.


海涂土地资源适宜性空间分析与优化开发模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海涂是沿海地区重要的后备土地资源,适宜性评价与优化利用结构是科学开发海涂的前提.选取典型海涂围垦区,把GIS空间分析与数学规划模型结合起来,首先基于GIS空间分析技术,对海涂土地资源适宜性进行评价;然后针对研究区内的新围海涂,运用数学规划模型对其土地利用数量结构进行优化,优化结果中总土地开发利用系数为0.629,在开发投资效益最大化的基础上兼顾了海涂生态环境保护.结合海涂开发用地规划,提出土地利用结构的优化配置模式,实现海涂土地资源开发中定性分析、定位配置与定量优化的结合.  相似文献   


Enhancing rice yield is a great challenge for rice growers in the tidal flooded ecosystem, where poor agronomic management is one of the major constrains. Improve management practice (IMP) was compared with traditional farmers’ practice (TFP) in evaluating rice productivity, nutrient uptake, translocation and farm income in tidal flooded ecosystem. Results revealed that, IMP significantly produced higher number of panicles m?2, more grain panicle?1 and better grain filling. The rice cultivars produced 2.0 to 2.5 t grain ha?1 with TFP, while 3.0 to 4.0 t ha?1 with IMP. In different rice cultivars, the grain yield in IMP increased 12 to 60% over TFP. Similarly, the grains in IMP treatment absorbed 21.41 to 57.03?kg N ha?1 whereas only 15.85 to 46.94?kg N ha?1 in TFP plot. However, higher nitrogen (N) transfer from shoot to grain in IMP also suggests that the amount of N in soil was too low to meet the plant demand in TFP. Although, the IMP involved additional cost, but it gave significantly higher gross return (438 to 954?US$ha?1) and margin (397 to 913?US$ha?1) which added farm income upto 225?US$ha?1 over TFP. Hence, it could be concluded that IMP is a potential option for increasing grain yield and farm income during aman season in the tidal flooded ecosystem.  相似文献   

This study was to evaluate the application effect of gypsum and rice straw on the saline–sodic soils of coastal reclaimed tidal lands during newly reclamation process by leaching method. Soil used in the lysimeter experiment is classified as Greyic Hydragric Anthrosols (Sodic Arenic). The experiment was carried out over a period of 1 year from May 2014 to July 2015 inside a plastic film house. Saturated electrical conductivity (ECe) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) values of soils in gypsum treatment and gypsum with rice straw treatment then reached the desalinization criteria (ECe = 4.0 dS m?1, ESP = 15%) after the five or six pore volumes leaching cycles. However, in spite the 10 pore volumes leaching cycles in control and rice straw alone treatment, the values did not reach the desalinization criteria. The results showed that effectiveness of improvement of sodicity and salinity in coastal reclaimed tidal land soils was in the order of gypsum = gypsum + rice straw > rice straw = control. Our study has shown that gypsum alone treatment or gypsum with rice straw treatment in a coastal reclaimed tidal land soils improves their physicochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Qu  Wendi  Li  Juanyong  Han  Guangxuan  Wu  Haitao  Song  Weimin  Zhang  Xiaoshuai 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(2):609-617

Climate warming and sea level rise have the potential to change the salt level of soil in tidal wetlands. And it is important to clarify the process and the mechanism of decomposition of soil organic carbon in a tidal wetland under varying salinities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impacts of soil salinity on the decomposition rate of organic carbon (DROC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in a tidal wetland.

Materials and methods

Two types of soil (surface soil in Suaeda salsa and bare tidal flat) were collected, air-dried, and homogenized. After adding different content of salt (0 g/L, 3 g/L, 6 g/L, 9 g/L, and 12 g/L), the soils were incubated for 28 days at stable room temperature (25?±?2 °C) and added by deionized water to maintain the stability of soil moisture. The gases (CO2 and CH4) emission rates of each salt treatment were measured during 28-day incubation. DROC was determined by the sum of daily CO2-C emission rates and daily CH4-C emission rates in this study.

Results and discussion

Salt addition inhibited the process of gas emissions and DROC. Gases emission rates and DROC of two types of soil showed similar temporal trends, with distinctive drop in the beginning of experiment and no significant decrease followed. Significant difference of DOC among salt treatments was found in the bare tidal flat soil. Variations of partial correlation between DROC and soil salinity and DOC showed similar trends (e.g., in days 9–18, the positive effect of DOC on DROC was greatly promoted (R2?=?0.80, p?<?0.001), and the negative effect of soil salinity was highly improved (R2?=?0.93, p?<?0.001)). Soil properties, in particular DOC, may be primary factors accounting for the discrepancy of gases emission rates and DROC of two types of soil.


Increased soil salinity had a negative effect on DROC during 28-day incubation. The impact of soil salinity and DOC on DROC were varied in different phases of laboratory experiment (soil salinity generally had increasingly negative relationship with DROC, but DOC showed most significantly positive relationship in the middle stage of incubation). Both the formation and consumption of DOC may be valuable for more detail research regarding to decomposition of soil organic carbon.


施用生活污泥改良滩涂土壤理化性状的探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用符合土地改良用标准的生活污泥为材料,通过田间小区随机区组试验,研究了生活污泥的不同施用量(0、75、150、300、600 t/hm2)对滩涂土壤部分理化性质的影响。结果表明,施用生活污泥可显著改善滩涂土壤的理化性状。随着污泥施用量的提高,滩涂土壤的容重、密度、pH值逐渐下降,有机质、全氮、全磷、速效氮、速效磷、CEC均呈上升趋势,全钾、速效钾无显著变化。滩涂土壤的细菌、放线菌数量随污泥施用量的提高呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

Anaerobic decomposition in wetland soils is carried out by several interacting microbial processes that influence carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions. To understand the role of wetlands in the global carbon cycle, it is critical to understand how differences in both electron donor (i.e., organic carbon) and terminal electron acceptor (TEA) availability influence anaerobic mineralization of soil organic matter. In this study we manipulated electron donors and acceptors to examine how these factors influence total rates of carbon mineralization and the pathways of microbial respiration (e.g., sulfate reduction versus methanogenesis). Using a field-based reciprocal transplant of soils from brackish and freshwater tidal marshes, in conjunction with laboratory amendments of TEAs, we examined how rates of organic carbon mineralization changed when soils with different carbon contents were exposed to different TEAs. Total mineralization (the sum of CO2 + CH4 produced) on a per gram soil basis was greater in the brackish marsh soils, which had higher soil organic matter content; however, on a per gram carbon basis, mineralization was greater in the freshwater soils, suggesting that the quality of carbon inputs from the freshwater plants was higher. Overall anaerobic metabolism was higher for both soil types incubated at the brackish site where SO42− was the dominant TEA. When soils were amended with TEAs in the laboratory, more thermodynamically favorable respiration pathways typically resulted in greater organic matter mineralization (Fe(III) respiration > SO42− reduction > methanogenesis). These results suggest that both electron donors and acceptors play important roles in regulating anaerobic microbial mineralization of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

为了研究贝类养殖的滩涂土壤的流变属性和结构稳定性,采用旋转流变仪对不同含水率和不同静置时间的滩涂土壤进行了流变试验,通过单因素试验研究了各因素对滩涂土壤流变特性的影响,并分析了土壤剪切过程中的变化机理。同时,通过Response Surface Methodology中的Central Composite Design试验建立了屈服应力与含水率和静置时间之间的数值模型,并比较了含水率和静置时间对屈服应力产生的影响。结果表明:1)剪切过程中滩涂试样经过了弹塑性阶段、固液转化阶段和流体阶段,滩涂土壤表现出了静置时间越长,固液转化阶段就越长的性质,且剪切过程中表现出剪切稀化的性质。2)静置时间的增加会导致整体剪切应力和屈服应力同时增加,含水率的增加会导致整体剪切应力和屈服应力的降低,且滩涂土壤存在一个含水率分界点,此含水率分界点在64.5%~67.0%之间,当超过这个含水率分界点的试样的静置时间超过31 h时,试样的屈服应力基本不会再发生较大的波动,大小在2 240~4 380 Pa之间,此外,静置时间在0~53 h之间且含水率在62.0%~69.5%之间的试样的屈服应力在1 870~5 410 Pa之间。3)含水率对屈服应力的影响比静置时间的影响更加显著,模型的R2为0.953 4,并且在验证试验中,屈服应力的测量值与预测值之间的误差在15.0%以内,都说明了数值模型的可靠性。研究定性和定量地表征了滩涂土壤的流变特性,为滩涂贝类采收机械的研发和优化提供参考。  相似文献   

通过在苏北滩涂地区开展田间试验,研究了不同施肥处理(不施肥、施农家肥、商品有机肥、无机肥)对滩涂地区围垦农田土壤有机碳及团聚体有机碳的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,不同施肥处理均能明显增加0~30 cm土层土壤有机碳含量和有机碳密度,施农家肥增加幅度最高,增加值分别为0.66 g kg-1和0.07 kg m-2。试验地区水稳性团聚体以5 mm和0.25~0.5 mm为主,含量分别为37%~57%和13%~20%;随着土层深度增加,5 mm团聚体含量降低,0.25~0.5 mm团聚体则增加;农家肥能显著增加5 mm团聚体含量,同时降低0.25~5 mm团聚体含量。团聚体中有机碳含量表现为,除0.25~0.5 mm团聚体外,5 mm至0.5~1 mm团聚体之间,粒径越小,有机碳含量越高,其中0.5~1 mm团聚体有机碳含量最高,为6.83 g kg-1;与其他处理相比,农家肥的施用能明显增加各粒级团聚体中有机碳含量。试验地区土壤有机碳含量与5 mm团聚体及其有机碳含量极显著正相关(p0.01),而与0.25~5 mm团聚体负相关(p0.01或p0.05)。  相似文献   

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