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分布式水文模型亚流域合理划分水平刍议   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
不同的亚流域划分对流域径流和泥沙负荷模拟的影响源于地形、土壤、土地利用以及气候特征输入的空间分布不均匀性。假设当亚流域划分充分考虑流域输入数据空间分布不均匀性时,流域模拟的输出结果趋于稳定,并应用分布式水文模型——SWAT作为研究工具,在GIS技术支持下,选择两个面积不同的流域采用不同的亚流域划分数量进行流域径流和泥沙负荷模拟。模拟结果表明,当亚流域划分数量达到一定水平时,增加亚流域划分对模型输出结果的影响较小,这在一定程度上证实了上述假设。在此基础上,以简化模型输入数据和输出结果分析处理工作且保证模拟精度为原则,对分布式水文模型亚流域划分的合理划分水平进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的湟水流域径流模拟与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以青海省湟水流域民和水文站以上流域为研究区,在GIS技术支持下,运用分布式水文模型SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)进行了湟水流域天然径流的产流模拟,通过选用湟水流域1980~1997年相应的水文气象资料作为SWAT模型的输入数据,选用1980~1987年湟水流域出口民和站的年、月平均天然流量进行模型的参数率定,1989~1997年民和站的年、月平均天然流量进行模型的验证,采用了相对误差(RE)、相关系数(R2)以及Nash-Suttclife模拟系数(Ens)作为模型适用性的评价系数,结果表明SWAT模型对湟水流域长期天然径流变化过程模拟结果良好,较好地反映了湟水流域水资源的变化过程,为研究湟水流域的水资源提供了模型支持。  相似文献   

以灞河上游罗李村子流域为研究区,基于子流域2001—2010年日尺度气象水文数据和流域地形、土壤和土地利用数据,构建了AnnAGNPS(Annualized Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution model)模型数据库,确定了最优子流域划分方案,模拟了流域年、月、日尺度径流变化。结果表明:(1)当临界源面积(CSA)取100 hm2,最小初始沟道长度(MSCL)取70 m时,模型将流域划分为1 030个分室,420个沟道,能较好地概化流域下垫面特征。(2)模型对年、月、日尺度径流模拟Ens均大于0.51,R2均大于0.55,Re小于10%,模型能够较好地反映罗李村子流域的径流过程,对流域水资源的合理利用具有指导作用。  相似文献   

SWAT模型应用与不确定性综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型是对大尺度复杂流域进行长时期水文模拟的重要工具,在水文循环、土壤侵蚀、污染物负荷、气候变化与土地利用变化的影响等方面得到广泛应用。SWAT模型在国内外流域模拟中取得良好的模拟效果,但不确定性问题普遍存在。从模型使用者的视角,针对输入数据的准备、子流域划分和输入数据尺度转换、模型参数校准3个SWAT模型应用的重要步骤,讨论了其主要不确定性来源。模型输入数据精度不足以准确反映其空间差异,模拟单元划分粗略导致输入数据向模拟单元尺度转换时参数集总程度过高,模型参数校准过程中观测数据和评价指标的不合理选择以及异参同效现象。对此,总结提出了降低不确定性、提高模拟精度的主要措施:提高输入数据的分辨率和模拟单元划分精度至理想阈值,对模型的关键参数和部分计算方法进行本地化,采用多重评价指标、自动校准与人工校准相结合以及多要素、多站点的参数校准方法。把握模型应用主要步骤中可能的不确定性来源,并结合具体研究区特征和研究目标采取相应的措施降低不确定性,是提高SWAT模型模拟结果可信度的必要途径。  相似文献   

流域离散化对分布式水文模型径流模拟的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以嫩江上游诺敏河古城子水文站以上集水区为研究对象,利用分布式水文模型SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool),对研究区进行6种子流域划分,研究不同时间尺度上径流模拟随流域离散化水平的变化,以了解输入数据空间集总程度对分布式水文模拟的影响.结果表明,在年和月尺度上,不同子流域划分对径流模拟精度影响较小,但在日尺度上对径流模拟精度有影响;不同时间尺度上流域离散化水平对出口流量的影响均较小,但地表径流随子流域数量的增加而增大,相对误差达到35.4%;径流模拟结果对降水量较敏感,湿润年份模拟精度更高,而子流域划分对径流模拟结果的影响在干旱年份以及夏季汛期更显著;当流域离散化达到一定水平即最小集水面积阈值为流域总面积的2%时,增加子流域划分对径流模拟结果的影响较小,但减少子流域划分则会导致模拟结果不稳定,且难以满足流域空间格局分析的要求.  相似文献   

宁夏自治区林业生态建设区划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以宁夏自治区生态系统为对象,在生态服务功能、生态资产、生态敏感性和人类活动对生态环境的胁迫等特点和规律的基础上,建立宁夏自治区林业生态建设区划的原则和指标体系,并将自治区林业生态建设划分为3个林业生态建设1级区,黄河河套平原区(Ⅰ)、黄土丘陵沟壑区(Ⅱ)、荒漠化类型区(Ⅲ);6个林业生态建设亚区,贺兰山水源涵养林亚区(Ⅱ)、宁夏平原农田防护林亚区(I2)、西海固黄土丘陵沟壑水土保持林亚区(Ⅲ)、六盘山山地及其外围水源涵养林亚区(Ⅱ2)、毛乌素沙地防风固沙林亚区(Ⅲ1)、盐(盐池)同(同心)香山干旱草原防护林亚区(Ⅲ2),并对各个分区进行综合评价。  相似文献   

以东南沿海晋江西溪流域为例,初步研究了流域非点源污染与水系分维的关系.以ArcView GIS 3.2为研究平台,运用水系分维的计盒方法.计算了晋江西溪流域水系的宏观分维和划分为5个亚流域的微观分维,根据应用SWAT模型的模拟结果分析了西溪各亚流域非点源污染负荷与相应水系分维值的关系.研究结果表明,水系分维值越大,农田面积比例越大,流域土壤侵蚀程度越大,因此非点源污染负荷越大;此方法为流域非点源污染研究提供了新的途径.  相似文献   

洮河流域水土保持规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洮河发源于青海省,流经甘肃省,流域总面积2. 55万km2,涉及15个县(市)。分析了流域自然、经济、水土流失等情况,依据《全国水土保持规划》,对洮河流域进行了水土保持防治分区,划分为3个一级区,3个二级区,5个三级区;在水土保持分区划分结果基础上,研究了分区水土保持主要问题,提出了洮河流域水土保持分区防治措施布局。  相似文献   

空间数据对分布式水文模型SWAT流域水文模拟精度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分布式水文模型的模拟精度受空间参数精度的影响.提升空间参数精度能较为精准描述流域空间特征,也会使空间数据量冗增,甚至影响模型运行效率.以分布式水文模型SWAT为例,分析DEM、子流域划分、土地利用、土壤、降水站点等空间数据精度对模型模拟精度的影响.结果表明:1)对不同对象(流量、泥沙、营养元素等)进行模拟时,大多数空间数据分辨率阈值不同,分辨率超出阈值可能降低模型模拟的精度;2)DEM分辨率降低,泥沙和总磷(TP)模拟结果的相对误差明显增加,而流量和硝态氮(NO3-N)模拟结果变化极小;3)DEM分辨率达到一定精度后,进一步提高并不会使地表径流模拟精度得到改善,低分辨率DEM获得的坡度较小,这会降低模型对流量的模拟,模拟的洪峰径流产生滞后现象;4)子流域划分对流域产流模拟影响较小,而对产沙模拟影响较大.子流域和水文响应单元的划分数量对流域上游产沙量影响较大,而对流域出口处泥沙荷载影响较小;5)土地利用和土壤图精度主要通过影响模型中HRU生成的数量而影响模拟结果;6)地表径流模拟上,能够体现对地表径流贡献较大的局地降水事件的分布式的降水数据要比利用气象站点获得的降水数据模拟结果的精度要高.研究结果可以为今后模型开发、利用、改进提供参考,提高模型模拟的精度.  相似文献   

红枫湖流域非点源污染控制区划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非点源污染发生的广域性、分散性、随机性等特征使得对其进行效管控难度较大。以非点源污染关键源区识别为基础,对流域进行分区管控是实现非点源污染控制的有效途径。基于源头削减和过程管控协同管理的思路,将GIS技术、ArcSWAT模型、非参数检验和因子分析技术相结合,以农耕养殖程度较高的贵州红枫湖上游羊昌河流域为研究区,通过对流域近5 a非点源污染负荷特征进行模拟,识别影响非点源污染流失的关键因素,在此基础进行污染控制区划。结果表明:1)总氮和总磷负荷高风险区主要集中于地势较高且农业耕作活动频繁区域,刘官乡、黄腊乡、旧州镇及白云镇是非点源污染控制的重点乡镇;2)采用多因素方差分析7种不同因素对流域非点源污染负荷的影响程度表明,施肥量是影响总氮、总磷输出的最主要的因子,坡长、坡度及土地利用方式是次重要因子。针对羊昌河流域长期传统耕作以及化肥过量施用的现实特征来看,土壤有机磷的含量也会对总磷的输出产生一定的影响;3)羊昌河流域可划分为3个污染控制区,第1类:生态农业综合整治区(以近河道耕种区为主,面积254.4 km2);第2类:污染治理区(农村生活及畜禽养殖区为主,面积405.74 km2);第3类:生态修复区(高坡度强降雨区为主,面积464.47 km2)。研究结果可有效提升羊昌河流域非点源污染治理的效率,为水源地环境保护提供参考。  相似文献   

Ammonium sulfate and urea are main sources of nitrogen (N) for annual crop production in developing countries. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted using ammonium sulfate and urea as N sources for upland rice grown on a Brazilian Oxisol. The N rates used were 0, 50, 100, 150, 3000, and 400 kg N kg?1 of soil. Yield and yield components were significantly increased in a quadratic fashion with increasing N rate. Ammonium sulfate X urea interaction was significant for grain yield, shoot dry matter yield, panicle number, plant height and root dry weight, indicating a different response magnitude of these plant parameters to two sources of N. Based on regression equation, maximum grain yield was achieved with the application of 380 mg N kg?1 by ammonium sulfate and 271 mg N kg?1 by urea. Grain yield and yield components were reduced at higher rates of urea (>300 mg kg N) but these plant parameters’ responses to ammonium sulfate at higher rates was constant. In the intermediate N rate range (125 to 275 mg kg?1), urea was slightly better compared to ammonium sulfate for grain yield. Grain yield was significantly related with plant height, shoot dry weight, panicle number, grain harvest index and root dry weight. Hence, improving these plant characteristics by using appropriate soil and plant management practices can improve upland rice yield.  相似文献   

Hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars play an important role in rice production due to its high yield potential. Optimum nitrogen (N) rate is necessary to achieve the maximum yield of hybrid. The main objective of this study was to reveal the responses of yield and yield component of hybrid rice ‘Eryou 107’ to different N rates in Nanjing and Taoyuan, a special eco-site. Leaf area index (LAI), dry matter accumulation was also compared. Rice yield showed a quadratic response to N rates at both sites with maximum yields approximately 10 t ha?1 at the 195 kg ha?1 N rate in Nanjing and maximum yield above 18 t ha?1 at the 375 kg ha?1 N rate in Taoyuan. Panicle per m2 was positively linear related to N rate at both sites in both years, while spikelets per panicle showed a quadratic relation. Larger sink size was the primary contributor to higher yields in Taoyuan compared with Nanjing, and panicle per m2 was the main cause. With the increasing N rate, LAI increased linearly and the dry matter accumulation first increased than declined at both sites. Greater effects of N rates on yield and yield components, LAI, and biomass was observed in Taoyuan than Nanjing. Higher LAI, biomass, and larger sink size resulted in the higher yields and more N rate for maximum yields in Taoyuan, compared with Nanjing.  相似文献   

Among the major nutrients, potassium (K) not only improves yields but also improves quality parameters. Field experiments were conducted to assess the comparative effect of sources and rates of K fertilizer on potato yield and quality on a sandy loam soil. Graded doses of potassium, i.e., 0, 150 and 225 kg ha?1 K2O from sulfate and muriate of potash were applied in triplicate. Recommended dose of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) applied uniformly. Significant increase in tuber yield was observed with 150 kg ha?1 K2O from both the sources over control. Increase in tuber yield with 225 kg ha?1 K2O was statistically non significant compared to 150 kg ha?1. The dry matter and specific gravity were more affected with sulfate of potash (SOP) than muriate of potash (MOP). The quality parameters like dry matter, specific gravity, starch contents, vitamin C, chips color and taste were improved with K application.  相似文献   

Improper sulfur (S) and potassium (K) fertilizer management, particularly with continued soil nutrient mining, is one of the major factors contributing to low seed yield of canola in northwestern Pakistan. A field experiment was conducted in 2007?2008 on a S and K deficient clay loam soil at the Research Farm of NWFP (Northwest Frontier Province) Agricultural University, Peshawar, Pakistan, with an objective to determine seed yield and yield components response of Brassica oilseed rape versus mustard to S and K application. Twenty treatments in a randomized complete block design were consisted of two oilseed rape (B. napus canola) and mustard (B. juncea canola) genotypes at three rates each of S (15, 30, and 45 kg S ha?1) and K (30, 60, and 90 kg K ha?1) fertilizers plus one control (no S and K applied). Seed yield and yield components increased significantly with K and S fertilization as compared to the zero-S/zero-K control. Both genotypes responded positively for seed yield and yield components to K and S fertilization, but the magnitude of response varied with levels of S and K, as well as combined K + S applications. It is concluded that a combination of 60 kg K + 30 kg S ha?1 would improve seed yield and yield components of rape and mustard in the study area and contribute significantly to increased production. Growing B. napus was better than B. juncea in the study area, because B. napus produced significantly higher seed yield and yield components than B. juncea, indicating that yield components are the most important criteria for selection of Brassica genotypes for higher seed yield.  相似文献   

To study yield and yield traits of maize, two experiments were conducted in 2006 as spring and summer crops and repeated in 2007. Three plant populations (43, 53, and 67 thousands ha-1) and three nitrogen (N) rates (90, 120 and 150 kg N ha-1) were compared in a completely randomized block design with split plot arrangement. The treatments plant population was assigned to the main and N to sub plots in three replications. Sowing of spring crop was done in March and harvested in July and likewise the summer crop in July and harvested in November. Each experimental unit comprised of 5 × 6 m area having eight rows spaced 0.75 m. Experimental results revealed that grain yield (GY) of summer was higher than spring season. Higher GY was associated with increases in the plant population and nitrogen rate. The treatment plant population of 53,000 and 67,000 ha-1 did not differ. However, each increase in the N rate significantly increased GY. This increase in the GY by increasing N was due to increases in the ear length (EL), ear diameter (ED), grain number (GN) and thousand grain weight (TGW). Increasing plant population of maize did not show any remarkable changes in the yield traits. The study revealed that differences in GY due to seasonal climate cannot be rewarded with increase in either plant population or nitrogen rates. Moreover, spring and summer season maize crops can economically be planted with 150 and 120 kg N ha?1 at 53,000 and 67,000 ha?1 populations, respectively, to save environment and production cost.  相似文献   

To study the effects of phosphorus (P) fertilizer (cow manure, phosphorus solublizing bacteria) and sowing density on seed production of alfalfa, an experiment was laid out in a three-replicated split-split plot design with four phosphorus fertilizer rates (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha?1) in main plots, three phosphorus-solublizing bacteria (9, 41strains, and no bacteria) in sub-plots and three sowing densities (2, 6 and 10 kg ha?1) in sub-sub plots. The highest seed yield resulted from 60 and 90 kg P ha?1. Application of bacteria strain 41 was more efficient than bacteria strain 9 in seed yield and 1000-seed weight. Seed yield at 6 seed kg ha?1 treatment was higher than 10 kg ha?1, although there was no significant difference between them. Based on the results of this experiment the triple application of P60, B41 and SD6 could be recommended as the best treatment for seed production of alfalfa (Cultivar ‘Nikshahri’) under the semi-saline condition.  相似文献   

Citrus, especially K innow (Citrus deliciosa × Citrus nobilis), fruit yield and quality in Pakistan is not competitive with that of other countries which could be mainly attributed to the lack of good nutrient management for citrus orchards. The yield losses in this fruit crop occur mainly due to heavy fruit dropping. Experiments to overcome these problems were conducted at four different sites one each in Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh, Jhang and Sargodha districts of Punjab, Pakistan. The soil and leaf chemical analysis showed severe deficiency of Zn and our pervious results have shown that soil amendment with potassium (K) at 75 K2O kg ha?1 improved the citrus fruit yield and quality at all selected sites. In the present experiments, effect of foliar application of Zn and K alone or in combination was studied on nutrient uptake, fruit yield, fruit dropping and juice quality. The fruit trees were pretreated with a selected K level of sulfate of potash (SOP) or muriate of potash (MOP), i.e., 75 kg K2O ha?1 along with recommended nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) doses. Zinc [Zn, 1% zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) solution], K [1% potassium sulfate (K2SO4) solution] and Zn + K (solution containing 0.5% each of ZnSO4 and K2SO4) were sprayed at the onset of spring and flush of leaves or flowers, fruit formation and at color initiation on fruit. Overall, application of Zn, K or Zn + K was effective in improving the nutrient uptake, yield and quality parameters of citrus fruit at all sites. Fruit dropping was also reduced by the foliar spray of Zn, K or Zn + K but the most promising results were recorded with foliar spray containing both Zn and K.  相似文献   

This study comparatively evaluates the phosphorus (P) requirement of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in view of identifying low input oil crops. Both species responded strongly to increasing P supply with respect to plant growth and yield. Yield component analysis revealed that oil yield in safflower was affected by P deficiency mainly via the number of capitula per plant followed, in consecutive order, by the number of achenes per capitulum and the single achene mass (SAM). The major yield component influencing oil yield of sunflower was the number of achenes per plant, followed by the SAM. Contribution of the seed oil concentration to overall yield variation was insignificant for both species. Path coefficient analyses indicate that in sunflower total nitrogen (N) accumulated was found to be most important, while in safflower this holds true for both the total P and N accumulated. It was concluded that safflower cannot be considered a low-input oil crop in terms of its P requirement.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to determine the interactive effect of sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) on growth and yield attributes of oilseed crops [Brassica campestris L. (V1) and Eruca sativa Mill. (V2)] differing in yield potential. Two combinations of S and N (in kg ha?1): 0S + 100N (?S+N;T1) and 40S + 100N (+S+N;T2) were used. Biomass accumulation, leaf area index (LAI), leaf area duration (LAD), and photosynthetic rate in the leaves were determined at various phenological stages. The results showed that the combined application of S and N (+S+N) significantly (P<0.05) improved the growth and yield attributes of both the genotypes compared with N applied alone (?S+N). Genetic variability was observed between the two genotypes in response to combined application of S and N (T2). Genotype V1 had higher biomass accumulation, photosynthetic rate, seed yield, oil yield, biological yield, and harvest index when compared with genotype V2. Treatment T2 resulted in 142, 95, 56, and 349% enhancement in biomass accumulation, leaf-area index (LAI), leaf-area duration (LAD) and photosynthetic rate, respectively in comparison with treatment T1 in genotype V1. Seed yield, oil yield, biological yield, and harvest index were improved by 141, 171, 85, and 30%, respectively, by treatment T2 in comparison with T1. In the case of genotype V2, increase in biomass accumulation, LAI, LAD, and photosynthetic rate due to application of treatment T2 were 156, 137, 125 and 467%, respectively, over the results of T1. Seed yield, oil yield, biological yield and harvest index improved by 193, 251, 98, and 48%, respectively, with this treatment. On the basis of results obtained in this study, it can be concluded that sulfur must be included in the nutrient management package for optimum growth and yield attributes of oilseed crops. Furthermore, the yield potential of oilseed crops with low seed and oil yield can be improved using this treatment as achieved in our study in case of taramira (Eruca sativa Mill.), a genotype with low seed and oil yield.  相似文献   

Dry bean along with rice is a staple food for the population of South America. In this tropical region beans are grown on Oxisols and phosphorus (P) is one of the most yield limiting factors for dry bean production on these soils. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate P use efficiency in 20 elite dry bean genotypes grown at deficient (25 mg P kg?1 soil) and sufficient (200 mg P kg?1) levels of soil P. Grain yields and yield components were significantly increased with P fertilization and, interspecific genotype differences were observed for yield and yield components. The grain yield efficiency index (GYEI) was having highly significant quadratic association with grain yield. Based on GYEI most P use efficient genotypes were CNFP 8000, CNFP 10035, CNFP10104, CNFC 10410, CNFC 9461, CNFC 10467, CNFP 10109 and CNFP 10076 and most inefficient genotypes were CNFC 10438, CNFP 10120, CNFP 10103, and CNFC 10444. Shoot dry weight, number of pods per plant, 100-grain weights and number of seeds per pod was having significant positive association with grain yield. Hence, grain yield of dry bean can be improved with the improvement of these plant traits by adopting appropriate management practices. Soil pH, extractable P and calcium (Ca) saturation were significantly influenced by P treatments. Based on regression equation, optimum pH value in water was 6.6, optimum P in Mehlich 1 extraction solution was 36 mg kg?1 and optimum Ca saturation value was 37% for dry maximum bean yield.  相似文献   

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