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煤矿区多目标复垦模式是提高复垦综合效益的有效途径,但除新增耕地灌溉需水外,还需要解决水资源多目标供需平衡问题。笔者采用动态规划法(DP),对煤矿区多目标复垦的水资源供需平衡分析进行了研究;笔者以徐州九里矿区多目标复垦水资源供需平衡分析为例,通过建立目标函数,按照逆序法从末阶段开始对各个单阶段优化问题依次求解,得到需水和供水间的最优决策方案;该方法解决了多目标复垦的水资源供需平衡和效益最大化问题,有效推进了煤矿区多目标复垦的进行。  相似文献   

在露天开采过程中遇到断层时,由于煤层突然错位,造成剥采比剧变,工程接续困难。因此,过断层期间剥采比合理控制和矿山工程平稳过渡接续是露天开采的技术难题之一。笔者通过建立剥采比与断层落差、产状及煤层厚度数学模型,研究不同煤柱留设宽度对边坡稳定的影响;分析了矿山工程发展速度与同时采煤台阶数的关系,计算确定了过断层期间确保矿山工程平稳过渡接续的动态降深速度和生产能力接续方式。结合胜利东二号露天矿过F61断层进行实例研究。结果表明:过断层开采方式和生产能力接续方法可有效均衡生产剥采比,保证产量稳定,提高矿山经济效益。  相似文献   

为了确定经济合理的露天矿备采煤量留设位置和保有期,运用露天开采基本原理与统计分析方法,分析新时期露天煤矿的发展变化特点及其对备采煤量留设位置和保有期的影响;以经济效益最优为判断准则,研究复合煤层露天矿备采煤量留设位置与内排运距的关系,建立备采煤量留设位置优化模型;研究季节性剥离露天矿备采煤量保有期与剥离成本、运输成本以及资金时间价值的关系,建立备采煤量保有期优化模型。以内蒙古东部地区某露天矿为研究实例,确定了该矿经济合理的备采煤量保有期为6.5个月,备采煤量应全部留在1号煤层。研究结果表明:该优化模型可用于指导露天矿生产,有效降低剥离成本,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

为了能更好地对矾矿废弃地开展植物修复,本研究对废弃自然定居植物的群落特征开展了调查,同时对植物的K、Al、S含量进行了检测,对植物的K、Al、S富集系数进行了方差分析。结果表明,矾矿废弃地生境条件恶劣,在未进行人工干预前,只有少量物种能够在其上生长,共调查到野生植物9科12属13种。自然定居植物形成的植物群落结构比较简单,平均物种数仅为1.86,平均盖度为23.67%。研究还发现大青、细毛鸭嘴草、白茅和剑麻对矾矿矿渣中的钾有富集作用,大青还对铝有富集作用,上述结果对于在矾矿废弃地植被修复中植物种的选用有很好的参考作用。  相似文献   

According to the complex conditions of deep excavation in Nantong mine, FLAC program are carried out for strata movement, ground pressure and surface displacement due to coal extraction. Based on the analysis of Nantong mine, the basic features of strata movement, the fundamental behavior of ground pressure and the related parameters of surface displacement are obtained. The results are of referential value for mining, supporting and preventing of surface displacement.  相似文献   

The relationship between architecture and people, architecture and city, architecture and nature has always been the soul of architectural design. In the architectural design, study on the relationship between architecture and nature needs "site analysis"(mapping), and "natural environment" tends to affect the design results[1]. In many special areas, the design needs analysis of geology, geomorphology, hydrology, vegetation and other landscape elements. Coal mining subsidence area is the product of the conf licts between human activities and natural environment in the process of industrialization. As the research object, coal mining subsidence area can be a good study object to demonstrate architectural design strategies and methods based on landscape, and fi eld defects of the site may be the origin of architectural space organization: architectural concept, structure, morphology, spatial organization are all from the landscape elements.  相似文献   

矿山废弃地土壤基质改良研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
赵默涵 《中国农学通报》2008,24(12):128-131
矿山废弃地对生态环境有着极大的破坏作用,危及人类的生存与健康,并影响到区域生态经济的可持续发展。矿山废弃地的生态修复和重建,已被看作是矿区土地修复的主要组成部分,而在生态恢复的植被重建过程中,基质改良是生态恢复的核心问题。研究借鉴目前国内外土壤基质改良的方法,较系统地介绍了矿山废弃地土壤基质物理、化学、生物改良技术措施。最后提出我国矿山废弃地土壤改良方法的选用原则:遵循因地制宜、就地取材,结合以往的研究成果,借鉴国际矿区土地复垦和生态修复的成功经验,研究废弃物土壤化演化的自然规律和机理,最终实现人工辅助的土壤化演化。  相似文献   

磷矿废弃土地复垦规划探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【研究目的】通过对磷矿山废弃土地状况及其磷矿开采对区域生态环境的影响进行调查,探讨废弃磷矿山土地复垦规划及复垦后土地功能分区及用途。【结果】磷矿露天开采对区域生态环境破坏程度极大,严重影响区域生态环境质量,成为环境灾害发生的高风险区,必须明确划分土地复垦目的与用途,对废弃土地有计划、分阶段进行复垦。【结论】磷矿废弃土地主要成因是矿山开采过程中对地表形态的破坏及弃石排土占地。通过对废弃土地的复垦规划有效协调复垦工程中的生态合理性和经济可行性;因地制宜确定废弃土地复垦后功能分区及用途管制,实现生态、经济、社会效益的统一。  相似文献   

As for many lagged surface collapse cases that shield crosses the sandy cobble stratum in Chengdu metro No.1 and 2 lines, lagged surface collapse mechanism in sandy pebble stratum was studied. Conditions of engineering geology about sandy cobble stratum were analyzed. Mechanical behavior of sandy pebble was obtained via large-scale tri-axial test. Discrete element method was adopted for numerical computation on lagged surface collapse mechanism. According to the tri-axial numerical test method, the relation between the micro parameters and macro parameters of the sandy pebble stratum layer in Chengdu was calibrated. The face failure of shield tunneling and upward movement of cavity was simulated by numerical calculation. When supporting pressure is small, the particles with the displacement of over 0.1 m have low contact force. The porosity of earth in the region becomes larger and its mechanical behavior becomes worse. Therefore the region can be identified as instability region. Cavity in the ground will be caused after shield tunneling. Soil arching effect is obvious under shield construction. Even though there is cavity in the ground, surface collapse will not bring about immediately. This is important reason for lagged surface collapse phenomena of shield construction in sandy pebble stratum.  相似文献   

大宝山矿区地下水重金属污染季节特征与环境风险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究矿山开采区地下水季节变化特征及这种特征引起的环境风险,以广东大宝山矿区地下水为例,应运环境健康风险评估模型计算环境风险。结果表明,丰水期地下水重金属含量较枯水期增加。运用环境健康风险评价模型对环境风险进行计算表明,Cu、Pb和Zn通过饮水途径的环境风险范围在10-10~10-12之间,通过皮肤接触的风险范围在10-11~10-17之间;Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd通过皮肤接触环境风险:值枯水期>丰水期;Pb和Zn通过饮水途径的环境风险:丰水期>枯水期,Cd环境风险水平与距污染源距离相关,而离尾矿库区距离越远,则重金属Cd的健康风险水平影响越小。枯丰水期Cd的环境风险值超过ICRP推荐的最大可接受风险水平,因此Cd应为该矿区地下水优先控制的污染物。  相似文献   

应用土壤圆锥指数仪评估阜新海州矿排土场复垦工程效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在矿区土地复垦工作中,如何获取合适的土壤特征指标对于提高复垦质量以及复垦效果评估都有着重要的意义。以阜新海州露天矿排土场复垦工程为研究对象,应用新型土壤圆锥指数仪对复垦土壤压实度进行测量,结合GPS信息、GIS技术及统计学方法对数据进行分析,研究土壤圆锥指数方法在评估矿区土壤复垦效果中应用的可行性。通过对排土场覆土复垦区7个地块264个采样点的测量试验,数据分析结果表明,覆土工程5年后,89%以上测量区域的土层厚度达到北方常见农作物生长需求。研究表明,土壤圆锥指数作为评估矿区土地复垦工程一项参数指标具有较强的可行性,但具有一定的片面性,需与其他理化参数相结合,才能更全面地评价矿区复垦效果。  相似文献   

朱栋  徐颖 《中国农学通报》2012,28(5):207-213
为了解决日益增加的尾矿砂带给环境的问题,针对本钢(集团)矿业有限责任公司所产生的尾矿砂还田可行性进行研究,对尾矿砂的理化性质进行分析,并进行尾矿砂、粉、植物园土壤不同比例的栽培试验。结果表明:莴笋在配比为100%粉的情况下生长最好;白菜在6种水平下对生长均无影响;石竹在50%本地土+50%粉的配比时生长最好;雨衣甘蓝则是在80%本地土+20%粉的配比下生长较好。说明呈酸性的尾矿砂,加上本溪当地的土壤呈碱性,掺杂用于还田,是有效可行的。最后,从这几方面的分析进行关于还田策略的讨论,其目的是要使还田效果达到最佳,得出本钢集团尾矿砂与当地土壤掺杂还田再增施有机肥效果最佳。  相似文献   

It is very important to mine safe exploitation, gas drawing and predict of coal and gas outburst that adsorption characteristics of coal to gas in geophysical field are studied. Adsorption and desorption characteristics of coal to gas in geophysical field have been reviewed in detail, then it is obtained that adsorption characteristics of coal to gas in electromagnetic field should be further studied . Adsorption and desorption characteristics of coal to methane in alternating electric field (AEF) have been studied mainly. Adsorption characteristics of three coal samples in AEF have been studied by means of Volume Method. The result shows that chemical properties and matter constituent of coal surface are no changed , adsorption and desorption of the coal samples in AEF well accord with Langmuir equation and two constants empirical formula, and because coal potential energy is increased and coal temperature is raised caused by Joule heat effect , adsorption ability of coal is decreased, and the desorption process is slowed down in AEF.  相似文献   

This paper develops the improved geometric constraint model (IGCM) based on the 3D block model. The variable-slope excavation cones of each block have been abstracted to collections of nodes and directed edges, and the optimization method has been introduced using the set theory. The IGCM consists of the optimized collection nodes and directed edges. The algorithm based on IGCM has been actualized in DIMINE digital mine system, and is applied to an actual open pit mine boundary optimization engineering. The results shows that IGCM can accurately simulate variable slope angles in any azimuth and elevation changes, and adapt to all open pit mine boundary optimum problems in any complex geological conditions, calculation speed and accurate. It provides a new and effective method for the variable-slope open pit mine boundary optimization problem in complex geological conditions.  相似文献   

Based on the complex geological environment and hydro-geological conditions in mountainous areas the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation index system of the mine geological environment is constructed. It uses the weak fuzzy consistent matrix and analytic hierarchy process to calculate the weight, which solves the question that traditional AHP is difficult to meet the consistency test. According to the special geological conditions of the mine, it divides the impact of the geological environment into three levels, builts the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation table and determines the membership degree of the influencing factors. Combined with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, it developes a second-order fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of the impact of the mine geological environment. By means of the application of this model to the actual mining, it shows that the evaluation results of the model are highly similar to the actual results of the impacts of landslides, land subsidence and other geological disasters.  相似文献   

通过对冷水江锑矿废弃地及其周边荒山自然植物群落的结构特征的调查研究,结果表明:该区域植被类型以草本为主,灌丛为辅,物种多样性总体较低,群落的丰富度与矿区不同点的生境环境有直接关系,土壤是植被恢复的主要限制因子。本研究为锑矿区植被恢复、造林树种选择和植被快速恢复提供了有力的理论基础。  相似文献   

福建紫金山金铜矿废弃地不同植被恢复阶段土壤质量比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了了解植物治理措施对金铜矿集区废弃地土壤理化性质的影响规律,采用空间代替时间的方法,研究了福建紫金山金铜矿废弃地不同植被恢复阶段土壤含水率、团聚体组成、养分含量、重金属污染及水土流失等土壤质量指标变化规律。结果表明,随恢复时间的增加,土壤含水率第1年降低,随后逐渐增大,第5年接近对照;土壤水稳性团聚体组成除0.25~0.5 mm外,其他粒径均表现为先增大后减小,然后又增大的变化规律,恢复5年后,各粒径均与对照无显著差异;全N、水解N、全K及有机质含量均逐渐增加,全P和速效P先增大后减小,其中全N、水解N、全K及有机质均达到土壤养分临界值,但恢复5年后各养分指标均小于对照;土壤重金属含量表现为“增大-减小-增大”的变化规律,恢复5年后Zn、Cu、Cd、Ni全量分别是对照的2.7、5.6、1.2、1.2倍;土壤侵蚀量逐渐减小,恢复5年后与对照无显著差异。研究结果说明,“马尾松(Pinus massoniana)+本地河滩草”的植被配置模式可以较快地恢复矿山废弃地土壤质量。  相似文献   

Wavelets have been widely applied in such research areas as image processing, computer vision, network management and data mining. Wavelets have many favorable properties, which are hierarchical and multiresolution decomposition structure, linear time and space complexity of the transformations. The paper presents wavelet application on the algorithms of data mining, in cluding as clustering, classification, distributed data mining, similarity search, approximate query processing, visualization and so on. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing the impact of wavelets on data mining research and outlining potential future research directions and applications.  相似文献   

A micro piping robot is able to help people finish tasks such as inspection inside a mini pipe. Research on the mobile mechanism of the robot is very important in the robot researching area. The kinematics and dynamics characteristics of the mobile mechanism for a planetary gears driven micro robot have been studied. The operation, the principle and the affect factors of the mobile mechanism have been discussed in detail. In order to drive the robot well, the adhesion and the power of the mobile mechanism should be increased as the influence of its autoeciousness power has been reduced.  相似文献   

An 13 bit lattice gas automata model has been investigated from fluid discrete dynamics. By gaining the moment equations from lattice Boltzmann equation and using Chapman Enskog expansion, the fluid dynamics equation and energy equation of 13 bit lattice gas automata model with polyvelocity have been deduced. The validity of the model using for non isothermal fluid dynamics has been proved . Finally, simulation results for non isothermal flow pass plate have been shown  相似文献   

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